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[cvs-checkins] or1k/or1ksim config.h sim-config.c sim-config. ...

CVSROOT:	/home/oc/cvs
Module name:	or1k
Changes by:	markom	02/03/04 10:28:17

Modified files:
	or1ksim        : config.h sim-config.c sim-config.h toplevel.c 
	or1ksim/cpu/common: stats.c 
	or1ksim/cpu/or32: execgen.c execute.c generate.c insnset.c 
	or1ksim/mmu    : immu.c 
	or1ksim/peripheral: 16450.c 16450.h 

Log message:
	lot of small minor improvements: code documented, cleaned; runs at about same speed when not actually logging, but exe_log is enabled; raw_stats now run only with simple execution - enable RAW_USAGE_STATS macro

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