Installation guide ================== This installation guide focuses on packaging for redistribution. For the final user, it is recommended to install via LuaRocks or using the self-installing script; see the [README]( for details. Digestif has the following dependencies: * Lua version 5.3 or 5.4 * LPeg ( * LuaFileSystem ( * cjson (optional, * LuaZip (optional, If the cjson library is missing, Digestif uses its own LPeg-based JSON serializer, which is slower but adequate. LuaZip is required only when placing the data files in a zip archive. All shell commands and file name references assume that the directory containing this file is the current directory. Standard packaging ------------------ For a regular installation of Digestif into, say, `PREFIX=/usr`, copy the files as follows: install -Dt $PREFIX/bin bin/digestif install -Dt $PREFIX/share/lua/$LUA_VERSION digestif install -Dt $PREFIX/share/digestif data/*.tags Before doing so, however, consider the following: 1. In order for the tags files to be found, add the following at the top of the `bin/digestif` script: require "digestif.config".data_dirs = {"$PREFIX/share/digestif"} 2. Make sure the `package.path` Lua variable includes the directory into which the `digestif` directory is installed. 3. It is recommended that the `package.path` and `package.cpath` Lua variables do not include the default relative entries such as `./?.lua`. This is especially important if any of the optional dependencies are not installed. 4. If LuaZip is available, the tags files may also be placed in a zip file: zip -j data/*.tags install -Dt $PREFIX/share/digestif In this case, add the following line at the top of `bin/digestif`: require "digestif.config".data_dirs = {"$PREFIX/share/digestif/"} Packaging for a TeX distribution -------------------------------- For an installation depending only on the `texlua` interpreter from LuaTeX (which bundles all dependencies except the optional cjson), create a zip file containing `digestif/*.lua` and `data/*.tags` (no subdirectories), place it anywhere kpathsearch will find it and use the `bin/digestif.texlua` executable script. For instance: zip -j digestif/*.lua data/*.tags install -Dt $TEXMF/scripts install bin/digestif.texlua $PREFIX/bin/digestif Unbundled installation ---------------------- To install Digestif on a directory of its own, say `PREFIX=/opt/digestif`, copy the `bin`, `data` and `digestif` folders and add a symlink of the executable script somewhere in the `PATH`. For instance: install -Dt $PREFIX bin data digestif ln -s $PREFIX/bin/digestif /opt/bin/digestif