T H E M I X S I M U L A T O R A N D A S S E M B L E R Chaoji Li<lichaoji@gmail.com> March 22, 2008 - Y = = = = = Y - | o \| | \/ | | x |/ o | \ / \ = = = = = / \ / There are so many MIX simulators all over the world. The reason for this one is that it is written in perl as a well defined module, aiming to be reused. People can also use this one as a reference model when testing their own simulators. I suggest everyone who really wants to read the programs in TAOCP should implement one by himself, so as to understand the MIX machine and the MIX instructions better. MIX is also similar to various machines produced in 1960s. To write the simulator yourself would be a rewarding trip if you are curious about the history of computer programming. This simulator supports almost all instructions, except for float operations. Card reader/punch and printer are supported. Disk/tape are partial supported. =============== I N S T A L L =============== (1) Extract the source tar ball: tar -xvzf Hardware-Simulator-MIX-<version>.tar.gz (2) Install "Build" module from CPAN. (3) Run following commands in the extracted directory: perl Build.PL perl Build perl Build test perl Build install Steps (2) and (3) is not required if you only want to play within the extracted directory. =========================== D O C U M E N T A T I O N =========================== perldoc mixsim.pl perldoc mixasm.pl perldoc Hardware::Simulator::MIX perldoc doc/mix.pod ======================= Q U I C K S T A R T ======================= In the package directory, >perl mixasm.pl mixal/primes Two files will be generated in the current directory. * primes.lst -- listing files * primes.crd -- card deck file which can be loaded by mix simulator >perl mixsim.pl --batch primes.crd The outputs are: == PAGE 1 OF 1 == FIRST FIVE HUNDRED PRIMES 0002 0233 0547 0877 1229 1597 1993 2371 2749 3187 ... 0229 0541 0863 1223 1583 1987 2357 2741 3181 3571 You can also enter the interactive mode. An example session is shown below. >perl mixsim.pl primes.crd M I X S i m u l a t o r Type 'h' for help messages. MIX> g 3000 rA: + 00 00 00 00 00 +0 rX: + 00 33 30 30 30 +8775582 3000 rI1: + 00 00 +0000 rI2: - 00 30 -0030 rI3: + 46 56 +3000 rI4: + 00 00 +0000 rI5: + 00 00 +0000 rI6: + 00 00 +0000 rJ: + 00 14 +0014 NO EQ 1325u 3000: IOC 0,0(18) MIX> g 3029 rA: + 30 30 30 30 30 +511305630 00000 rX: + 30 30 32 32 39 +511313959 00229 rI1: + 00 00 +0000 rI2: + 55 51 +3571 rI3: + 00 19 +0019 rI4: + 31 51 +2035 rI5: + 00 00 +0000 rI6: + 00 00 +0000 rJ: + 47 18 +3026 NO EQ 1183474u 3029: HLT 0,0(2) MIX> prt Page 1 of 1 FIRST FIVE HUNDRED PRIMES 0002 0233 0547 0877 1229 1597 1993 2371 2749 3187 .... 0229 0541 0863 1223 1583 1987 2357 2741 3181 3571 MIX>