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ISIS 3 Documentation

Style Guide

Object source code styles and conventions


Introduction | Mandatory Commands | Useful Commands | Example Header | Example Implementation | HTML Quick Reference

Below is an example of a well documented header file, using our standard commenting style. Note that in a collection of multiple tags, an empty line must exist between different commands. Also notice the position of documentation for the class and its members as the placement of these document blocks is important. Remember, member functions are documented where they're implemented.

#ifndef Statistics_h
#define Statistics_h
 * @file
 * $Date$
 * $Revision$
 *  Unless noted otherwise, the portions of ISIS written by the USGS are public domain. See
 *  individual third-party library and package descriptions for intellectual property information,
 *  user agreements, and related information.
 *  Although ISIS has been used by the USGS, no warranty, expressed or implied, is made by the
 *  USGS as to the accuracy and functioning of such software and related material nor shall the
 *  fact of distribution constitute any such warranty, and no responsibility is assumed by the
 *  USGS in connection therewith.
 *  For additional information, launch $ISISROOT/doc//documents/Disclaimers/Disclaimers.html
 *  in a browser or see the Privacy & Disclaimers page on the ISIS website,
 *  http://isis.astrogeology.usgs.gov, and the USGS privacy and disclaimers on
 *  http://www.usgs.gov/privacy.html.

#include "SpecialPixel.h"

namespace Isis {
    * @brief This class is used to accumulate statistics on double arrays.
    * This class is used to accumulate statistics on double arrays. In
    * particular, it is highly useful for obtaining statistics on cube data.
    * Parameters which can be computed are 1) @b average, 2) @b standard
    * @b deviation, 3) @b variance, 4) @b minimum, 5) @b maximum and 6)
    * @b various @b counts of valid and/or special pixels.
    * The following example shows a simple set up and usage of the Statistics
    * class to calculate the average of a set of values:
    * @code
    *   Statistics myStats ;
    *   double myData [] = { 1.0, 3.0, 2.4, 7.5 } ;
    *   myStats.AddData (myData, 4) ;
    *   double myAverage = myStats.Average () ;
    *   cout << "The average of the data is " << myAverage << endl ;
    * @endcode
    * For an example of how the Statistics object is used in %Isis, see the
    * Histogram object (inherits from Statistics) and the stats application,
    * stats.cpp (uses the Statistics child class Histogram).
    * @ingroup Statistics
    * @author Jeff Anderson - 2002-05-06
    * @whatsnew 2002-05-06 The current sum and squared sum of the data can be retrieved
    *                      with the Sum and SumSquare methods.
    * @internal
    * @history 2002-05-08 Jeff Anderson - Added Chebyshev and Best
    *                                     minimum/maximum methods.
    * @history 2004-05-11 Jeff Anderson - Moved Reset, AddData and
    *                                     RemoveData methods into
    *                                     public space.
    * @history 2004-06-28 Jeff Anderson - Added Sum and SumSquare
    *                                     methods.
    * @todo 2005-02-07 Deborah Lee Soltesz - add example using cube
    *                                        data to the class documentation
  class Statistics {
      double p_sum;           //!< Sum accumulator.
      double p_sumsum;        //!< Sum-squared accumulator.
      double p_minimum;       //!< Minimum double value encountered.
      double p_maximum;       //!< Maximum double value encountered.
      double p_totalPixels;   //!< Count of total pixels processed.
      double p_validPixels;   //!< Count of valid pixels (non-special) processed.
      double p_nullPixels;    //!< Count of null pixels processed.
      double p_lrsPixels;     //!< Count of low instrument saturation pixels processed.
      double p_lisPixels;     //!< Count of low representation saturation pixels processed.
      double p_hrsPixels;     //!< Count of high instrument saturation pixels processed.
      double p_hisPixels;     //!< Count of high instrument representation pixels processed.
      bool   p_removedData;   /**< Indicates the RemoveData method was called which implies
                                   p_minimum and p_maximum are invalid. */

      Statistics ();
      ~Statistics ();

      void Reset ();
      void AddData (const double *data, const unsigned int count);
      void RemoveData (const double *data, const unsigned int count);

      double Average () const;
      double StandardDeviation () const;
      double Variance () const;

      double Minimum () const;
      double Maximum () const;
      double ChebyshevMinimum (const double percent=99.5) const;
      double ChebyshevMaximum (const double percent=99.5) const;
      double BestMinimum (const double percent=99.5) const;
      double BestMaximum (const double percent=99.5) const;

      double TotalPixels () const;
      double ValidPixels () const;
      double NullPixels () const;
      double LisPixels () const;
      double LrsPixels () const;
      double HisPixels () const;
      double HrsPixels () const;

       * Returns the sum of all the data
       * @return (double) Sum of the data
      double Sum() const { return p_sum; };

       * Returns the sum of all the squared data
       * @return (double) Sum of the squared data
      double SumSquare () const { return p_sumsum; };
} // end namespace isis

Download the Statistics header code example

View the corresponding HTML documentation that is generated by doxygen

Document History

Deborah Lee Soltesz2005-10-31 Fixed format instructions for @history (date and author were inverted)
Deborah Lee Soltesz2006-06-05 Updated @image use instructions and conventions
Deborah Lee Soltesz2006-07-29 Update CVS tags described in the guide so that CVS wouldn't automatically replace the tag with actual information when this document is checked in. (Replaced $ signs with ISO8859-1 entity, treating the $s as special characters).