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Generates and outputs camera statistics for a cube in raw camera geometry



Camstats generates camera statistics from a user-supplied Level0 or Level1 cube. The output of camstats can be directed to a PVL file or a comma-delimited text file (flat file). For each output group, the program will calculate the minimum, maximum, average, and standard deviation values. The output groups are listed below:

The output values are calculated using the entire image area. However, the number of data collection points for the statistics can be controlled by using the line increment (LINC) and sample increment (SINC) parameters. The default value for LINC and SINC are 1. If the default value is used, then every line and sample of the image are used in the calculation of the output values. The increment value can be increased to reduce program execution time. If a value other than 1, for example the number 10, is assigned to LINC and SINC, then every tenth line and tenth sample of the image are used in the calculation of the output values. The edges of the image are always sampled even if the increment does not fall on the edge. Keep in mind that sparse increments assigned to LINC and SINC are susceptible to an adverse effect on the accuracy of the statistics.


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Parameter Groups


Name Description
FROM Input cube filename
ATTACH Attach results to the cube's label
TO Ouput text filename
FORMAT Output format (PVL or FLAT)
APPEND Option to append results to output file


Name Description
LINC Line Increment
SINC Sample Increment

Files: FROM


Input cube with appropriate camera labels (Refer to spiceinit). The input must be a Level0 or Level1 cube.

Type cube
File Mode input
Filter *.cub *.CUB



If this option is selected, the output camera statistics will be attached to the input cube's label under group called "CameraStatistics."

Applications such as qmos reference the attached label for geometric information of the cube.

Type boolean
Default FALSE

Files: TO


A text file in label format (PVL), which will contain the results of camstats. This output file can be used in conjunction with the getkey application in order to pass the results to another program when developing scripts.

Alternatively, the output can be written to a text file format, see the "FORMAT" parameter for more information.

Type filename
File Mode output
Internal Default None
Filter *.txt *.TXT



Format type for output file. PVL format is the default.

Type string
Default PVL
Option List:
Option Brief Description
PVL PVL Format Output file will be in PVL format
FLAT Flat File Format The output file will be a comma-delimited flat file. This format can easily be imported into spreadsheet applications such as Excel.



If this option is selected, the camstats output will be appended to an existing file specified as the "TO" file. If "append" is not selected, the output information defaults and overwrites the existing "TO" file.

Type boolean
Default FALSE

Option: LINC


LINC will control the number of lines where statistical data are collected. If a LINC of 10 is entered, every tenth line will be used in the data collection.

This option is useful for very large images (long images with a large number of lines) where every 10th or 100th line (LINC=10 or LINC=100) collects enough geometric data of the input for statistics while causing the application to execute much faster.

Keep in mind that if the LINC increment is set too sparsely, this could adversely influence the accuracy of the statistics.

Type integer
Default 1

Option: SINC


SINC will control the number of samples where statistical data are collected. If a SINC of 10 is entered, every tenth sample will be used in the data collection.

This option is useful for very large images (wide images with a large number of samples) where every 10th or 100th sample (SINC=10 or SINC=100) collects enough geometric data of the input for statistics while causing the application to execute much faster.

Keep in mind that if the SINC increment is set too sparsely, this could adversely influence the accuracy of the statistics.

Type integer
Default 1


Robert Sucharski2007-01-22 Original version.
Steven Lambright2007-08-14 Added an application test.
Kris Becker2008-02-27 Check for special pixel values and write them as NULL values in keywords and the flat text file.
Steven Lambright2008-05-12 Removed references to CubeInfo .
Christopher Austin2008-06-11 Added the ATTACH option.
Steven Koechle2008-11-12 Camstats now outputs history to the cube when it finishes execution.
Tammy Becker2012-01-19 Modified documentation and added Glossary links.
Janet Richie, Ella Mae Lee2012-11-20 Modified documentation, fixes #1174.
Lynn Weller2013-02-25 Removed links to applications imbedded in text and replaced with italicized application name. Added application links to the "Related Objects and Documents" section of the documentation. Fixes mantis ticket #1525.