Isis 3.0 Object Programmers' Reference


00001 #include "MoravecOperator.h"
00002 #include "Chip.h"
00004 namespace Isis {
00012   double MoravecOperator::Interest(Chip &chip) {
00013     int height = chip.Lines();
00014     int width = chip.Samples();
00015     std::vector<double> interests;
00016     double smallestInterest = 0.0;
00018     // Create offsets for comparison of different areas of the chip
00019     for(int offX = -1; offX <= 1; offX++) {
00020       for(int offY = -1; offY <= 1; offY++) {
00021         // doesnt do work if offset would be center chip
00022         if(offX == 0 && offY == 0) continue;
00023         // Do interest computation between center and offset areas and store into array
00024         double interest = 0.0;
00025         for(int y = 2; y <= height - 1; y++) {
00026           for(int x = 2; x <= width - 1; x++) {
00027             // If either pixel is special ignore difference
00028             if(ValidDnValue(chip.GetValue(x, y)) && ValidDnValue(chip.GetValue(x + offX, y + offY))) {
00029               interest += std::pow(chip.GetValue(x, y) - chip.GetValue(x + offX, y + offY), 2);
00030             }
00031           }
00032         }
00033         // Initialize smallest interest with first value
00034         if(interests.size() == 1) {
00035           smallestInterest = interest;
00036         }
00037         interests.push_back(interest);
00038       }
00039     }
00040     // find smallest interest and return
00041     for(unsigned int i = 0; i < interests.size(); i++) {
00042       if(interests[i] < smallestInterest) {
00043         smallestInterest = interests[i];
00044       }
00045     }
00046     return smallestInterest;
00047   }
00055   int MoravecOperator::Padding() {
00056     return 2;
00057   }
00058 }
00059 extern "C" Isis::InterestOperator *MoravecOperatorPlugin(Isis::Pvl &pPvl) {
00060   return new Isis::MoravecOperator(pPvl);
00061 }