NAME Business::Colissimo - Shipping labels for ColiPoste VERSION Version 0.2000 SYNOPSIS use Business::Colissimo; $colissimo = Business::Colissimo->new(mode => 'access_f', customer_number => '900001', parcel_number => '2052475203', postal_code => '72240', weight => 120); # get logo file name $colissimo->logo; # produce barcode images $colissimo->barcode('tracking', spacing => 1); $colissimo->barcode('shipping', spacing => 1); # customer number $colissimo->customer_number('900001') # parcel number from your alloted range numbers $colissimo->parcel_number('2052475203'); # country code for recipient (expert_i and expert_i_kpg mode) $colissimo->country_code('DE'); # postal code for recipient $colissimo->postal_code('72240'); # add weight in grams $colissimo->weight(250); # not mechanisable option $colissimo->not_mechanisable(1); # cash on delivery option (expert mode only) $colissimo->cod(1); # insurance level (expert mode only) $colissimo->level('01'); # recommendation level (expert mode only) $colissimo->level('21'); # set scale in pixels for barcode image (default: 1) $colissimo->scale(2); # set height in pixels for barcode image (default: 77) $colissimo->height(100); DESCRIPTION Business::Colissimo helps you to produce shipping labels for the following ColiPoste services: Access France $colissimo = Business::Colissimo->new(mode => 'access_f'); Expert France $colissimo = Business::Colissimo->new(mode => 'expert_f'); Expert Outre Mer $colissimo = Business::Colissimo->new(mode => 'expert_om'); Expert International KPG countries: $colissimo = Business::Colissimo->new(mode => 'expert_i_kpg'); Countries outside of KPG: $colissimo = Business::Colissimo->new(mode => 'expert_i'); METHODS new $colissimo = Business::Colissimo->new(mode => 'access_f', customer_number => '900001', parcel_number => '2052475203', postal_code => '72240', weight => 250); $colissimo = Business::Colissimo->new(mode => 'expert_f', customer_number => '900001', parcel_number => '2052475203', postal_code => '72240', weight => 250, cod => 1, level => '01'); barcode Produces the tracking barcode: $colissimo->barcode('tracking'); Same with proper spacing for the shipping label: $colissimo->barcode('tracking', spacing => 1); Produces the sorting barcode: $colissimo->barcode('sorting'); Same with proper spacing for the shipping label: $colissimo->barcode('sorting', spacing => 1); barcode_image Produces PNG image for tracking barcode: $colissimo->barcode_image('tracking'); Produces PNG image for sorting barcode: $colissimo->barcode_image('sorting'); Produces PNG image for arbitrary barcode: $colissimo->barcode_image('8L20524752032'); The scale of the image can be changed for each barcode individually: $colissimo->barcode_image('8L20524752032', scale => 2); The default scale is set to 1, because that produces images with the right number of pixels to include them into PDF with PDF::API2, which uses 72dpi resolution for images unless you specify width and height explicitly (see PDF::API2::Content). The formula for calculating width in mm for a 72dpi resolution is as follows: (1px * 25.4) / 72dpi This fits into Colissimo's requirement for the basic module (narrowest element of the bar code) of 0.33 to 0.375 mm. logo Returns logo file name for selected service. $colissimo->logo; test Toggles testing. $colissimo->test(1); scale Get current scale for barcode image: $colissimo->scale; Set current scale for barcode image: $colissimo->scale(3); height Get current height for barcode image: $colissimo->height; Set current height for barcode image: $colissimo->height(100); padding Get current padding for barcode image: $colissimo->padding; Set current padding for barcode image: $colissimo->padding(0); customer_number Get current customer number: $colissimo->customer_number; Set current customer number: $colissimo->customer_number('900001'); parcel_number Get current parcel number: $colissimo->parcel_number; Set current parcel number: $colissimo->parcel_number('2052475203'); country_code Get current country code: $colissimo->country Set current country code: $colissimo->country('BE'); The country code is defined in the ISO 3166 standard. Switches to expert_i_kpg mode automatically. postal_code Get current postal code: $colissimo->postal_code Set current postal code: $colissimo->postal_code('72240'); weight Get current weight: $colissimo->weight; Set weight in grams: $colissimo->weight(250); not_mechanisable Get current value of not mechanisable option: $colissimo->not_mechanisable; Set current value of not mechanisable option: $colissimo->not_mechanisable(1); Possible values are 0 (No) and 1 (Yes). cod Get current value of cash on delivery option: $colissimo->cod; Set current value of cash on delivery option: $colissimo->cod(1); The cash on delivery option is available only in export mode, possible values are 0 (No) and 1 (Yes). level Get current insurance resp. recommendation level: $colissimo->level; Set current insurance resp. recommendation level: $colissimo->level('O1'); $colissimo->level('21'); The level option is only available in expert mode, possible values are 01 ... 10 for insurance level and 21 ... 23 for recommendation level. ack_receipt Get current value for acknowledgement of receipt (AR): $colissimo->ack_receipt; Set current value for acknowledgement of receipt (AR): $colissimo->ack_receipt(1); Returns 1 if acknowledgement of receipt is enabled, 0 otherwise. The ack_receipt option is only available in expert_om and expert_i modes, possible values are 0 (No) and 1 (Yes). duty_free Get current value for customs duty free (FTD): $colissimo->duty_free; Set current value for customs duty free (FTD): $colissimo->duty_free(1); The custom duty free option is only available in expert_om mode, possible values are 0 (No) and 1 (Yes). international Returns 1 on international (expert_i or expert_i_kpg) shippings, 0 otherwise. organisation Returns the acronym of the inter-postal organisation (KPG or EPG) corresponding to the destination country. control_key Returns control key for barcode. AUTHOR Stefan Hornburg (Racke), `<racke at>' BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests to `bug-business-colissimo at', or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes. SUPPORT You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc Business::Colissimo You can also look for information at: * RT: CPAN's request tracker (report bugs here) * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation * CPAN Ratings * Search CPAN ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thanks to Ton Verhagen for being a big supporter of my projects in all aspects. LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright 2011-2012 Stefan Hornburg (Racke). This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License. See for more information.