
This is ftp.gwdg.de, the FTP server of GWDG. End of 2016 it replaced the common ftp5.gwdg.de.

Historical Traffic

traffic this year

Notable events

2016-05 start of server setup, fs tests, migration
2016-09-13 switch cname ftp.gwdg.de -> ftp6.gwdg.de
begin test operation
2016-10-22 switch cname ftp3.gwdg.de -> ftp6.gwdg.de
2016-10-27 switch cname ftp4.gwdg.de -> ftp6.gwdg.de
2016-11-13 switch cname ftp5.gwdg.de -> ftp6.gwdg.de
begin of regular operation
ftp5 is now availbale as ftp55.gwdg.de