-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Net::DNS::Method ================ This is a simple infrastructure for building "programatic" DNS servers. This would be a DNS server that can construct an answer based on a query. An example, would be building the names corresponding to addresses in a pool such as in IN PTR host-10-10-10-10.ourdomain.com This infrastructure, while simple, is powerful enough so as to permit DBI-based servers and other goodies. Servers supporting millions of queries a day have been built (and are running today) using this code. The following classes are included Net::DNS::Method - The base class from which all DNS resolver methods should inherit. This includes code to automatically create default methods for all known Net::DNS::RR resource records. Net::DNS::Method::Constant - Provides a simple mechanism for answering fixed sets of RRs for queries matching a given criteria. Net::DNS::Method::Hash - Provides a resolver class that can store answer RRs in hashes. This allows for a very fast, in-memory server. Note that the hashes can be tie()d to data sources such as DBI. Net::DNS::Method::Pool - Automates the generation of names / reverse RRs for pools of IP space. Net::DNS::Method::Regexp - Allows a Perl's regexp to match the question in a DNS query. The answer is then constructed by the passed parameters. Net::DNS::Method::Status - Emits a simple status report about the server's activity. INSTALLATION To install this module type the following: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install DOCUMENTATION Complete documentation is included in this package, accessible through perldoc. DEPENDENCIES This module requires these other modules and libraries: Net::DNS File::Find This module is currently maintained under Perl 5.6.x. While it may run under earlier Perls with slight modifications, support under such old environments might be more complicated for the author. Seriously, you should be thinking about upgrading. Really. SECURITY CONSIDERATIONS I have no control on the machanisms involved in the storage or transport of this distribution. This means that I cannot guarantee that the distribution you have in your hands is indeed, the same distribution I packed and uploaded. You should have a file with the extension ".asc" along the .tar.gz uploaded to CPAN. This contains a GPG "detached signature" that makes it impossible for anybody to alter this distribution. If security is of any concern to you, by all means verify the signature of this file and contact the author if any discrepancy is detected. You can find more information about this at the following URL http://mipagina.cantv.net/lem/gpg/ This information includes the correct keys, fingerprints, etc. Note that this README file should also be signed. COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This code is released under the same terms as Perl itself Copyright (C) 2002,2003 Luis E. Muñoz <luismunoz@cpan.org> -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (Darwin) iD8DBQE+64GHQyDWGRI/hhARAi1AAJ4z97QZNmTzm63fZr6N+pPxsiSI9QCfVLZk TTdk0uZ+r0FPZLjEwNKMFZw= =BVTJ -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- $Id: README,v 1.4 2003/06/14 20:12:23 lem Exp $