Module: Lingua::EN::Nums2Words Author: Lester H. Hightower, Jr. <> This is a module for perl that computes English verbage from numerical values. To install this module. Make sure you are in the directory that this README file is in and type: perl Makefile.PL # to build the Makefile make test # to test the module before installing make install # to install the module After installation, you should be able to "man Lingua::EN::Nums2Words" which will get you to usage information for the module. The man page should be placed somewhere like /usr/local/lib/perl5/man/man3/Lingua::EN::Nums2Words.3 and if not you should be able to "pod2man > Nums2Words.3" and then do "man ./Nums2Words.3" to view the man page. The script also fully demonstrates the module's functionality. License: As of version 1.13, this software is licensed under the OSI certified Artistic License, one of the licenses of Perl itself.