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RE: [usb] USB2.0 FPGA implementation

On Mon, 2003-04-28 at 17:05, van Baarle Bart wrote:
> ...well what's the use then of opencore? Just use the available code
> for yourself and share nothing?

Why don't you write a core and contribute it to OpenCores
before complaining. I don't remember seeing ANYTHING from
you except this complaint. Why don't you write the test
bench and share it ?

The reason I don't publish the test bench is because I am
afraid that I duplicate bugs in the bench from the design,
as I am the designer of the USB 2.0 IP core. I don't want
people to rely on the test bench and encourage others to
contribute as well. So far I have been the sole contributor
in the USB area and would like some help.

I have personally written over 14 IP cores and contributed
them to OpenCores, how many have you ?


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