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RE: [pci] pci board layout specifications

Hello Marco....

Yes there are particular (well known?) layout specifications.
You can get them from "Chapter 4 Electrical Specifications" of the 
PCI Local Bus specification.

Of interest to you will be 
4.4 Expansion Board specifications Decoupling
4.4.3 Physical Requirements Trace Length Limits Impedance Signal Loading

+ Chapter 5 Mechanical Specification

You may be able to get this info from app notes for PCI interface chips.


Eric Pearson

-----Original Message-----
From: Marco Buffa [mailto:marcobuffa@lombardiacom.it]
Sent: Friday, January 17, 2003 9:19 AM
To: pci@opencores.org
Subject: [pci] pci board layout specifications

Good morning,
I'm going to prototipe a PCI board with the PCI-bridge core on a Spartan 
2e for my thesis work.
I would like to know if there is some particular layout specification 
for the PCI signals (wire lenght, wire distance, low-R, ecc...)

Marco (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)

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Ma quando si ha paura si crede sempre che il motore vibri."
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