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Re: [ethmac] block definition

I would just like to say that EthMAC is certainly a core that we would like
to see in first opencores's silicon chip (openrisc, 2x ethmac, 2x UART,
SDRAM controler and some other peripherals/glue). I just hope it will be
ready. There is no real deadline but it would be nice to have a RTL in a
month or so. If you need something from opencores (like additional web/cvs
accounts send email to webmaster).

regards, Damjan

> It seem to me as we are somewhat stuck and not moving and assuming that
> who ever in this newsgroup really what to make this mac I suggest to start
> in defining the block we need in the Rx and Tx machine and once we agree
> them and define the I/O of those module we can continue.
> I more over suggest that we first start with a "pure" mac 10/100 and only
> than add features like rmii interface in the front, support 1000 support
> dma, cpu interface, monitoring for debug vlan remove and new crc
> calculation, etc etc, so for a start we shall assume we have mii interface
> of 2.5/25M with 4 bit data.
> Rx Machine :
> ------------
> 1. RX FIFO
> purpose:
> syncronize the mii data coming in rx clock to the chip clock (which is
> the tx clock)
> inputs:
> rxd   - mii rx data [3:0]
> rxdv  - mii rx data valid
> rxclk - mii rx clock
> outputs:
> rxd_s - rx data [3:0] syncronize to chip clock
> rxdv_s- rx data valid syncronize to chip clock
> clk   - chip clock
> 2. RX SR
> purpose:
> this shift register is simple shift register that will be used to delay
> data coming from the RX FIFO for syncronizing the sof/eof signals as well
> as later on will enable us to remove vlan and few other manipulation we
> might want to do. for start it wil be 1 stage only.
> input:
> rxd_s - rx data [3:0] syncronize to chip clock
> rxdv_s- rx data valid syncronize to chip clock
> clk   - chip clock
> rstn - chip reset
> output:
> rxd_sr - rx data [3:0] after the shift register
> rxdv_sr- rx data valid after the shift register
> purpose:
> look on the information coming from the RX FIFO and determine when the
> packet start/end (the shift register length also influance when the
> will occur)
> inputs:
> rxdv_s - rx data valid syncronize to chip clock
> clk - chip clock
> rstn - chip reset
> output:
> rxsof_p - rx start of frame go high with the first data nibble
> rxeof_p - rx end of frame go high with the last data nibble
> * _p mean it is a one clock pulse.
> purpose:
> check the length of the packet to see that is a legal packet length (if I
> recall correct the legal size are 64-1518 byte)
> inputs:
> clk - chip clock
> rstn - chip reset
> rxsof_p - rx start of frame go high with the first data nibble
> rxeof_p - rx end of frame go high with the last data nibble
> output:
> rxlen - length of the packet [11:0] (if packet is longer than 2047 nibble
> the counter will still show nibble)
> purpose:
> check the crc of the rx packet to check it's integrety.
> inputs:
> clk - chip clock
> rstn - chip reset
> rxd_sr - rx data [3:0] after the shift register
> rxdv_sr- rx data valid after the shift register
> rxeof_p - rx end of frame go high with the last data nibble
> output:
> crc_status - clock after the rxeop_p this signal will tell if the crc is
> good(1) or bad(0)
> 5. RX COL
> purpose:
> to check the col signal during recive as well as to monitor partition
> input:
> clk - chip clock
> rstn - chip reset
> fdx - full duplex (1) half duplex (0)
> col - collision from mii interface
> output:
> partition - line in partition(1)
> col_num   - number of consecutive collision [3:0]
> 6. RX REG
> purpose:
> to store all the packet information coming from different modules to be
> used later  by cpu etc. also if the packet is flow control (fc) it check
> the counter value. for the moment since we don't have cpu this module it
> not fully define and might need to add/remove signal as well as async
> interface is most likely will be needed to be added.
> input:
> clk - chip clock
> rstn - chip reset
> rxd_sr - rx data [3:0] after the shift register
> rxdv_sr- rx data valid after the shift register
> rxeof_p    - rx end of frame go high with the last data nibble
> crc_status - clock after the rxeop_p this signal will tell if the crc is
> good(1) or bad(0)
> rxlen - length of the packet [11:0] (if packet is longer than 2047 nibble
> the counter will still show nibble)
> partition - line in partition(1)
> col_num   - number of consecutive collision [3:0]
> output:
> fdx - full duplex (1) half duplex (0)
> fc_flag- when high (1) the tx need to stop transmiting
> Tx Machine:
> ------------
> purpose:
> depend on the col counter it randomize a number to be used by the ipg
> machine to decide the gap between the packets.
> input:
> clk - chip clock
> rstn - chip reset
> col_num  - number of consecutive collision [3:0]
> partition - line in partition(1)
> output:
> rnd_num - random number [9:0]
> purpose:
> this is the main engine of the tx it get a rquest to send data and
> according to the ipg status and other input send the data including the
> preambale and sfd or flow control or jam etc.
> input:
> clk - chip clock
> rstn - chip reset
> ipg - gap between the packet
> txd_in - data to be transmited [3:0]
> txen_in- tx enable to be transmited [3:0]
> fc_flag- when high (1) the tx need to stop transmiting
> output:
> txd - tx data [3:0]
> txen - tx enable
> 3. IPG
> purpose:
> to determine the ipg size between to be used by the TX Prossesor
> input:
> clk - chip clock
> rstn - chip reset
> rnd_num- random number [9:0]
> output:
> ipg - gap between the packet
> General Module:
> ----------------
> 1. RESET
> purpose:
> supprose glitch coming from the reset pin as well as syncronize the reset
> for use by FF woring in main clk as well as in rxclk
> inputs:
> pin_reset - reset coming from the pin after the input buffer
> clk - chip clock
> rxclk - mii rx clock
> outputs:
> rstn   - reset syncronize to chip clock
> rstn_srx - reset syncronize to mii rx clock
> I suggest the above to be the base for which we can continue discuss and
> devolope, as there are many more thing we mioght want to modify as well as
> add.
> have a nice day
>    Illan
> At 12:10 PM 07/28/2000 -0500, you wrote:
> >See 802.3
> > "At the end of enforcing a collision (jamming), the CSMA/CD sublayer
> > before attempting to retransmit the frame. The delay is an integer
> > of slot time. The number of slot times to delay before the nth
> > retransmission attempt is chosen as a uniformly distributed random
> > integer r in the range:  0 <= r < 2^k where k = min (n,10)."
> >
> >After 16 attempts at transmission, all resulting in collisions, the
> >should be dropped.  (Slot time is 512 bit times, BTW).
> >
> > - WJ
> >
> >-----Original Message-----
> >in any case in respect to collision and backoff algoritum the spec
> >(I hope I recall it correct, and if not do corret me) that you will
> >randomize a number between 0-2^k where K is the number of consecutive
> >collision and K go up to 10 so after the fisrt collision the random
> >can be 0 or 1 after the second consecutive colision the random number can
> >be 0,1,2,3 and so on. and after the 16 consecutive collision the station
> >can discard the packet.
> >
> >