package Device::Chip::Adapter::LinuxKernel; use strict; use warnings; use base qw( Device::Chip::Adapter ); use Carp qw/croak/; our $VERSION = "0.00001"; our $__TESTDIR=""; # blank unless we're being pointed at a test setup =head1 NAME C<Device::Chip::Adapter::LinuxKernel> - A C<Device::Chip::Adapter> implementation =head1 DESCRIPTION This class implements the C<Device::Chip::Adapter> interface for the I<LinuxKernel>, allowing an instance of L<Device::Chip> driver to communicate with the actual chip hardware by using the Linux Kernel interfaces for GPIO, I2C (SMbus), and SPI. Suitble for use on any Linux system including Raspberry PI (RPI), Beaglebone, Banana PI or any other single board computer that exposes IO via the standard Linux Kernel interfaces. =head1 CONSTRUCTOR =cut =head2 new $adapter = Device::Chip::Adapter::LinuxKernel->new( %args ) Returns a new instance of a C<Device::Chip::Adapter::LinuxKernel>. =head1 KNOWN ISSUES =over =item I2C reading likely doesn't work properly =item GPIO performance is probably horrendous. We re-open the /value file in sysfs over and over for every action. This could be better by storing the filehandles =back =head1 PLANS AHEAD I'm going to release a companion module to this for Raspberry PI devices. It'll automatically detect which set of hardware you're on and select the appropriate busses for you. I'll also be working to add "interrupt" support for the GPIO so that you can use C<poll(2)> or C<select(2)> to get a trigger on edge detection on some GPIO devices. =cut sub new { my $class = shift; # TODO not sure what I'll need to take here yet return bless({}, $class); } sub new_from_description { my $class = shift; my %args = @_; # TODO what does this do? return bless({}, $class); } # TODO these need to take arguments, i.e. what GPIO? sub make_protocol_GPIO { my $self = shift; my $proto = Device::Chip::Adapter::LinuxKernel::_GPIO->new(); Future->done($proto); } sub make_protocol_SPI { my $self = shift; die 'SPI unsupported currently'; } sub make_protocol_I2C { my $self = shift; my $proto = Device::Chip::Adapter::LinuxKernel::_I2C->new(); Future->done($proto); } sub shutdown { my $self = shift; # delete the interfaces? } package Device::Chip::Adapter::LinuxKernel::_base; use Carp; sub new { my $class = shift; bless { }, $class; } # Most modes have no GPIO on this system sub list_gpios { return qw( ) } sub write_gpios { my $self = shift; my ( $gpios ) = @_; foreach my $pin ( keys %$gpios ) { croak "Unrecognised GPIO pin name $pin"; } } sub read_gpios { my $self = shift; my ( $gpios ) = @_; my @f; foreach my $pin ( @$gpios ) { croak "Unrecognised GPIO pin name $pin"; } } # there's no more efficient way to tris_gpios than just read and ignore the result sub tris_gpios { my $self = shift; $self->read_gpios->then_done(); } package Device::Chip::Adapter::LinuxKernel::_GPIO; use base qw( Device::Chip::Adapter::LinuxKernel::_base ); use Carp qw/croak/; sub configure { my $self = shift; my %args = @_; $self->{gpiostate} = $self->_get_exported(); # get the already exported gpio $self->{unexport_on_shutdown} = !!delete $args{unexport}; # Should we unexport all the gpio when we're done? croak "Unrecognised configuration options: " . join( ", ", keys %args ) if %args; return $self; } sub _read_gpio_info { my $self = shift; my ($gpio) = @_; my %info; for my $f (qw/direction edge active_low/) { local $/; my $fn = $__TESTDIR."/sys/class/gpio/$gpio/$f"; if (-f $fn) { # these won't always exist open (my $fh, "<", ) or die "Couldn't open GPIO data $gpio/$f: $!"; $info{$f} = <$fh>; close($fh); } } return \%info; } sub _get_exported { my $self = shift; my @sysfs_list = $self->_get_sysfs_list; # Give back a hash for all the gpios return +{map {$_ => {_export_at_start => 1, %{$self->_read_gpio_info($_)}}} grep {!/gpiochip/} @sysfs_list}; } sub _get_sysfs_list { opendir(my $sysfs, $__TESTDIR."/sys/class/gpio/") or die "Couldn't open sysfs GPIO list: $!"; my @list = grep {!/^(un)?export$/} readdir $sysfs; closedir($sysfs); return @list; # TODO maybe some memoization is appropriate } sub _read_gpiochip_info { my $self = shift; my ($chip) = @_; my %info; for my $f (qw/ngpio base label/) { local $/; open (my $fh, "<", $__TESTDIR."/sys/class/gpio/$chip/$f") or die "Couldn't open GPIOCHIP data $chip/$f: $!"; $info{$f} = <$fh>; close($fh); } return \%info; } # TODO this needs to get it from SysFS sub list_gpios { my $self = shift; # TODO make this sort better. I just can't think of what it should be. my @chips = sort {my ($l, $r) = ($a =~ /(\d+)/, $b =~ /(\d+)/); $l <=> $r} grep {/gpiochip/} $self->_get_sysfs_list(); my $lastgpiochip = $chips[-1]; if ($lastgpiochip) { # SysFS interface numbers them all from 0 to the end, so we can generate a list of them based off the final one my $lastgpiochip_info = $self->_read_gpiochip_info($lastgpiochip); my $count = $lastgpiochip_info->{base} + $lastgpiochip_info->{ngpio}; return map {"gpio".$_} 0..$count-1; } else { return (); } } sub _export_gpio { my $self = shift; my ($gpio) = @_; # Already exported, nothing to do return if ($self->{gpiostate}{$gpio}); # TODO this needs to support aliases my ($gpio_num) = ($gpio =~ /gpio(\d+)/); open(my $fh, ">", $__TESTDIR."/sys/class/gpio/export") or die "Couldn't export $gpio via sysfs: $!"; print $fh $gpio_num, "\n"; close($fh); $self->{gpiostate}{$gpio} = $self->_read_gpio_info($gpio); } sub _set_gpio_direction { my $self = shift; my ($gpio, $direction) = @_; # TODO support aliases # TODO check direction for correct values $self->_export_gpio($gpio); die "GPIO '$gpio' doesn't support direction change" unless (defined $self->{gpiostate}{$gpio}{direction}); open(my $fh, ">", $__TESTDIR."/sys/class/gpio/$gpio/direction") or die "Couldn't change direction of $gpio: $!"; print $fh $direction, "\n"; close($fh); } sub _set_gpio_value { my $self = shift; my ($gpio, $value) = @_; $self->_export_gpio($gpio); # TODO keep FH around for faster performance open(my $fh, ">", $__TESTDIR."/sys/class/gpio/$gpio/value") or die "Can't write a value to GPIO $gpio (probably input only): $!"; print $fh ($value ? 1 : 0); close($fh); } sub _read_gpio_value { my $self = shift; my ($gpio) = @_; $self->_export_gpio($gpio); # TODO keep FH around for faster performance open(my $fh, "<", $__TESTDIR."/sys/class/gpio/$gpio/value") or die "Can't write a value to GPIO $gpio (probably input only): $!"; my $value = <$fh>; close($fh); return 0+$fh; # make perl get rid of the \n for us } # TODO make this do something, also give it an interface sub _set_edge_trigger { } sub _unexport_gpio { } sub write_gpios { my ($self) = shift; my ($gpios) = @_; for my $gpio (keys %$gpios) { $self->_set_gpio_value($gpios->{$gpio}); } Future->done } sub read_gpios { my ($self) = shift; my ($gpios) = @_; Future->done({map {$_ => $self->_read_gpio_value} @$gpios}); } package Device::Chip::Adapter::LinuxKernel::_I2C; use base qw( Device::Chip::Adapter::LinuxKernel::_base ); use Carp qw/croak/; use Device::SMBus; sub configure { my $self = shift; my %args = @_; $self->{address} = delete $args{addr}; # $self->{max_rate} = delete $args{max_bitrate}; # We're unable to affect this from userland it seems $self->{bus} = delete $args{bus}; # i2c-0, ... croak "Missing required parameter 'bus'" unless defined $self->{bus}; croak "Missing required parameter 'addr'" unless defined $self->{address}; croak "Unrecognised configuration options: " . join( ", ", keys %args ) if %args; $self->{smbus} = Device::SMBus->new( I2CBusDevicePath => $self->{bus}, I2CDeviceAddress => $self->{address}, ); Future->done($self); } sub write { my $self = shift; my ($bytes_out) = @_; my @bytes = unpack "C*", $bytes_out; # unpack it into an array for Device::SMBus my $register = shift @bytes; # Not always technically a register, but 99% of things do work that way. $self->{smbus}->writeBlockData($register, \@bytes); Future->done; } sub write_then_read { my $self = shift; my ($bytes_out, $len_in) = @_; my ($register, @bytes) = unpack "C*", $bytes_out; # unpack it into an array for Device::SMBus, this doesn't support larger writes to select multiple registers or other fancy shit my $val = join "", map {chr(0+$_)} $self->{smbus}->readBlockData($register, $len_in); Future->done($val); } package Device::Chip::Adapter::LinuxKernel::_SPI; =head1 AUTHOR Ryan Voots <> =cut 0x55AA;