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RE: [usb] Connecting two PCs

Title: Message
This depends on your final goal. You did not said if you need full or low speed or if you intend to have this function included as a module, a PCI card or on the mother board.
If i was in such a position, I would buy a small µcontroler (ST ones for example) and build a RS232 to USB function bridge.
The USB part can receive the frames from the host and this can be transmitted to the peripheral PC on RS232 cable.
This would be an easy project where you would just have to define the RS232 packets protocol.
You can also access a small µcontroller via a PCI bridge on a card plugged on the bus.
Hardware would be more difficult but the whole work would be the same (Defining a kind of protocol).
-----Original Message-----
From: Veeresh [mailto:veeresh@umsl-india.com]
Sent: lundi 4 mars 2002 11:46
To: usb@opencores.org
Subject: [usb] Connecting two PCs

Hi all,
Can anybody give me the idea of connecting two PCs. One should act as a peripheral and other as host. I hope there is nothing to be done at the host PC. How to make another PC as peripheral?
Thanks and regards,