Elasticsearch custom Perl driver


  Search::ElasticDirect     : Abstraction layer of the elasticsearch API
  Search::ElasticDirectHttp : http(s) low level communication functions

Properties can be defined

  At object creation       my $obj = Direct::ElasticSearch->new( host=> '', ...)
  direct, after the new()  $object->{authentication} = 'yes'
  while using a method     $object->connect( username=> 'Joe', password=> '123', ...)


  timemout        http(s) timemout in seconds                             e.g  60
  keep_alive      Whether to reuse the last connection                    e.g  1
	method          http method GET, DELETE, PUT, POST                      e.g  GET
  path            url path                                                e.g  _cat/health
  param           url parameters  ...?p1=val1&p2=v2                       e.g  pretty=false
  send_data       send data, like the    curl ...  --data '...'           e.g  '{"query": {"regexp" :{"src_filename": "server_.*"}}}'
  format          data, json, json_pretty, yaml, txt    reply format      e.g  data
                  data         %hash, @array, $scalar  (default)
                  json         text formatted as json, one line
                  json_pretty  text formatted as json, human readable
                  yaml         text formatted as yaml
                  text         just text
  authentication  If FALSE then the  username and password are ignored    e.g  yes
  username        used if the authentication is TRUE                      e.g  Joe
  password        used if the authentication is TRUE                      e.g  MyPassword
  verify_SSL      Whether to validate the SSL certificate of an https     e.g  0
  PIT             if TRUE use point in time at paginate  search_after     e.g  yes 
  certca          Certificate Authority public certificate                e.g  /etc/elasticsearch/chain.pem
  cert            host's public admin certificate (used by searchguard)   e.g  /etc/elasticsearch/srv01_admin.pem
  key             host's admin private key        (used by searchguard)   e.g  /etc/elasticsearch/srv01_admin.key


  new                          Create a new object and provides a connection to the ElasticSearch using varius methods
  direct                       Pass through the request to ElasticSearch
  DeepPagination_scroll        Retrieve massive amount of records using the   scroll
  DeepPagination_search_after  Retrieve massive amount of records using the   search_after
  DeepPagination_sql           Retrieve massive amount of records using the   sql
  ActiveMaster                 TRUE if this server is the Active master otherelse FALSE

    unless ( $connection->ActiveMaster ) {
    die 'This server is not the active master'