NAME - Lightning Fast Graphing/Visualization

      % --data-dir=/path/to/dir

    GrowthForecast is graphing/visualization web tool built on RRDtool

    Install dependicies
        To install growthforecast, these libraries are needed.

        *   glib

        *   xml2

        *   pango

        *   cairo

          (CentOS) $ sudo yum groupinstall "Development Tools"
                   $ sudo yum install pkgconfig glib2-devel gettext libxml2-devel pango-devel cairo-devel
          (Ubuntu) $ sudo apt-get build-dep rrdtool

    Install GrowthForecast
          $ cpanm GrowthForecast

        It's recommencd to using perlbrew

        A directory to store rrddata and metadata

        TCP port listen on. Default is 5125

        IP address to listn on

        IP addresses or CIDR of reverse proxy

        IP addresses or CIDR to allow access from. Default is empty (allow
        access from any remote ip address)

        don't generate 1min rrddata and graph Default is "1" (enabled)

        DB connection setting to store metadata. format like
        dbi:mysql:[dbname];hostname=[hostnaem] Default is no mysql setting.
        GrowthForecast save metadata to SQLite

    -h --help
        Display help

MYSQL Setting
    GrowthForecast uses SQLite as metadata by default. And also supports

    GrowthForeacst needs thease MySQL privileges.

    *   CREATE

    *   ALTER

    *   DELETE

    *   INSERT

    *   UPDATE

    *   SELECT

    Sample GRANT statement

      mysql> GRANT statement sample> GRANT  CREATE, ALTER, DELETE, INSERT, UPDATE, SELECT \\
               ON growthforecast.* TO 'www'\@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY foobar;

    Give USERNAME and PASSWORD to GrowthForecast by environment value

      $ MYSQL_USER=www MYSQL_PASSWORD=foobar \\
          --data-dir /home/user/growthforeacst \\
          -with-mysql dbi:mysql:growthforecast;hostname=localhost

    AUTHOR Masahiro Nagano <kazeburo {at}>

    LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.