OrePAN2::Server - DarkAPN Server


    #launch orepan2 standalone server http://localhost:5888/
    % orepan2-server.pl -p 5888

    #upload git managed module to my orepan2 by curl 
    curl --data-urlencode 'module=git@github.com:Songmu/p5-App-RunCron.git' --data-urlencode 'author=SONGMU' http://localhost:5888/

    #install by cpanm
    cpanm --mirror=http://localhost:5888/orepan Your::Module

    #install by carton install
    PERL_CARTON_MIRROR=http://localhost:5888/orepan carton install


OrePAN2::Server is DarkPAN server, or [OrePAN2](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?OrePAN2) uploader that use api interface provided by OrePAN2.

Like uploading to cpan, you can upload to your DarkPAN by http post request.

If you set your DarkPAN url in options([cpanm](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?cpanm) --mirror, [carton](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?carton) PERL\_CARTON\_MIRROR env), you can easily install and manage your modules in your project.


## launch OrePAN2 server instantly

See [orepan2-server.pl](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?orepan2-server.pl)

## attach your plack app.

    use Plack::Builder;
    use OrePAN2::Server::CLI;
    use Your::App;

    my $orepan = OrePAN2::Server::CLI->new_with_options(
        delivery_dir     => "orepan",
        delivery_path    => "/",
        authenquery_path => "/authenquery",
        compress_index   => 1,

    builder {
        mount '/'       => Your::App->to_app();
        mount '/orepan' => $orepan->app;

If your need only DarkPAN uploader, you code this.

    use Plack::Builder;
    use OrePAN2::Server;
    use Your::App;

    my $orepan_uploader = OrePAN2::Server->uploader(
        directory        => "orepan",
        compress_index   => 1,

    builder {
        mount '/'            => Your::App->to_app();
        mount '/authenquery' => $orepan_uploader;

## upload by minil release.

There is three step.

### minil.toml


### /path/to/your-module/.pause

    upload_uri http://orepan2-server/authenquery
    user hirobanex
    password dummy

password is dummy.this feature is not officially documented in [CPAN::Uploader](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?CPAN::Uploader).See [Minilla](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Minilla).

### upload command

minil release


[orepan2-server.pl](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?orepan2-server.pl), [OrePAN2](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?OrePAN2), [Minilla](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Minilla)


Copyright (C) Hiroyuki Akabane.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.


Hiroyuki Akabane <hirobanex@gmail.com>

Songmu <y.songmu@gmail.com>