A   B   C   D   E   F

Introduction (separate file)

G-Q (separate file)

R-Ȝ (separate file)


A-, prefix (1), adding intensity to the notion of the verb.—AS. á for ar-, OHG. ar-, Goth. us-. For the quantity of the á see Sievers, 121. Cf. Or.

A-, prefix (2), standing for A, prep., and for Icel. á; see On- (1).

A-, prefix (3), standing for Of, prep.; see Of.

A-, prefix (4), standing for AS. and-, against, in return, toward.—AS. and-, ond-, on- (proclitic). Cf. On- (2.)

A-, prefix (5), standing for At, prep., and Icel. at, used with the infin. See At- (1).

A-, prefix (6), standing for AS. ge-; see Ȝe-.

A-, prefix (7), standing for OF. a- and Lat. ad-.

A-, prefix (8), standing for OF. a- and Lat. ab-.

A-, prefix (9), standing for AF. a, OF. e-, es- from Lat. ex-, e-.

A-, prefix (10), standing for AF. an-, OF. en- from Lat. in-. See In-.

A-, prefix (11), standing for Gr. α- privative.

A, interj. O! Ah! expressing surprise, pain, S, MD.

A, prep. on, in, PP, S, S2, C2; see On.

A, prep. of, S2, S3, PP; see Of.

A, adv. ever, S; aa, S; a buten, ever without, S; see O.

A-bac, adv. backwards, S, W2; abec, S; abak, C2, W; obak, S2.—AS. on-bæc. (A- 2.)

Abasshen, v. to abash, S3; abasshed, pp. abashed, ashamed, alarmed, C3, PP; abashed, S2; abasshid, S3; abasched, PP; abaisshed, PP; abaischid, W; abaischt, S2; abaissed, PP; abaist, S3; abayste, S2, C2.—OF. esbahiss- stem of pr. p. of esbahir, to astonish; Lat. ex + *badire for badare, to open the mouth. (A- 9.)

Abate, v. to beat down, bring down, calm down, P, NED.—AF. abatre (pr. p. abatant); Late Lat. *adbatere. (A- 7.)

Abaue, v. to put to confusion, to be confounded, NED, HD, JD; abawed, pp. HD; abaued, HD.—OF. *abavir: esbahir (with v in place of lost h, see Brachet, s.v. glaive). (A- 9). See Abasshen.

Abaye, sb. barking; phr. at þe abaie, at abaye, at bay, S2.—OF. abai, barking, from abaier; cp. F. aboi in phr.: être aux abois.

Abbay, sb. abbey, C2; abbeis, pl., S2.—AF. abbeie (abeie); Church Lat. abbādia, abbātia, from abbātem. See Abbod.

Abbesse, sb. abbess, PP.—OF. abbesse; Church Lat. abbatissa.

Abbod, sb. abbot, MD, S2; abbot, S, PP; abbodes, pl. S2.—Church Lat. abbātem (pronounced abbādem), nom. abbas; Gr. ἀββάς; Syriac, abba, father.

Abbodesse, sb. abbess, PP.

Abbot-rice, sb. abbacy, S.—AS. abbod-ríce, the rule of an abbot.

A-B-C, the alphabet, P; abcy, Cath.; abce, Cath. (n.), PP; abcee, Cotg.; abece, Cath. (n.); apece, Prompt.—Cp. OF. abece, the crosse rowe (Cotg.).

Abeah, Abeh; see Abuȝen.

Abeggen, Abeien; see Abyen.

A-bernen, v. to burn; abernð, pr. s. S.—AS. á-beornan. (A- 1.)

Abhominacioun, sb. abomination, NED, C2.

Abhomynable, adj. abominable, S3, C3.—AF. abhominable; Lat. abominabilem.

A-biden, v. to abide, remain, await, endure, S, S2, W2; habide, S2; abyde, C2; abid, imp., S, S2; abid, pr. s., S; abit, S, S2, C3; abod, pt. s., S; abood, W2; abide, pt. pl., S2; abididen, W2; abide, pp., G.—AS. á-bídan. (A- 1.)

A-biding, sb. expectation, W2.


Abiggen; see Abyen.

Abil, adj. able, CM; able, C; hable, S3, MD.—OF. able, hable (mod. F. habile); Lat. habilem.

Abilite, sb. ability, NED; habilitie, S3.—OF. habilité.

Abilȝeit, pp. apparelled, S3.—OF. habiller.

Abilȝement, sb. clothing, S3.—OF. habillement.

Abit, sb. dress, a monk’s clothing, habit, PP, CM, HD; abite, W.—AF. abit (habit); Lat. habitum (acc.).

A-biten, v. to bite, S.—AS. á-bítan. (A- 1.)

Abject, pp. and adj. cast out, NED.

Abjecte, v. to cast aside, S3.

A-blawen, v. to blow, MD; ableow, pt. s., S.—AS. á-bláwan. (A- 1.)

A-blenden, v. to blind, MD; ablent, pr. s., S; pl., S; ablende, pt. s., MD; ablend, pp. MD.—AS. á-blendan. (A- 1.)

A-bouten, adv. and prep. about, C2, P, MD; abuten, S; abuuten, S; abuton, S; abute, S; aboute, S, G; oboute, MD; obout, S2.—AS. on-bútan (= on-be-útan). (A- 2.)

A-bouen, adv. and prep. above, C2, PP, MD; aboue, PP; abufen, S; abuuen, MD; abowen, MD; abone, S3, JD; oboven, MD; obowen, MD; oboune, MD. Phr.: at here aboue, S2.—AS. on + bufan (= be + ufan). (A- 2.)

Abregge, v. to abridge, shorten, C; abreggide, pp., W; breggid, W.—OF. abreger, abregier: Prov. abrevjar; Lat. abbreviare. (A- 8.)

A-breiden, v. to start up, to draw (sword), to thrust out, to blame, S; abreyden, NED; abraid, pt. s., S; abreyde, C2; abrayde, C; abroden, pp., S; abruden, S.—AS. á + bregdan. (A- 1.)

A-brode, adv. abroad, PP; abrood, C2; abrod, widely apart, PP. (A- 2.)

Abusioun, sb. deceit, S2, C3.—OF. abusion (Cotg.).

Abute, Abuton, Abuten; see A-bouten.

A-buȝen, v. to bow, MD; abuen, MD; abouwen, MD; abowe, NED; abeah, pt. s., MD; abeh, S.—AS. á-bugan. (A- 1.)

A-byen, Abye, v. to buy, to pay for, S3, C2, C3, PP; abygge, PP; abiggen, PP; abuggen, S, PP; abeggen, MD, G; abeien, S; abie, PP; abuiþ, pr. s., S; abugeð, pr. pl., S; abouhte, pt. s., S; aboughte, G; abought, pp. C3.—AS. ábycgan. (A- 1.)

Abyme, sb. abyss, S2, HD.—OF. abime, abisme; Low Lat. *abyssimum, superl. of Lat. abyssus; Gr. ἄβυσσος, bottomless. (A- 11.)

Ac, conj. but, S, S2, P; acc, S; ah, S, S2; ak, S2, PP; hac, S; ach, MD; auh, MD, S; auch, MD; oc, S; occ, S.—AS. ac.

Acc-; see Ac-.

Accident, sb. accident (a term of the schoolmen), C3.—Lat. accidentem.

Accidie, sb. sloth, indolence, S, CM, PP.—AF. accidie (NED); Low Lat. accidia, acedia; Gr. ἀκηδία, heedlessness, torpor. (A- 11.)

Accompt, sb. account, S3; see Acounte.

Accompted, pp. accounted, S3; see Acounte.

Ace, sb. a jot, S3; see As.

A-cennen, v. to bring forth, to beget, MD; acenned, pp. MD; accenned, S; akenned, MD; akennet, S; acende (for acend), S.—AS. á-cennan. (A- 1.)

A-cennende, sb. begetting, birth, S.

A-cenneng, sb. birth, S.

A-chape, v. to escape, NED; achaped, pt. s., S2.—OF. achaper; cf. AF. ascaper. (A- 9.) Cf. Eschapen, Ascapie.

Achate, v. to purchase, NED.—OF. achater (F. acheter, acater; Late Lat., accaptare.

Achate, sb. purchase, provisions purchased, NED, C; achat, HD; acate, NED; acates, pl., HD.—OF. achat, AF. acate. See above.

Achatour, sb. a purchaser of provisions, purveyor, C, NED, HD; acatour, NED.—AF. achatour, acatour; Late Lat. accaptatorem.

Ache, sb. pain, Prompt.; eche, MD; hache, HD.—AS. æce (ece). See Aken.

Ache, sb. wild celery, parsley, NED, Voc.—OF. ache; Lat. apium; Gr. ἄπιον.

Achesoun, sb. occasion, motive, HD, MD, NED.—OF. achoison, ocoison; Lat. occasionem. Cf. Anchesoun, Enchesoun, Chesoun.

Achtande, ord. eighth, S2, NED.—Icel. áttandi; cp. OHG. ahtande. Cf. Eighte (ord.).

A-colien, v. to wax cold; acolede, pt. s., S; acoled, pp., S.—AS. á-cólian. (A- 1.)

Acombren, v. to encumber, PP; acumbrid, pp., S2.—OF. encombrer. (A- 10.)

Acomplesshen, v. to accomplish, 3 NED; accomplice, C; accompliced, pp. NED.—AF. acomplir (acomplice, pr. s. subj.); Late Lat. accomplere; see Brachet. (A- 7.)

Acord, sb. accord, agreement, MD; accord, S2; acorde, S.—AF. acord.

Acordaunce, sb. agreement, PP.

Acorden, v. to reconcile, to agree, MD, S2, P; accordyng, pr. p., S3; accorded, pp., S2; pt. s., S3.—OF. acorder; Late Lat. accordare, from Lat. ad + cord-, stem of cor, heart. (A- 7.)

Acorse; see Acursien.

Acounte, v. to count, to calculate, NED, C2, PP; acompte, NED, PP; accompted, pp., S3.—AF. acounter, OF. acunter, aconter; Late Lat. accomptare; Lat. ad + computare. (A- 7.)

Acounte, sb. account, reckoning, PP; acompte, PP; accompt, S3; accomptes, pl., S3.—AF. acounte, acunte.

Acoupen, v. to accuse, NED, HD; acoupede, pt. s., NED, PP; acopede, NED; acoulped, NED; acouped, pp., S2.—OF. acouper, acolper, for encouper, encolper; Lat. inculpare. (A- 10.)

Acoyen, v. to quiet, coax, tame, NED, Palsg.; acoyed, pt. s., S2.—OF. acoyer, to calm; Lat. ad + quietare. (A- 7.)

Acumbrid; see Acombren.

A-cursien, v. to curse, NED; acursi, S, NED; acorse, PP; acorsed, pp. MD. (A- 1.)

Acustumaunce, sb. customary use, NED, C2.—OF. acostumance. (A- 7.)

Acwenchen; see Aquenchen.

Adamant, sb. adamant, very hard metal, a fabulous rock or mineral, the diamond, the loadstone or magnet, NED; precious stone, Prompt.; ademaunt, C; adamounde, Prompt. (n.); admont, NED; athamant, NED; athamaunte, C; attemant, NED; aymont, NED.—AF. adamant (aimant); Lat. adamantem; Gr. ἀδάμας (-αντα), lit. invincible, untamable, from ἀ- + δαμάω, I tame. (A- 11.)

Adaunten, v. to subdue, NED; adauntede, pt. s., S2.—OF. adanter, adonter; Lat. ad + domitare, to tame. (A- 7.)

A-dawe, out of life, NED, HD.—AS. of dagum, from days. (A- 3.)

A-dawen, v. to rise from sleep, also, to arouse, NED; adawed, pp. S3.—Cp. MHG. er-tagen, to dawn. (A- 1.)

A-day, adv. at morn, by day, S2, P; adai, S. (A- 2.)

Addledd, pp. earned, S; see Adlen.

A-diliȝen, v. to be lost, to perish, S; adiliȝede, pt. s., S; adiligde, S.—AS. á-diligan, to destroy. (A- 1.)

A-diȝten, v. to appoint, order, prepare, compose, clothe, treat, MD, S; adyȝt, pp., MD; adight, G; adyght, MD, HD. (A- 1.)

Adlen, v. to earn, MD; addle, Manip., MED; addledd, pp., S.—Icel. öðla, refl. öðla-sk, to acquire for oneself property, from óðal, property, patrimony, from *aþal, race, see Fick, 7. 14; cp. OHG. uodil, ‘praedium’ (Tatian). See Athel.

Admirald, sb. a Saracen commander, S; see Amirail.

Admod, adj. humble, gentle, S; ædmod, MD; edmod, MD.—AS. éadmód, éaðmód. See Eth.

Admoded, pp. as adj. lowly; see Eadmodien.

Admodie, adj. pl. humble, MD; edmodi, MD.

Admodliche, adv. humbly, gently, MD; ædmodliȝ, S.—AS. éadmódlice.

Admodnesse, sb. humility, gentleness, MD, S; edmodnesse, S; æddmodnesse, S.—AS. éadmódnes.

A-do, sb. fuss, trouble, difficulty, S3, Prompt., WW; = to do, PP, WW; adoe, ND, (A- 5.)

A-doun, adv. down, S, S2, C2, C3, G; adun, S; adune, S.—AS. of dúne, off the hill. (A- 3.)

A-drad, pp. frightened, put in dread, NED, S2, G, C, PP; adred, S; adrede, NED.—AS. of-drad (A- 3). Cf. Of-dreden.

A-drawen, v. to draw out, S2; adroh, pt. s., NED; adrou, NED; adraȝe, pp. NED. (A- 1.)

A-dreden, v. to fear greatly, S, NED; adrade, reflex., S.—OMerc. and-drǽdan (Rushw.); see NED. (A- 4.)

A-drenchen, v. to drown, to be drowned, MD, S, PP; adreynten, pt. pl., PP; adreynt, pp. drenched, PP; adreint, MD; adrent, S, PP; adreynched, PP.—AS. á-drencan. (A- 1.)

Adressen, v. to make straight, to direct, NED, H.—OF. adressier, adrecier Late Lat. addrictiare, from Lat. directum, straight. (A- 7.)

A-drinken, v. to be drowned, MD, S; adronc, pt. s., MD; adronken, pl., MD; adrunken, pp., MD.—AS. á-drincan. (A- 1.)


A-drye, v. to endure, bear, HD; adriȝen, S (19. 1047), MD.—AS. á-dréogan. (A- 1.)

A-dun, adv. down, S; see Adoun.

A-dunien, v. to din; adunest, 2 pr. s., adenyd, pp. MD. (A- 1.)A

Adun-ward, adv. downward, NED; adonward, S2.

Adversarie, sb. adversary, C3.—OF. adversarie; Lat. aduersarius.

Advertence, sb. mental attention, C3.—Late Lat. advertentia.

Advocat, sb. advocate, intercessor, C3; vokate, PP; vokyte, causidicus, Voc.; vokettus, pl. PP.—OF. advocat; Lat. aduocatum (acc.).

Æ, sb. law, MD.—AS. ǽw (ǽ), law, divine law, the Mosaic law, marriage; Goth. aiws, an age, eternity; cp. OHG. éwa, the law of God, eternity (Otfrid). Cf. Æ-uez, Eu-bruche, Eche.

Ædmod, adj. humble, gentle, MD; see Admod.

Ædmodliȝ, adv. humbly, S; see Admodliche.

Ædmodnisse, sb. humility, MD; æddmodnesse, S; see Admodnesse.

Æhte, num. eight, MD; see Eighte.

Æhtene, num. eighteen, S; see Eightene.

Æn, num. and indef. art. one, S; ænne, S; see Oon.

Æness, adv. once, S; see Oones.

Æoure, pron. your, S; see Ȝoure.

Ærd, sb. native land, home, S; see Erd.

Ærfeð-telle, adj. difficult to count, S. See Arfeð.

Ærnde, sb. errand, MD; see Erende.

Ærnd-race, sb. messenger, S; Ærnd-raches, pl., S.—AS. ǽrend-raca.

Ærnen, v. to run, S; see Rennen.

Æ-uez, adj. pious, fast in the law, S.—AS. ǽ-fest. See Æ.

Afaiten, v. to affect, to prepare, array, dress, to train, tame, subdue, NED, PP; affaiten, P; fayten, S2, PP; faiten, PP.—OF. afaiter, afeiter; Lat. affectare, freq. of afficere; ad + facere. (A- 7.)

A-fallen, v. to fall, MD; auallen, MD; afeol, pt. s., MD; afallen, pp., MD.—AS. á-feallan. (A- 1.)

A-fallen, v. to fell, NED; afal, imp., S; aual, S.

A-felde, adv. a-field, to the field, PP. (A- 2).

A-fellen, v. to fell, NED; auellen, MD.—AS. á-fellan, á-fyllan. (A- 1.)

A-fer, adv. afar, W, W2; afeer, NED; of feor, S (s.v. feor). (A- 3.) Cf. A-ferre.

Afere, sb., affair, bustle, appearance, demeanour, S2, NED; effere, S2; effeir, S2, S3; effer, S2; afferes, pl., PP.—OF. afere = a + fere; Lat. facere, to do. (A- 7.)

A-feren, v. to frighten, terrify, S, PP; afferen, MD; affeare, 2 pr. s. subj., S; afered, pp. afraid, S, C, P; aferd, S, C, P, W2; afeerd, W; afert, PP; aferde, S3, P, W; afferde, S3.—AS. á-fǽran. (A- 1.)

A-ferre, adv. afar, Prompt.; oferrum, S2; onferrum, S2; onferre, NED; onferr, NED. (A- 2). Cf. Afer.

Aff-; see Af-.

Affamysit, pp. famished, S3, NED. Cp. OF. afamer; Late Lat. affamare.

Affectuosly, adv. passionately, HD, NED.

Affectuouse, adj. hearty, affectionate, NED, H; affectuse, NED.—Lat. affectuosus.

Affray, sb. terror, S3, C2, C3. Cf. Effray.

Affrayen, v. to frighten, C2; affrayed, pp. S2, C, C3, W; see Afrayen.

Afile, v. to file down, NED; affyle, C.—OF. afiler.

Afingret, pp. an-hungered, NED, HD; see Of-hungred.

A-flemen, v. to drive away, MD; aulem, imp. s., S.—AS. á-fléman (á-flýman). (A- 1.)

Afolen, v. to befool; afoled, pp., S; afoild, NED, HD.—OF. afoler (Bartsch); Low Lat. *adfolare, to make foolish. (A- 7.)

A-fon, v. to receive, S; afeoh, imp., S; avoþ, pr. pl., S; auenge, pt. pl., S2.—AS. á-fón, on-fón (for ond-fón), see Sievers, 198, 5. 1. (A- 4.) Cf. Onfon.

Aforce, v. to force, constrain, NED, H; afforce, H; aforsed, pt. pl., H.—OF. aforcer, efforcer, esforcier; Late Lat. exfortiare, from Lat. fortis, strong. (A- 9.)

A-fore, adv. prep., before, PP, WW; affore, PP; afor, PP; affor, PP; aforn, NED.—AS. on-foran. (A- 2.)

A-forthen, v. to further, promote, to achieve, to manage to do, to manage to give, to afford; P, NED, SkD, HD; aforde, NED.—AS. ge + forðian. (A- 6.)

A-fote, adv. on foot, PP; afoote, S3, W; auote, S2. (A- 2.)

Afrayen, v. to disturb from peace and quiet, to frighten, NED; affraye, C2 (E. 455); 5 afreyd, pp. alarmed, afraid, NED; affrayed, W, S2, C, C3; affrayd, S3; affrayt, S3; frayd, S3, fraid, S3.—AF. afrayer, effrayer, OF. esfreer: Prov. esfredar; Low Lat. ex-fridare, from fridum; cp. OS. friðu, peace. (A- 9.) See Affrayen.

A-fright, pp. terrified, C; afriȝt, NED, HD; afryȝte, HD.—AS. á-fyrht, á-fyrhted. (A- 1.)

After, prep. and adv. after, according to, S, HD, S2, C3; efter, S, S2; eftir, S3; eafter, MD; aftir, S2.—Æf-ter is a comp. form, see SkD.

After-clap, sb. an evil consequence or result, HD; after-clappys, pl., MD.

After-del, sb. disadvantage, MD; after-dele, HD.

A-fure, adv. on fire, S2; auere, S2; afiere, W2. (A- 2.)

Afyngred; see Ahungerd.

Afyrst, pp. athirst, PP; afurst, PP; afrust, PP; see Of-þurst.

A-gasten, v. to terrify, MD, PP; agesten, S; agaste, pt. s., C2, C; agast, pp., PP, S2, S3, C2, C3, G; agazed, S3; agaste, pl., S2, W.—AS. á + gǽstan, to frighten. (A- 1.)

A-gen, prep. and adv. towards, back, again, S; see A-ȝein.

Agenes, prep. against, S; see Aȝeines.

Agenst, prep. against, NED; see A-ȝeinst.

Agenst-Christ, sb. Antichrist, S3.

A-gessen, v. to reckon, calculate, S. (A- 1.)

Aghe, sb. awe, H; agh, NED; see Awe.

Aghe-ful, adj. awful, H; aghful, H.

A-gon, v. to obtain, PP.—AS. of-gangan, to require. (A- 3.)

A-gon, pp. and adv. gone away, ago, S2, C3; agoon, C2, C3; agone, S3; agoo, PP; ago, C2.—AS. a-gán, pp. of á-gán, to go forth. (A- 1.)

A-graythen, v. to make ready, to dress, NED; agreþed, pp., S2; agrayþed, NED.—From Icel. greiða: Goth. ga-raidjan. (A- 1.)

A-graythinge, sb. apparel, S2, NED.

Agreable, adj. pleasant, NED; aggreable, favourable, S3.—AF. agreable. (A- 7.)

A-gref, in grief, NED; agrief, C; ogrefe, NED. Phr.: takes not agreve, takes it not unkindly, NED. (A- 2.)

Agreggen, v. to make heavy, to be heavy, to aggravate, HD; agreggid, pp., W2.—OF. agregier: Prov. agreujar; Late Lat. aggreuiare, from *greuis for Lat. grauis. (A- 7.)

Agreþed, pp. made ready, S2; see A-graythen.

Agreuen, v. to bear heavily on, to grieve, oppress, HD; agreued, pp., C2, PP.—OF. agrever; Lat. aggrauare; ad + grauare, from grauis. (A- 7.)

Agrimony, sb. agrimony, Prompt.; agremoine, Voc.; egrimony, Prompt.; egremoin, C3; egremounde, NED; ogremoyne, Voc.—Lat. agrimonia; Gr. ἀγρεμώνη cp. F. aigremoine.

A-grisen, v. to be horrified, to terrify, to loathe, HD, MD, S; agryse, S2, C3.—AS. á-grísan. (A- 1.)

A-grounde, on the ground, S2, PP; on this earth, PP. (A- 2.)

Agte, sb. possession, S; see Auhte.

A-gulten, v. to sin, to offend, MD, PP, S; agilten, MD; agelten, MD; aȝulten, S; agulte, pt. s., PP; agult, pp., S; agilt, HD, PP.—AS. á-gyltan. (A- 1.)

Ah, conj. but, S, S2; see Ac.

Ah, pr. s. owes (as a duty), S; ahen, pr. pl., are obliged, S; see Owen.

A-honge, pp. hanged up, S. (A- 1.)

Aht, adj. worthy, valiant, NED; see Auht.

Aht, sb. aught, anything; ahte, S; ahct, S; see Ought.

Ahte, sb. possession, S2; ahhte, S; see Auhte.

Ahtlice, adv. valiantly, NED; ohtliche, NED. See Auht.

A-hungerd, pp. a-hungered, PP, S3; ahungred, NED; afyngred, PP.—AS. ofhyngred. (A- 3.) See Of-hungred.

Aihte, sb. property, S; ayhte, S; see Auhte.

Air, sb. air, S2; aire, NED; see Eyre.

Airtis, sb. pl. quarters of the sky, S3; see Art.

Aisille, sb. vinegar, S; eisil, MD; eisel, MD; eyselle, MD; esylle, Prompt.; aselle, MD; eysell, Sh.; aysel, H.—OF. aisil (eisil), also, aisi, Ps. 68. 21 (Metz); Late Lat. acitum (cp. OF. azet); Lat. acētum; see Schuchardt, Vokalismus, i. 294.

Aisliche, adv. timorously, S3; see Eisliche.

Ak, conj. but, S2, PP; see Ac.

Ak, sb. oak, Voc.; akis, pl., S3; see Ook.

A-kelen, v. to make cold, to grow cold, S, MD.—AS. á-célan. (A- 1.)

Aken, v. to ake, to throb with pain, C2, S2, Prompt., NED; eken, MD; ȝaik, NED; oc, pt. s., MD; ok, MD; oke, MD, NED; akide, NED; oken, pt. pl., PP.—AS. acan, pt. óc, pp. acen; cp. Icel. aka, to drive, Lat. agere. Cf. Ache.

Akennet, pp. born, S; see A-cennen.

Aketoun, sb. a jacket of quilted cotton 6 worn under the mail, a jacket of leather plated with mail, NED, Voc., C2; acketoun, HD; acton, NED, HD, JD; hakatone, HD; haqueton, NED; haketon, ND; hacqueton, ND.—OF. auqueton; Sp. alcoton; Arab. al-qūtn, the cotton.

A-kneon, on knees, S, NED; aknen, HD; aknewes, HD. (A- 2.)

Al, adj., sb., adv. all, MD, S, S2, C2, C3; all, S, S3; hal, S2; alle, dat., S; ælle, pl., S; alle, S2; halle, S; ealre, gen., S; allre, S; alra, S; alre, S.—AS. eall, all, al.

Al, adv. (with conjunctions); al if, although, NED.

Al, adv. (with subj. mood), although, NED, C, C3; Al be it, even though it be that, C.

Alabastre, sb. alabaster, W (Mt. 26. 7); alabaustre, S3; alablaster, Sh.—OF. alabastre; Lat. alabastrum (nom. -ter); Gr. ἀλάβαστρος, ἀλάβαστος.

A-lang, adv. along, MD; along, MD; olong, MD (A- 4). See Endlang.

Alange, adj. tedious, strange, foreign, Prompt.; alenge, HD; see Elenge.

Alarge, v. to enlarge, to give largely, HD; alargid, pp., W, W2.—OF. alargir. (A- 7.)

A-last, adv. at last, S2, NED. (A- 5.)

Alaun, sb. a large dog used for hunting; alan, NED; alant, NED; alauntz, pl., C; allaundes, NED.—OF. alan (allan in Cotg.); It. alano (Florio); Low Lat. alanus.

Alay, sb. alloy, PP; alayes, pl., C2.—AF. alay.

Alayen, v. to mix metals, to alloy, NED, PP; alayed, pp., PP.—AF. alayer, aleyer (F. aloyer); Lat. alligare, to bind. (A- 7.)

Albe, sb. a vestment worn by priests, and by some kings; NED.—Church Lat. alba, an alb; Lat. alba (vestis), a white garment.

Albificacioun, sb. the process of making white (in alchemy), C3.—Late Lat. albificationem.

Alblastrye, sb. the use of cross-bows, S3. See Arblaste.

Ald, adj. old, S, S2; alder, comp., MD; aldreste, superl., S; see Old.

Al-day, adv. always, continually, C2, PP.

Alde-like, adv. with solemn, venerable mien, S.

Alder, sb. elder, ancestor, also, prince, chief, MD, PP; aldren, pl., S; ælderen, S; elderne, S2; ealdren, MD; ealdrene, gen., S.—AS. ealdor (aldor). See Ald.

Alder, gen. pl. of all, C2, H; see Alre-.

Alder-best, adj. best of all, H; see Alrebest.

Alder-first, adj. first of all, C2; see Alrefyrst.

Alder-mon, sb. a prince, also, the principal officer in the shire, MD, Voc.; elldernemanness, gen., S; aldermen, pl., PP, AS. ealdormann.

Aldire-, gen. pl. of all, H; see Alre-.

Aldire-mast, adj. most of all, H; see Alremest.

Ale, sb. ale, S2, C2; ale-house, S2; an ale-drinking, NED. Comb.: ale-stake, a stake before an alehouse as a sign, C, C3, NED.—AS. ealu, alu; OTeut. stem *alut-. Cf. Nale.

A-leggen, v. to lay down, to lay aside, to put down, confute, S, NED (allay1).—AS. á-lecgan. (A- 1.)

Alemaunde, sb. almond, NED, W2; almaundes, pl., NED; almoundes, NED.—OF. alemande, alemandre, alemandle (cp. Sp. almendra); Late Lat. amendola (cp. Pg. amendoa); Lat. amygdala; Gr. ἀμυγδάλη.

Alemaunde-tre, sb. almond-tree, W2.

Alembyk, sb. a retort (used in alchemy), C3; alambic, NED; limbeck, ND, Sh.; lymbecke, (Minsheu).—OF. alambic, Sp. alambique (Minsheu); Arab. al-anbíq; Gr. ἄμβῑκ-, stem of ἄμβιξ, a cup.

A-lemen, v. to illumine, S; alimen, S; aleomen, S.—AS. á + léoman. (A- 1.)

A-lesednesse, sb. redemption, MD.

A-lesen, v. to loose, deliver, S; alesde, pt. s., S; alesed, pp., S, HD.—AS. á-lésan, álýsan. (A- 1.)

A-lesendnesse, sb. redemption, MD.

A-lesnesse, sb. redemption, S, MD.—AS. á-lésnis.

Al-gate, adv. every way, always, in any case, NED, S3, C, C2, C3; allegate, S; algates, S2, C2, C3; algatis, W.—Cp. Icel. alla götu, every way.

Algorisme, sb. the Arabic or decimal system of numeration, arithmetic, NED; algrim, MD; augrim, S. Phr.: cipher in algorisme, the figure o, a mere cipher, NED.—OF. algorisme (augorime); Low Lat. algorismus (cp. Span. guarismo, arithmetic, Minsheu); from Arab. al-Khowarazmi, the surname of an Arab mathematician of the 9th cent.


Al-halowen, sb. pl. all saints, NED; alhalowes, NED; halalwes, S2.

Al-halowen day, sb. All Saints’ Day, NED.—AS. ealra halgena dæg.

Aliance, sb. alliance, NED; alliaunce, C2.—AF. aliance.

A-liche, adv. alike, PP, NED.—AS. ge-líce. (A- 6.) See Iliche.

Alie, sb. ally, relative, PP; allye, C2.

Alien, v. to combine, unite, ally, NED; allyed, pp., C2.—OF. alier; Lat. alligare. (A- 7.)

A-liri, adv. across (said of the legs), P; alyry, PP.—AS. on + lira, the fleshy part of the leg (Voc.). (A- 2.)

A-liȝten, v. to alight, get lightly down from a horse, to descend, also, to lighten, MD; alyghte, C2; alyghte, pt. s., PP; alyȝte, PP; alihte, MD; aliȝte, S; alyhte, S2; aliȝt, pp., S2.—AS. á-líhtan. (A- 1.)

A-liȝten, v. to enlighten, illuminate, to light (a fire), NED.—AS. on-líhtan. (A- 2.)

A-liȝtnen, v. to enlighten, NED; alichtyn, S3; alyctnyng, pr. p., S3. (A- 1.)

Al-kaly, sb. alkali, C3.—Arab. al-qalīy, calcined ashes; from qalay, to roast in a pan.

Alkamistre, sb. alchemist, C3, NED. OF. alkemiste.

Al-kamye, sb. medieval chemistry, PP.—OF. alcamie, alquimie; Sp. alquimia; Arab. al-kīmīā; Late Gr. χημία, of doubtful origin, prob. from χυμεία, pouring.

Al-karon, sb. the Koran, S2.—OF. al-coran; Ar. al-qorān, the reading, from qara‘a, to read aloud.

Al-katran, sb. the resin of fir trees, pitch, also, bitumen, NED, S2.—OF. alketran; Sp. alquitran; Ar. al-qatran, from qatara, to drop.

Al-kin, adj. of every kind, MED, PP; alkyn, S2, PP; alkynnes, PP; alle kynez, S2.—AS. alles cynnes, gen.

Al-kynd, adj. of every kind, S3.

All-; see Al-.

Allunge, adv. altogether, S, MD; allynge, MD; allinge, MED.—AS. eallunga, eallunge.

Allure, sb. a place to walk in, a gallery, a walk by the parapets of a castle, a cloister, S3; alure, Prompt., NED.—OF. alure (now allure), walk, going, a gallery, also, aleüre (= Low Lat. *alatura), from aler, to go (F. aller).

Almain, adj. German, NED; Almaines, pl. Germans, NED; Almaygnes, S3.—OF. aleman (F. allemand).

Almain, sb. a kind of dance, NED; almond, NED. Comb.: almain-leap, ND; almond-leape, Cotg. (s.v. saut).

Almaine, sb. Germany, H; Almayne, NED; Alemaine, S; Almeyne, NED; Almen, NED; Alamanie, S.—OF. Alemaigne; Lat. Allemannia, the country of the Allemanni.

Almes-dede, sb. deed of mercy, S2.

Almesse, sb. alms, charity, S, PP, Prompt., S2, C3; ælmes, S; elmesse, MD; almes, S, S2, W; almous, S2; almessis, pl., W.—AS. ælmysse; Church Lat. *alimosina (cp. OF. almosne); eleemosyna (Tertullian); Gr. ἐλεημοσύνη alms, Lu. 12. 33; orig. pity.

Al-mest, adv. almost, S2, C2, W, W2; almeest, W2; almost, PP.

Al-miȝt, adj. all-powerful, MD; almight, NED, G.—AS. ælmiht.

Al-miȝti, adj. almighty, NED; almichti, S; allmahhtiȝ, S; almyȝty, S2; almihti, S.—AS. ælmeahtig.

Al-miȝtin, adj. almighty, NED; almihten, NED; almihtin, S.

Alne-way; see Alweye.

A-lofte, adv. on high, aloft, PP; aloft, PP; on-lofte, S2, C2; o lofte, NED; o loft, NED.—Icel. á lopt (of motion), á lopti (of position); lopt, air, sky, loft; cp. AS. on þá lyft, into the air, (A- 2.)

A-londe, on land, in the land, S2, HD; alond, S2.

Al-one, adj., adv. alone, MED. Phr.: hym allane, S2. See One.

A-longen, v. to seem long to, to long, NED; alonged, pp. filled with longing, G, HD; alonget, S2.—AS. of-langian. (A- 3.)

A-long on, prep. on account of, S2, NED.—AS. ge-lang, along. (A- 6.) See Ilong.

Al-only, adv. merely, S2; alle only, S2.

A-loofe, adv. aloof, more nearly to the wind, NED; alofe, S3; aluffe, HD. Probably from Du. loef, in te loef, to windward. (A- 2.)

A-losen, v. to praise, PP; alosed, pp. notorious, S2, NED, HD. (A- 7.)

Al-out, adv. entirely, NED: all out, H.

A-louten, v. to bow down, S3, NED; alowtid, pt. s., PP.—AS. á-lútan. (A- 1.)


A-low, on the low ground, on earth, ED, PP; alawe, S3; alowe, PP. (A- 2.)

Alowable, adj. praiseworthy, PP.

Alowaunce, sb. praise, PP.

Alowen, v. to praise, commend, to approve of, sanction, to admit (intellectually), S3, PP; allowen, C2, G, PP.—OF. alouer; Late Lat. *allaudare; Lat. ad + laudare. (A- 7.)

Alowen, v. to assign, bestow, to give an allowance to, NED, Palsg.; allow, Sh.—AF. alower, OF. alouer, aloer; Lat. allocare, to place. (A- 7.)

A-loyne, v. to remove far off, NED, HD, AF. aloyner, from loin; Lat. longe. (A- 7.)

Alre, gen. pl. of all, used as an intensifying prefix with a superlative, NED (all, see sect. D. II, p. 227), MD (p. 56); allere, H; aller, G, C; alder, C2, H; alther, G, C, W2; aldire-, H.—AS. ealra.

Alre-best, best of all, S2; alderbest, H; altherbest, NED, HD, C; altherbeste, S, HD.

Alre-fyrst, first of all, NED; altherfirst, NED, HD; alderfirst, C2, C3.

Alre-mest, most of all, S; aldiremast, H; althermoost, HD.

Als, adv. and conj. also, as, S, S2, S3, C2; see Also.

Als-as, conj. just as if, S3.

Al-so, adv. and conj. (1) even so, likewise, also, (2), as, MED, PP, S, S3, C3; allswa, S; alswo, MED; alse, S; alsse, S; als, S, S2, S3, C2; alls, S; ase, S, S2; as, S, S2, S3, C2; es, PP; alsswa, S2; alsua, S2; als-so, S2; alswa, S, S2, MED.—AS. eal-swá.

Al solne day, All Souls’ Day, NED; alle soule day, S2.—AS. ealra sawlena dæg.

Als-tite, adv. as quick, immediately, MED, S2.

Al-suic, adj. all such, S.

Al-swithe, adv. as fast, immediately, MED; alswythe, PP; als-suith, S2; aswithe, S2; asswythe, S2.

Alther-, gen. pl. of all, C, G, W2, PP; see Alre-.

Alther-best, adj. best of all, S, C; see Alrebest.

Alther-feblest, adj. feeblest of all, S2, HD.

Alther-first, adj. first of all, HD; see Alrefyrst.

Alther-moost, adj. most of all, HD; see Alremest.

Al-to, adv. entirely, S, NED (s.v. all, see C, sect. 15), W, W2, H; all-to, H.

Al-togidere, adv. altogether, G; altegædere, S.

Al-wat, conj., adv. all the while, till, S, MD (s.v. al, p. 57); alwet, MD; alhuet, NED (s.v. all what). See What.

Al-weldand, adj. all-wielding, S2; alwealdent, S.—AS. al-wealdend.

Al-weye, adv. all along, at all times, perpetually, at any rate, NED; alne-way, S2; alwey, C2, C3, PP; alwais, S2; alleweyes, NED.—AS. ealne weg.

Alynen, v. to besmear; alyned, pp., S2.—Lat. allinere. (A- 7.)

A-lyue, adv., adj. as pred. alive, C2, S2, PP; onlyue, C2, G; onliue, S.—AS. on life. (A- 2.)

Am, 1 pr. s. am, S, C3; æm, S, MD; ham, S; eam, MD; eom, MD.—ONorth. am, OMerc. eam (VP), AS. eom.

A-mad, pp. as adj. distracted, mad, MD, S; amed, MD; amadde, pl. MD.—AS. ge-mǽd, pp. of ge-mǽdan, to madden; cp. OHG. ga-meit, foolish. (A- 6.)

Amaistrien, v. to master, teach, PP; amaistrye, P, HD.—OF. amaistr(i)er; Lat. ad + magistrare. (A- 7.)

Amalgame, sb. a soft mass, mixture of metal with mercury, NED; malgam NED.—OF. amalgame; Low Lat. amalgama.

Amalgaming, sb. the formation of an amalgam, C3.

Amang; see Amonge.

A-mansien, v. to curse, to excommunicate, MD; amansi, MD; amansy, MD; amonsi, HD; amawns, HD; amansed, pp., S.—Contracted from AS. á-mánsumian, to put out of intimacy, from mánsum, familiar, intimate; pp. á-mánsumod, also ámánsod; see Schmid. (A- 1.)

A-masen, v. to amaze, stupefy, NED; amased, pp., C3. (A- 1.)

Ambassade, sb. the function of ambassador, an ambassador and suite, NED; embassades, pl., S3.—OF. ambassade, ambaxade; OSp. ambaxada, from Low Lat. ambaxia, ambactia, office, employment, from ambactus, vassal, retainer, a Celtic word found in Caesar.

Ambassadrie, sb. ambassadorship, NED; embassadrie, S2, C3.—F. ambassaderie.


Ambassage, sb. embassy, NED; ambassages, pl., S3.

Amblen, v. to move at an easy pace, NED.—OF. ambler; Lat. ambulare, to walk.

Amblere, sb. an ambling horse or mule, C, NED.

Amellen, v. to enamel, MD; ammell, Palsg.; amelled, pp., Palsg.; amelyd, HD; amiled, HD; ameled, NED.—AF. aymeler, OF. esmailler; OHG. smalzjan, to smelt, liquefy; cp. It. smaltare, to enamel (Florio). Cf. En-amelen, Mute.

Amenden, v. to amend, mend, MD, S, S2, C2, W; amended, pp. S2; amendid, W2.—OF. amender; Lat. *ē-mendare, from ex + mendum, fault. (A- 9.)

Amene, adj. pleasant, S3, NED; ameyn, S3.—OF. amene; Lat. amoenum.

Amerant, sb. amaranth, a fadeless flower, S3.—OF. amarante; Lat. amarantum (acc.); Gr. ἀμάραντος (A- 11.)

Amercy, v. to amerce, fine, P, NED.—AF. amercier; from OF. estre a merci came estre amercie, then amercier.

Amete, sb. ant, emmet, NED; amte, W2; emete, Voc.; emote, NED; ematte, Voc.; amtis, pl., W2; amptis, NED.—AS. ǽmete, émete. Cp. OHG. ámeiza; from OHG. á, off + meizan, to cut, as if ‘the cutter or biter off.’

Ametist, sb. amethyst, NED; ametistus, W (Rev. 21. 20); amatyste, HD; amaste, HD; amaffised, MD.—OF. ametiste; Lat. amethystum (acc.); Gr. ἀμέθυστος (A- 11.)

Ameuen, v. to be moved, NED; ameued, pt. s., C2.—OF. esmeuv-, accented stem of esmover; Lat. exmouēre. (A- 9.)

Ameyn; see Amene.

A-midde, adv. and prep. amid, S2, C2, PP; amidden, S; amydde, PP.—AS. on middan, on middum. (A- 2.)

Amirail, sb. a Saracen ruler or commander, an emir, an admiral, MD; amerel, Prompt.; amyralle, MD; amrayl, HD; admirald, S.—OF. amirail, amiral; cp. Arab. amīr-al-bahr, commander of the sea, amīr-al-mūminīm, commander of the faithful.

A-mis, adv. amiss, C2; amys, G; onmys, NED. (A- 2.)

Amome, sb. an odoriferous plant, amomum, NED; amonye, W, HD.—OF. amome (Cotg.); Lat. amomum; Gr. ἄμωμον, a name applied to several spice plants.

Amoneste, v. to admonish, warn, HD.—OF. amonester; Late Lat. *admonitare, from Lat. admonitus, pp. of admonere, see Constans. (A- 7.)

Amonestement, sb. admonishment, S, HD.—OF. amonestement.

Amonestyng, sb. admonishing, CM.

A-monge, prep. and adv. among, in, at intervals, PP; amange, NED; omang, MD; amang, S, S2; among, S, PP. Phr.: eure among, ever among, every now and then, S; ever and among, NED.—AS. on-mang, on-gemang. (A- 2.)

A-monges, prep. among, S2, S3, C2, C3 G, PP.

A-morewe, on the morrow, S2, W; amor we, HD, PP, S2; amoreȝe, S; amorȝe, S (16. 432).—AS. on morgen. (A- 2.)

Amountance, sb. amount, NED; mountouns, S2, HD.

Amounten, v. to ascend, rise, amount, mean, S2, C2, PP; amunten, S.—AF. amunter, from Lat. ad + montem. (A- 7.)

Ampole, sb. a vessel for holding consecrated oil, or for other sacred uses, NED; ampulles, pl., P; ampolles, S2, PP; hanypeles, PP.—OF. ampole; Lat. ampulla.

Ampre, sb. a tumour, flaw, blemish; amper, HD; ampres, pl., S.—AS. ampre, ‘varix’ (Voc.).

Amte; see Amete.

A-murðrin, v. to murder, S; amorthered, pp., MD.—AS. á-myrðrian (Schmid). (A- 1.)

Amyable, adj. friendly, lovely, NED; amyabill, S3; amiable, WW.—OF. amiable; Lat. amicabilem.

An, 1 pr. s. I grant, allow, S; on, pr. s., S. See Unnen.

An, num. and indef. art. one, an, S, S2, PP; see Oon.

An, prep. on, upon, in, PP, S, S2; see On.

An, conj. and, if, PP, S, S2; see And.

Anaunter, for an aunter, a chance, S2; see Auenture.

Anchesoun, sb. occasion, MD; ancheisun, MD; anchaisun, HD.—AF. anchesoun. See Achesoun.

Ancre, sb. an anchorite, recluse, hermit, a monk, a nun, NED, S, S2; auncre, S2; anker, S2; ancres, pl., P.—AS. ancra, m. (*ancre, f.); Church Lat. anachoreta; Gr. ἀναχωρητής.

And, conj. and, also, if, G, S, S2, S3, 10 C2 ant, S, S2; an, S, S2; a, MD.—Phr.: and if, MD.

Ande, sb. breath, H; see Onde.

Anefeld, sb. anvil, W2; anefelt, NED.—AS. onfilti (Voc.).

An-ent, prep. and adv. on a level with, among, opposite, towards, in respect of, NED; anont, MD; onont, S; onond, S; anende, MD; anonde, MD; ononde, MD; anendes, MD; anentes, NED; anentis, W, W2; anemptis, MD; anempst, NED; anence, H; anens, H; ynentes, H.—AS. on efen, on efn, on emn, on even ground with.

Anentesch; see Anientise.

Aner-ly, adv. only, alone, S2, NED, JD.

Anete, sb. the herb dill, Voc., W, NED.—OF. anet; Lat. anethum (Vulg.); Gr. ἄνηθον, dial, form of ἄνισον. See Anise.

A-netheren, v. to lower, humiliate, NED; anethered, pp., HD. (A- 1.) See Aniðerien.

Anew, sb. ring, wreath; anewis, pl., S3; aneus, links of a chain, NED.—OF. aniaus, pl. of anel, ring; Lat. anellus, dim. of ānulus, dim. of annus, a circuit, year.

Anew, enough, S3. (A- 6.) See Ynow.

A-newe, adv. anew, NED. (A- 3.) See Of-newe.

Anfald, adj. single, simple, S, HD; see Oone-fold.

Angel, sb. angel; ongel, S; angles, pl., S; ængles, S; anglene, gen. S.—Lat. angelus. See Engel.

An-gin, sb. beginning, MD; angun, S, NED.

An-ginnen, v. to begin; on gon, pt. s., S.—AS. an-(on-)ginnan.

Angle, sb. a name given to the four astrological ‘houses,’ NED, S2.—OF. angle; Latin angulum (acc.).

Angles, sb. pl. the English, the people of ‘Angul,’ a district of Holstein, S, NED; Englis, S.—AS. Angle, pl.

Angre, sb. affliction, sorrow, wrath, pain, inflammation, NED, S2, PP; angers, S2.—Icel. angr.

Angren, v. to annoy, injure, make angry, NED; angre, PP.—Icel. angra.

Angwisch, sb. anguish, W2; anguyssh, PP; angoise, S, MD; anguise, MD; anguisse, MD.—OF. angoisse, AF. anguisse; Lat. angustia, tightness, from angere, to squeeze.

Anhed, sb. unity, H; see Oonhed.

An-heiȝ, adv. on high, S2, PP; an hei, S2; an hey, S2; an hiȝ, W.

An-heten, v. to heat, to become hot; anhet, pr. s. S; anhéét, pp. S.—AS. onhætan.

An-heȝen, v. to exalt, NED; anheȝed, pp., S2.

An-hitten, v. to hit against, S, MD.

An-hon, v. to hang (tr.), MD; anhoð, pr. pl., S; anhonge, pp., MD.—AS. on-hón.

An-hongen, v. tr. and intr. to hang, S, MD; anhonged, pp., MD; anhanged, C2.

Aniente, v. to bring to nought, NED; anyente, PP.—OF. anienter, from a, to + nient; Late Lat. *necentem = nec + entem. (A- 7.)

Anientise, v. to bring to nought, to destroy, NED; anientice, PP; anentisen, CM; anentesch, PP; anyntische, W2; neentishe, NED; annentissched, pp. CM; anyntischid, W2; enentyscht, H; enentist, H.—OF. anientir (variant of anienter), pr. p. anientissant. (A- 7.)

Anise, sb. anise, also dill, NED; anys, NED; aneyse, Voc.—OF. anis; Lat. anisum; Gr. ἄνισον. Cf. Anete.

A-niðerien, v. to lower, humiliate, MD; aneðered, pp. MD, HD.—AS. á + niðerian. (A- 1.)

Anker, sb. anchor, S.—AS. ancor; Lat. ancora; Gr. ἄγκυρα.

Anlas, sb. a kind of dagger, anlace, MD, C; anelace, HD; anelas, MD, NED.—Cp. Low Lat. anelacius (Ducange), OWelsh anglas.

An-leth, sb. face, countenance, MD, HD, NED; onndlæt, MD; onlete, MD.—Icel. andlit (Swed. anlete): AS. and-wlíta.

Ann-; see An-.

Annamyllit, pp. enamelled, S3; see Enamelen.

Annuel, adj. yearly; sb. a mass said either daily for a year after, or yearly on the anniversary of a person’s death, NED; anuell, S3.—AF. annuel; Late Lat. annualem, for Lat. annālem, from annus, year.

Annueler, sb. a priest who sang an annual, PP, C3, HD.

An-on, adv. at once, instantly, soon, in a short time, S, S2, C3, PP; anan, S, NED; onan, S2; onon, S, S3; anoon, S3, C2, G, W.—AS. on án, into one; on áne, in one (moment).

Anonder; see Anunder.

Anon-ryght, adv. immediately, C3, G; anonrihtes, S; ananriht, S.

An-ouen, adv. above, S, NED; onuuen, NED.—AS. on ufan.

A-nough, adj. (as pred.) enough, CM; anew, S3. (A- 6.) See Ynow.


Anoy, sb. discomfort, vexation, trouble, MD, S2, PP; anoye, W2; anui, MD; enuye, S.—OF. anoi: OSp. enoyo: OIt. inodio, from the Lat. phrase est mihi in odio; see Diez. Cf. Noye.

Anoyen, v. to annoy, PP, W2, S2, C2, C3; anoiede, pt. s., W; noyede, W; anoyed, pp. W; anuyed, PP; anuid, MD; anud, S; anuyȝed, S2; ennuyed, P.—AF. ennuyer. Cf. Noyen.

Answere, sb. answer, MD; ondswere, S; answare, S; onswere, S; andsware, S.—AS. and-swaru.

Answeren, v. to give an answer, S, PP; ondswerien, S; andswarede, pt. s. S; andswerede, S; ontswerede, S; onswerede, S; onswerde, S; answarede, S; answerede, S.—AS. and-swarian.

Ant, conj. and, also, if, S, S2. See And.

Antem, sb. anthem, C2; antefne, MD.—AS. antefne; Church Lat. antífona (cp. Prov. antífena, It. antífona); for older antiphōna; Gr. ἀντίφωνα lit. things sounding in response. Cf. Antiphone.

Anticrist, sb. Antichrist, MD; antecrist, W (1 John 4. 3); ancrist, MD; ancryst, Voc.—Church Lat. antichristus (Vulg.); Gr. ἀντίχριστος.

Antiphone, sb. antiphon, NED; Church Lat. antiphōna; see Antem.

Antiphonere, sb. anthem-book, C2; antyphonere, Voc.; anfenare, Voc.; amfanere, Voc.—Church Lat. antiphonarius.

Anum, adv. at once, S.—AS. ánum, dat. of án, one. [The MS. has anú, put for anū (= anum)]. See Oon.

An-under, prep. under, S; anonder, S.

An-uppe, prep. and adv. upon, MD; onuppe, S.

An-uppon, prep. upon, S, MD; anuppen, S.

Anwalde, sb. dat. power, S; anwolde, S; see On-wald.

A-nyghte, adv. by night, C2; aniȝt, S; onigt, S. (A- 2.)

A-nyghtes, adv. at night, nightly, Sȝ.

Apalled, pp. made pale, NED; appalled, C, C2.—OF. apalir, apallir; Lat. ad + pallire for pallere. (A- 7.)

Aparail, sb. apparel, PP; apparaille, C2, PP.

Aparailen, v. to make ready, to fit up, furnish, to dress, attire, PP; apparayleden, pt. pl. S2; aparailed, pp. S; apparailled, P.—OF. apareiller; Late Lat. *adpariculare, to make equal or fit, from Lat. par, equal. (A- 7.)

Aparaunce, sb. appearance, NED; apparence, C2.—AF. apparence. (A- 7.)

Apart, adv. apart, aside, C2; aparte, separately, PP, NED.—OF. a part. (A- 7.)

Apart, v. to set aside, separate, NED; aparte, S3 (24. 14).

Apartie, adv. in part, partly, PP, NED. (A- 2.)

Apayen, v. to satisfy, please, to requite, HD, PP; apayd, pp. S3, C2, C3; apayed, C2, W; apaied, W, PP.—OF. apaier (apayer): Prov. apagar; Lat. ad + pacare, from pacem, peace. (A- 7.)

Ape, sb. ape, MD, C2, C3, P; fool, HD. Phr.: þe olde ape, i.e. the devil, MD; wyn of ape (= OF. vin de singe), wine which makes the drinker pleasant, wanton, or boyish, Cotg., MD, HD.—AS. apa.

Apece, sb. the alphabet, Prompt.; see A-B-C.

Apenden, v. to belong, S2, PP; appenden, S2, PP.—OF. ap(p)endre; Lat. ad + pendere. (A- 7.)

Aperceyue, v. to perceive, C2, PP; aperseyue, PP.—OF. aperçoiv-, accented stem of aperceveir; Late Lat. appercipēre; Lat. ad + percipere. (A- 7.)

Aperceyuinges, sb. pl. observations, C2.

Aperen, v. to appear, S, PP; apeeren, PP; aper, S2; appiere, P; apperand, pr. p. S3.—AF. aper-, stem of apert, pr. s. of aparoir; Lat. apparere (ad + parere). (A- 7.)

Apert, adj. clever, expert, NED; aspert, S3.—OF. aspert, espert; Lat. expertus. (A- 9.) See Expert.

Apert, adj. open, NED, H, HD; adv. C2. Phr.: in to apert (= Lat. in palam), S2.—OF. apert; Lat. apertus, pp. of aperire, a verb with ā = ab, prefix. (A- 8.)

Aperteliche, adv. openly, S2; apertly, P, H; appertly, P.

Apertenaunt, pr. p. appertaining, C2.—OF. apertenant.

Apertene, v. to appertain, NED, C3.—OF. apertenir; Lat. ad + pertinere. (A- 7.)

Apertinent, pr. p. appertaining, C2.—Late Lat. adpertinentem.

Apesen, v. to appease, NED, S3 (3b. 1352), C2, C3; appease, S3 (19a. 295).—OF. apeser, from a + pes; Lat. pacem, peace. (A- 7.)

Apeyren, v. to harm, diminish, impair, PP, W; apeyre, P, W; appayre, S2, P; apeyred, pp. S2.—OF. ampeirer, empeirer; 12 Lat. in + peiorare, to make worse, from peior, worse. (A- 10.)

Apeyryng, sb. injuring, S2, W; appairing, S3.

A-piken, v. to trim, adorn, MD; apiked, pp., C. See OF. piquer (Cotg.).

Aplien, v. to apply, devote one’s energies to, NED; apply, S3.—OF. aplier; Lat. applicare.

Apointen, v. to come or bring matters to a point, to agree, arrange, to prepare, equip, NED.—OF. apointer, from a point.

Apointment, sb. agreement, NED; poyntemente, S3.—OF. apointement.

Aposen, v. to question, S2, PP, Prompt.; apposen, C3, PP. Cp. Opposen.

Apostel, sb. apostle, S; appostel, NED; appostil, NED; apostle, W; postlis, pl. NED.—AS. apostol; Church Lat. apostolus (Vulg.); Gr. ἀπόστολος, one sent forth, messenger; cp. AF. apostle (OF. apostre).

Apostil-hed, sb. office of apostle, W.

Apotecarie, sb. apothecary, C; potekary, NED.—OF. apotecaire; Late Lat. apothecarium (acc.), from apotheca; Gr. ἀποθήκη, storehouse.

Apoyson, v. to poison, PP; apoysoned, pp., PP.—OF. apoisoner, for empoisoner. (A- 10.)

App-; see Ap-.

Appairen, v. to injure; appayre, S2, P; see Apeyren.

Appairing, sb. injuring, S3.

Appel, sb. apple, PP; eppel, MD; applis, pl. W2.—AS. æppel.

Apple-garnade, sb. pomegranate, S2 (garnade). Cf. Garnet-appille.

Aprentis, sb. apprentice, NED; prentis, S2, PP; aprentys, pl. PP.—OF. aprentis (AF. aprentiz), nom. of aprentif, from aprendre, to learn; Lat. apprehendere = ad + prehendere. (A- 7.)

A-quenchen, v. to quench, PP; acwenchen, S; aqueynte, pt. s. S2; aqueynt, PP.—AS. á-cwencan. (A- 1.)

Aquerne, sb. squirrel, S, NED; acquerne, S.—AS. ácwern (Voc.); cp. Icel. íkorni, G. eichhorn, MDu. éncoren.

Aqueyntaunce, sb. acquaintance, S2, CM, MD.—OF. acointance, AF. aqueyntance. (A- 7.)

Aqueynten, v. to become known, MD; aquointe, pp. acquainted, NED; aquente, NED; aquynt, S2.—OF. acointer (acuinter); Late Lat. adcognitare, from Lat. ad + cognitum, pp. of cognoscere. (A- 7.)

Ar, prep., conj. and adv. before, S, S2, G, H, P; see Er.

Ar, pr. pl. are, S2, PP; see Aren.

Arace, v. to pull up by the roots, C2, CM; arache, NED.—AF. aracer, OF. esrachier; Lat. e(x)radicare. (A- 9.)

Aranye, sb. spider, Prompt.; arain, HD; aranee, HD; eranye, Prompt.; erayne, Prompt.; erayn, H; arane, H; erane, Voc.; yreyne, W2; aran, H; irain, NED; arrans, pl., HD; yreyns, W2.—OF. araigne (iraigne); Lat. aranea.

Arate, v. to correct, blame, rate, PP. Probably a variant of Aretten. Cf. OF. aratter = aretter (Godefroy).

Aray, sb. array, PP; array, S2 (19. 393), C2, C.—OF. arei (arroi).

Arayen, v. to array, NED, PP; arayed, pp. W; arrayed, C2, C3.—AF. arayer; OF. areier, areer: It. arredare (Florio); from Lat. ad + Low Lat. *rēdo (OF. rei), preparation, of Teutonic origin. (A- 7.)

Arblaste, sb. a military engine for throwing missiles, MD, S2; alblast, S2.—OF. arbaleste; Late Lat. arcuballista.

Arblaster, sb. an arblast-man, S2.

Arch, sb. arch, Prompt.; arches, pl. court of Arches, P.—OF. arche (Cotg.).

Arch-, prefix, chief; erche-, Church Lat. archi-; Gr. ἀρχι-, ἀρχ-.

Arch-angel, sb. archangel, S, PP; archangles, pl. S.—Church Lat. archangelus; Gr. ἀρχάγγελος.

Arche-biscop, sb. archbishop, S; erchebissop, S2.—AS. ærce-biscop (S); Lat. archi- + AS. biscop.

Archer, sb. archer, S2; archeer, C2; harchere. Voc.—AF. archer. See Ark.

Archi-deken, sb. archdeacon, PP; erchedekene, S2.

Archi-flamyn, sb. high-priest, S2.—Church Lat. archiflamen, archbishop (Ducange), from Lat. flamen.

Archi-triclin, sb. the ruler of the feast, S; architriclyn, W.—Church Lat. architriclinus (Vulg.); Gr. ἀρχιτρίκλινος.

Arch-wyfe, sb. a wife who rules; arche-wyues, pl. C2, CM.

Are, sb. honour, reverence, also, grace, clemency, MD, NED, S; ore, S, S2, G, HD; happy augury, MD, S.—AS. áre (ár); cp. OHG. éra, honour (Otfrid).

Are, sb. oar, MD; see Ore.

A-recchen, v. to explain, expound, to speak, NED.—AS. á-reccan. (A- 1.)

A-rechen, v. to reach, to strike, to reach in thought, to imagine, to be sufficient, 13 NED, S, S (ii. 47), S2, W, PP.—AS. á-rǽcan. (A- 1.)

A-reden, v. to declare, to interpret, NED, W; areede, W.—AS. á-rédan; cp. G. errathen. (A- 1.)

A-redy, adj. ready, P, HD, NED; ȝe-redi, MD. (A- 6.)

Are-full, adj. compassionate, MD, S.—AS. ár-full.

Are-les, adj. merciless, MD; oreleas, S; oreles, S.—AS. ár-léas.

Aren, v. to show mercy to, S, MD.—AS. árian.

Aren, pr. pl. are, S, PP; arn, MD, C2, PP; are, MD; ar, MD, S2, PP; ere, MD, S2; er, H.—ONorth. aron.

Arende, sb. errand; HD, PP; see Erende.

Arerage, sb. the state of being in arrear, indebtedness, NED, PP; arrerage, C, PP.—OF. arerage, AF. arrerage.

Arere, adv. to the rear, in the rear, PP; Arrere, PP.—AF. arere; Late Lat. ad retro, backward. (A- 7.)

A-reren, v. to raise, build, to arise, to rear, S2, PP; arearen, S; areride, pt. s., W; arerde, S; arerd, S; arerdon, pl., S; arered, pp., S2, W, W2; arerd, S2.—AS. á-rǽran: Goth. ur-raisjan. Causal of Arisen. (A- 1.)

A-rest, at rest, PP. (A- 2.)

Arest, sb. stop, S2; arreest, custody, C. Phr.: spere in arest, in rest, C.—OF. areste, stoppage, AF. arest, act of arresting. (A- 7.)

Aresten, v. int. and tr. to stop, cause to stop, NED, C.—AF. arester; Lat. ad + restare. (A- 7.)

Aretten, v. to reckon, count, accuse, NED, W, W2; aretted, pp. C; arettid, W, W2; rettid, W.—AF. aretter, OF. areter; a + reter: OSp. reptar, to challenge (Minsheu); Lat. reputare, to count; cp. Late Lat. reptare (Ducange). (A- 7.) Cf. Retten.

A-reysen, v. to raise, to arouse, NED; areysed, pt. s., S3; areisid, pp., W. (A- 1.)

Areȝth, sb. cowardice; areȝthe, dat., S. See Arwe.

Arfeð, adj. difficult, MD; arefeð, S; earfeð, MD; arueð, NED; erfeð, MD.—AS. earfeðe; cp. earfeðe, earfoþ, labour, toil: Goth. arbaiths.

Argoile, sb. the tartar deposited from wines, C3, NED; arguyll, NED; argall, Cotg. (s.v. tartre), ND.—AF. argoil.

Arguen, v. to prove, to reason, PP.—OF. arguer; Late Lat. argutare, from Lat. arguere.

Arguere, sb. reasoner, PP.

Argument, sb. proof, clear proof, proof presumptive, NED; argumens, pl., PP.—AF. argument; Lat. argumentum.

Argumenten, v. to argue, C3, S2.

A-risen, v. to arise, MD; aryse, PP; aris, imp. s. S; arys, PP; arist, pr. s., S, S2, C3; aros, pt. s., S, PP; aroos, PP; arisen, pp., MD; arise, S2.—AS. á-rísan. (A- 1.)

A-rist, sb. rising, resurrection, NED; aristes, gen., S; ariste, dat., S.—AS. ǽ-ríst. (A- 1.)

Ariue, v. to arrive, to come to shore, S; aroue, pt. s., NED; ariuede, pl. S2; aryue, pp., S; aryven, NED.—AF. ariver; Late Lat. arribare, arripare, adripare, from Lat. ad + ripa, shore. (A- 7.)

Ariue, sb. landing, arrival, C, NED.

A-rixlien, v. to rule; arixlye, S. (A- 1.)

A-riȝt, adv. in a right way, straightway, S2; aryght, C2; ariȝte, S; origt, S. (A- 2.)

Ark, sb. an ark, chest, MD; arrke, S; arc, S2.—Lat. arca; cp. OF. arche.

Ark, sb. segment of a circle, C2, MD.—OF. arc; Lat. arcum (acc.), a bow.

Arles, sb. an earnest, NED, JD, HD.—Probably a plural in form from an OF. *erle, *arle; Lat. *arrhula, dim. of arrha, for arrhabo; Gr. ἀρραβών; Heb. ‘érábón. Cp. OF. erres, arres: Sp. arras (Minsheu); Lat. arrhas, pl. acc. of arrha. See Ernes.

Arly, adj. and adv. early, S2, H; see Erly.

Arm, sb. arm, MD; earmes, pl., S, MD; armes, interj. arms! an oath, by God’s arms, S3, NED. Phr.: Gog’s arms, S3.—AS. earm: Icel. armr: Goth. arms.

Arm, adj. poor, wretched, MD; ærm, MD; erme, dat. S; arme, pl. S; earme, MD.—AS. earm: Icel. armr: Goth. arms.

Armen, v. to arm, C3, PP; i-armed, pp., S.—AF. armer; Lat. armare.

Armes, sb. pl. weapons, coat-armour, MD, P.—AF. armes.

Arm-heorted, adj. tender-hearted, S.—Cp. AS. earm-heort.

Arm-hertnesse, sb. compassion, S.


Arminge, sb. the act of arming, putting on of armour, C2.

Armipotent, adj. mighty in arms, C.—Lat. armipotentem.

Armony, sb. harmony, S3.—F. harmonie; Lat. harmonia; Gr. ἁρμονία.

Armure, sb. armour, weapons, P, C2, C3, G; armoure, C2; armuris, pl., W, W2.—AF. armure (armoure), armeure; Lat. armatura.

Arn, sb. eagle, HD; aryn, H; see Ern.

Arnde, pt. s. ran, S; see Rennen.

A-rode, on the rood (the cross), NED, S, S2. (A- 2.)

A-rowe, adv. in a row, one after another, S; areawe, S; arewe, NED. (A- 2.)

Arr-; see Ar-.

Arr, sb. scar, wound, NED, JD; ar, HD; see Erre.

Arred, pp. scarred, JD.

Arsenik, sb. arsenic, C3.—OF. arsenic; Lat. arsenicum; Gr. ἀρσενικόν, yellow orpiment, orig. the masculine, male, from ἄρσην, a male.

Arskes, pl. newts, S2; see Ask.

Arsmetike, sb. arithmetic, NED; arsmetrike, C.—OF. arismetique: Prov. arismetica; Lat. arithmetica; Gr. ἀριθμητική (τέχνη), the art of counting.

Arst, adj. and adv. superl. first, G, P; see Erst.

Art, sb. a quarter of the heaven, point of the compass, NED, S3; airt, NED, JD; airth, NED; airtis, pl., S3.—Gael. ard; OIr. aird, top, height, point.

Artou, art thou, S2; artow, S2, C2, C3. See Ert.

Arwe, sb. arrow, NED; arewe, S2; arwes, pl. S2, C2, P; arewis, W2; arowis, W2.—AS. arwe for *arhwe; cp. Goth. arhwazna, arrow, the thing belonging to the bow, from *arhw = Lat. arcus.

Arwe, adj. cowardly, timid, lazy, sluggish, vile, base, Prompt.; areȝ, S; arh, MD; arȝ, NED; erewe, S; arewe, sb. betrayer, enemy, S, MD.—AS. earg (earh); Icel. argr; cp. OHG. arg (Otfrid).

Arwed, pp. made cowardly, PP.

Arȝen, v. to be timid, to frighten, NED.

As, sb. unit, a single bit, a jot, ace, NED, C2; ace, S3; ase, PP. Phr.: ambes as, double aces, C2.—OF. as; Lat. as.

Asailen, v. to leap upon, assail, PP; assaile, PP, S; assaille, C2, PP; asailid, pp., PP; assalȝeit, S2.—AF. assailir, OF. asalir; Late Lat. adsalire. (A- 7.)

A-saken, v. to deny, renounce; asoke, pt. s., S.—AS. of-sacan (Schmid). (A- 3.) Cf. Of-saken.

Asaut, sb. assault, S2; assaut, C, PP.—OF. asaut. (A- 7.)

Ascapie, v. to escape, PP; askapie, PP; ascapen, PP.—OF. escaper (Picard). Cf. Achape.

Ascaunce, conj. as though, C3, NED.

Asche, sb. ash, cinis; aische, W, W2; aske, H; asken, pl., S; axen, S; asshen, C2; asskess, S; asshes, C3; aschis, W2; askes, S2, P; askis, H; askez, S2.—AS. asce (axe): Icel. aska: Goth. azgo.

Ascrien, v. to cry out, NED; escrien, MD.—OF. escrier; Late Lat. ex + quiritare, see Diez.

Ascrive, v. to ascribe, H.—OF. ascriv- stem of pr. p. of ascrire: It. ascrivere; Lat. adscribere. (A- 7.)

Ascry, sb. outcry, S2.

Asegen, v. to besiege, C.—OF. asegier: It. assediare (Florio). (A- 7.)

Aselen, v. to seal up, to set one’s seal to, NED; aseele, W2; asselen, PP, S2.—OF. anseler, enseler; Late Lat. insigillare, from sigillum, seal. (A- 10.) Cf. Ensele.

A-senchen, v. to cause to sink, S; aseynt, pp., MD. (A- 1.)

Asent, sb. assent, S2, PP; assent, C3, PP.—OF. as(s)ent. (A- 7.)

Aseth, sb. satisfaction, PP, HD; aseeth, W; asethe, Cath., HD; assyth, JD; assetz, PP; asseth, NED, HD.—OF. aset, asset; from Late Lat. ad satis. For the final -t in OF. = þ in English, cp. OF. feit with ME. feiþ, faith. Hence our assets. (A- 7.)

A-setnesse, sb. appointed order, S.—AS. á-setnis, institute (Schmid).

A-setten, v. to set up, appoint, NED.—AS. á-settan. (A- 1.)

Asise, sb. decree, edict, judgment, S2; assise, C, G; assises, pl. assizes, PP.—OF. as(s)ise, a sitting down, settlement of imposts, from as(s)is, pp. of as(s)eeir, to sit at, to settle; Lat. assidere. (A- 7.)

Asisour, sb. juror, PP; acisoure, PP; sisour, PP; sysour, PP.

Ask-; see Asc-.

Ask, sb. a newt or eft, a lizard, NED, HD, JD; aske, NED; asker, HD, JD, 15 DG; askis, pl., NED; arskes, S2.—AS. áðexe: OS. egithassa; cp. OHG. egidehsa (G. eidechse).

Aske, sb. ash, H; askes, pl., S2, P; askis, H; see Asche.

Aske-baðie, sb. one who sits among the ashes, S; askebathe, NED.

Aske-fise, sb. one who blows the ashes, Prompt.; askfist, NED. Cp. Sw. askefis and G. aschenfister (Grimm).

Asken, v. to ask, S, S2; eskien, MD; aschen, MD; eschen, MD; esse, MD, S2; ocsien, MD; acsien, MD, S2; axien, MD, S2; axen, S, S2, S3, C2, C3, W, W2; escade, pt. s., S; easkede, S; haxede, S; esste, S2.—AS. áscian: OHG. eiscón (Otfrid); cp. G. heischen.

A-slaken, v. to diminish, to become slack, C, NED. (A- 1.)

A-slawe, pp. slain, S2; aslaȝe, S; aslaȝen S.—AS. á-slagen, pp. of á-sléan, see Sievers, 378. (A- 1.)

A-slepe, adv. asleep, S, PP.—AS. on slǽpe. (A- 2.)

A-slepid, pp. gone to sleep, W2.

A-sonder, adv. asunder, C, C3.—AS. on sundran. (A- 2.)

A-soylen, v. to absolve, to answer (a question), PP, S2; assoile, S3, C3, P, G; asoyly, NED; asoilede, pt. s., S2; asoylede, S2; assoylid, pp., W.—OF. asoiler, assoiler; Late Lat. absoluere (= Lat. absolovere). (A- 8.)

Aspaltoun, sb. asphalt, S2.—OF. *aspaltoun; from Late Lat. asphalton; Gr. ἄσφαλτον.

Aspect, sb. a term in astrology; the relative positions of the heavenly bodies as they appear at a given time, NED, SkD, Sh.; aspectis, pl., S3.—Lat. aspectus. (A- 7.)

Aspert, adj. expert, clever, S3; see Apert.

Aspie, sb. spy, W, W2; aspye, C3; aspy, S3.—OF. espie.

Aspien, v. to look after, to watch, S2, S3, W, W2.—OF. espier. See Espye.

Aspiere, sb. spy, W.

A-spillen, v. to destroy, kill, S. (A- 1.)

Aspiyng, sb. ambush, W.

Aspre, adj. rough, cruel, fierce, NED.—OF. aspre; Lat. asprum, rough, harsh.

Asprely, adv. roughly, fiercely, S3; asperliche, NED.

A-squint, adv. obliquely, out at the corner of the eyes, S.

Ass-; see As-.

Assay, sb. trial, experiment, an attempt, attack, tested quality, NED, S2, S3, C2, C3; asaie, W.—AF. assai (asai): It. assaggio; Lat. exagium, a weighing, from ex-agere (exigere), to weigh, prove, to drive out the tongue of the balance.

Assayen, v. to examine, to attack, S2, S3, C2, P; asaien, W2; asayen, S3; assaied, pp., W.—AF. assayer (asayer): It. assaggiare.

Assemble, sb. assembly, P.—OF. asemblee.

Assemblen, v. to bring together, to come together, NED; assembled, pp., C3.—OF. asembler; Lat. assimulare.

Assiduel, adj. continual, H; asseduel, H.—OF. assiduel.

Assiduelly, adv. continually, H.

Assoilen, v. to loosen, absolve, explain, PP, S3, C3; see Asoylen.

Assoillyng, sb. absolution, acquittal, C.

Astate, sb. state, estate, S3; see Estat.

A-sterten, v. to start up, to happen, to escape, NED, S2, S3, C3, C; astart, S3; asterted, pt. s., S2, C3. (A- 1.)

A-stiȝen, v. to proceed, ascend, descend, MD; astighð, pr. s., S; astah, pt. s., S.—AS. á-stígan. (A- 1.)

Astonen, v. to stupefy, amaze, NED; astony, NED, C2; astonyed, pp., W, PP; astoynde, S3.—OF. estoner; Late Lat. *extonare, to stupefy as with a thunderbolt. (A- 9.)

Astore, v. to repair, to provide, store, NED; astorede, pt. s., S2; astored, pp., C; astorid, W2.—AF. estōrer, OF. estaurer; Lat. instaurare. (A- 10.) Cf. Enstore.

A-strangeled, pp. suffocated, S2, (A- 6.) See Strangelyn.

Astronomye, sb. astronomy, PP.—OF. astronomie; Lat. astronomia; Gr. ἀστρονομία.

Astronomyen, sb. astronomer, astrologer, PP; astromyenes, pl. (= Lat. magi), W; astrymyanes, PP.—OF. astronomien.

Asure, sb. azure, NED, C2, C.—OF. asur, azur; Low Lat. lazur (lazulus); Pers. lajward.

Aswagen, v. to assuage, C2, PP.—AF. as(s)uager: Prov. assuaviar; from Lat. suauis. (A- 7.)

A-swelten, v. to die, S, NED. (A- 1.)


Aswithe, adv. as quickly as possible, S2, PP; asswythe, S2; see Alswithe.

A-swowne, pp. as adv. aswoon, C2; assowe, HD.—AS. ge-swógen, see NED (s.v. aswoon) and SkD (s.v. swoon). (A- 6.)

A-syde, adv. aside, C2. (A- 2.)

At-, prefix (1), at; et-; a-.—AS. æt-.

At-, prefix (2), from, away; et-.—AS. æt- for oð- proclitic form of *úð-, away: Goth. unþa-; cp. Du. ont-, OHG. int- (G. ent-).

At, pron. rel. and conj. that, S2, S3, H, NED; see Þat.

At, prep. at, in, with, from, of, amongst, PP, S, S2, C2; et, S; æt, S; ed, S; at, used with the infin. mood, S2, NED (vi), H. Comb.:—atte, at the, PP, S, S2, C2; ate, S, S2; ette, S; eter, S; atten, S2, PP; at-after, after, C2; att-alle, in every way, S2; at-foren, before, MD; et-foren, S; at-uore, S2; at-om, at home, S2, PP; at-on, at one, in accord, NED, S; at oon, G (s.v. oon), C2; at-ones, at once, together, PP, C2, C3; attonis, S3; attonys, S3; attones, S3.

Atache, v. to arrest, indict, S2, PP; attache, PP; atteche, S3, NED; atachet, pp., S2, PP.—AF. attacher; cp. It. attaccare. (A- 7.)

A-take, v. to overtake, catch, C3, HD, NED. Phr.: wel atake, well caught, NED. (A 1.)

Atamen, v. to cut into, broach, open (a vessel), NED, PP, HD; attamen, HD, Prompt., C2.—OF. atamer: Prov. (en)-tamenar; Lat. attaminare. (A- 7.)

Atazir, sb. influence (astrological term), S2, S3. Cp. Sp. atazir; Arab. at-tâthîr, ’al + tâthîr, influence, see Steingass, Arab. Dict., p. 157, and Dozy’s Glossary, s.v. atacir.

At-beren, v. to bear away, NED; atbar, pt. s., HD.—AS. æt-beran. (At- 2.)

At-breken, v. to break away, escape, NED. (At- 2.)

At-bresten, v. to burst away, escape, NED.—AS. (æt-bærstan. (At- 2.)

Ate, sb. eating, S. See Eten.

Atel, adj. terrible; atell, NED.—AS. atol; cp. Icel. atall.

Atelich, adj. horrible, S; eatelich, S.—AS. atelic.

Ateliche, adv. horribly, S.—AS. atelice.

Atempre, pp. as adj. temperate, H; attempre, C, HD.—OF. atempré; Lat. attemperatus. (A- 7.)

Atemprely, adv. temperately, H, HD.

A-tenden, v. to set on fire, kindle, MD; atend, pr. s., S. (A- 2.) Cf. Ontenden.

At-ewen, v. to show, to appear; atewede, pt. s., NED; atywede, S; atawed, pp., MD.—AS. æt-éawan (æt-ýwan): Goth. at-augjan, from augo, the eye; cp. OHG. ougen, to show (Otfrid). Cf. Awnen. (At- 1.)

Ateynt, pp. convicted, affected with sorrow, PP; atteynt, S3; attaynt, S3.—OF. ateint, pp. of ateindre, to attain; Lat. attingere. (A- 7.)

At-fallen, v. to fall away, NED.—AS. æt-feallan. (At- 2.)

At-fleon, v. to flee away, NED; atfliþ, pr. s., S.—AS. æt-fléon. (At- 2.)

At-fore, prep. before, NED; atuore, S2; etforen, S; afore, NED.—AS. æt-foran. (At- 1.) Cf. Afore.

At-gangen, v. to go away, MD; atgo, MD, NED. (At- 2.)

Ath, sb. oath, S; see Oth.

Athamaunte, sb. adamant, C; see Adamant.

Athamant; see Adamant.

Athel, adj. and sb. of good birth, noble, a lord, NED, S, S2; hathel, NED, S2; hathill, NED; hatell, NED.—AS. æðele, eðele: OS. eðili: OTeut. *aþalis, of good family, from *aþal, race, family; cp. OHG. adal (Otfrid).

Aþeling, sb. a member of a noble family, a noble, a prince of the blood royal, NED; eþelyng, S.

A-þestrien, v. to darken, S.—AS. á-þéostrian. (A- 1.)

A-þet, conj. until that, S. See Oth.

At-holden, v. to withhold, retain, S; athælde, S; ethalden, S; athalde, S; etholden, S; ethalt, pr. s., S; atheold, pt. s., S; atholde, pp., S.—AS. óð-healdan. (At- 2.)

Atiffen, v. to adorn, deck the person, S.—OF. atiffer, cp. atifer (Cotg.) (A- 7.)

Atisen, v. to stir up, urge, entice, NED attyse, HD; attice, NED.—OF. atiser, to kindle (Bartsch); Late Lat. attitiare, from ad + titium (for titio) a brand (Voc.), see Ducange, s.v. atticinari. For the change of ti into soft s as well as into ç see Brachet, s.v. agencer. (A- 7.)

Atlien, v. to think, suppose, intend, to direct one’s way, to go, MD; attle, MD; attele, S2; etlien, MD; etteleden, pt. pl., S2.—Icel. ætla (etla); related to OHG. ahtón, to consider.


Atlinge, sb. purpose, conjecture, MD; etlunge, S.

At-reden, v. to outdo in counsel, C, NED. (At- 2.)

At-rennen, v. to run away, to surpass in running, C, MD; att-rann, pt. s., S; at-ornde, NED. (At- 2.)

At-rinen, v. to touch, to befall, NED; att-ryne, MD.—AS. æt-hrínan. (At- 1.)

At-routen, v. to rush away, escape, S2; at-ruten, NED. From AS. hrútan. (At- 2.)

At-scheoten, v. to shoot away, MD; atschet, pt. s., S; atschote, pp. NED. (At- 2.)

At-stonden, v. to withstand, S; edstonden, S, NED. (At- 2.)

At-stonden, v. to remain, to stop, NED, S2; etstonden, NED; atstonde, pp., S.—AS. æt-standan. (At- 1.)

Att-; see At-.

Attame, v. to broach, to cut into, HD, C2; see Atamen.

Atteir, sb. attire, S3; see Atyre.

Atter, sb. poison, venom, esp. of reptiles, NED, S; hatter, NED.—AS. attor, for *átor, átr, (Voc.); cp. OHG. eitar, eittar (Otfrid).

Atter-coppe, sb. spider, NED, S; attercop, HD.—AS. attor-coppa.

Atter-lich, adj. venomous, bitter; atterluche, NED.

Atter-liche, adv. bitterly, NED.

Atter-lothe, sb. an antidote to poison, applied spec. to various plants, NED, Voc., HD.—AS. attor-láðe.

Attern, adj. venomous, cruel, HD, NED; hatterne, NED.—AS. ættern, ættren. See Atter.

Attice, v. to stir up, NED; see Atisen.

Attour, sb. array, dress, head-dress, HD; atour, NED; aturn, S.—OF. atour, aturn, from aturner, atorner; Lat. ad + tornare, to round off.

Attri, adj. venomous, S, HD; attriȝ, NED; wattri, S2.—AS. ættrig. See Atter.

A-tweyne, in twain, PP. (A- 2.)

At-witen, v. to reproach, twit, S.—AS. æt-wítan. (At- 1.)

At-witen, v. to depart, NED; atwot, pt. s., MD. (At- 2.)

A-two, in two, S2, C2, C3, PP; ato, S2. (A- 2.)

A-twynne, in two, apart, W, G, PP; atwinne, C3; atwynny, W; otwinne, S; otwyn, H. (A- 2.)

Atyre, sb. equipment, dress, head-dress, PP, Cath.; atir, S2; atteir, S3; atyr, HD.

Atyren, v. to attire, NED; atyred, pp., PP; atired, PP; tyred, S2.—OF. atirer. (A- 7.)

Auchtene, num. eighteen, S3; see Eightene.

Aucte, sb. property, S; see Auhte.

Auctoritee, sb. authority, C2, C3; autorite, S3; auctorite, C.—AF. autorite, auctorite; Lat. auctoritatem.

Auctour, sb. author, C, C2, HD; auctor, S3; autour, S3, NED.—AF. autour; Lat. auctorem, from augere, to make to grow, to originate.

Augrim, sb. arithmetic, S; see Algorisme.

Auh, conj. but, S; see Ac.

Auht, adj. worthy, valiant, doughty, NED (s.v. aught); aȝt, S2, MD; oht, S; aht, NED; æht, MD.—AS. áwiht (áht). Cf. Ought.

Auhte, sb. possessions, NED; auht, S2; ahte, S2; eahte, MD; ahhte, S; agte, S, S (15. 2090); eihte, MD, S; echte, S; ehte, S; eyhte, S; aihte, S; ayhte, S; aucte, S; aght, S2.—AS. ǽht: Goth. aihts. See Owen.

Auhte, pt. s. ought, S; aucte, owned, S; see Owen.

Aul, sb. an awl; aule, NED; owel, S; aules, pl., S.—AS. awel (Voc.); cp. OHG. ala (G. ahle).

Aulf, sb. elf, SkD; auph, SkD; awf, HD; ouphe, Sh.; oaf, SkD.—Icel. álfr. Cf. Elf.

Aumener, sb. an alms-purse, a purse, NED, HD.—OF. aumoniere; Low Lat. *almosinaria (bursa).

Aumoner, sb. almoner, alms-giver, NED; aumonere, S2, NED; aumenere, HD; amner, HD.—OF. aumoner; Church Lat. *almosinarius, from *alimosina. See Almesse.

Aun-; see An-.

Auncel, sb. a kind of balance and weight, NED, S2, PP; auncer, PP; auncere, P, HD.—AF. auncelle for *launcelle; Late Lat. lancella (cp. It. lancella), ‘a kind of measure,’ (Florio); dim. of Lat. lanx (lancem), a plate, a scale of a balance.

Auncessour, sb. ancestor, NED; ancessour, NED, HD.—AF. ancessur; Lat. antecessorem.

Aunceter, sb. predecessor, ancestor, 18 NED, S2, CM; ancestre, NED; auncestre, NED; aunsetters, pl., NED, HD; aunceteres, HD.—AF. auncestre, ancestre; Lat. ante-cessor.

Auncien, adj. old, whilom, ex-; sb. an old man, an elder (title of dignity), a senior member of an Inn of Court, NED; auncient, S3 (25. 136), HD.—AF. auncien, OF. ancien; Late Lat. antianum (cp. It. anziano), for ante-anum, from Lat. ante, before.

Auncre, sb. anchoress, nun, S2; see Ancre.

Aunder, sb. afternoon, HD; see Undern.

Aunders-meat, sb. afternoon’s collation, Cotg. (s.v. reciné), HD. Cp. Goth. undaurni-mats.

Aungel, sb. angel, messenger, W; aunge, HD; aungeles, pl., S2, C3; aungels, W2 (Ps. 90. 11).—AF. angele. Cf. Angel, Engel.

Auntour, sb. chance, adventure, S2; aunter, S3. Comb.: anaunter, for an aunter, in case, S2; see Auenture.

Auntren, v. to adventure, S3, G, PP.—OF. aventurer.

Auntrous, adj. adventurous, C2, PP.

Auote, adv. on foot, S2; see A-fote.

Auter, sb. altar, S, S2, C, C2, C3, P, W, W2; awter, S3, HD.—OF. auter, alter; Lat. altare.

Autorite, sb. authority, C; see Auctoritee.

Autour, sb. author, S3; see Auctour.

Corrected by author from “Autour; see Auctor.”

Au- (Av-); see Af-.

Auailen, v. to avail, PP; auailȝe, B; auaille, C2, PP, S2; auayle, PP, Prompt.; awayled, pt. s., S2.—Cp. OF. vail(l)e, from valoir; Lat. ualere.

Aual, imp. s. fell, cause to fall, S; see A-fallen.

Aualen, v. to descend, to lower, MD, S2, S3, B; availl, B; availed, pp., S3.—OF. avaler, from phr. à val; Lat. ad uallem, to the valley. (A- 7.)

Auarous; see Auerous.

Auaunce, v. to advance, NED, S3, C, C3, P; awance, S3; avaunset, pp., S2; auanced, S2.—OF. avancer.

Auauncement, sb. advancement, G; auancement, S2.

Auaunt, adv., and interj. forward, away, NED.—AF. avaunt, OF. avant; Late Lat. ab-ante.

Avaunt, sb. boast, vaunt, C, NED. See Auaunten.

Auauntage, sb. superiority, advantage, NED, S3, C; auantage, S2, C3.—AF. avantage, from avant, before.

Avaunten, v. to speak proudly of, to commend, to boast, NED, W2.—OF. avanter; Lat. ad + Late Lat. vanitare, to boast. (A- 7.)

Avauntour, sb. boaster, C; auaunter, NED.—OF. avanteur. (A- 7.)

Auentaille, sb. the moveable front of a helmet, C2, HD.—AF. aventaille, OF. esventail; Late Lat. *exventaculum, airhole. (A- 9.)

Auente, v. to get air by opening the aventaille, HD, NED.

Auenture, sb. chance, a chance occurrence, jeopardy, S, S3, C, C3, G, PP; auentur, S2; auntour, S2; aunter, S3, PP; antur, MD; eventour, HD. Comb.: an auenture, lest perchance, PP; on auenture, in case, PP; anaunter, for an aunter, S2; in auenture, PP.—AF. aventure; Lat. aduentura, a thing about to happen. (A- 7.)

Auer, sb. property, a beast of burden, HD.—AF. aver (pl. avers); OF. aveir (avoir); Lat. habere, to have.

Auere; see Afure.

Auerous, adj. greedy, H, HD, CM; auerouse, W, W2, PP; auarous, S2, PP, NED.—OF. averus. See Auer.

Auerylle, sb. April, NED; aueril, S2; auerel, PP.—OF. avril; Lat. aprilis, from aperire. See Apert.

A-ulem, imp. s. drive away, S; see Aflemen.

Auoide, v. to empty, to make of no effect, to make void, to remove, to move away, retire, to avoid, NED, W; auoyde, W; auoyd, WW, Sh.; auoided, pp., W, W2.—AF. avolder; OF., esvuidier; es, out + vuidier, to empty. (A- 9.)

Avouter, sb. adulterer, W2; avowtere, Prompt.—OF. avoutre, aöutre; Lat. adulterum. For intercalated v see Brachet (s.v. corvée).

Avoutrer, sb. adulterer, HD; auoutreris, pl., W; avowtreris, W2.

Avoutresse, sb. adulteress, W.—OF. avoutresse.

Avoutrie, sb. adultery, PP, CM, W, HD; avoutry, Cath.; avowtrie, NED, W; avowtery, NED; auowtries, pl., W.—OF. avoutrie, aöuterie, aülterie; Lat. adulterium.

Auowe, sb. vow, S3, PP, Prompt.; auow, S2, C, C3, G; auou, PP; auowis, pl., W, W2.

Avowen, v. to bind with a vow, NED, W (Acts. 23. 14), P.—OF. avoer; Late 19 Lat. advotare, from Lat. uotum; from uouere. (A- 7.)

Avowen, v. to call upon or own as defender, patron, or client, to avow, acknowledge, NED, S3, C3, PP.—AF. avower, OF. avouer, avoer; Lat. ad-vocare. (A- 7.)

Avowry, sb. patronage, a patron saint, NED; vorie, NED.—AF. avouerie, from OF. avoeor; Lat. aduocatorem.

Avoy, interj. exclamation of surprise, fear, remonstrance, NED, C, HD.—OF. avoi.

Auys, sb. opinion, advice, C3; avise, PP.—OF. avis.

Auyse, v. to observe, consider, give advice, S2, C2, C3, H, PP; auisen, PP, S2.—AF. aviser; Late Lat. advisare. (A- 7.)

Auysely, adv. advisedly, H; auisili, W.

Auysement, sb. consideration, C2; auisement, S2.

Auysyon, sb. vision, S3; auision, C, S2.—OF. avision (Bartsch).

Aw-; see Au-.

A-wakenen, v. intrans. to awake, S; awakenin, S; awakened, pp., S.—AS. on-wæcnan. (A- 2.)

A-wakien, v. intrans. to awake, S; awalk (for awakk?), imp., S3; awoik, pt. s., S3; awoilk (for awoikk?), S3.—AS. awacian (for on-wacian). (A- 2.)

Awarien; see Awerien.

A-way, adv. on way, onward, along, away (from a place), NED; awai, PP; awezz, S; awei, S; ewei, S2; owai, S2; aweye, C3, PP; away, interj. away, S2, NED.—AS. aweg, on weg. (A- 2.)

Awayte, v. to await, watch, S2, S3, PP; awaite, PP; awaitie, NED.—AF. awaitier; OF. aguaitier. (A- 7.)

Awayte, sb. a lying in wait, watching, NED, C.—AF. await; OF. aguait.

Away-ward, adv., adj. turned away, wayward, NED, PP awaywarde passing away, H.

Awe, sb. awe, C, C2; aȝe, NED.—Icel. agi (OTeut. *agon). Cf. Eȝe.

A-wecchen, v. to arouse out of sleep, NED, HD; aweihte, pt. s., NED; aweightte, HD; aweht, pp., NED.—AS. á-weccan; cp. OHG. ar-wekkan (Tatian): Goth. uswakjan. (A- 1.)

A-weden, v. to become mad, S2, NED.—AS. á-wédan. (A- 1.)

A-wei, interj. ah woe! alas! S.

A-welden, v. to control, S, NED.—AS. gewealdan. (A- 6.)

A-wenden, v. to go away, NED.—AS. á-wendan. (A- 1.)

A-wenden, v. to change to, NED; awente, pt. s., S.—AS. on-wendan. (A- 2.)

A-werien, v. to curse, S; awariede, pt. s., S.—AS. á-wergian. (A- 1.)

A-weȝen, v. to weigh out, NED; awiðhst, 2 pr. s., S.—AS. á-wegan. (A- 1.)

A-winnen, v. to win, NED; awynne, S.—AS. á-winnan. (A- 1.)

Awke, adj. turned the wrong way, sinister, perverse, NED, Prompt.—Icel. afugr.

Awke-ward, adv. in the wrong direction, NED; awkwart, S3.

Awnen, v. to show, NED; awwnenn, S.—Related to OHG. ougen, to show (Otfrid); from ougá, eye. See At-ewen.

A-wondrien, v. to be astonished, NED; awondered, pp., S2.—AS. of-wundrian. (A- 3.)

A-wreken, v. to take vengeance, to avenge, NED, S2, P; awreke, pp., S, G, PP; awroke, P.—AS. á-wrecan. (A- 1.)

Axen, sb. ashes, S. Comb.: axe-waddle, an indolent stay-at-home, HD; see Asche.

Axen, v. to ask, S, S2, S3, C2, C3, W, W2; axien, S2; see Asken.

Axer, sb. asker, W. Phr.: maistirful axer (= Lat. exactor), W; axere, W2.

Axinge, sb. Asking, C3; axyngis, pl., W, W2.

Ay, adv. ever, S, S2, S3, C2, H; ai, S, S2; aȝȝ, S.—Icel. ei. Cf. O.

Ay, sb. egg, G, HD; ayren, pl., MD; see Ey.

Ayel, sb. grandfather, forefather, C; ayeles, pl., PP.—OF. aïel, aïol: Pr. aviol; Late Lat. aviolus, dimin. of Lat. auus; see Brachet.

Ayen, prep., adv. against, back, S; see Aȝein.

Ayen-wende, v. to return, S.

Aynd, sb. breath, B; see Onde.

Aynding, sb. smelling, B; see Onding.

Ayr, sb. oar, B; see Ore.

Ay-where, adv. everywhere, S2, NED; aywhere, H; aywhore, S2; aiware, S; aihware, S; aihwer, SD.—AS. ǽ-g-hwǽr. Cf. O-wher.

A-ȝefen, v. to give, give up, give back, MD, S; aȝeuen, MD; aȝiuen, MD; aȝeoue, S; aȝaf, pt. s., S; a-iauen, pl., S.—AS. á-gifan. A- 1.)

A-ȝein, prep., adv., conj., opposite to, towards, against, in return for, again, PP, S, S2, G; aȝeyn, PP, S2; aȝen, PP, S, S2, G, W, W2; agayn, S2, S3, C2, PP; 20 agen, S; ayen, S; ageyn, S, S3, C2, PP; aȝain, S; ayeyn, S, C2; aȝean, S; aȝon, MD; agon, S; aȝien, S; aȝeo, S; aȝe, S2; aye, S2; igain, S2; oȝein, MD; ogain, MD.—AS. ongéan, ongeagn, see Sievers, 214, 3. (A- 2.)

A-ȝeines, prep. and conj. against, contrary to, in return for, PP, S; aȝeynes, PP; aȝenes, S, S2; agenes, S; agænes, S; aȝens, S2, W, W2, PP; aȝeins, PP; aȝeyns, PP; ayeins, C2; ageyns, S3, C2; agayns, C2, C3, PP; igaines, S2; oȝeines, S; oganis, S2; ogaines, S2; ogaynes, S2; onnȝæness, S. (A- 2.)

A-ȝeinst, prep. and conj. against, MD; aȝeynst, PP.

Aȝen, v. to have, to be obliged, to owe, S; see Owen.

Aȝen, adj. own, S; see Owen.

Aȝen, prep., adv. against, back, S; see Aȝein.

Aȝen-bien, v. to buy back, NED, W2; aȝeenbieth, pr. s., S2; aȝenboght, pt. s. S2; aȝenbouȝt, W, W2.

Aȝen-biere, sb. redeemer, NED, W, W2.

Aȝen-biyng, sb. redemption, NED, W.

Aȝen-clepe, v. to recall, W, W2.

Aȝen-fiȝtinge, pr. p. fighting against, W.

Aȝen-risyng, sb. resurrection, NED.

Aȝen-seyen, v. to say nay, to contradrict, NED; aȝenseie, W, W2.

Aȝen-stonden, v. to withstand, NED, W; aȝenstood, pt. s., W2.

Aȝen-ward, adv. backward, in reply, over again, NED, W, S3; aȝeinward, S2; agaynward, S2, C3.

A-ȝer, in the year, S2. (A- 2.)

Aȝte, num. eight, S2; aȝt, S2; see Eighte.

Aȝt-sum, adj. eight in all, S2.


Ba, adj. and conj. both, S.—AS. , both.

Baar, pt. s. bare, carried, C, W; see Beren.

Babelen, v. to babble, P.

Babelyng, sb. babbling, S3.

Baber-lipped, adj. having thick lips, P, Prompt.

Babishe, adj. babyish, S3.

Bacheler, sb. a bachelor, an unmarried man, C, C2; a novice in the church, or arms, young knight, P.—OF. bacheler.

Bachelerie, sb. state of bachelor, CM, MD; bachelrye, company of young men, C2.—OF. bachelerie.

Bacin, sb. basin, cymbal, a light helmet, MD; bacyn, helmet, MD.—OF. bacin.

Bacinet, sb. helmet, MD; bacenett, Prompt.; basnetes, pl., S3.—OF. bacinet.

Bacoun, sb. bacon, C, PP; bacon, PP.—OF. bacon.

Bad, pt. s. prayed, S; see Bidden.

Bad, pt. s. bade, C2; see Beoden.

Badde, adj. bad, PP; badder, comp. worse, C2.

Baddeliche, adv. badly, PP, HD.

Bade, pt. s. remained, S3; see Biden.

Bagage, sb. dregs, refuse, S3; baggage, ND.

Baid, pt. pl. remained, S3; see Biden.

Baie, in phr.: to baie, at bay, S2; see Bay.

Baili, sb. stewardship, villicatio, W; baillye, power of a bailiff, G.—OF. bailie, power.

Baili, sb. steward, villicus, W; baillif, bailiff, C; bailliues, pl., bailiffs, P; bayllyues, P.—OF. baillif.

Baill, sb. sorrow, S3; see Bale.

Bair, adj. bare, S3; see Bare.

Bairnis, sb. pl. bairns, S3; see Barn.

Baiten, v. to feed, C2, S3; bayte, S2, C3.—Icel. beita.

Bak, sb. back, PP, C; cloth for the back, cloak, coarse mantle, C3; bac, S.—AS. bæc.

Bak-biten, v. to backbite, slander, P.

Bak-bitere, sb. backbiter, S.

Bak-bitynge, sb. backbiting, P.

Baken, v. to bake, MD; boke, pt. s., MD; book, MD; baken, pp., P; bakenn, S; bake, C, C2, P; y-baken, P; y-bake, P.—AS. bacan.

Bakere, sb. baker, MD; bakers, pl., PP.

Bakestere, sb. baker, P; baxter, NED, P.—AS. bæcestre, woman-baker (also used of men).

Bald; see Bold.

Balde, pt. s. encouraged, S; see Bolden.

Bale, sb. sorrow, misfortune, death, S, 21 C3; destruction, S2; baill, S3; bales, pl., evils, torments, H; balys, S3.—AS. bealu.

Bale-drinch, sb. a deadly drink, S.

Bale-ful, adj. baleful, evil, MD.—AS. bealoful.

Bale-fully, adv. miserably; balfully, S2, MD.

Balene, sb. whale, S2, Voc.—Lat. balaena.

Bali, adj. grievous, S, NED.—AS. bealu, baleful: Goth. balws (in compounds).

Balies, sb. pl. bellies, S2, PP; see Bely.

Balke, sb. balk, beam, ridge, MD; balks, pl. ridges, divisions of land, S3; balkes, P.—AS. balca.

Balled, adj. bald, C, PP; ballede, S2, PP.

Baly; see Bely.

Ban, sb. bone, S, S2; banes, pl., S2; see Bon.

Band, pt. s. bound, S; see Binden.

Bane, sb. destruction, death, bane, poison, PP, C; bone, PP.—AS. bana, bona.

Banere, sb. banner, S, PP, Prompt.; baner, S2, C, PP.—OF. baniere.

Banere, sb. banner-bearer, NED.—OF. banere; Low Lat. bannator; from bannum, bandum, standard.

Baneur, sb. banner-bearer, S2; see Banyour.

Bank, sb. a bank, tumulus, PP; bonk, S2; bonkis, pl., S3; bonkez, S2.

Bannen, v. to ban, curse, summon, S2, S3, P; to forbid, prohibit severely, P; bonnen, MD; i-banned, pp., S.

Bannyng, sb. cursing, H.

Ban-wort, sb. bone-wort, S3, MD; see Bon.

Banyour, sb. banner-bearer, MD, S2; banyowre, Prompt.; banyer, MD; baneur, S2, NED; baneoure, PP.—AF. baneour, OF. baneor; Low Lat. *bannatorem.

Baptym, sb. baptism, S2, W; baptimys, pl. W.—OF. baptisme.

Bar, pt. s. bare, S, S2, C2; see Beren.

Barayn, adj. barren, S3; see Bareyne.

Barbarik, sb. barbarian, W.

Barbarus, sb. barbarian, W.

Barberyns, sb. pl. heathen men, W.

Barbour, sb. barber, C, NED; barboure, Prompt.—AF. barbour, OF. barbeor; Late Lat. barbatorem.

Barbre, adj. barbarous, S2, C3.

Bare, sb. bier, S; see Beere.

Bare, sb. a wave, billow, NED, S2 (8b. 38); beres, pl., NED; bieres, MD; beares, MD.—Icel. bára.

Bare, sb. boar, S2; see Boor.

Bare, adj. bare, simple, single, sheer, S, C; bair, bare, worn alone, S3. Comb.: baruot, barefoot, S.

Bare, sb. the open country, S; naked skin, W.

Barel, sb. barrel, C2.—OF. baril.

Baren, v. to make bare, uncover, S, MD; y-bared, pp., S3.—AS. barian.

Baret, sb. deceit, strife, NED; barrat, confusion, S3.—OF. barat, fraud; cp. Icel. barátta, a contest.

Bareyne, adj. barren, C, C2, PP; bareyn, W2; barayn, S3.—OF. baraigne.

Bareȝ, sb. a barrow-pig, S; see Barowe.

Bargane, sb. business, strife, combat, S2; bargayn, bargain, PP; bargeynes, pl., PP.—OF. bargaine.

Barly, sb. barley, MD, PP; barlic, S.

Barm, sb. bosom, S3, C2; berm, S.—AS. bearm.

Barmkyn, sb. rampart, S3; barnekin, the outermost wall of a castle, HD; barnekynch, MD.

Barmkyn-wall, sb. rampart-wall, S3.

Barn, sb. bairn, child, S, S2, H, PP; bern, S; barne, S3, P; bearnes, pl., S; bairnis, S3.—AS. bearn.

Barnage, sb. childhood, S2, MD.

Barnen, v. to burn, S, S2; see Bernen, Brennen.

Barnhede, sb. childhood, H, PP.

Barn-site, sb. sorrow felt for a child, S2, NED.—Icel. barn-sút.

Barn-team, sb. offspring, a family of children, MD; barntem, S2.—AS. bearn-téam.

Baronage, sb. the men, vassals of a feudal chief, S; assembly of barons, S2, C3; barnage, MD.—OF. barnage, Low Lat. baronagium.

Baroun, sb. baron, lord, PP; baronys, pl. PP.—OF. baron, acc. of bers, a man, a male.

Barowe, sb. barrow-pig, MD; bareȝ, S, NED.—AS. bearh.

Barrat, sb. confusion, S3; see Baret.

Barre, sb. bar of a door, C; bar of justice, G, PP; barres, pl., ornament of a girdle, C, PP.—OF. barre.


Barste, pt. s., burst, S2, PP; see Bresten.

Baselarde, sb. dagger, MD, PP, Prompt.; Baslard, PP.—AF. baselarde. OF. basalart (cp. Low Lat. bassilardus). Probably from Late Lat. badile, a billhook; see NED.

Basnetes, sb. pl., helmets, S3; see Bacinet.

Bataille, sb. battle, S, PP; bataile, PP; batayle, S2, C, PP; batayls, pl. battalions, S3.—OF. bataille.

Bataillen, v. to embattle, fortify, MD; batailed, pt. s., PP; bataylld, pp. embattled, C.—OF. bataillier.

Baten, v. to bate, abate, grow less, S2, MD; see Abaten.

Bateren, v. to batter, beat, pat, PP.—OF. bat-, stem of batre, with freq. suffix -er.

Baþe, adj. and conj. both, S, S2; see Bothe.

Baþiere, sb. water-pot, S.

Batte, sb. club, staff, bat, Prompt., Voc.; battis, pl., W.—OF. batte.

Battill, adj. rich for pasture, S3, JD; battle, HD.

Baudekyn, sb. a gold-embroidered stuff named from Bagdad, MD; bawdekyn, Prompt.; baudkin, S3.—OF. baudequin; Low Lat. baldakinus, from It. Baldacco, Bagdad.

Bauderye, sb. unchastity, foul conversation, MD; pandering, CM; bawdry, S3.

Bauderyk, sb. baldric, MD; bawderyke, Prompt.; bawdryk, C, Voc.

Baudry, sb. baldric, NED.—OF. baudrei, baldrei.

Baudy, adj. dirty, C3, P, Palsg.

Bauld; see Bold.

Baundoun, sb. discretion, freewill, power, S2; baundon, CM.—OF. bandon; Low Lat. *bandonem, from bandum for bannum, public proclamation.

Bausand, adj. marked with white, NED.—OF. bausant; cp. Prov. bausan, It. balzano.

Bauson, sb. badger, MD; bawsone, Prompt.; bawsyn, Voc.; bausenez, pl. S2; baucynes, MD. See above.

Bawd, pt. s. bade, commanded, S3; see Beoden.

Bawe-lyne, sb. bowline, HD, S2; see Bowe-lyne.

Baxtere, sb. female baker, PP; see Bakestere.

Bay, sb. noise made by the united songs of birds, S3; barking of dogs, MD, HD. Phr.: to baie, at bay, S2.—Cp. OF. abaier, to bark.

Bayard, sb. a bay horse, a horse, P, CM; baiardes, pl., P. Phr.: blynde bayardes, i.e. foolish people, lit. blind horses, HD, S3, MD, ND.—Cp. Low Lat. baiardus.

Bayn, adj. ready, willing, obedient, fair, pleasant, easy, good, NED; bayne, Manip.; beyn, Prompt., S3.—Icel. beinn.

Bayne, sb. bath, S3.—OF. bain.

Bayske, adj. bitter, H, MD; bask, MD, HD, JD; beȝȝsc, MD.—Icel. beiskr.

Be-, prefix. See in many cases Bi- words.

Beade; see Bidden.

Bearnen; see Bernen.

Bearyng in hand, sb. cajolery, S3; see Beren.

Be-bedden, v. to supply with a bed, S.

Beche, sb. valley, S; bæch, MD; bache, NED.

Be-chece, v. to choke, stifle, S, NED.

Bedde, sb. bed, PP.—AS. bedd.

Bedde-strawe, sb. bed, couch, stratum, Voc.; bedstre, W2.

Bede, sb. prayer, S, H, PP; beode, S; beyde, S3; bedes, pl. S2, S3, P; beads, C; beades, S3.—AS. (ge)bed.

Bedel, sb. messenger, herald, crier, beadle, H, P; bedeles, pl. S, H; bedelles, P.—OF. bedel; cp. AS. bydel. Cf. Budele.

Bede-man, sb. beadsman, one who prays for another, P; beodemon, S2, NED; beodeman, PP.

Beden, v. to command, to offer, S, S2, S3, C2; beode, S2; bedden, S; bidden, S; beot, pr. s. S; byt, C; bet, S; bead, pt. s., bed, S, S2; bawd, S3; bad, C2, S2; boden, pl. S; beden, S3; bode, S2; bede, pp. S2; bode, bodun, invited, W; bodyn, S2; bidde, C3.—AS. béodan.

Note that many of the above forms are confused with those of the verb Bidden.

Bede-sang, sb. the singing of the prayers, S, NED.

Bedred, adj. lying in bed, bedridden, CM, PP; bedreden, S2, P; bedrede, PP.—AS. bedreda and bedrida (Voc.).

Be-drenchen, v. to drench completely; be-dreynt, pt. pl., S3; pp. MD.

Bed-roll, sb. catalogue, ND. See Beyde-roule.

Bee, sb. bee, Voc.; been, pl. S3, C2, 23 W2; beys, S3 (13. 244); bees, C2.—AS. béo.B

Bee-; see Be-.

Beek, sb. beak, C2; bec, S; beekis, pl. PP.—OF. bec.

Beem, sb. beam, C, PP; beom, S; bem, MD.—AS. béam, tree, plank.

Beere, sb. bier, W, CM, MD; beer, C; bare, S, MD; beare, S3; bere, HD, MD; byears, pl. S3.—AS. bǽr; cp. OF. biere.

Beest, sb. beast, C, PP; best, PP, C, S, S2; bestes, pl. S, S2; beestes, S2.—OF. beste; Lat. bestia.

Beestli, adj. animal, W.

Beeten, v. to beat, W2, CM; beten, S, C; bet, pr. s. P; bet, imp. s. S2; beot, pt. s. P; beet, PP; bet, S3, PP; bette, P; beten, pl. S; beeten, W2; beten, pp. C2, G; bete, C2; betun, W2; y-beten, C2; y-bete, C; y-bette, P; i-beaten, S; ibete, C.—AS. béatan, pt. béot, pp. béaten.

Bege, sb. collar, S; see Beiȝ.

Beggen, v. to beg, PP, C2, Prompt., W (John 9. 8).

Beggere, sb. beggar, C, PP, W (John 9. 8).

Beggestere, sb. beggar, C, NED.

Be-grime, v. to smear, daub all over, S3.

Beild; see Belde.

Beiȝ, sb. a ring, collar, P; byȝe, PP; bege, collar, S; bie, W2; beies, pl. circlets of metal, S; biȝes, P; behes, PP.—AS. béah: Icel. baugr.

Bek, sb. brook, H, Voc., Prompt., MD; beckis, pl. H.—Icel. bekkr.

Bekken, v. to nod, C3; beken, Prompt.; beks, pr. s. S3.

Beknen, v. to beckon, show, S; bikenen, W2.—OMerc. bécnian (VP).

Bel, adj. beautiful, PP.—OF. bel.

Belamp; see Bilimpen.

Belde, sb. protection, shelter, MD, HD; beld, S2; beild, S3, JD.—AS. byldo, boldness, from beald. See Bold.

Belde, adj. big, blustering, S; see Bold.

Belden, v. to build, S3; see Bilden.

Beldinge, sb. building, S3.

Belle, sb. bell, S, C2, PP.—AS. belle.

Bellyche, adv. beautifully, S3, MD. See Bel.

Belphegor, sb. Baal Peor, H (p. 376).—Lat. Belphegor (Vulg.).

Belt, pp. built, S3; see Bilden.

Bely, sb. belly, bellows, MD, P; baly, S3; below, follis, Voc.; balies, pl. S2, PP.—AS. bælg.

Bely-ioye, sb. belly-joy, appetite, PP.

Belȝen, v. to swell, to be angry, MD; bollȝhenn, pp. MD; i-bolȝe, S.—AS. belgan, pt. bealh, (pl. bulgon), pp. bolgen.

Bemare, sb. trumpeter, S.—AS. bémere.

Beme, sb. trumpet, MD, Voc.; bemen, pl. S; beemes, C; beamous, S3.—OMerc. béme (VP).

Bemen, v. to sound a trumpet, S, NED.

Bemyng, sb. humming of bees, S3, JD.

Ben, v. to be, PP, S, S2; been, C; bien, bienn, S; buen, S2; beo, S, S2; bi, S, S2; bue, by, S2; beonne, bienne, ger. S; beoþ, pr. s. S; beþ, buð, byð, bið, S; beis, S3; bes, S2; beoþ, pl. S; bieþ, S; buð, S, S2; beth, S2, S3, C2; ben, W; bes, S2; bi, pr. s. subj. S; bie, S (s.v. Ibie); beo, pl. S; beth, imp. pl. C2, S2, S3; byeþ, S2; ben, pp. S; been, C; bue, S2; be, S3, C; y-be, S2; iben, S; ibeon, S; ibeo, S, S2; ibe, S, S2; ibi, S.—AS. béon.

Benam; see Binimen.

Benche, sb. bench, Prompt., PP.—AS. benc.

Benched, pp. furnished with benches, SD; y-benched, S3.

Bend, sb. bond, MD; bendes, pl. S, G; bende, dat. S, S2, G.—AS. bend: Goth. bandi.

Benden, v. to bend, Prompt., MD; bende, pt. s. MD; bent, MD; bend, pl. S2; y-bent, pp. S3; ye-bent, S3.—AS. bendan, to fasten a band or string to a bow.

Bene, sb. a prayer, S, S2, NED; benes, pl. S2.—AS. bén: OTeut. bóni-z, see Sievers, 268.

Bene, adj. pleasant, S, NED.

Benefet, sb. benefit, PP, MD; bynfet, PP; benfait, P; bienfetes, pl. P.—OF. bienfet; Lat. benefactum.

Bent, sb. coarse grass, small rushes, Manip., Voc., MD, HD.—Cp. OHG. binuz (G. binse).

Bent, sb. a moor, an open grassy place, NED, S, S3, C. See above.

Benumde; see Binimen.

Beo, Beoþ; see Ben.

Beo-, prefix; see Bi- words.

Beode, v. to pray, S; see Bidden.

Beodele; see Budele.

Berd, sb. beard, S, S2, C; berde, P, G; berdes, pl. S3.—AS. beard.

Bere, sb. beer, Prompt.; ber, S, MD.—AS. béor.

Bere, sb. noise, S, S2, MD, HD; ber, S2.—AS. (ge)bǽre; see I-bere.


Bere, sb. bear, C, MD, PP; beres, pl. C2; beores, PP.—AS. bera: OHG. bero.

Bere, sb. bier, HD, MD. See Beere.

Bere, sb. barley, MD; beir, S3; beris, gen., S3.—AS. bere.

Bere-lepe, sb. basket, H; berlepe, H; barlep, basket for keeping barley in, HD. See Lepe.

Beren, v. to bear; bere, S, W; berþ, pr. s., S2; beoreð, pl., S; bar, pt. s., S, S2, C2; bare, S2; ber, S2, C3; baar, W; bure, S3; beore, pl., S; boren, pp. born, S2; borun, W2; iboren, S; iborn, S; ibore, S, S2; y-boren, C2; y-born, C2; y-bore, S2, C2, Phr. bereth on hand, persuades, makes (him) believe, assures, S3; berth hir on hond, beareth false witness against her, C3.—AS. beran.

Beren, v. to cry, make a noise, MD, HD; bere, to low as a cow, PP; see Bere.

Bergh, sb. hill, PP; berghe, PP; beruh, PP; berwe, PP; berghe, dat., P.—AS. beorg; cp. OIr. bri (Windisch).

Beriall, adj. blueish-green, beryl-coloured, S3. See Beril.

Berie, sb. berry, C; bery, Prompt.; beries, pl. grapes, S, PP.—AS. berige.

Berien, v. to pierce, strike, MD; bery, to thresh, Cath.—Icel. berja, to strike; cp. Lat. ferire.

Beril, sb. beryl, MD; berel, MD.—OF. beril; Lat. beryllus; Gr. βήρυλλος.

Beringe, sb. birth, behaviour, bearing, C2, S; berynge, PP; see Beren.

Berken, v. to bark, S2, PP; berkyd, pt. s., S2.—AS. beorcan.

Berkere, sb. watch-dog, PP.

Berkyng, sb. barking, C.

Berme, sb. harm, Prompt., S; berm, C3.—AS. beorma.

Bern, sb. a man, PP, HD; berne, PP; burn, S2; burne, S2; beorn, MD; burnes, pl., S2; biernes, P.—AS. beorn.

Bern, sb. barn, C2, MD; beren, S (12. 263), MD; berne, S; dat., C3, W; bernes, pl., W, W2, P.—AS. bern: ONorth. ber-ern, i.e. barley-house.

Bern; see Barn.

Bernacle, sb. a snaffle for a horse, W2; barnacle, Voc., NED.

Bernake, sb. an instrument set on the nose of unruly horses, Voc.; bernak, Prompt.—OF. bernac.

Bernake, sb. barnacle, a fabulous kind of goose, S2, MD, NED.—OF. bernaque; cp. Low Lat. bernaca.

Bernen, v. to burn, MD, S, S2; barnen, MD, S; bearnen, S; beornen, S; birnen, S; barnde, pt. s., S2; barnd, pp., S2.—AS. beornan. Cf. Brennen.

Bersten, v. to burst, S, C; see Bresten.

Berstles, sb. pl. bristles, C; see Brystylle.

Berwe; see Bergh.

Berynes; see Burinisse.

Berȝen, v. to help, deliver, preserve, NED; berwen, S; berrȝhenn, S; beregeð, pr. s., S; iborhen, pp., S; iboreȝe, S; iboruwen, S.—AS. beorgan.

Besaunt, sb. a gold coin named from Byzantium, W, MD; besauntes, pl., S3; besauntis, W.—OF. besant.

Besene, Besie; see Bisen.

Be-slombred, pp. dirtied, bedaubed, S3; beslombered, NED.

Besme, sb. besom, rod, Prompt.; besmes, pl., S; besyms, W; besmen, dat., S.—AS. besma.

Best, adj. and adv. superl. best, PP; beast, S; bezste, S.

Beste, sb. advantage, S.

Be-steriinge, sb. bestirring, emotion, S2.

Be-swapen, pp. convicted, S.—AS. be-swápen, pp. of be-swápan, to persuade.

Bet, adv. comp. better, S, C, C2, S2, G; bette, P. Phr., go bet, go as fast as you can, C3; betere, adj. and adv. S, S2; betre, S, S2; bettre, S.

Betaken, v. to betoken, S2; see Bi-toknen.

Beten, v. to amend, S, S2, P, S3; beete, to kindle, C; beyt, S3; bet, pr. s., S; betten, pt. pl., kindled, C3; bet, pp., S, S2; ibet, S.—AS. bétan, pt. bétte, pp. béted. See Bote.

Beten, v. to beat, S, C, PP; see Beeten.

Be-thenchinge, sb. thinking upon, meditation, S2. See Bi-þenken.

Beuer, sb. beaver, S, Voc.; beuveyr, S.—AS. befer (beofer); cp. OHG. bibar.

Beyde-roule, sb. bead-roll, prayer-roll, catalogue of persons for whom prayers are to be said, S3; beadroll, bedroll, ND. See Bede.

Beye, v. to buy, CM, C3; see Biggen.

Beye, adj. both, S2; beien, S; beyne, S.—AS. begen.

Beyer, adj. gen. of both, PP; beire, PP, MD; beyre, MD.—AS. begra.

Beyn, adj. pliant, flexible, pleasant, S3, Prompt.; see Bayn.


Bi-, prefix, also be-, by-, beo-, b-.

Bi-bled, pp. covered with blood, C; bybled, MD; bebledd, S2, S3.

Bi-burien, v. to bury, MD; be-byrieden, pt. pl. S; bebyried, pp., S; bebered, S2.—AS. bi-byrgan.

Bi-cacchen, v. to catch, ensnare, MD; bi-cauhte, pt. s., MD; bi-keihte, S; bi-cought, pp., MD.

Bi-callen, v. to accuse, summon, MD, S; becallen, MD, HD.

Bi-cause, conj. because, MD; by-cause, C.

Bicche, sb. bitch, PP; bycche, PP.

Bicched, pp. a word of doubtful meaning, applied to the basilisk, and to bones used for dice, NED, CM, C3; byched, MD; bichede, NED.

Bi-chermen, v. to scream at, S.

Bi-cherren, v. to entice, mislead, betray, S; bicharre, S; bicherd, pp., S.—AS. be-cerran.

Bi-clappen, v. to lay hold of suddenly, C3; beclappe, Palsg.

Bi-clarten, v. to defile, make dirty, S, NED.

Bi-clepien, v. to accuse, S; bicleopien, S; bicleoped, pp., S.—AS. be-cleopian.

Bi-clippen, v. to embrace, W, W2; bi-clipped, pt. s. wrapped (him) round, S3; by-clypped, pp. surrounded, S2; bi-clippid, W.—AS. bi-clippan.

Bi-clusen, v. to enclose, S.—AS. be-clýsan.

Bi-colmen, v. to blacken with soot, S, NED (p. 722a), MD. See Culme.

Bi-comen, v. to come, go to, to befall, to become, befit, suit, PP, S2, S; bycome, PP, S2; bicom, pt. s., S; bycam, PP; bicome, pp., S2; bycome, S2; becomen, S3; bicumen, S.—AS. be-cuman.

Bi-cumelich, adj. comely, becoming, MD; bicumeliche, adv. becomingly, S.

Bi-daffed, pp. befooled, C2; bedaffed, NED.

Bidden, v. to beg, pray, ask, S, S2, PP; bydde, S2; beode, S; bit, pr. s., S, P; byd, S2; bad, pt. s., S, S2, PP; bede, subj., PP; beade, S; beden, pp. S; ibeden, S.—AS. biddan.

Note that some of the above forms are due to a confusion with those of the verb Beden.

Biddere, sb. asker, PP; bidders, pl. beggars, S2, P.

Biddinge, sb. prayer, S; biddynge, begging, P.

Biden, v. to bide, remain, PP; byden, S2, PP; bod, bode, pt. s., S2; bade, S3; baid, pl. abode, lived, S3.—AS. bídan.

Bidene, adv. together, S; at once, S2; bedene, NED; bydene, S2.

Bi-draueled, pp. slobbered, covered with grease, P.

Bie, sb. collar, W2; see Beiȝ.

Bienfet; see Benefet.

Biennales, sb. pl. biennials, biennial commemorations of the dead, P.

Bierne, sb. man, PP, HD; see Bern.

Bi-fallen, v. to befall, C; biualle, S; biful, pt. s. befell, S; byfyl, S2; befyl, S2; byfel, byfil, C; bifil, bifel, C2; bifelde, W2; bifalle, pp. befallen, S, S2, C; bifelde, W2; biualle, S.—AS. be-feallan.

Bi-flen, v. to fly from, S.—AS. be-fléon.

Bi-fleten, v. to flow round; biflette, pt. s., S, NED (p. 721 a).

Bi-foren, prep. before, S, C2; biuoren, S; byuoren, S; beforen, S; biforn, S2, C2, C3; bifore, S; bifor, S; befor, S2; beforne, S3.—AS. biforan.

Big, adj. big, C2; byg, PP; bigg, wealthy, S2, MD; bygge, pl., PP.

Bigat; see Biȝeten.

Biggen, v. to till, dwell, build, MD, PP, S (5. 1611); byggen, PP; biggand, pr. p., H.—Icel. byggja; cp. AS. búgian.

Biggen, v. to buy, S3, P; buggen, S, S2, PP; bygge, PP; beggen, MD; beye, C3; bij, S2; bye, S2; by, C3; bie, W2; buyeþ, pr. s., PP; buþ, S; bies, redeems, S2; bohte, pt. s., S; bouhte, S; boȝte, S2; bohton, pl., S; boȝte, S; bogt, pp., S; y-bouȝt, P.—AS. bycgan.

Biggere, sb. buyer, W; biere, W2.

Bi-gilen, v. to beguile, S, P; bigyle, C2, C3.

Bi-ginnen, v. to begin, S, S2; bigan, pt. s., S, C2; bigon, S; bigonne, 2 pt. s., C3; bigunnen, pt. pl., S; begouth, pt. s., S2, S3; bigunnen, pp., S; begunnon, S.—AS. be-ginnan.

Bi-gon, pp. surrounded, provided, set round, MD; be-gon, filled, S2.—AS. begán, pp. of begán, to go round, surround.

Bi-greden, v. to cry out at, to lament, S; begredde, pt. pl., MD.

Bi-gripen, v. to seize, MD; be-gripe, pp., S.—AS. be-grípan, to chide.


Bi-growe, pp. overgrown, S; begrowe, MD.

Bi-grucchen, v. to begrudge, murmur at, P; bygrucche, PP.

Bi-gurdel, sb. a purse, PP.—AS. bí-gyrdel (Matt. 10.9).

Bi-gynandly, adv. at the beginning, H. See Biginnan.

Bi-hangen, v. to deck, clothe, MD; bi-hengen, pt. pl. hung about, S.—AS. be-hón.

Bi-healde, v. to behold; bihalden, S2; see Bi-holden.

Bi-heden, v. to behead, MD; bi-hedide, pt. s., W; biheedid, pp., W.—AS. be-héafdian.

Bi-heste, sb. promise, S, S2, C2, P; byheste, S2; beheste, S2; byhest, S2; bihese, S; biheest, W; bihese, pl., S.—AS. be-hǽs.

Bi-heten, v. to promise, S, C3, W; bihote, S, S2, P; byhote, C; beohote, S2; bihat, pr. s., S; bihet, pt. s., S, S2; bihiȝte, W; behighte, S2; behihte, S2; bihight, P; biheyhte, S; bihoten, pp., S; byhote, S2; behote, S; named, S3.—AS. be-hátan. See NED (s.v. behight).

Bi-heue, adj. profitable, S, MD.—AS. be-héfe, necessary; from *bihóf, utility (in behóflic). See Bihouely.

Bi-hinde, prep. behind, S; adv. S2; bihynde, backwards, W2; = to come, future, C3.

Bi-holden, v. to hold, to behold, PP, C, MD; bi-healde, S; bihalden, S2; bihalt, pr. s., S; biheold, pt. s., S; beoheold, S2; bihuld, S2; biheolt, S; biholde, pp., W2, C3; beholdinge wrongly used for beholden, indebted, S3.—AS. be-healdan.

Bihote; see Biheten.

Bi-houe, sb. dat. advantage, MD; biofþe, S2. Cf. Biheue.

Bi-houely, adj. behoveful, necessary, CM, MD; behouelich, S2.—AS. be-hóflic.

Bi-houeþ, pr. s. behoveth, needs, S, C2, P; behoueþ, S2; byhoueþ, S2; bihoues, S; byhoues, pr. pl., are obliged to, S2; behoued, pt. s., S; bihofte, W.—AS. be-hófian.

Bi-huden, v. to hide, MD; by-hud, imp. s., S.—AS. be-hýdan.

Bi-iapen, v. to deceive, befool, MD; byiaped, pp., C, C3, PP.

Bijs; see Bisse.

Bikeihte; see Bicacchen.

Bikenen, v. to beckon, W2; see Beknen.

Bi-kennedd, pp. begotten, MD.

Bi-kennen, v. to commit, commend, to signify, MD; bikenned, pt. s. recommended, S2; bekenned, S2.

Biker, sb. a fight, MD, HD.

Bikeren, v. to fight, PP, HD; bekeryn, Prompt.; byckarte, pt. pl. skirmished, S3.

Bi-knowen, v. to acknowledge, know, P, C3; byknowe, C; beknowe, S2; biknew, pt. s., C; biknewe, pl., S; biknowen, pp., favourably received, P.

Bilæde, pt. s. enclosed, S; see Bi-leggen.

Bilæuen, v. to remain, S; see Bi-leuen.

Bild, sb. building, S3.

Bilden, v. to build, PP, W, CM, MD; bulden, MD; belden, MD, S3; bulde, pt. s., C, MD; bildide, W; bildiden, pt. pl., W; bilden, W2; belt, pp., S3; y-buld, S2, S3; y-beld, S3.—Probably from AS. bold, dwelling.

Bile; see Bule.

Bi-leden, v. to use, treat, MD; biledet (for biledeþ), pr. pl., S.—AS. be-lǽdan.

Bi-lefful, adj. believing, S, MD.

Bi-leggen, v. to lay (something) on, cover, to prove, explain, MD; bileist, 2 pr. s., glozest, S, MD; bilæde, pt. s., enclosed, S.—AS. bi-lecgan, to cover.

Bi-leue, sb. belief, S, S2, PP, C3; beleaue, S; byleue, PP; belaue, S; bileaue, S; biliaue, S; beoleeue, S2, PP; bilefues, pl., S.—Cp. AS. (ge)léafa.

Bileue; see Biliue.

Bi-leuen, v. to believe, PP, MD, S; beleue, S; bilefeð, pr. pl., S; biliueð, S; bilefden, pt. pl., S.

Bi-leuen, v. to leave, forsake, renounce, HD, MD; bilef, imp. s., S, MD.—Cp. AS. lǽfan, to leave.

Bi-leuen, v. to remain, be left, MD, CM, C2, S2, HD; byleue, HD; bilæuen, S; bileaue, S; bilefue, S; bleuen, S2; blefþ, pr. s., S2; bileued, pp. left remaining, G; byleued, G.—AS. be-lǽfan.

Bilfoder, sb. food, sustenance, S2, MD; bilfodur, NED.

Bi-liggen, v. to belong to, MD; bi-lien, pr. pl., S.—AS. bi-licgan, to lie round.

Bi-likien, v. to make pleasing, MD; bi-liked, pp. made pleasing, S.

Bi-limpen, v. to happen, to belong to, S; belimpen, S; belamp, pt. s., S.—AS. be-limpan.

Bi-linnen, v. to cease, to be silent, to make to cease, MD; by-linne, G; blinnen, S, S2, C3; blyne, S3; blynne, S2; blin, S2; blan, pt. s., MD; blane, S3.—AS. 27 blinnan (= be + linnan, to cease, to be deprived of), pt. blann (pl. blunnon), p. blunnen.

Bi-liue, adv. quickly, S, S2; bylyue, S2; belyue, S2, S3; bliue, S, S2; blyue, S3.—AS. be lífe, with life.

Bi-liue, sb. food, sustenance, S (4b.102), MD; bylyue, PP; bileoue, MD; bileue, S, SD.—AS. bigleofa; cp. OHG. bilibi.

Bi-liuen, v. to live by, S.—AS. bi-libban.

Bille, sb. papal bull, petition, PP; see Bulle.

Bille, sb. bill, beak, S, C; bylle, Voc.—AS. bile.

Billen, v. to peck with the bill, S.

Billet, sb. a piece of firewood; byllets, pl., S3 (26. 785).

Bi-loken, v. to look upon, regard, MD; be-locest, 2 pr. s., S.

Bi-long on, prep. pertaining to, S.

Bi-luken, v. to enclose, lock up, imprison, include, MD; biloken, pp., S; beloken, S; bilouked, S2, MD.—AS. be-lúcan.

Bi-lyen, v. to lie against, accuse falsely, MD; belye, P; bilowen, pp., S2, P, MD.—AS. be-léogan, pp. belogen.

Bi-masen, v. to confuse, SkD (s.v. maze).

Bi-menen, v. to mean, to bemoan, MD, HD; bymenen, P; bemenen, S2, P; biment, pp., S.—AS. bi-mǽnan.

Bi-mening, sb. bemoaning, S.

Bi-mong, prep. among, S, MD.

Bi-mornen, v. to mourn over, MD, W; bimurnen, S.—AS. bi-murnan.

Bi-mowe, v. to mock, W2.

Binam, Binom; pt. s. of Bi-nimen.

Binden, v. to bind, S; band, pt. s., S; bond, S2, G, C2; bunden, pl., S; bunden, pp., S; bundyn, S2; bunde, ibunde, S; bounden, S, C2; y-bounde, S2, S3, C2; y-bound, S3; ibunde, S.—AS. bindan.

Bi-nemnen, v. to declare, stipulate; by-nempt, pt. s. promised, S3.—AS. be-nemnan.

Bi-neðe, prep. and adv. beneath, S2; byneþe, C; bineþen, S.—AS. be-neoðan.

Bi-nimen, v. to take from, MD; bynymen, S; benymen, S2; bineome, pr. s. subj. deprive, S; binam, pt. s., P; binom, S2; benam, S; bynome, pp., P; benumde, S3.—AS. be-niman.

Binne, sb. bin, chest, MD; bynne, C, Voc.—AS. binn, manger.

Binne, adv. and prep. within, S; bynne, S2; bine, S.—AS. binnan (for be-innan).

Bi-queste, sb. bequest, P, MD.—A deriv. of cweðan, see NED.

Bi-quethen, v. to bequeath, MD, CM, PP; byquethen, C, G; bi-queth, pt. s., S2; biquath, PP, G.—AS. bi-cwéðan.

Bi-quide, sb. bequest, 82; bequide, MD.—Cp. AS. cwide, a will.

Birafte; see Bireuen.

Bird, pt. s. impers. (it) behoved, S2; birrde, S; see Bureth.

Bird, sb. a young bird, MD; see Brid.

Birded, pt. pl. laid snares for birds, S3.

Bire, sb. dat. force, impetus, W; see Bur.

Bi-reden, v. reflex. to take counsel, MD; by-rad, pp. determined, resolved, S2.

Bi-reinen, v. to rain upon, bedew, MD; be-rayne, pr. pl. berain, S3; birine, subj. S; beraynde, pt. pl. S3.

Bi-reusien, v. to lament, regret, MD, S; bireused, pp. S.—AS. be-hréowsian, to feel remorse.

Bireusunge, sb. contrition, S.

Bi-reuen, v. to bereave, C3, P; birafte, pt. s. C2; bireued, pp., S; byreued, G; byraft, C.—AS. bi-réafian, to deprive of.

Bi-rinnen, v. to run with moisture, MD; bi-runne, pp. bedewed with tears, S.—AS. bi-rinnan, to run as a liquid, bi-runnen, pp. Birle, sb. cup-bearer, MD, HD.—AS. byrle, byrele.

Birlen, v. to pour out drink, to give to drink, MD, JD, H, HD; bryllyn, Prompt.—AS. byrlian; cp. Icel. byrla.

Birlynge, sb. a giving to drink; pouring out liquor, H.

Bi-rolled, pp. rolled about, S2.

Birth, sb. birth, offspring, natural disposition, nation, MD; burþ, MD; birþes, pl. nations, S2, MD.—Icel. burðr; cp. Goth. ga-baurths, birth, native country.

Birth-tonge, sb. native tongue; burþ-tonge, S2.

Bisay; see Bisen.

Bi-sched, pp. besprinkled, W2.

Bi-schetten, v. to shut up; bessette, S2; bischetten, pt. pl., PP; bishetten, P; bishette, pp., PP.

Bi-schinen, v. to shine upon, MD; byschyne, pp. shone upon, S2.

Bischop, sb. bishop, S, PP; bisscopp, the Jewish high priest, S; bischopis, pl. chief priests, W; bissopes, S2.—AS. biscop; Lat. episcopus.


Bi-schrewen, v. to corrupt, to curse, MD; byschrewed, pp. cursed, P.

Bi-schrichen, v. to shriek at, S.

Bi-schunien, v. to shun, MD; bisunien, S.

Bise, sb. the north-wind, S.—OF. bise; cp. OHG. bísa.

Bi-sechen, v. to beseech, S; biseke, C2; beseken, C, S; besech, imp. s., S; bisohte, pt. s. S; besoght, S2; bisoȝte, S2; bisouȝten, pl. pl., S2.

Bi-segen, v. to besiege, MD; bi-segiden, pt. pl., W2; bi-seged, pp., C2.

Bi-semen, v. to beseem, to appear, MD; bi-semeþ, pr. s., him bisemeþ, he appears, S; bisemyde, pt. s., beseemed, fitted, W; ibsemed, pp. made seemly, plausible, S (16. 842).

Bi-sen, v. to look, to behold, consider, to arrange, appoint, to manage, MD, S; besie, S; biseo, S2; bisið, pr. s., S; bise, imp., W; byse, S2; biseh, pt. s., S; bisay, S2; beseyn, pp. arranged; beseyne, decked; besene, equipped, S3; biseye, as in phr. yuel biseye, ill to look at, C2, richely biseye, splendid in appearance, C2.—AS. biséon, to look about.

Bisenen, v. to give an example, MD; bisend, pp. likened, signified, S2.—AS. bysnian. See Bisne.

Bisening, sb. example, S.—AS. bys-nung.

Bi-setten, v. to fill, occupy, to surround, beset, to set, place, to employ, MD, C, P; bisettiden, pt. pl., W.—AS. bi-settan.

Bisi, adj. busy, S; see Busy.

Bisily, adv. busily, C2; bisili, W; bisiliche, S.

Bi-sitten, v. to sit close to, to press hard, MD, P; be-sæt, pt. s. besieged, S; be-sætte, S.—AS. be-sittan.

Bi-slabered, pp. beslobbered, P.

Bi-smeoruwed, pp. besmeared, S.

Bi-smer, sb. scorn, reproach, P; bisemar, S; busemare, S2; bismare, HD; bissemare, CM; bismeres, pl., PP; bismares, PP.—AS. bi-smer, insult; cp. OHG. bismer, ridicule (Otfrid).

Bi-smitten, v. to dirty, MD; bismitted, pp. dirtied, S; besmet, MD.

Bi-smotered, pp. spotted, smutted, C.

Bisne, sb. example, parable, S, MD.—AS. bysn; Goth. busns (in anabusns); from biudan; see Douse, p. 60.

Bi-soken, sb. request, petition, MD; bisokne, NED; bi-socne, dat., MD; bisocnen, dat. pl., S.

Bi-soȝte, pt. s. of Bi-sechen.

Bi-speken, v. to speak to, to speak, blame, to decide, resolve, MD; byspack, pt. s., G; bespayke, S3; bispeke, pp. S.—AS. be-sprecan.

Bi-spel, sb. parable, S.—AS. bigspell, example, proverb, parable.

Bi-speten, v. to spit upon, W; bispatten, pt. pl., W; bispat, pp., W.

Bi-sprengen, v. to besprinkle, MD; bi-spreynde, pt. s. W; besprent, pp. bedewed, S3; bysprent, S3; besprint, S3; bispreynt, W2.—AS. be-sprengan.

Bisse, sb. a stuff of fine texture, MD; bis, MD; bys, S2; bies, bijs, fine linen, W; bijs (= byssus = Heb. shésh, fine linen, also Egyptian cotton), W2.—OF. bisse; Lat. byssus; Gr. βύσσος; Heb. búts, fine Egyptian cotton.

Bissyn, sb. fine linen (= byssinum), W.—Lat. byssinum, a garment made of byssus.

Bi-stad, pp. placed, circumstanced, bestead, hard bestead, sorely imperilled, overcome, MD, S2, C3; bystad, G; bistadde, CM; bistaðed, MD; bistaðet, S; bisteaðet, S. Probably from Icel. staðr, place, see NED.

Bi-standen, v. to surround, to be busy about, to attack, MD; bi-stod, pt. s., S; bistode, S2; bistonden, pp., S.—AS. be-standan.

Bi-steken, v. to shut out, MD; pp., S.

Bi-striden, v. to bestride, S; bistrood, pt. s., C2; bystrood, G.

Bi-sunien, v. to shun, S; see Bi-schunien.

Bi-swiken, v. to betray, deceive, S, S2; beswike, S; besuiken, S.—AS. be-swícan.

Bi-swinken, v. to obtain by work, to, earn by labour, MD; biswynke, P.—AS., be-swincan.

Bisy, adj. busy, C2, P; see Busy.

Bisyhed, sb. busyhood, MD; bysyhede, S2.

Bisynesse, sb. business, W2; see Busynesse.

Bi-taken, v. to commit, entrust, S, C2, W, NED; betake, PP; beotake, PP; bytake, PP; bitaak, W; bitak, imp. s., S; bitok, pt. s., S2; bitook, C3; bytokist, 2 pt. s., W; betoke, 1 pt. s., S; bitoken, pl., W; bitakun, pp. W; bitake, S2.

Bi-techen, v. to entrust, assign, S; beteche, HD; byteche, PP; biteache, S; bitache, imp. s., S; bitæhte, pt. s.; 29 bitahte; bitagte; bitaucte, S; bitaughte, G; bytaȝt, S2; bitæht, pp.; bitaht; biteiht; bitagt; beteht, S.—AS. be-tǽcan, pt. betǽhte, pp. betǽht.

Bitel, adj. sharp, biting, MD.

Bitel-browed, adj. with shaggy, prominent eye-brows, S2, P; bytelbrowed, PP.

Bi-tellen, v. to clear, justify, to express, show, to claim, to set free, to persuade, deceive, MD, S; bitald, pp., H, MD.—AS. be-tellan.

Biten, v. to bite, PP; byte, PP; bot, pt. s., S2, PP; bote, P.—AS. bítan, pt. bát (pl. biton), pp. biten.

Bi-teon, v. to draw over, to cover, to employ, NED; biten, MD; bitowen, pp., S; bitoȝen, NED; bitogen, MD.—AS. be-téon.

Bi-þenken, v. to think, bethink, S, W; biþenchen, S; biþohte, pt. s., S; biþoȝte, planned, S2; biþouhte, S; beþout, S2; biþoht, pp. repented, S; biþouht, S; bythought, called to mind, C.—AS. bi-þencan.

Bi-tiden, v. to happen, betide, MD; bityde, C2, C3; beotyde, PP; bitit, pr. s., PP; bitid, S; bitide, pt. s., S2; betydde, PP; bitid, pp., S; betight, pp., S3; NED.

Bi-tilden, v. to cover; bi-tild, pp., S.—AS. be-teldan. See Ouer-tild.

Bi-time, adv. betimes, S, S2; bityme, PP; bitimes, C3.

Bi-toknen, v. to betoken, C2; bitocknen, S; bytoknen, PP; betoknen, S, PP; betaken, S2; bitacnedd, pp., S.

Bi-trayen, v. to betray, PP, C2; bitraide, pt. s., S. From OF. traïr: It. tradire; Lat. tradere.

Bitter, adj. bitter, MD; bittur, PP; bittere, adv. bitterly, P.—AS. bitor.

Bitter, sb. bitterness, S2, P.

Bittur-browed, adj. having prominent brows, PP. See Bitel-browed.

Bituhhe, prep. between, S; see Bi-twiȝe.

Bi-turnen, v. to turn; biturnde hom, pt. pl., turned themselves about, S2.

Bi-twenen, prep., between; bitwine, bitwen, betwenen, betuene, S.—AS. be-twéonan.

Bi-twix, prep. betwixt, S2, C2; bitwixe, C2; bitwixen, C2; betwyx, betwux, S; bitwex, S; bythuixte, S2.—AS. be-tweox.

Bi-twiȝe, prep. between, MD; betwe, S2; bituhhe, S.—AS. be-twih, be-twuh.

Bityl, sb. beetle, NED.—AS. bitula.

Biuien, v. to tremble, NED; biueð, pr. s., S.—AS. bifian (beofian); OHG. bibēn, see NED.

Bi-wailen, v. to bewail, lament, C2; biwaille, MD; biweile, MD, W; biwailled, pp., C2.

Bi-welden, v. refl. to wield oneself, i.e. to have full and free use of one’s limbs, MD; bywelde, S3; bewelde, Palsg.; beweld, to wield, HD.

Bi-wenden, to turn, MD; biwente, pt. s., turned round, S.

Bi-wepen, v. to beweep, S, W.—AS. be-wépan.

Bi-werien, v. to defend, S.—AS. be-werian.

Bi-winden, v. to wind about, S; bewinden, to enwrap, cover, S; bewunden, pp., S.—AS. be-windan.

Bi-winnen, v. to obtain, MD; biwon, pt. s., S.

Bi-witen, v. to guard, MD; bywite, S; biwiste, pt. s., MD; biwisten, pl., S.

Bi-wlappe, v. to wrap round, W2.

Bi-wreyen, v. to accuse, to reveal, disclose, C2, C3; bywreye, C; biwreie, S; bewreye, C, S2; bewraye, NED.

Biȝes, sb. pl. collars, P; see Beiȝ.

Bi-ȝete, sb. profit, S, S2; offspring, P.

Bi-ȝetel, adj. profitable, S.

Bi-ȝeten, v. to obtain, possess, beget, S; biȝiten, S; bigat, pt. s. S; bigæt, S; begæt, S; bygeten, pp. S2; biȝetenn, biyete, biȝite, biȝute, bigotten, biȝoten, S.—AS. bi-gitan (bigietan).

Bi-ȝonde, prep. beyond, S, S2, PP; biȝende, W; biȝunde, P; biyond, S2; beionde, S; biȝendis, W.

Blaberen, v. to blabber, to talk idly, HD, Prompt.; blaberde, pt. s., PP.

Bladder, sb. bladder, MD; bladdre, C3; bledder, S3; bleder, Voc.—AS. blǽdre, OMerc. blédre (OET.)

Blak, adj. pale, MD; blake, wan, Palsg. Phr.: blak and blo, pale and livid, MD, NED (s.v. black, 13).—AS. blác. Cf. Bleike.

Blak, adj. black, MD.—AS. blæc.

Blake, sb. smut, black, S; blackness, S2.

Blake-beryed, sb. blackberrying, i.e., wandering hither and thither purposely, C3.

Blanchet, sb. a white powder used as a cosmetic, S.—OF. blanchet.

Blanc-mangere, sb. a kind of cheese-cake, PP; blammanger, PP.

Blane (for blan), pt. s. of Bi-linnen.


Blank, adj. white, S3.—OF. blanc.

Blase, sb. blaze, flame, PP.—AS. blæse.

Blasen, v. to blaze, flare, PP; blasie, pr. s. subj., S; blesand, pr. p., S3.

Blasen, v. to blow (with trumpet), to proclaim, publish, NED, CM. Cp. OHG. blásan.

Blasen, v. in heraldry to blaze arms, i.e. to describe them, MD, S3, Prompt., Palsg.; blaze, Cotg. (s.v. blasonner).

Blasfeme, adj. and sb. blasphemous, blasphemer, MD, W.—Lat. blasphemus; Gr. βλάσφημος.

Blaundissen, v. to flatter, H; blaundiss, pr. s., H; bloundisand, pr. p., H.—OF. blandir (pr. p. blandisant).

Blawen; see Blowen.

Bledder; see Bladder.

Blee, sb. colour, complexion, MD, HD; ble, MD, JD; bleo, S, S2; blie, JD.—AS. bléo.

Blefð; see Bileuen.

Bleike, adj. pale, S, NED; bleyke, Prompt.; blayke, NED; bleyk, S3; bleke, wan, Palsg. Phr.: blaike and blo, pale and livid, NED (s.v. black, 13).—Icel. bleikr. Cf. Blak.

Blenchen, v. to flinch, turn aside, S, P; bleynte, pt. s., C; bleinte, NED.—AS. blencan, to deceive.

Blenden, v. to mix together, MD; blende, pp., S2.—Cp. Icel. blanda.

Blenden, v. to blind, deceive, MD, PP; blent, pr. s., C3; blente, pt. s., PP; blent, pp. blinded, C3, HD.—AS. blendan.

Blenk, sb. a gleam, blink, glance, S3; blenkis, pl., NED; blinkes, MD.

Blenken, v. to glitter, to glance, NED; blynke, to open the eyes, S2; blenkit, pt. s., looked, S2; blencheden, pl., MD.

Blere, adj. blear, dim, NED.

Bleren, v. to make dim, to be blear-eyed, MD, S2, P; blered, pp. dimmed, S2, C3, P.

Blesen, v. to blaze, S3; see Blasen.

Blessen, v. to bless, PP, S; blesseth hir, pr. s., crosses herself, C3; blesced, pp. S; bletcæd, consecrated, S; y-blessed, S3, C3, P; i-blessed, S; iblescede, S; iblesset, S2.—AS. blétsian, blédsian ONorth. blóedsian (NED); from blód, blood.

Blete, adj. bare, exposed, miserable, S, MD; blait, JD; blout, JD.—AS. bléat, wretched, miserable; cp. Icel. blautr, Du. bloot G. bloss.

Bleten, v. to bleat, Prompt.; blæten, S.—AS. blǽtan.

Bleuen; see Bileuen.

Blewe, adj. blue, livid, C2, PP; black, MD; blew, MD.—OF. bleu. See Blo.

Blewe, sb. blue, MD; bluȝ, S2.

Bleynte; see Blenchen.

Blinnen, v. to cease, S, S2, C3; see Bi-linnen.

Blis, sb. bliss, S.—AS. bliss (= blíðs), see Sievers, 202(7). See Bliþe.

Blissien, v. to rejoice, be glad, to gladden, MD; blissin, S, S2.—AS. blissian (= blíðsian). See above.

Bliþe, adj. blithe, cheerful, S, S2; blyþe, S2, C2.—AS. blíðe.

Bliðe-liche, adv. gladly, S; bluðeliche, S; bloðeliche, S; bliþeliȝ, S; bleþely, S2.—AS. blíðelice.

Bliue, adv. quickly, S, S2; see Biliue.

Blo, adj. livid, S2, PP; black, MD.—Icel. blá(r). See Blewe.

Blod, sb. blood, S, S2, PP; blode, dat., S2.—AS. blód.

Blode, sb. a blood-relation, a person, living being, MD, CM; blod, MD.

Blok, adj. pale, NED. Phr. blok and blo, NED. See Blak.

Blo-man, sb. negro, MD; blamon, MD; blewe-men, pl., MD.—Cp. Icel. blá-maðr, negro. See Blo.

Blome, sb. flower, S2, MD.—Icel. blóm, flower, blossom.

Blosme, sb. blossom, S, PP, Prompt., CM; blostme, S; blosmen, pl., S2; bloosmes, S3.—AS. blóstma.

Blosmen, v. to blossom, W2, Prompt.; blosmed, pt. pl., P.—AS. blóstmian.

Bloundisen, v. to flatter, H; see Blaundissen.

Bloundisynge, sb. blandishing, H.

Blowen, v. to blow, PP; blawe, S; blou, imp. s., S; bloaweð, pr. s., S; bleu, pt. s., S; bleowen, pl., S; blawen, pp., S2; blowe, C3.—AS. bláwan, pt. bléow, pp. bláwen.

Blowen, v. to blow, to bloom, MD; i-blowe, pp. S.—AS. blówan, pt. bléow, pp. geblówen.

Blubren, v. to bubble, MD; blubrande, pr. p., S2.

Blustren, v. to rush about aimlessly, NED; blustreden, pt. pl., P.

Bluȝ, sb. blue, S2; see Blewe.


Blyn-hede, sb. blindness, H.

Blynke; see Blenken.

Bo-; see Bou-, Bu-.

Bobbe, sb. a knock, jerk, jog, S3; bobbes, pl., S3.

Bobben, v. to knock, strike, MD.

Bocche, sb. tumour, boil, PP; botche, W2, Prompt.; boche, CM; boce, CM.—AF. boche, OF. boce, bump.

Bocher, sb. butcher, S2, S3, P, C.—OF. boucher.

Bocherie, sb. shambles, W, Prompt.—OF. boucherie.

Bod, sb. abiding, waiting, delay, S2.

Bod, pt. s. waited, S2; bode, waited for, S2; see Biden.

Bode, sb. message, command, S, PP; bodes, pl., S, S2.—AS. (ge)bod, command.

Boden; see Beden.

Bode-word, sb. command, S; bodworde, message, S2.

Bodien, v. to announce, S; bodeden, pt. pl., S.—AS. bodian.

Body, sb. body, person, PP; bodie, S; bodi, S, PP; bodiȝ, S. Phr.: my ioly body, my jolly self, C2.—AS. bodig.

Body-half, sb. the front part (of a dress), PP.

Boile; see Bule.

Boistous, adj. boisterous, noisy, S3; boustious, S3; bustuus, busteous, S3; buystous, W.

Boistously, adv. loudly, C2.

Bok, sb. book, S, S2, PP; boc, S, S2; boke, P.—AS. bóc; cp. OHG. buoh (Tatian).

Bokele, sb. buckle, MD; bokle, MD.—OF. bocle.

Bokeler, sb. buckler, shield, C, G; bocler, Palsg.—OF. bocler.

Boket, sb. bucket, C; bokett, Prompt.

Bold, adj. fierce, bold, daring, PP, S; bauld, bawld, S3; belde, big, blustering, S; bald, S2; balder, comp., P.—AS. beald; OHG. bald (Otfrid).

Boldeliche, adv. boldly, S; baldly, S2; boldely, C2.

Bolden, v. to make bold, encourage, MD; bolded, pt. s., P; balde, S.—AS. bealdian.

Bole, sb. a kind of clay, C3. Comb.: bole armoniak, Armenian clay, C3, NED (s.v. ammoniac).—Lat. bolus; Gr. βῶλος, clod.

Bole, sb. bull, S, C, C3; bule, S; bulez, pl., S2; bolis, W; boolis, W.—Icel. boli.

Bolle, sb. bowl, S, S2, C3, P; a rounded seed-vessel, NED (s.v. boll), HD; boll, rounded top (of barley), S3.—AS. bolla.

Bollen, v. to swell, S2, PP; bolled, pp., S2, PP.

Bollen, pp. swollen, NED; bollen, W; bolne, S3; bowlne, S3.

Bollyng, sb. swelling, P.

Bolnen, v. to swell, S2, P, H; bolned, pt. s., S2; bolnyde, W2; bolnyd, W.

Bolnyng, sb. swelling, H, W.

Bolt, sb. arrow, S; bolte, Prompt.—AS. bolt (Voc.).

Bolȝen, v. to puff up, MD; boluweð, pr. s., S.—AS. belgan, pt. bealg (pl. bulgon), pp. bolgen.

Bon, sb. bone, PP., S2; boon, W2; ban, S; banes, pl., S, S2; bon, S; boonys, W2; bannes, S2. Phr.: to make bones, to hesitate, S3.—AS. bán.

Bon, pp. prepared, S2; see Boun.

Bonayre, adj. kind, gentle, MD; bonere, MD; bonair, adv., MD; bonure, S2. See Debonnaire.

Bonayrelyche, adv. reverently, S2.

Bonchen, v. to strike, bump, S2, P; see Bunchen.

Bond; see Binden.

Bonde, sb. a peasant serf, slave, NED, S2; pl., PP.—AS. bonda, bunda, a householder; Icel. bóndi, for búandi, a tiller of the soil.

Bonde-man, sb. tiller of the soil, NED; bondman, P; bondemen, pl., S2, P, G, PP.

Bone, sb. pain, poison, PP; see Bane.

Bone, sb. prayer, petition, S, S2, C3, G, PP; bon, S2; boone, C, G; bonen, pl., S.—Icel. bón. Cf. Bene.

Bonen, adj. made of bone, S2.

Bonet, sb. additional sail, PP, Cath.—OF. bonet, bonnet.

Bonk, sb. bank, shore, S2, S3; see Bank.

Boo-; see Bo-.

Boor, sb. boar, C, W2; bare, S2; bore, S, PP; bor, S2, PP; bores, pl., P.—AS. bár.

Boot, sb. boat, S2, W, CM; bot, PP.—AS. bát.

Boras, sb. borax, C, C3.—OF. boras: It. borace; Arab. bōraq.

Bord, sb. board, table, S, S2, C, NED; borde, S; boord, W; bordes, pl., S.—AS. bord, plank. Cf. Bred.


Borgounen, v. to bud, S2; see Burjounen.

Borne; see Burne.

Bornen, v. to burnish, S3; see Burnen.

Borwe, sb. pledge, surety, W2, C, C2, G; borgh, H; borghe, P; borewe, S2; borwes, pl., sponsors, S2; pledges, P.—AS. borh.

Borwen, v. to deliver, to borrow, MD, PP, C2, G; borewe, W2; borowe, NED; borwede, pt. s., PP.—AS. borgian.

Borwynge, sb. borrowing, Prompt.; borewyng, S2.

Boske; see Busch.

Bosken; see Busken.

Bost, sb. boast, noise, MD, C3, PP; boost, C2; boste, PP; bostus, pl., H.

Bosten, v. to boast, PP; booste, NED.

Bosum, sb. bosom, S, W (John 13. 23); bosem, MD.—AS. bósm.

Bote, prep. and conj. without, except, unless, but, S, S2, PP; bot, CM, S2; bute, S; butt, S; boute, S, S2; buten, S; buton, S; Comb.: bote-ȝef, except that, unless, S2, C.—AS. be-úton (búton).

Bote, sb. remedy, succour, amendment, S, S2, C2, G, P; boote, S3, C, G. Phr.: to bote, to advantage, in addition, NED.—AS. bót; cp. Goth. bota.

Botelees, adj. without remedy, PP; bootelesse, useless, S3; botles, S2.

Botelere, sb. butler, Voc.; botiler, C; butler, S.

Botelle, sb. bottle, MD; botel, CM.—OF. boutelle, also botel.

Boterace, sb. buttress; boteras, Prompt.; butterace, SkD (p. 789); butteras, pl., SkD; buttrace, SkD; butteraces, SkD.—ME. boterace for OF. bouterets, i.e. (pillars) bearing a thrust, pl. of bouteret.

Boterace, v. to buttress; butteras, Palsg.; boteraced, pp., PP.

Bothe, adj. both, PP, S; baþe, S, S2; beoðe, S; beðe, S; buoðe, S2.—Icel. báði, both (neut.).

Botme, sb. bottom, C, C3, Prompt.; boþom, a vale, S2, NED; boþem, S2.—AS. botm.

Botme-les, adj. bottomless, CM.

Botnen, v., to heal, to recover, MD; botened, pp. bettered, P. See Bote.

Botun, sb. button, bud, Prompt., Voc.; bothom, MD, CM; buttonys, pl., S3.—OF. bouton, button, bud (Cotg.).

Bouel, sb. bowel, MD; bouele, S2.—OF. boel (and boele); Lat. botellus.

Bouge, sb. a leathern bottle or wallet, uter, W2 (Ps. 77. 13); bowge, W2, Prompt.—OF. bouge, budget, leather-case; Low Lat. bulga, leathern vessel (Voc.). Cf. Waterbulge.

Cross-reference could not be identified. In sources other than the Dictionary, the most common term is “water bouget”.

Bouhte; see Biggen.

Bouk, sb. the belly, trunk, body, C, JD; buc, S.—AS. búc: Icel. búkr.

Boun, pp. prepared to go, ready to start, S3, CM, PP; bon, ready, S2; bun, S2; bown, P, H.—Icel. búinn, prepared, pp. of búa, to get ready, to till; cp. AS. ge-bún, pp. of gebúan; cp. E. bound (said of a ship.)

Bounden, pp. bound, S, C2; see Binden.

Bounen, v. to get ready, to go, also to make ready, NED; bowneth, pr. s., NED; bownd, pt. s., prepared himself, got ready, S3.

Bour, sb. bower, chamber, womens’ chamber, C, G; bur, dat., S; boure, S, S2, P; bowre, P; bourez, pl. sleeping-places, S2.—AS. búr, a dwelling.

Bourde, sb. jest, PP, C3, G; bourd, S2, S3; bord, NED.—OF. bourde.

Bourden, v. to jest, C3, PP; borde, NED.—OF. bourder.

Bourding, sb. jesting, 83.

Bourdon, sb. pilgrim’s staff, CM, HD; bordun, S2, PP; burdon, S, HD; burdoun, P, MD; bordon, MD, PP; bordoun, HD.—OF. bourdon (Cotg.); Low Lat. burdonem; see Burdon.

Boustious, adj. noisy, S3; see Boistous.

Bouȝ, sb. bough, PP; boh, S; bogh, S2; bowh, PP; boȝe, dat., S; boges, pl., S; buges, S; bughes, S2; bewis, S3; bewys, S3; bowes, PP, S3; boowes, C; boȝe, dat., S.—AS. bóg, bóh, Icel. bógr, shoulder, bow of a ship; cp. Gr. πᾶχυς.

Bowe, sb. bow, W2, PP; bouwe, W2; bowes, pl., PP; boys, S3.—AS. boga.

Bowe-lyne, sb. bowline, MD; bawelyne, S2.

Bowen, v. to bow, bend, submit, to direct one’s course, turn away, PP, S2, C2, W; bouwe, W2, PP; boghen, S2, H; buwen, S; buȝen, S; buhen, S; bugen, S; beien, S; bowande, pr. p. obedient, S2; bues, pr. s., S2.—AS. búgan.

Boydekyn, sb. poniard, bodkin, NED, 33 Prompt.; bodekyn, Prompt.; boydekins, pl., C2.

Boyste, sb. box, PP, Prompt., Cath.; boyst, MD; boist, C3.—OF. boiste (F. boîte).

Boȝte; see Biggen.

Brac, sb. a, crashing sound, fragor; brace, outcry, S.—Icel. brak; cp. AS. (ge)bræc.

Brace, sb. couple of hounds, Prompt.—OF. brace, the two arms, a grasp; Lat. brachia, pl.

Bracer, sb. a guard for the left arm in archery, C; braser, Voc. See Ascham, Toxophilus, ed. Arber, p. 108.

Brade, sb. roast flesh, S; brede, S.—AS. brǽde.

Bradit; see Brayden.

Brak; see Breken.

Brand, sb. brand, firebrand, sword, MD; brond, brand, S2, C; brondes, pl., S; brands, i.e. fire-side, S2; brondis, torches, W.—AS. brand (brond).

Brant, adj. steep, high, MD, HD; brent, JD; brentest, superl., S2.—AS. brant (bront); cp. Swed. brant, Icel. brattr.

Bras, sb. brass, C2; bres, S; breas, S.—AS. bræs.

Brasten; see Bresten.

Bratful; see Bretful.

Brað, sb. violence, MD; braþþe, dat., S.—Cp. Icel. bráð. See Broð.

Braun, sb. brawn, CM; boar’s flesh, PP; brawnes, pl., muscles, C2.—OF. braon, Prov. bradon (brazon); Low Lat. bradonem; see Ducange.

Brayde, sb. a quick movement, a start, a while, moment, MD, CM; braid, S3; braydes, pl. grimaces, S2; breides, cunning tricks, MD. Phr.: at a brayde, in a moment, S2.—Icel. bragð, quick movement.

Brayden, v. to draw, pull, to draw away quickly, to twist, braid, to start, to move quickly, hasten (intr.), to wake up, MD, Prompt., S2, CM; breyde, CM, C2; breide, W2; breyde, pt. s., PP, CM, C2, C3; brayde, MD; bradit, S3; broiden, pp., MD; broydyn, laqueatus, Prompt.; brayden, MD; browden, MD, JD; browded, C, HD; brouded, C2; broyded, WW; brayded, MD.—AS. bregdan, pt. brægd (pl. brugdon), pp. brogden.

Brea-; see Bre-.

Breas, sb. brass, S; see Bras.

Bred, sb. bread, S, PP; breed, C2, W2; bræd, S; bread, S; brad, S; brede, S2; breade, dat., S.—ONorth. bréad.

Bred, sb. board, tablet, MD, S (s.v. wax); brede, Prompt.—AS. bred.

Bred-ale, sb. bride-feast, S; see Bryd-ale.

Brede, sb. bride, PP; see Bryde.

Brede, sb. roast-flesh, S; see Brade.

Brede, sb. breadth, S, S2, S3, C2, H; breede, C, W2. Phr.: on breid, on breadth, abroad, S3; did on breid, did abroad, unfolded, S3.—AS. brǽdu.

Breden, v. to spread, S, Prompt.—AS. brǽdan.

Breden, v. to roast, MD; bret, pr. s., S.—AS. brǽdan.

Breden, v. to breed, to produce, to be produced, MD, PP; bredden, pt. pl., PP; i-bred, pp., S.—AS. brédan, to nourish. See Brode.

Bred-gume; see Brydegome.

Bred-wrigte, sb. bread-wright, baker, S. See Bred.

Breech, sb. pl. breeches, drawers, C2, C3; brech, S; breche, PP; brek, Voc.—AS. bréc, pl. of bróc; cp. Icel. brækr, pl. of brók.

Breed; see Bred.

Breels, sb. pl. wretches, HD, MD (p. 343).

Breggid, pt. s. shortened, W; see Abregge.

Breken, v. to break, S, S2, PP; breoken, S; brecð, pr. s., S; brac, pt. s., S; brek, S; brec, S2; brak, S2, PP; breken, pl., S; y-broke, pp., S2; ibroke, S2.—AS. brecan, pt. bræc (pl. brǽcon), pp. brocen.

Brek-gurdel, sb. a breech-girdle, MD; brekgyrdylle, lumbare, Voc.; brechgerdel, MD; breigirdel, MD; brigirdil, MD; brygyrdyll, Prompt.; breigerdlis, pl., purses, PP. See Breech.

Breme, sb. bream, Prompt.; brem, C.—OF. bresme (F. brème); OHG. brahsema.

Breme, adj. fierce, angry, S, S2, S3, H, PP; brem, S2; breme, adv., S2; breeme, C.—AS. bréme famous, noble.

Bremely, adv. fiercely, furiously, loudly, S2; bremly, S2.

Bremstoon; see Brynston.

Bren, sb. bran, S2, C, P.—OF. bren (F. bran).

Brene; see Brune.

Brenke; see Brink.

Brennen, v. to burn, S2, S3, C, C2, PP, W; bren, S2; brinnen, S, S2; brende, pt. s., S, S2, C2; brent, S2; brendon, pl., S; brenneden, W; brende, brenned, brend, S2; brende, C; brenten, W2; brend, pp., S, S2, C; brent, 34 C2, S3, W; y-brend, C3; y-brent, C.—Icel. brenna; cp. Goth. brinnan, Cf. Bernen.

Brenningly, adv. ardently, fiercely, C.

Brent, adj. steep, high, S2, JD; see Brant.

Breo-; see Bre-.

Brerd, sb. brim, margin, surface, top, S3, MD; brurd, MD; brerde, MD.—AS. brerd, brim, top of a vessel, shore; cp. OHG. brort, also Icel. broddr, the front.

Brerd-ful, adv. brimful, MD; brurdful, S2. Cf. Bretful.

Brere, sb. briar, S3, W2; brer, S3; breres, pl., S, S3, C; breris, W.—AS. brér, also brǽre, pl. (OET).

Bres; see Bras.

Bresil, adj. brittle, H; see Brisel.

Brest, sb. breast, C; breost, MD; breast, voice, S3; breste, PP; bryst, MD.—AS. bréost.

Bresten, v. to burst, S2, C2, W, MD; brasten, S3, MD; bersten, S, C; brast, pt. s., C3, PP; barste, P; braste, pl., C3, S2; brest, S3; brusten, pp., damaged, hurt severely, S2, MD.—Icel. bresta, pt. brast, pp. brostinn; cp. AS. berstan.

Bretful, adj. brimful, S3, C, PP, HD; bratful, S2, PP; bredful, PP. Cp. Swed. bräddful. See Brerdful.

Breð, sb. breath, vapour, voice, word, MD, PP, CM; breðe, dat., S.—AS. brǽð.

Brethe, sb. anger, wrath, H; breth, H.—Icel. bræði, anger, from bráðr, hasty. See Broð.

Brethir; see Broðer.

Breuet, sb. brief, letter of indulgence, P; breuettes, pl., P.—Late Lat. brevetum.

Brewen, v. to brew, MD; brew, pt. s. contrived, C2, PP; breuh, S2, PP.—AS. bréowan, pt. bréaw, pp. browen.

Brewestere, brewster, P; breusters, pl. ale-wives, female-brewers, S2, PP.

Breyden; see Brayden.

Brid, sb. a young bird, PP, C2, C3, W; bridd, S; bridde, PP; bred, PP; bredde, PP; berd, MD; bird, MD; briddes, pl., S2, C; bryddez, S2; briddis, W, H; birds, S3 (26. 1150).—AS. bridd.

Brigge, sb. bridge, PP, S, CM; brugge, PP; bregge, MD; brygge, PP; brig, S2.—AS. brycg; cp. Icel. bryggja.

Briggen, v. to bridge, S.

Brike, sb. calamity, C2; see Bryk.

Bringen, v. to bring, S; brohte, pt. s., S; brochte, S; brouȝte, S2; brouhte, S; broȝte, S, S2; broght, pl., S2; broht, pp. S2; broght, S2; brouȝt, S2; ibrȝt, S2; y-broȝt, S2; y-brought, C; ibroht, S; ibrouht, S2; ibrocht, S.

Brink, sb. brink, margin, MD; brenke, dat., W; brynke, MD.—Cp. Swed. brink, Icel. brekka.

Brinnen; see Brennen.

Brisel, adj. brittle, H; bresil, H; brissal, JD. See below.

Brisen, v. to crush, MD; brisse, MD; bresen, MD; brisid, pp., W.

Brisokis, sb. pl. wild cabbage, H.

Britel, adj. brittle, fragile, MD; britil, S2, W; brutel, MD; brutil, CM; brotel, MD.—From base of AS. bruton, pt. pl. of bréotan, to break.

Britnen, v. to break, break up, MD; bruttenet, pp. destroyed, slain, S2; bretynyd, HD.—AS. brytnian, to distribute, dispense.

Britoner, sb. a man of Brittany, a Frenchman, P; Brytonere, P; see Brutiner.

Briȝt, adj. bright, S, PP; bricht, S; brict, S; briht, S; brigt, S; bryht, S2; bryȝt, S2; brihtre, comp., S; briȝter, S; brictest, superl., S.—AS. beorht.

Briȝte, adv. brightly, MD; bryghte, C2.

Briȝtnesse, sb. brightness, W2; brichtnesse, S; brihtnesse, S; brictnesse, S.—AS. beorhtnes.

Brocage, a treaty by an agent, PP; brokages, pl., P.—OF. brocage, ‘exprime l’idée de ruse et de perfidie’ (Godefroy).

Broche, sb. brooch, match, spear, spit, MD; brouch, S2; broch, C; broches, pl., C2, PP.—OF. broche.

Brochen, v. to spur, pierce through, put on the spit, broach a cask, MD; brochede, pt. s., S2, PP.—OF. brocher, Prov. brocar.

Brocket, sb. a stag in its second or third year, HD, MD, Cotg.; broket, MD; brokkettis, pl., S3.—Cp. OF. brocart (Cotg.).

Brocour, sb. broker, P; brokour, P.—AF. abrocour; Low Lat. abrocatorem (Ducange), from abrocare, to broach a cask, from broca. See Broche.

Brod, adj. broad, S, S2, PP; brood, C; braid, S3; brode, C, PP; brade, S, S2, H; broddeste, superl., W2.—AS. brád.


Brode, adv. broadly, wide awake, C3; widely, PP; broode, broadly, plainly, C.

Brode, sb. brood, S, Prompt.—Cp. OHG. bruot (Weigand).

Broiden; see Brayden.

Brok, sb. brock, badger, Prompt.; broc, W; brockes, pl., P; brokkys, PP.—AS. broc; OIr. brocc.

Brok, sb. brook, PP; broke, P.—AS. bróc.

Brol, sb. a brat, child, MD, S3, PP; brolle, P; brawl, ND.—Cp. Low Lat. brollus, ‘miserculus’ (Prompt., p. 50).

Brond; see Brand.

Broð, adj. violent, MD; braþ, MD; braith, JD.—Icel. bráðr. Cf. Brað.

Broþeful, adj. violent, MD; braithful, JD.

Brothel, sb. a wretch, PP, MD, HD; brothell, Palsg.

Broþeliche, adv. violently, MD; broþely, hastily, quickly, S2; braithly, JD.

Broðer, sb. brother, PP; gen. s., C2; broðere, pl., S; breðere, S; brethir, S3; breðre, S; briðere, S; bretheren, C2, PP.—AS. bróðor.

Broðer-hed, sb. brotherhood, MD; bretherhede, C; britherhed, W; britherhod, W.

Broðer-rede, sb. fraternity, MD (p. 354).—AS. bróðorrǽden.

Brouded, pp. braided, C2; see Brayden.

Broudster, sb. embroiderer, JD.

Broudyng, sb. embroidery; browdyng, C, CM.

Brouken, v. to use, enjoy, eat, PP, C, G; bruken, S; breken, S; brooke, to endure, S3; bruc, imp. s. use, S; ibroken, pp., S.—AS. brúcan, pt. bréac (pl. brucon), pp. brocen.

Broun, adj. brown, C, PP; brun, sb. brown horn, S.—AS. brún.

Bru-; see Bry-, Bri-, Brou-.

Brugge; see Brigge.

Bruk, sb. locust (= bruchus), W2, H; bruyk, H.—Gr. βροῦχος, βροῦκος.

Brune, sb. burning, S, MD; brene, S2.—AS. bryne.

Brunie, sb. corslet, coat of mail, S; brinie, MD; brini, HD, MD; burne, MD; bryniges, pl., S; brenyes, HD.—Icel. brynja: Goth. brunjo; cp. AS. byrne.

Brurd; see Brerd.

Brusten; see Bresten.

Brut, sb. Briton; Bruttes, pl., S.

Brutayne, sb. Brittany, S2.

Brutil; see Britel.

Brutiner, sb. a man of Brittany, a Frenchman, a swaggerer, PP; Brytonere, P; Britoner, P.

Brutnen, v. to hew in pieces, MD; bruttenet, pp. slain, S2; see Britnen.

Bryche, adj. reduced, poor, S2.—AS. bryce, frail.

Bryd-ale, sb. marriage-feast, MD; bridale, P, W; bredale, S; bruydale, P; brudale, S.—AS. brýd-ealo, a bride-ale, bride-feast.

Bryde, sb. bride, domiduca, Voc., PP; brede, PP; bruyd, CM; brud, MD, S; brid, MD.—AS. brýd: OS. brúd; cp. OHG. brút (Otfrid).

Bryde-gome, sb. bridegroom, MD; bredgume, S; brudgume, MD.—AS. brýdguma (brédguma); cp. OHG. brútigomo (Otfrid).

Bryk, sb. misery, calamity, MD; brike, C2; bruche, injury, MD.—AS. bryce.

Bryllyn; see Birlen.

Brymme, sb. margin, shore, S, MD.—AS. brim, surf, the sea; cp. Icel. brim.

Bryn-ston, sb. sulphur, Voc., PP, S2; brymston, W2; bremstoon, C, PP; brimstoon, C3; brunstan, H.—Cp. Icel. brennisteinn.

Brystylle, sb. bristle, Prompt., Voc.; berstles, pl., C.—From AS. byrst: OHG. burst.

Bryttlynge, sb. breaking up, S3. See Britel.

Bu-; see Bou-, Bo-.

Budele, sb. beadle, officer, PP; budeles, pl., S; beodeles, S2.—AS. bydel; cp. OHG. butil. Cf. Bedel.

Bue, Buð; see Ben.

Bulde, pt. s. built, C; see Bilden.

Buggen, v. to buy, S, S2, PP; see Biggen.

Bugle, sb. wild ox, S2, Prompt.; bugill, S3; bowgle, S3; bugle, buffalo-horn, bugle, MD.—OF. bugle; Lat. buculum (acc.).

Builen, v. to boil, S2; buylith, pr. s., W2; buylyng, pr. p., PP; buyliden, pt. pl., W2.—OF. buillir; Lat. bullire.

Bule, sb. boil, PP; bilis, pl., W; byles, PP; boilus, PP.—AS. býle; cp. G. beule (Weigand).

Bule; see Bole.

Bulle, sb. bull, papal rescript, P; bille, PP; petition, PP; bylle, PP.—Lat. bulla, 36 boss, stud, hence Late Lat. bulla, seal, document with seal; see Ducange.

Bulten, v. to boult, sift, C, Prompt.; boulte, Palsg.; bultedd, pp., S.—OF. buleter, bureter, to sift through coarse cloth, from bure, coarse cloth; Late Lat. burra; see Ducange (s.v. buratare).

Bult-pele, sb. a sifter, Voc.

Bumbase, v. to quilt with bombast, i.e. cotton wadding, Florio (p. 234a); bumbast, pr. pl., S3.—From Milanese bombás; Low Lat. bombacem, cotton; from Gr. βόμβυξ.

Bummen, v. to taste, take a draught, MD; bummede, pt. s. tasted, S2, P.

Bun, pp. prepared, S2, MD; see Boun.

Bunchen, v. to strike, MD, Prompt.; bonchede, pt. s., S2; bonched, P.

Bunden; see Binden.

Bur, sb. wind, storm, force, impetus, MD; bir, MD; birr, HD; hire, dat., W, MD; birre, W; byrre, HD.—Icel. byrr, wind, storm.

Bur, sb. the broad ring of iron behind the place for the hand on a tilting-spear, S3; burr, HD.

Burde, sb. maiden, virgin, lady, S, S2, PP; birde, P; berde, PP; buirde, PP; buyrde, S2, PP; see Bryde.

Burden, sb. burden, Manip.; see Burðene.

Burdenous, adj. burdensome, S3.

Burdon, sb. mule; burdones, pl., MD; burdowns, MD.—Lat. burdonem (Vulg.).

Burdoun, sb. droning sound, bass, MD, C.—OF. bourdon, a drone, the humming of bees, the drone of a bag-pipe (Cotg.).

Bureth, v. it behoves, MD; birrþ, pr. s., S; burth, MD; birs, MD; bers, MD; birrde, pt. s., S; bird, S2, MD; burd, MD.—AS. ge-byrian; cp. OHG. gi-burren, to happen (Otfrid).

Burgage, sb. an estate held of a lord of a borough; burgages, pl., P; borgages, PP.—Low Lat. burgagium; OF. bourgage (Cotg.).

Burgeis, sb. burgess, MD; burgeys, C, CM; burgeis, pl., S2, P; burgeyses, P.—OF. burgeis; Low Lat. burgensis.

Burgh, sb. borough, town, fortress, shelter, MD; burghe, PP, CM; borghe, PP; borw, PP; borugh, PP; borowe, PP; borh, S; burch, S; burh, S; bureh, MD, S; biri, MD, S; berie, S; borwȝ, S2; borwes, pl., PP, MD.—AS. burh; gen. byrig.

Buriel, sb. tomb, S2; buryel, S2; biriel, W; biryel, S2; buriels, pl. the Catacombs, C3; biriels, W2; birielis, W.—AS. byrgels.

Burien, v. to bury, MD, S, PP; birien, MD, W2; berien, C3; bery, MD, C3; byrien, S; i-burred, pp., S2.—AS. byrigan.

Burien, sb. grave, MD; berien, S.—AS. byrgen.

Burinisse, sb. burial-place, MD; berynes, H.—AS. byrignes.

Burjoun, sb. burgeon, bud, MD; burioyn, H; burgon, HD; burgionys, pl., S3; burioyns, H.—OF. borjon, in Cotg. bourgeon.

Burjounen, v. to bud, MD; buriowne, W2; burgionys, pr. s., S3; borgouneȝ, pr. pl., S2; burioneþ, PP; burionand, pr. p., H; buriownynge, W.

Burn, sb. man, S2, HD; burne, S2; see Bern.

Burne, sb. spring of water, MD, S; bourne, S2; borne, S2; burn, stream, S2.—AS. burna.

Burnen, v. to burnish, MD; burned, pp., C; borned, S3.—OF. brunir, to burnish, polish, to make brown (Cotg.). See SkD. p. 789.

Burnet, adj. brown, S3.—OF. brunet, brownish (Cotg.).

Burnet, sb. cloth of brown colour, CM, MD.—OF. brunette (Cotg.); cp. Low Lat. brunetum.

Burðene, sb. burden, MD; birthin, W; birthun, W2; burden, Manip.—AS. byrðen.

Busch, sb. bush, wood, W, W2, MD; buysch, W; busk, the head or tuft of a stalk of wheat, S; bush, S2, MD; boske, S2; boskez, pl., S2.

Buschement, sb. ambush, MD; busshement, S3. Cp. OF. en-buschement, an ambuscade NED, (s.v. ambushmenf).

Busken, v. to prepare oneself, to get ready, to go, to hasten, to prepare, dress, MD, H, S2, P; buschen, S2; bosken, S2. Icel. búask (reflex.), to get oneself ready.

Buskinge, sb. equipment, dress, MD, S3; bosking, MD.

Busteous, adj. noisy, S3; buystous, W; see Boistous.

Busy, adj. busy, MD; bisi, S, W2; bisie, S; bisy, C2, P; besy, C.—AS. bysig.

Busyen, v. to busy, occupare, MD; bisien, C3, S2, W.


Busynesse, sb. business, activity, care, industry, MD, C, C3; bisinesse, C3; besynesse, S3; besynes, H; bisynesses, pl., W2.

Buþ; see Ben.

Buþ; see Biggen.

Buuen, prep. and adv. above, S; buue, S; boue, MD; bufon, S.—AS. be-ufan.

Buxum, adj. obedient, ready, willing, courteous, PP; boxum, S2, PP; buxom, CM; buhsum, S. See Bowen.

Buxumliche, adv. obediently, PP; boxumly, S2; buxomly, C2.

Buxumnesse, sb. obedience, PP; buxomnes, P; boxumnes, S2.

By-, prefix. See Bi- words.

By, Bi, prep. by, at, according to, S, S2, with regard to, PP, S, S2, S3; bie, S; be S, S2. Phr.: by and by, adv. immediately, S3; in order, separately, C, Prompt., MD.

By, v. to dwell, build, C2; see Biggen.

Bye, v. to buy, S2; by, C3; see Biggen.

Byggyng, sb. building, S2.

Byȝe; see Beiȝ.


C-; see also under K.

Caas, sb. case, circumstance, chance, C; kas, S2; cass, S3; cas, S2, C2.—AF. cas; Lat. casum (acc.), a fall, from cadere, to fall.

Caas, sb. case, quiver, C; see Casse.

Caban, sb. hut, small room, MD, PP; cabin, MD.—OF. cabane; cp. Low Lat. cabanna, capanna; see Brachet.

Cabine, sb. a shed made of boughs, Cotg. (s.v. cabane); cabin, small enclosed place, Sh.

Cabinet, sb. small shed, arbour, S3.—OF. cabinet, an arbour in a garden, Cotg.; cp. It. cabinetto (Florio).

Cacchen, v. to catch, to chase, MD, C3, P; katchen, MD; kecchen, MD; chacche, S2; chacen, MD; chaci, MD; caucht, S3; cacces, pr. s., S2; cahte, pt. s., MD; caȝte, S2; caughte, C2; cauȝt, MD; cought, MD; caght, MD; cahten, pl., MD; keiȝt, MD; caht, pp. MD; kauȝt, W2.—OF. cachier, cacier (also chacier, chasser); Late Lat. captiare, from Lat. captare, freq. of capere, to take, to hold; see Constans.

Cache-pol, sb. a tax-gatherer, constable, bailiff, MD, PP; cahchpolle, Prompt.; catchepollis, pl., W.—AF. cacchepole, OF. chacepol, chassipole; cp. Low Lat. cachepollus, cacepollus, chacepollus, chassipullus. The form cacepollus is met with in the Leges Ethelredi, see Schmid and Ducange. The word probably meant at first the officer who collected from the tenant the fowls (pullos) paid as rent.

Cacherel, sb. an inferior officer of justice, MD; kachereles, pl., S2.—OF. cacherel; cp. Low Lat. cacherellus.

Cæse; see Chese.

Cæste, sb. dat. chest, S; see Chest.

Caf, sb. chaff, H; see Chaf.

Caitif, adj. and sb. captive, miserable wretch, MD, W, C3, H; caytif, C2; caytiue, P; caitifes, pl., S3; caytiues, S3; kaytefes, S2.—AF. caitif; Prov. captiu; Lat. captiuum (acc.); see Brachet (s.v. chétif).

Caitifte, sb. wretchedness, S2, W, W2, H; caytefte, S2.—OF. caitivete; Lat. captiuitatem.

Calabre, sb. Calabrian fur, P, S2 (p. 200); NQ. (5. 12. 232); calabere, P (n). Comb.: calaber amyse, a person wearing an amice trimmed with calabre, P (n).

Cald; see Cold.

Calengen, v. to accuse, to charge, W2; see Chalengen.

Calewe, adj. bald, without hair, MD, S2.—AS. calwo-, stem of calu; cp. OHG. chalo (gen. chálawes), and Lat. caluus.

Caliz, sb. chalice, S, MD, SkD; chalis, MD; chalys, Voc.; calice, dat. S, SkD.—OF. caliz; Lat. calix; also OF. calice; Lat. calicem.

Calle, sb. a caul, net for the hair (worn by women), MD, CM, SkD (s.v. caul).

Callen, v. to call, S, C2; kalle, MD, S2.—AS. ceallian; cp. Icel. kalla.

Callour, adj. cool, fresh, healthy, JD, S3; caller, JD; cauler, JD.

Calme, adj. calm, MD.—OF. calme (Cotg.), It. calma (Florio); Low Lat. cauma, heat (Vulg.); Gr. καῦμα.

Calmen, v. to become calm, MD; cawmyt, pp., S3.—OF. calmer; to quiet.

Cal-stocke, sb., cabbage-stalk, S3; calstok, 38 Voc.; calstoke, Palsg.; castock, JD; custoc, JD. See Cole.

Camamelle, sb. camomile, Voc.; camemille, Voc.; camamyle, Prompt.; cammamyll, Palsg.; camomylle, MD; cammamyld, S3; camamy, Voc.—Late Lat. camamilla; Gr. χαμαίμηλον.

Camel, sb. camel, MD; camelle, Prompt.; camaille, C2; chamelle, Prompt.; chamayle, MD.—OF. camel; Lat. camelum (acc.); Gr. κάμηλος; Heb. gāmāl.

The regular OF. equivalent for Lat. camēlum was chameil. In OF. camel the termination -el is due to analogy with French forms derived from -ālem. See BH, § 43.

Cameline, sb. camlet, MD.—OF. cameline; Low Lat. camelinum.

Camelot, sb. camlet, SkD; chamelot, S3; chamlet, Cotg.—OF. camelot (Cotg.); cp. Low Lat. camelotum.

Cammamyld, sb. camomile, S3; see Camamelle.

Camp, sb. contest, MD; comp, S; kemp, JD; kampe, dat., MD.—AS. camp (comp); cp. Icel. kapp.

Campe, adj. See Kempe.

Campen, v. to contend, contest, esp. at foot-ball, MD, Prompt.—AS. campian.

Campynge, sb. pedipiludium, game of foot-ball, Prompt.

Can, pr. s. can, knows, S, S2. Phr.: can þanc, S; see Kunnen.

Canceler, sb. chancellor, S; see Chaunceler.

Candel, sb. candle, MD; kandel, S; candlen, pl. S2.—AS. candel (condel); Lat. candela; cp. Icel. kyndill, candle, torch.

Candel-messe, sb. Candlemass, MD; candel-masse, dat., S, S2.—Cp. Icel. kyndill-messa, in Church Lat. candelaria, the feast of the Purification.

Canelle, sb. cinnamon, S2, Voc., Cath. (n); canylle, Cath.; canel, W, W2.—AF. canelle; Late Lat. canella, cinnamon, also, a reed (Ducange), from Lat. canna. See Canne.

Canevas, sb. canvas, C3; canvas, Voc.; canwas, Voc.—AF. canevas, canevace; Late Lat. canabacius, hempen cloth; from OF. canve (F. chanvre), hemp; Late Lat. cannabum, Lat. cannabis; Gr. κᾶνναβις.

Cang, adj. foolish, lustful, MD; canges, sb. gen., fool’s, S; kanges, pl., MD. See PP; Notes, (p. 241).

Cangen, v. to befool, MD.

Cang-liche, adv. foolishly, MD.

Cang-schipe, sb. foolishness, MD.

Canker, sb. cancer, a disease, MD, W; cankyr, Voc.; cankere, Voc.—Lat. cancer, crab, an eating tumour, also, in pl. cancri, lattice-work.

Cankerd, pp. corrupted, S3.

Canne, sb. cane, reed, MD; cane, Voc.—Lat. canna; Gr. κάννα, κάννη, cane, reed; Heb. qāneh.

Canne, sb. can, MD, W; cane, Voc. Cp. Late Lat. canna, a measure for liquids; see Weigand (s.v. Kanne).

Canon, sb. a rule, MD, PP; canoun, MD; canon-law, PP.—Lat. canon; Gr. κανών, a rule, standard, from κάνη, κάννη, a cane, reed. See Canne.

Canonisen, v. to admit into the canon of the Mass, to canonize, MD; to consecrate, admit to the dignity of the papacy, MD.—Late Lat. canonizare.

Canonistres, sb. pl. men skilled in canon-law or ecclesiastical law, PP.—OF. canoniste; Late Lat. canonista.

Canoun, sb. a canon of a chapter, MD; kanun, S; chanoun, S, Voc., C3, G; chanon, C3.—OF. canone, canoine (chanoine); Church Lat. canonicum (acc.) one on the church-roll or list (canon).

Church Lat. canonicus did not mean originally ‘one on the church-roll or list,’ but one who was bound to observe a certain rule of life (canon, κανών). OF. chanoine is not the precise equivalent of canonicum, but represents a Latin type *canonium. See Scheler’s Dict. (ed. 3).

Cant, adj. lively, brave, cheerful, MD, S2, JD.

Cant, sb. a portion, S3; corner, SkD, ND.—OF. cant; cp. It. canto, corner (Florio).

Cantel, sb. edge, piece, bit, MD, C, Prompt., Palsg.; kantel, MD; cantle, Sh., ND.—OF. cantel (F. chanteau).

Caper-cailye, sb. capercailyie, JD.—Ir. capull-coille, lit., the horse of the forest. See Capul.

Capitain, sb. captain, C2; capitayne, S3.—OF. capitain; Late Lat. capitaneum (acc.) captain, from Lat. caput.—Cf. Cheuetayn.

Capitle, sb. the sum, the chief point, W; see Chapitre.

Cappe, sb. cap, MD; keppen, pl., S.

Capret, sb. a wild goat, W2; capretis, pl., W2.—Late Lat. capretus; cp. F. chevrette.

Capul, sb. horse, nag, MD, Prompt., PP, HD; capil, MD; capel, C3; caple, MD, PP, HD.—Icel. kapall; Lat. caballus; cp. Ir. capull, Wel. ceffyl.

Caracter, sb. a mark, sign, character, W; carecter, W; carracte, Palsg.; carecte, PP; carect, W; caractes, pl., HD; carectes, PP.—Lat. character; Gr. 39 χαρακτήρ, an engraved mark; cp. Prov. caracta.

Carayne, sb. carrion, S2; see Caroigne.

Carboncle, sb. a precious stone, MD; carbokyl, Voc.; charboncle, MD; charbucle, MD; charbocle, C2.—OF. carboncle (carboucle, charboucle); Lat. carbunculum (acc.).

Carde, sb. teasel, Prompt.;—OF. carde; Late Lat. cardum (acc.), from Lat. carduus, thistle.

Carden, v. to card wool, MD, Prompt., S3.—OF. carder, It. cardare (Florio).

Cardiacle, sb. pain about the heart, PP, Cath. (n.), C3; cardyacle, Prompt.; cardiakylle, Cath., Voc.; cardiake, Cath.—OF. cardiaque, a malady of the heart (Cotg.); Late Lat. cardiaca, ‘cordis passio’; Gr. καρδιακός, from καρδία, the heart. For the intrusion of l see Cronique.

Care, sb. grief, S, C3, G; cayr, S3; kare, S2.—AS. cearu: OS. kara; cp. OHG. chara.

Care-full, adj. full of grief, S3, C; karful, S2; carefullich, adv. anxiously, P; carfuli, S2.

Caren, v. to be anxious, MD; karien, S; cared, pt. s., G; pl., P.—AS. cearian.

Carf, pt. s. cut, C2; see Keruen.

Carited, sb. charity, S; see Charitee.

Cark, Carke; see Charge.

Carl, sb. a man, rusticus, colonus, maritus, MD, C3.—Icel. karl; cp. OHG. karl (Otfrid).

Carl-man, sb. a man; carman, MD; caremane, MD; carlmen, pl., S.—Icel. karlmaðr (karmaðr), a man, male.

Carme, sb. a Carmelite friar; karmes, pl., S3.—OF. Carme (Bartsch); from Church Lat. Carmelus; Heb. Carmel, ‘cultivated land.’

Caroigne, sb. carrion, MD, PP, C; caroyne, MD, PP; caroin, S2; careyne, MD, PP; careyn, W2; carayne, MD, S2; caraing, MD; karyun, H; carion, MD; caren, MD; karyn, MD; careyns, pl. W.—OF. caroigne (F. charogne); cp. It. carogna; from Lat. caro, flesh. See Crone.

Carole, sb. a round dance, singing, MD; karole, a chain, MD; caroles, pl., C; carolles, MD.—OF. carole (carolle); It. caróla, a dance, song (Florio); Low Lat. carola, karola, a dancing, also, a chain (of pearls), see Ducange; Lat. corolla, a wreath; dimin. of corona.—ALM. For another account of this word see SkD.

Carolen, v. to dance in a ring, to sing, MD, PP.

Carolinge, sb. carolling, C3.

Carpen, v. to talk, to speak, to say, MD, C, S3; to rebuke, S3; carpede, pt. s., S2; carped, S2, P.—Icel. karpa, to boast.

Carpyng, sb. talking, P.

Carre, sb. car, cart, Prompt.; charre, MD; chare, Voc., S3, W; schare, carpentum, Voc.; char, S2, S3, C, C2; chaar, MD; charis, pl., W, W2, H.—OF. carre, also car (char); Lat. carrum (acc.). A Celtic word, cp. OIr. carr (Windisch).

Carry, v. carro vehere, to carry, MD; carien, C2; to drive, ride, travel, S2; y-caried, C2.—AF. carier (OF. charier, charroier); Late Lat. carricare (carrigare), see Duncange. See Chargen.

Carte, sb. chariot, cart, MD; kart, H (Ps. 67. 18).

Cary, sb. a rough material, S3; see Cauri-mawry.

Casse, sb. box, chest, cover, Prompt.; kace, Prompt.; caas, C.—OF. casse (AF. chasse); Lat. capsa; cp. Gr. κάψα.

Cast, sb. a throw, plan, intention, plot, MD, C, G; caste, P; kastis, pl., H.—Icel. kast.

Castel, sb. village, small town (= castellum), W; castels, pl., camp (= castra), W2; kastels, H (Ps. 77. 32).—Late Lat. castellum, village (Vulg.), Lat. castellum, fortress.

Castel, sb. castle, S.—OF. castel (chastel). See above.

Castel-weorces, sb. pl. fortifications, S, MD.

Casten, v. to cast, throw, to consider, imagine, purpose, design, S, S2, S3, C; kasten, MD, H; kesten, MD, S2; caste, pt. s., MD, S2, S3, C2, C3, G; kast, S2; kest, S3; casten, pl., P, W; kesten, S2, W; castiden, W; casten, pp., MD, C2; i-cast, S; y-cast, C3; ikest, S2; kest, S2; cast, C3. Phr.: caste tornes, tried tricks, G.—Icel. kasta.

Castyng, sb. a vomiting, W.

Cat, sb. cat, Voc., MD; catt, Voc.; kat, S.

Catapuce, sb. name of a purgative plant, euphorbia, C; catapus, CM.—OF. catapuce (petite), garden spurge (Cotg.); Low Lat. catapotium, ‘medicamentum quod non diluitur, pillula’ (Ducange); Gr. καταπότιον, that can be gulped down, a pill, from πότος, drink. Cp. Low Lat. cathapucia, ‘semen spurgie,’ SB.


Cat-cluke, sb. trefoil, S3, JD; catluke, JD; ketelokes, pl., H (Ps. 36. 2).

Catel, sb. capital, property, wealth, CM, MD, S2, C2, C3, W; kateyl, S2; catelle, S2; catele, S2; chatel, MD; chetel, MD.—OF. catel, chatel; Late Lat. captale, capitale, property, principal; from Lat. capitalis, from caput, the head.

Catour, sb. a buyer of provisions, caterer, Palsg., G; cater, S3.—OF. acateur, buyer, from acater (F. acheter), achapter; Late Lat. accaptare.

Caucion, sb. security, surety, account, MD; caucioun, W.—Lat. cautionem, security, bond, warranty, from cautus, pp. of cauere, to be on one’s guard.

Caudron, sb. cauldron, W2.—AF. caudron, OF. chaudron. See Chaud.

Cauri-maury, sb. the name of a coarse rough material, PP; caurimauri, S2; kaurymaury, PP; cawrymawry, PP (n.). Cf. Cary.

Cautele, sb. caution, deceit, MD, Prompt.; cawtele, S3; cautel, ND, Sh.—OF. cautele (cautelle); Lat. cautela.

Cautelous, adj. sly, deceitful, MD, ND, Sh.; cautelouse, W2.—OF. cautelos; Late Lat. cautelosum (Ducange).

Cavell, v. to divide by lot, JD; see Keuel.

Cawmyt, pp. calmed, S3; see Calmen.

Caȝte; see Cacchen.

Cedre, sb. cedar, MD, W2 (Job 40. 12); cedres, pl., S2.—AF. cedre; Lat. cedrum (acc.); Gr. κέδρος.

Cedyr-tre, sb. cedar-tree, Voc.; sydyre-tre, Voc.

Ceelen, v. to line the walls or roof of a room, Prompt., MD; selyn, Prompt.; seeled, pp., WW (s.v. cieled).

Ceinte, sb. girdle, MD; seynt, C.—OF. ceinte; Lat. cincta, pp. f. of cingere.

Celer, sb. cellar, promptuarium, Prompt., W (Lu. 12. 24), MD; celler, MD; seller, G; selleer, G; celere, dat. S, H; celeris, pl., W2; selers, W2.—AF. celer, OF. celier; Lat. cellarium.

Celerer, sb. cellarer, C2.

Celicall, adj. heavenly, S3.

Celle, sb. cell, a religious house, C, C2; selle, C; selles, pl., P.—OF. celle; Lat. cella.

Celure, sb. canopy, ceiling; see Selure.

Cementing, sb. hermetically sealing, C3. See Syment.

Cendal, sb. a fine stuff (linen or silk), S, MD; sendal, PP, ND, C; cendel, MD, HD, Prompt.; sendel, PP, H; = Lat. sindon, W, Voc.; cendell, Palsg.; sendalle, Cath.; sendylle, sandalium, sindo, Cath.—OF. and AF. cendal (cp. Low Lat. cendalum, sendalum); perhaps an adaptation of Gr. σινδών, orig. Indian muslin, from Skt. Sindhu, India.

Centaure, sb. centaury, name of a plant, C; centorye, Alph.—OF. centaure; Lat. centaurea, centaureum; Gr. κενταύρειον, from κένταυρος, a centaur.

Ceptre, sb. sceptre, C2, MD, Palsg.; ceptyr, Prompt.; ceptire, H (Ps, 44. 8).—AF. ceptre; Lat. sceptrum; Gr. σκῆπτρον, staff.

Cerchen, v. to search, MD; cergyn, Prompt.; serchen, MD; sherch, S3; seirsand, pr. p., S3; sherched, pt. pl., S3.—OF. cercher (sercher); Lat. circare, to go round, from circus, a circle.

Cercle, sb. circle, MD, C; sercle, Prompt., W2.—OF. cercle; Lat. circulum (acc.), dimin. of circus.

Cerclen, v. to circle, MD; sirculit, pp., S3.—OF. cercler; Lat. circulare.

Circulat, adj. revolving, S3.

Cere, v. to cover with wax, SkD, C3; cered, pp. shrouded in waxed cloth, SkD.—Lat. cerare, to wax, from cera, wax.

Cere-cloth, sb. waxed linen (for dead bodies), Sh.; searcloth, SkD.

Cerements, sb. pl. (see above), Sh.

Cerge, sb. wax taper, MD; serge, MD, JD, Cath.; cerges, pl., S.—OF. cerge, cierge; Late Lat. ceria, fem. from Lat. cereus, from cera, wax.

Cerial, adj. sacred to Ceres, C.—Lat. Cerialis, Cerealis.

Ceriously, adv. minutely, with full details, S2, C3; see Seryowsly.

Certes, adv. certainly, S, C2, C3; sertes, S2, PP; certis, S3, P.—OF. certes, (Constans): OSp. certas; Lat. certas, pl. f. of certus, certain.

Ceruse, sb. ceruse, white lead, with which women painted their faces, MD; ceruce, C.—OF. ceruse (Cotg.); Lat. cerussa; cp. Gr. κηρωτόν, a cerate or salve used as a cosmetic, from κηρός, bees-wax.

Cessen, v. to cease, C2, C3; cesen, MD.—AF. cesser; Lat. cessare.

Cetewale, sb. zedoary, a root resembling ginger, MD, C2, Prompt., SB; setewale, MD, HD; setwale, Prompt.; setuale, Prompt.; sedewale, MD; sedwale, MD; 41 zedewale, Alph.—AF. cetewale, OF. citoual, citouart; Low Lat. zedoarium; Arab. jadwár (from the Persian).

Ceðen, sb. pl. countries, S; see Cuððe.

Chaf, sb. chaff, straw, MD; chaff, MD; chaffe, W, Prompt.; chef, MD; caf, H; cafe, H.—AS. ceaf.

Chaffare, sb. business, selling, merchandise, S2, C2, C3; chaffar, C3; chafare, S; cheffare, S; chapfare, MD; cheapfare, MD.—AS. céap + faru, a journey, business; cp. Icel. kaupför.

Chaffaren, v. to chaffer, S2, C3, P, W.

Chaflet, sb. a small stage or platform, S3, HD.—A dimin. of OF. chafaut, chaffaut, see Ducange (s.v. chaaffallum). See Skaffaut.

Chaine, sb. chain; chayne, MD; cheyne, Prompt., C2; chyne, MD.—AF. chaine (cheine); OF. chaäine, cadene; Lat. catena.

Chaire, seat, chair, MD; chayere, MD; chaier, W2; chaere, S, MD.—AF. chaiëre, chayëre, seat, throne; Lat. cathedra; Gr. καθέδρα.

Chald, adj. cold, S; see Cold.

Chalenge, sb. false claim, accusation, claim, MD, W2; calenge, MD; chalaunge, MD.—AF. chalenge, chalange, OF. calenge; Lat. calumnia.

Chalengen, v. to accuse, charge, claim, MD, W, S2, P; chalange, H; calengynge, pr. p., W2; chalangede, pt. s., S2; chalanged, pp. accused, P.—AF. chalenger, chalanger, ‘calumniate.’

Chalengere, sb. accuser, W2.

Chamber, sb. chamber, MD; chambur, MD; schambyr, Voc.; chambre, C2, C3, PP; chombre, MD; chaumbre, MD, PP; chawmere, MD; chamer, Voc.; chalmer, S3.—AF. chambre; Lat. camera.

Chamberere, sb. handmaid, MD, S2, C2; chambrere, MD; chomberier, MD.—OF. chamberiere.

Chamberling, sb. chamberlain; chaumberling, MD; chamberlein, MD; schamberleyne, Voc.; chamberlayn, MD; chamerlane, Voc.—OF. chambrelenc (cp. It. camerlengo in Florio); OHG. chamarlinc; Lat. camera + OHG. -linc. On the suffix see SkD.

Chamelle; see Camel.

Chamelot, sb. camlet, S3; see Camelot.

Champaine, adj. and sb. level, level country, CM, S3.—AF. champaigne.

Champartie, sb. share in land, partnership in power, C; chanpartye, S3.—OF. champart, field-rent, see Cotg.; Lat. campi partem.

Champion, sb. a fighter in the duel, a champion, MD; champioun, C, G.—AF. champion; Late Lat. campionem.

Chan-; see Chaun-.

Chanoun; see Canoun.

Chape, sb. the locket of a scabbard, Cotg., Cath.; schape, Cath. (n.).—OF. chappe (Cotg.).

Chapele, sb. chapel, S, MD; chapelle, MD; schapelle, Voc.—AF. chapele, OF. capele; Church Lat. capella.

Chapelein, sb. chaplain, MD; chapeleyne, MD, C; chapeleyns, pl., S2.—AF. chapelein; Church Lat. capellanus.

Chapiter, sb. the capital of a column, SkD.—OF. chapitel; Lat. capitellum, dimin. of caput.

Chapitre, sb. a chapter, division of a book, a meeting of clergy, MD, PP; chapiter, S3; chapitere, PP; chapitle, PP; chapitele, PP; capitle, summary, W.—OF. chapitre, chapitle; Lat. capitulum, dimin. of caput.

Chapitre-hous, sb. chapter-house, PP; chapitel-hous, PP.

Chapman, sb. merchant, C, PP; chapmon, S2, PP; chepmon, S; chapmen, pl., S, S2, C3, PP.—AS. céapman.

Chapmanhode, sb. trade, S2, C3.

Chapolory, sb. a kind of scarf, S3; see Scaplorye.

Char, Chare, sb. car, S3; see Carre.

Charbocle, sb. carbuncle (stone), C2; see Carboncle.

Charen, v. to turn, S; see Cherren.

Charge, sb. a load, injunction, responsibility, MD, S2, C3, C, W; charche, MD; carke, S3; karke, MD; cark, MD, G.—AF. charge, also kark.

Chargen, v. to put a load on, to enjoin, MD, S2; to care for, W, W2; charchyng, pr. p., S3; y-charged, pp., S2; charged, S2.—AF. charger; OF. cargier; Late Lat. carricare. See Carry.

Chargeouse, adj. burdensome, W; chariouse, W2.

Charitee, sb. charity, C2; charyte, S2; charite, MD, S2, G; carited, S; kariteþ, MD.—AF. charite, OF. caritet, Prov. caritat; Lat. caritatem. Cf. Cherte.

Chariȝ, adj. sad, S.—AS. cearig; cp. OS. karag. See Care.


Charnel, sb. charnel-house, P, SkD.—AF. charnel, carnel; Lat. carnalem.

Chartre, sb. prison, S, MD.—OF. chartre, Ps. 141. 7; Lat. carcerem, see Brachet. For tr from original cr, compare OF. veintre; Lat. vincere.

Chartre, sb. charter, S, PP.—AF. chartre; Lat. chartula, dimin. of charta.

Chase, sb. hunting, pursuit, also, hunting-ground, MD; chas, MD; chays, S3.—AF. chace, hunting-ground.

Chaser, sb. hunter (horse), chaser, MD; chaseris, pl., S2.

Chastelet, sb. little castle, domain, P.—OF. chastelet (Cotg.). See Castel.

Chasteleyne, sb. castellan, MD.—AF. chasteleyn.

Chastien, v. to chastise, MD, S; chaste, S2, C2, P.—AF. chastier, OF. castier; Lat. castigare.

Chastisen, v. to chastise, MD; chastyse, C2.

Chastyng, sb. chastisement, P.

Chaud, adj. hot, S2, PP.—OF. chaud, chald; Late Lat. caldum; from Lat. calidus.

Chaunce, sb. chance, S2, C2, C3; cheance, MD; cheaunce, MD; chans, MD; chance, S3.—OF. cheance; Late Lat. cadentia, a falling, from cadere.

Chauncel, sb. chancel, Prompt.; chauncell, Palsg.; chawnsylle, Voc.—OF. chancel; Late Lat. cancellus, chancel, screen; cp. Lat. cancetti, pl., latticework, dimin. of cancri, lattice work, from cancer, a crab. See Canker.

Chaunceler, sb. chancellor, Prompt.; chanceler, MD; cancaler, S.—AF. chanceler, OF. cancelier; Late Lat. cancellarius.

Chauncellerie, sb. chancery, MD; chancelerie, MD.—AF. chauncelerie.

Chauncerye, sb. chancery, MD.—AF. chancerie.

Chaunge, sb. change, C2.

Chaungen, v. to change, MD, S2; chaungi, S; chongen, S2; i-changet, pp., S.—AF. changer; OF. changier, cangier; Low Lat. cambiare, to barter.

Chaunger, sb. money-changer, W.

Chaungyng, sb. changing, W2.

Chaunterie, sb. chantry for singing masses for the dead, C.—AF. ckaunterie, OF. chanterie; Late Lat. cantaria, from Lat. cantare, to sing.

Chavel, sb. the jaw, MD; chavyl, MD; chawle, MD; chaul, MD; choule, MD; chol, S3; choll, MD.—AS. ceafl. See further in SkD (s.v. jowl).

Chavyl-bone, sb. jaw-bone, Prompt.; chavylbon, MD.

Che-; see Chi-.

Cheap, sb. bargain, S; see Chepe.

Cheap-ild, sb. a female trader, S. See -ild.

Chearre, v. to turn, S; see Cherren.

Cheas, pt. s. chose, S; see Chesen.

Checker, sb. exchequer, S3; see Escheker.

Cheef, sb. and adj. head, upper part, chief, MD, PP; chief, MD; cheff, PP; chef, MD; chyf, PP.—OF. chef (AF. chief) cheve; Late Lat. capum (acc.); cp. It. capo, Sp. cabo.

Cheef-mete, sb. chief meat, PP, S2.

Chees; see Chesen.

Cheest; see Chest.

Cheffare, sb. business, S; see Chaffare.

Chekelew, adj. suffocating, HD; see -lewe.

Cheken, v. to choke, suffocate, MD, Prompt., SkD. See NED (s.v. achoke).

Cheker, sb. exchequer, PP; see Escheker.

Cheld, adj. cold, S2; see Cold.

Chelde, sb. cold, PP.

Chelden, v. to grow cold, S; kelde, MD.—AS. cealdian.

Chĕle, sb. chill, S, S2; see Chil.

Chĕle, sb. throat, fur made up from the fur about the marten’s throat, S; cheole, MD; chelle, MD.—AS. ceole, the throat; cp. OHG. chĕla (G. kehle). See Merthes-chele.

Chelle, sb. bowl, incense-vessel, S.—AS. ciella (cylle), a vessel for drinking; cp. OHG. chella.

Chemys, sb. chief mansion, JD; see Chymmys.

Chene; see Chyne.

Cheosen; see Chesen.

Chepe, sb. bargain, business, MD; cheap, S. Phr.: good chepe, cheap, MD; gret chep, plenty, cheapness, MD; to good cheep, too cheaply, G.—AS. céap, business, purchase, price, also, cattle; Icel. kaup, bargain; cp. OHG. kouf (Otfrid).

Chepe, sb. Cheapside, S3, P.

Chepen, v. to transact business, buy or sell, MD, S; chepet, pp., S.—AS. céapian, to bargain.


Cheping, sb. market, W; chepynge, S2, P.—AS. céapung, trade, commerce.

Chepmon; see Chapman.

Cher, adj. dear, PP; chere, MD. Phr.: cher ouer, careful of, PP.—OF. cher; Lat. carum.

Cherarchy, sb. an assembly of holy rulers, a hierarchy, S3; yerarchy, SkD (p. 810).—OF. hierarchie; Gr. ἱεραρχία; cp. It. gerarchía, a hierarchy of angels (Florio).

Cherche, sb. church, S2, C3; see Chirche.

Chere, sb. a time, S; see Cherre.

Chere, sb. face, friendly welcome, S, MD, S2, S3, C3, G, C2; chiere, S3; cheare, S3; cheere, G; cher, S2; cheer, W; cheres, pl., wry faces, S.—AF. chere, countenance, OF. chere, head (Roland); Low Lat. cara, the face, head; Gr. κάρα; see Ducange. Cp. E. cheer.

Cheren, v. to make good cheer, to make glad, MD, Prompt., S.

Cheriche, v. to cherish, PP; cheryce, C2.—OF. cherir (pr. p. cherissant).

Cherissing, sb. cherishing, PP.

Cherl, sb. peasant, S, S2, C2, C3; chorle, Prompt.; churle, Voc.—AS. ceorl; cp. MHG. kerl. Cf. Carl.

Cherliche, adv. dearly, fondly, PP; cherli, S2. See Cher.

Cherre, sb. a turn, space of time, business, affair, job, MD; chere, S; char, MD; chore, SkD (p. 792).—AS. cerr (cirr, cyrr); cp. OHG. chér.

Cherren, v. to turn, MD; chearre, S; churren, S; charen, S; cherde, pt. pl., S.—AS. cerran (cirran); cp. OHG. kéren (Otfrid).

Cherte, sb. charity, MD: friendship, S3.—OF. cherte; Lat. caritatem. Cf. Charitee.

Cherubim, sb. pl. cherubim; cherubym, W2 (Ps. 17. 12); cherubin, S2; cherubyn, H.—Church Lat. cherubim (Vulg.); Heb. cherubim, pl. of cherub. Cp. OF. cherubins, PS. 17. 10.

Chervelle, sb. chervil, PP; cherefelle, Alph.; chiruylles, pl., PP.—AS. cærfille, (Voc.); Lat. caerifolium; Gr. χαιρέφυλλον; cp. OF. cerfueil (Cotg.).

Chery, sb. cherry, Voc.; chere, Voc.—OF. cerise; Late Lat. cerasea, adj. from cerasum, cherry; from Gr. κέρασος, cherry-tree; see Diez. Cf. Chiries.

Chesbolle, sb. a small onion, poppy-head, Voc.; chesebolle, HD; chessebolle, HD; chespolle, Voc.

Chese, sb. cheese, MD, Voc., S (18. 643); schese, Voc.; cæse, S.—OMerc. cése (OET), AS. cǽse; Lat. caseus.

Chesen, v. to choose, S, S2, C2, C3, G; cheosen, S, S2, MD; ches, imp. s., S2; chees, C3; choyss, S3; cheas, pt. s., S; ches, MD, S2; chees, MD, S2, C2, C3; chesit (weak), S3; curen, pl., MD; cusen, S; icoren, pp., S; ychose, PP; cosan, S.—AS. céosan, pt. céas (pl. curon), pp. coren.

Chesible, sb. chasuble, P; chesibylle, Voc.; chesyble, Palsg.; chesypyl, Voc.; chesypylle, Prompt.—OF. *chasible, cp. Church Lat. casibula, casubula (OF. chasuble); from casula, a sacerdotal vestment, from Lat. casa, a cottage.

Chesoun, sb. cause, account, MD; chesun, S2, H; cheson, H. See Achesoun.

Chest, sb. jangling, strife, MD, P; cheast, MD; cheaste, MD; cheste, G, S; cheestis, pl., W.—AS. céast.

Chest, sb. chest, ark, coffin, PP, MD; chæst, MD; cæste, dat., S. Cf. Kist.

Chesten, sb. chestnut-tree, Manip.; chesteyn, C, MD; cheston, Voc.—AF. chestaine, OF. chastaigne; Lat. castanea; from Gr. κάστανον.

Chesten-tre, sb. chestnut-tree, MD; chestantre, Voc.

Chesun, sb. cause, occasion, account, S2, H; see Chesoun.

Chesunabile, adj. open to an accusation, H.

Cheðen, sb. pl. countries, S; see Cuððe.

Cheuaunce, sb. gain, profit, MD.

Cheuen, v. to succeed, to attain one’s end, MD, C3, P; cheeuen, S2.—OF. chevir, from chef. See Cheef.

Cheuesance, sb. success, profit, agreement, MD, PP; cheuisaunce, agreement, bargain, PP, C.—OF. chevisance.

Cheuesen, v. to procure, to get, MD; chevisen, MD; cheviss, to achieve one’s purpose, S2; cheuyce, to lend, S3.—OF. chevir (pr. p. chevissant).

Cheuetayn, sb. captain, S2; cheueteyn, MD; cheventeyn, S2, PP, C; cheuentayn, MD, PP; chefetayn, MD; chiveteyn, MD; chiftaigne, PP.—AF. chevetayn (cheventeyn); Late Lat. capitaneum, from Lat. capit- stem of caput, head. Cf. Capitain.

Chewen, v. to chew, S, S2; cheowen, MD.—AS. céowan, pt. céaw (pl. cuwon), pp. cowen.

Cheyne, sb. chain, C2; see Chaine.

Chibolle, sb. a small kind of onion, 44 MD, S2, P; chebole, a young onion, Palsg.; chibole, PP; schybbolle, Voc.; chesbolle, Voc.—OF. ciboule; Late Lat. caepulla from Lat. caepa, onion. Cp. It. cipolla, cyboll (Florio) and G. zwiebel, onion (Weigand).

Chiden, v. to chide, dispute, MD; chid, MD; imp. s., S; chit, pr. s., MD, C3; chidden, pt. pl., S, W.—AS. cídan, pt. cídde.

Chil, sb. chill, coolness, MD, SkD; chele, S, S2, P.—AS. ciele (Voc.), cyle.

Chilce, sb. childishness, S. Chilc; for AS. cild + s; see Sievers, 258. For the French spelling, cf. Milce.

Child, sb. child, the child of a noble house, a title of honour, young knight, S; cild, S, MD; childre, pl., S, S3; childer, MD, S, S2; cyldren, S; cheldren, S; childrene, gen., S.—AS. cild, pl. cild, also cildru, and in ONorth. cildo, cildas.

Childen, v. to bring forth children, W2.

Child-had, sb. childhood, S; childhede, dat., C2.—AS. cildhád.

Chimney, sb. furnace, oven, also, fireplace, Sh., PP (n.); chymney, W; chymneye, PP.—AF. chimenee, OF. cheminee; Late Lat. caminata, a room with a stove; from Lat. caminus, a furnace; Gr. κάμινος.

Chinche, adj. and sb. niggardly, a niggard, MD, CM; chiche, MD; chynchis, pl., H.—OF. chiche, miserable, niggardly (Cotg.): Sp. chico, small; Lat. ciccum (acc.), the core of a pomegranate, a mere trifle.

Chinchen, v. to be niggardly, Prompt.

Chincherie, sb. miserliness, Prompt.

Chirche, sb. church, S, S2, W2, PP, CM; churche, S, S2, PP; cherche, S2, C3; kirke, S, S2, P; kyrke, P, Voc., S3; kirc, S2; circe, S, Voc.; cyrce, S.—AS. cyrce; cp. OHG. kirichâ (Tatian).

Chirche-gong, sb. churching of women, S2, MD.—Cp. Icel. kirkju-ganga.

Chirche-haie, sb. cemetery, MD; chyrchehaye, Voc.

Chirche-ȝeard, sb. church-yard, MD; chyrcheȝarde, Prompt.; kyrkeȝerde, Voc.; kyrgarth, Voc.; cyrce-iærd, S.—Icel. kirkju-garðr.

Chirch-socne, sb. congregation, S.—AS. ciric-sócn (Schmid); cp. Icel. kirkju-sókn.

Chiries, sb. pl. cherries, S2, P. See Chery.

Chiri-tyme, sb. cherry-time, P.

Chirken, v. to twitter, chirp, MD, CM.

Chirkyng, sb. a grating, stridulent, hissing sound, C, CM; chyrkynge, sibilatus, Prompt.

Chirm, sb. noise of birds, MD; charm, ND; chirme, dat., S.—AS. cirm, cyrm.

Chirmen, v. to chirp and twitter, MD; cherme, Palsg.; chyrmys, pr. s., S3. See SkD (s.v. chirp), and Brugrnann, § 420.

Chisel, sb. chisel, MD; chysel, Prompt.; chyssell, S3; chesyll, MD; scheselle, Voc.; sceselle, Voc.—North F. chisel, OF. cisel, It. cesello, see SkD (p. 793).

Chit, pr. s. disputes, C3; see Chiden.

Chiteren, v. to twitter, MD, CM; to chatter, C3.

Chitering, sb. twittering, MD; chyteryng, S2.

Chivache, sb. riding, expedition, CM, MD, C3; chivachie, C; chevache, CM.—AF. chivauche, chevauchee, OF. chevalchee, from chevalchier, to ride on horseback, from cheval, horse; Lat. caballum, (acc.). See Capul.

Chiualer, sb. chevalier, knight, PP; cheualere, MD.—AF. chevaler.

Chivalrie, sb. the knights of Christendom, S2; chevalrye, MD; chyvalrie, knightly deeds, MD; chiualrye, C2.—AF. chivalrie, chevalerie.

Chiueren, v. to shiver, tremble, Prompt., SkD (s.v. shiver); cheueren, PP; sheeuering, pr. p., S3.—Cp. Du. huiveren, to shiver.

Chiueringe, sb. shivering, trembling; chyuerynge, Prompt., p. 75; chyueryng, Palsg., Prompt.

Chois, sb. and adj. choice, MD, C2; choys, MD, C, C2.—OF. chois, cois, from choisir, coisir, to choose. Of Teutonic origin. See Chesen.

Choisly, adv. choicely, MD; chysly, S2.

Chol; see Chavel.

Chold, adj. cold, S; see Cold.

Choppen, v. to chop, cut, mince, MD; chappyd, pp., MD.

Chorle; see Cherl.

Chrisolyte, sb. chrysolite, 3; crysolyt, SkD.—Lat. chrysolithus (Vulg.); Gr. χρυσόλιθος, ‘gold stone.’

Chronique, sb. chronicle, C; see Cronique.

Churren, v. to turn, S; see Cherren.

Chymmys, sb. chief mansion, S3; 45 chemys, JD.—OF. chef + mes (Bartsch.), chefmois, chief manor house (Cotg.); Late Lat. capmansum (acc.); see Ducange (s.v. caput mansi). See Cheef.

Chymney, sb. furnace, W; see Chimney.

Chynchis, sb. pl. niggards, H; see Chinche.

Chyne, sb. chink, fissure, W2; chenes, pl., S2, MD; chynnes, S3.—AS. cínu.

Chynnyng, sb. chink, S3.

Chyp, v. to chip, S3. See Choppen.

Chyrmen, v. to chirp, S3; see Chirmen.

Chysly, adv. choicely, S2; see Choisly.

Chyssell, sb. chisel, S3; see Chisel.

Ciclatun, sb. a costly silk texture, S; ciclatoun, MD, C2; siclatoun, MD; ciclatuns, pl., S.—OF. ciclatun in Roland (cp. Icel. siklatun); cp. Arab. siqlát, a fine cloth.

Cipres, sb. cypress, MD; ciprees, C2; cypres, Palsg.; cipresse, MD.—OF. cypres; Lat. cupressus, cyparissus; Gr. κυπάρισσος.

Circe, sb. church, S, Voc.; see Chirche.

Circe-wican, sb. dat. church-dwelling, S.

Cisterne, sb. cistern, Joseph’s pit, MD, Cath.; sisterne, MD; sesterne, Prompt.—Lat. cisterna, (Vulg.).

Cisternesse, sb. Joseph’s pit, S.

Citee, sb. city, MD, C2, C3; cyte, MD; syte, Prompt.; scite, S; citee, MD, C2, C3; cite, S, S2, Cath.—AF. cite, OF. citet; Lat. ciuitatem, a community of citizens.

Citesein, sb. citizen, MD; citeseyn, W (Acts 22. 26); cytezeyne, Prompt.—AF. citeseyn, citezein: Prov. ciutadan, ciptadan; Late Lat. *civitadanum.

Citiner, sb. citizen, JD; cyttenere, Voc.

Citole, sb. cithern, C, MD, CM; cytole, Voc.—AF. citole, OF. cytholle (= Lat. cithara), Ps. 56. 8; cp. Low Lat. citola, (Voc.); Lat. cithara; Gr. κιθάρα, also κίθαρις; cp. Chaldee qīthārōs, Dan. 3. 5. See Giterne.

Citolerer, sb. a player on the cithern; cytolerer, Voc.

Citrinacioun, sb. the turning to the colour of citron (in alchemy), C3, CM.

Citrine, adj. citron-coloured, MD.—OF. citrin; Lat. citrinus.

Citur, sb. citron-tree, MD. Comb.: cytyr-tre, Prompt.; citur tree, MD.—OF. citre; Lat. citrum (acc.).

Clam, adj. sticky, H, MD.

Clam, pt. s. climbed, S2; clamb, C2; see Climben.

Clanlych, adv. purely, S2; see Clene.

Clappen, v. to make a noise like the clapper of a mill, MD, Palsg.; to chatter, C2, C3.—Icel. klappa.

Clapping, sb. chatter, idle talk, C2.

Clapsen, v. to clasp, C, CM; see Claspen.

Claret, sb. a spiced wine, MD, Prompt. clare, MD; clarre, C, MD; clarry, MD.—OF. claret (AF. clare); Late Lat. claretum and claratum. See Clere.

Clarifien, v. to glorify, MD, W, H (Ps. 19, 1).—OF. clarifier; Lat. clarificare (Vulg.).

Clarioun, sb. clarion, C, MD; claryone, Prompt.—OF. clarion (F. clairon). See Clere.

Clarre, sb. a spiced wine, C, CM; see Claret.

Claspen, v. to clasp, Palsg.; clapsen, C, CM.

Clauster, sb. cloister, MD; closter, MD; claustres, pl., S2.—Lat. claustrum (clostrum), whence Icel. klaustr, AS. clúster. Cf. Cloister.

Claver, sb. clover, trifolium, Voc., MD; clavyr, S3; clovere, Voc.—AS. cláfre (OET.), also clœfre, (Voc.); cp. Dan. klöver.

Claw, sb. hoof, Voc.; clau, Voc.; clawwess, pl., S; cluvis, S3; clawes, claws of bird, C2.—AS. cláwu, hoof; cp. Icel. klauf, see Weigand (s.v. klaue).

Clawen, v. to scratch, stroke, MD; clowe, to scratch, PP. Phr.: to claw the back, to flatter, S3. Comb.: claw-back, sb. flatterer, sycophant, Cotg. (s.v. flateur).

Cleche, sb. hook, MD; cleek, HD.

Clechen, v. to seize, MD, HD; cleke, MD; cleikis, pr. s., S3; clahte, pt. s., MD; claucht, pp., MD.

Cled, pt. s. clothed, S3; see Clothen.

Clee, sb. hoof, W2.—AS. cléo. See Claw.

Clef, pt. s. split, S2; see Cleuen.

Clei, sb. clay, W2, MD; cley, Prompt.; W (John 9. 6), Voc.—AS. clæg.

Clemen, v. to plaster with clay, to, daub, to smear, MD, S2; clemyd, pp., glued, H.—AS. clǽman, from clám, clay.


Clenchen, v. to clench, seize, PP; to twang the harp, S; clenten, pt. pl., embraced, S; cleynt, pp., fixed, MD.—Cp. OHG. klenken (in in-klenken), to fasten (Otfrid).

Clene, adj. clean, MD, S; adv. entirely, penitus, MD, S, S2; clenner, comp., W2.—AS. clǽne; cp. OHG. kleini, fine, tender, kleino, ‘penitus’ (Otfrid).

Clengen, v. to cling, S2; see Clingen.

Clenlich, adj. cleanly, MD; clenliche, adv. purely, S; clanlych, S2; clennlike, S; clenli, entirely, S.—AS. clǽnlic.

Clennes, sb. purity, S2; clennesse, W2; clenesse, S.—AS. clǽnnis.

Clensien, v. to cleanse, MD; clansi, S; clennsenn, S; y-clense, S3.—AS. (ge) clǽnsian, see Sievers, 185.

Clensinge, sb. cleansing, S.

Cleo; see Clyffe.

Clepen, v. to call, S2, C2, W, W2; clepien, S; cleopien, S; clupien, MD, S2 cleopede, pt. s., S; clupede, S; clepide, S2, W; clepte, S2; clepud, S2; clepet, S2; clepit, S3; i-cleopet, pp., S; i-cleped, S; y-clepud, S2; y-cleped, C3; cleped, S2, C2; clept, S2; y-clept, C3; iclepet, S2; icluped, S2; iclyped, S3.—AS. cleopian.

Clepyng, sb. a calling, W.

Clere, adj. clear, bright, glorious, C2 W, W2; cleer, MD; cler, MD; clier, MD.—AF. cler; Lat. clarum.

Clerenesse, sb. brightness, W; cleernes, C3.

Clerete, sb. brightness, W.

Clergeon, sb. a chorister, little priest, young scholar, MD, C2.—AF. clergeon; cp. Sp. clerizon (Minsheu).

Clergial, adj. learned, C3; clergealy, adv. in clerkly wise, P.

Clergie, sb. (1) the clergy, (2) the clerical profession, (3) book-learning, MD; clargy, H.—OF. clergie: Sp. clerecia, clergy; Late Lat. clericia, the clergy, learning; see Constans.

Clerk, sb. clergyman, scholar, secretary, C2; clerc, S, MD; clerkes, pl., S, C2, C3, P; clerekes, S; clerken, gen. pl., S2.—OF. clerc (AF. clerk); Church Lat. clericum (acc.); Gr. κληρικός from κλῆρος a lot, in eccl. writers, the clergy.

Cler-matin, sb. a kind of corn for grinding, MD, S2, PP.

Cleue, sb. dwelling, bedroom, bed, MD, S; kleue, MD.—AS. cléofa, a recess, den, bed, chamber; cp. Icel. klefi, a closet, bedroom.

Cleuen, v. to split asunder, MD, P; cleoue, MD; cleues, pr. s., S; claf, pt. s., MD; clef, MD, S2; cleef, MD; clevede, G; clouen, pl., S2; clofenn, pp., S; cloue, W.—AS. cléofan, pt. cléaf (pl. clufon), pp. clofen.

Cleuen, v. to cleave, adhere, MD, W2, PP; cliuyn, Prompt.; cliuen, S; clyuen, PP; cliued, pt. s., S; cleuede, W2.—AS. clifian (cleofian); OHG. klebên (Otfrid).

Cleuering, pr. p. clinging, holding on by claws, S3. See Cliuer.

Cleynt, pp. fixed, MD; see Clenchen.

Clicche; see Clochen.

Cliket, sb. a kind of lock or fastening, PP, CM; clyket, PP, Voc.; clykyt, Voc.—OF. cliquette (Bartsch), from cliquer, to click, snap; cp. Low Lat. cliquetus.

Cliketed, pp. fastened with a latch, PP.

Climben, v. to climb, MD; clymben, C2; clam, pt. s., S2, MD; clamb, C2; clomb, MD; clomben, pp., C; clombe, C2.—AS. climban, pt. clamb (pl. clumbon); pp. clumben.

Clingen, v. to shrivel up, wither, to cling, MD, S, ND, Sh.; clengen, S2; clyngen, S2; clang, pt. s., MD; clonge, pl., MD; clungen, pp., MD.—AS. clingan, pt. clang (pl. clungon), pp. clungen.

Clippe; see Cluppen.

Clippen, v. to clip, shear, S, C2, MD.—Icel. klippa.

Cliue, sb. cliff, S; see Clyffe.

Cliuen, v. to cleave, adhere, S; see Cleuen.

Cliuer, adj. eager, sharp, MD, SkD.

Cliuer, sb. claw, S; clivres, pl., S.—AS. clifer.

Clobbed, adj. like a club, rough, C2; clubbed, MD. See Clubbe.

Cloche, sb. claw, PP; cloke, HD; cluke, S3 (s.v. cat), JD; cleuck, JD; clokis, pl., H.

Clochen, v. to clutch, PP; clucchen, PP, HD, SkD; clouche, PP; clycchen, PP; clicche, PP.

Clocken, v. to limp, hobble, PP; clokke, PP.—OF. cloquer (clocher), to limp (Cotg.), also cloper: Prov. clopchar; Low Lat. *cloppicare, from cloppus; see Diez (P. 550).

Clodde; see Clot.

Clofenn; see Cleuen.


Cloister, sb. cloister, MD; cloistre, C3; cloystre, C; cloystyr, Prompt.—AF. cloister OF. cloistre (F. cloître). Cf. Clauster.

Cloisterer, sb. cloister-monk, C2.

Clom, sb. silence, S2; see Clum.

Clomben, pp. climbed, C; see Climben.

Clomsen, v. to be benumbed, stupified, PP, H. See Clum.

Clomstnes, sb. numbness, fixedness, H.

Cloos, adj. close, C3; clos, MD.—AF. clos, closed, pp. of clore; Lat. claudere.

Clos, sb. an enclosure, a locked-up place, MD; cloos, Prompt., S2; cloyss, S3.

Closen, v. to close, to enclose, MD.—From AF. clos, pp.; Lat. clausum. See Cloos.

Closter, sb. cloister, MD; see Clauster.

Closures, sb. pl. enclosures, fastenings, S3.

Closyngis, sb. pl. gates, W2.

Clot, sb. a clod, MD; clotte, Cath.; clodde, Prompt., Palsg., Manip.; clottes, pl., lumps, S2; clottis, W2. See Weigand (s.v. kloss).

Clote, sb. burdock, Voc., MD, Prompt., Alph.; cloote, MD.—AS. cláte.

Clote-bur, sb. burr of the burdock, C3.

Clote-leef, sb. leaf of the burdock, C3.

Cloteren, v. to clot, coagulate, Prompt.; cloderen, Prompt.; clothred, pp., C.

Cloth, sb. cloth, clothing, S, S2; cloþe, S2; cloþt, S2; clað, S; claðes, pl., S; cloðes, S.—AS. cláð.

Clothen, v. to clothe, S; claðen, S; cled, pt. s., S3; cloðeden, pl., S2; y-clothed, pp., PP; y-clad, C3; cled, S3.

Cloude, sb. a mass of rock, a hill, clod, S2, MD; clude, MD; clowdys, pl., MD (s.v. clot); cluddis, masses of cloud, S3; cloudis, H (Ps. 67. 37).—AS. clúd.

Clout, sb. clout, rag, W; clowt, C3; clutes, pl., S; cloutes, S2, S3, C3; clowtes, S2.—AS. clút (OET.).

Clouten, v. to patch, mend, S3; clouȝtand, pr. p., S2; clouted, pp., provided with an iron plate, S3.

Cloue, pp. split, W; see Cleuen.

Clowe, v. to scratch, P; see Clawen.

Clowe, sb. a clove, pink, Prompt.; clowes, pl., MD.—OF. clou, clo, a nail; Lat. clauum (acc.).

Clow-gilofre, sb. a clove-gilly-flower, C2; clowe-gylofres, pl., S2.—AF. cloue de gilofre. See Geraflour.

Clubbe, sb. club, MD; clobbe, MD.—Icel. klubba, klumba.

Clubbed, adj. club-shaped, rough, MD, Prompt.; clobbed, C2.

Clucche, v. to clutch, PP; see Clochen.

Cluddis, sb. pl. masses of cloud, S3; see Cloude.

Cluke; see Cloche.

Clum, sb. stillness, silence, MD, CM; Clom, S2.

Clumsen, v. to be benumbed, stupified, MD; clomsen, PP; clomsed, pp., set fast, H; clumst, H; clumsyd, ‘enervatus’, Cath.

Clumst-hede, sb. numbness, H.

Clupien, v. to call, S2; see Clepen.

Cluppen, v. to embrace, S, MD; clyppe, S2; clippe, S2, MD; cleppen, MD; clupte, pt. s., S.—AS. clyppan.

Cluster-loc, sb. enclosure, S.—AS. clúster-loc. See Clauster.

Clute; see Clout.

Cluvis, sb. pl. hoofs, S3; see Claw.

Clyffe, sb. cliff, MD; clyfe, MD; cliue, dat., S; cleoue, MD; cleo, S; cliues, pl., MD; cleues, MD.—AS. clif (OET), pl. cleofu, cliofu; see Grein, Sievers, 241.

Clymbare, sb. climber, S3.

Clymben, v. to climb, C2; see Climben.

Clyngen, v. to wither, to shrink, S2; see Clingen.

Cnawen, v. to know, S; see Knowen.

Cnawlechen, v. to acknowledge, MD.

Cnawlechunge, sb. acknowledgment, S.

Cnelinng, sb. kneeling, S.

Cneowe, sb. dat. knee, S; see Kne.

Cniht, sb. knight, S; see Kniȝt.

Cnotted, pp. knotted, S; i-knotted, S; see Knotte.

Cnouwe, sb. dat. knee, S; see Kne.

Cnowen, v. to know, S; pp., S2; see Knowen.

Co-arten, v. to compel, constrain, HD; coarted, pp., S3.—Lat. co-arctare, to constrain, compress.

Cocatrice, sb. a serpent (= Lat. basiliscus = Heb. pethen, an adder or cobra), W2; cocatryse, basiliscus, cocodrillus, Prompt.; kokatrice, MD; cockatrice, WW.—OF. cocatriz, crocodile: Sp. cocadriz, basilisk, cocatrice (Minsheu). Cp. Cokedrill.

Cocke, sb. in phr.: by cocke (a profane oath), S3, ND; by cock, Sh.; Cock’s passion, 48 Sh.; Cox my passion, Sh.; by cock and pie, Sh., ND, SkD (s.v. pie); for cokkes bones, C3; for cocks body, ‘de par Dieu,’ Palsg.—Cp. Grimm, p. 15 (n.).

Cocow; see Cukkow.

Cod, sb. cod, pod, husk, MD; codde, Prompt., Palsg.; coddis, pl., W.—AS. codd, bag (Mark 6. 8).

Cod, sb. pillow, Cath., MD; coddis, pl., HD.—Icel. koddi, pillow.

Cof, adj. quick, MD; kof, MD; coue, MD; cofe, adv., S; cofer, comp., S.—AS. cáf; cp. Icel. á-kafr, vehement.

Coffes, sb. pl. cuffs, P; see Cuffe.

Cofin, sb. basket, MD; coffyn, W2; cofyne, paste, crust of a pie, MD; coffyns, pl., baskets, S2; cofyns, W; cofynes, W.—OF. cofin; Lat. cophinus (Vulg.); Gr. κόφινος (NT).

Cofre, sb. box, coffer, MD, C2, C3, P; cofer, S2; cofres, pl., S2.—AF. cofre; Lat. cophinum (acc.); see Brachet.

Cofren, v. to put into a coffer, S3.

Cog, sb. cog, tooth on the rim of a wheel, MD; kog, Voc.; cogge, dat., S.

Cognisaunce, sb. knowledge, MD; cognizance, that by which something is known, Sh.; conisantes, pl., badges, S3.—AF. conisaunce, knowledge, OF. cognoissance, from cognoissant, pr. p. of cognoistre; Lat. cognoscere.

Coife, sb. coif, cap, MD; coyfe, S3, Prompt., Palsg.—OF. coiffe; Low Lat. cofea. Cf. Cuffe.

Coint, adj. knowing, prudent, skilful, sly, neat, fine, quaint, MD; koynt, MD; quoynte, MD; queynte, MD, S3, C2; quaynte, MD; queynt, MD; quaynt, H.—OF. cointe, prudent, trim, friendly; Lat. cognitum.

Cointeliche, adv. skilfully, neatly, quaintly, MD; quoynteliche, MD; queyntelich, MD; queynteli, S3; queinteliche, S2; quaintelye, S2.

Cointise, sb. art, skill, cunning, MD; quointise, MD, S2; quantise, H; queyntise, MD, S3; quaintis, H.—OF. cointise.

Coite, sb. quoit; coyte, Prompt., Palsg., Manip.; coitis, pl., S3. Cp. the v. coit, JD; OF. coitier, to push, press (Bartsch).

Coiten, v. to play quoits, Prompt., Palsg.

Cok, sb. cook, S2; cokes, pl., C3, PP; kokes, PP.—AS. cóc; Lat. coquus, from coquere, to cook.

Cokedrill, sb. crocodile, HD, MD; cocadrylle, Voc.; cokodrilles, pl., HD; cocodrilly, Trev. 1. 131, MD.—Low Lat. cocodrillus; cp. It. cocodrillo, a crocodile (Florio), Sp. cocodrillo, a serpent, crocodile (Minsheu); Lat. crocodilus; Gr. κροκόδειλος. Cf. Cocatrice.

Cokeney, sb. cook’s assistant, scullion, undercook, petted child, cockney, MD, PP, S2; cocknaie, MD; coknay, Prompt., Cath.; cokenay, CM; cocknaye, Palsg. (s.v. bring); cockney, Sh.; kokeney, PP; coknayes, pl., S3.

Coker, sb. quiver, also a kind of half-boots or gaiters, MD; koker, MD; cocur, Prompt. (see n.); cokeres, pl., PP; cockers, HD, ND.—AS. cocer, a quiver.

Coket, sb. a seal with which bread sold in London was stamped by a public officer, Ducange; cocket, Cath. (n.); certificate, S3, ND.

Coket, sb. a kind of fine bread stamped, PP, S2. Cp. Low Lat. panis de coket, see Ducange (s.v. coket). See above.

Cokewold, sb. cuckold, CM; kokewolde, P; kukwald, Voc.; cockewold, MD; kukeweld, MD; cokolde, MD, SkD.—Cp. Prov. cugol; Lat. cuculum, cuckoo. See Cukkow.

Col-, prefix, expressing depreciation, contempt. Comb.:—col-fox, a crafty fox, C; col-knif, a big knife, MD; col-prophet, false prophet, ND; cold-prophet, ND; cole-prophet, ND; colle-tragetour, false juggler, CM (5. 248. 187).

Cold, adj. cold, PP; chald, S; kald, S; cald, S2, MD; kold, S; chold, S; cheld, S2; cold, evil, G.—AS. ceald, cald: Goth. kalds from OTeut. *kalan, to freeze, cp. Icel. kala (pt. kól, pp. kalinn).

Colde, v. to grow cold, C3, MD.—AS. cealdian.

Cole, sb. cabbage, cale, kail, Voc., MD; cool, MD; kale, MD, H.—AS. cole (OET); cp. Icel. kál; Lat. caulis, stalk, cabbage; see Weigand (s.v. kohl).

Cole, sb. charcoal, coal, S, S2; coole, MD; coylle, MD; coles, pl., C2, C3; coolis, W; koles, S2.—AS. col (OET).

Cole, adj. cool, somewhat cold, Prompt., MD.—AS. cól; cp. OHG. kuali (Otfrid).

Colen, v. to cool, MD, Prompt., G, H.—AS. cólian; cp. OHG. kualen (Otfrid).

Coler, sb. collar, MD; coller, torques, Prompt.; colers, pl., P.—OF. coler (F. collier); Lat. collare, from collum, neck.


Colere, sb. anger, C, MD.—OF. colere; Lat. cholera; Gr. χολέρα, an affection of the bile.

Colerik, adj. choleric, passionate, C2, MD; coleryke, Cath.—Lat. cholericus, having one’s bile affected; Gr. χολερικός, from χολή, gall.

Coles, sb. pl. (?); in phr.: swearing precious coles, S3.

Collacioun, sb. conference, CM.—OF. collacion, discourse, harangue; Lat. collationem, a bringing together, conferring.

Collen, v. to embrace, W2, MD; kollen, S2. Der.: collyngis, sb. pl., W2.—Cp. OF. collée, a neck-embracement (Cotg.). See Coler.

Collerie, sb. eye-salve, W; colirie, MD; colorye, HD.—Lat. collyrium; Gr. κολλύριον.

Colloppe, sb. a slice of flesh, carbonella, Prompt., MD, Palsg.; collop, Cath., Cotg. (s.v. riblette); colope, Voc.; colop, Cath. (n.); coloppe, PP; colhoppe, PP, Voc.; collip, Manip.; colopus, pl., PP, S2.

Colour, sb. colour, pretext, S3, C2; colur, S, MD.—AF. colur; Lat. colorem.

Col-plontes, sb. pl. cabbages, PP, S2; kole-plantes, PP; cale-plantes, PP. See Cole.

Coltre; see Culter.

Columbine, sb. columbine (flower), Alph., MD, Sh.; columbyne, Voc., Prompt.; columby, S3.—OF. columbine; Late Lat. columbina.

Colvyr; see Culuer.

Colwie, adj. grimy, S.

Colwyd, pp. carbonatus, Prompt. See Cole.

Comaunde, v. to command, PP, C; comanden, MD; comaundet, pt. s., S2; comande, S2, MD; cumand, S2.—OF. comander, commander; Late Lat. commendare, to order. Cf. Comenden.

Comaundement, sb. commandment, C, PP; comandement, C2.

Comaundour, sb. commander, C3, PP; comandour, S2.—OF. commandeor; Late Lat. commendatorem.

Combe, sb. comb for hair, comb of a bird, Prompt., Voc.; komb, MD.—AS. camb.

Combren, v. to encumber, overwhelm, MD, S3; comeren, S3; combrez, pr. s., S2; cumrit, pt. s., S2; cummerit, S3; cumbred, pp., S2.—OF. combrer to hinder, from combre, a heap, see Ducange (s.v. cumbra); Lat. cumulum (acc.).

Combre-world, sb. cumberer of the world, S3.

Combust, pp. burnt, MD, C3.—Lat. combustus, pp. of comburere, to burn.

Come, sb. a coming, S, S2, C3; kume, S; kime, S; cume, S; comes, pl., S.—AS. cyme.

Comelyng, sb. stranger, W, W2; kumeling, MD; comling, W; comlyng, S2; comelingis, pl., W; cumlyngis, H.

Comen, v. to come, S; cumen, S; kumen, S; cum, S2; com, S2; cuminde, pr. p., S; comynde, S2; cominde, S2; comste, comest thou, S2; comþ, pr. s., S2; com, pt. s., S, S2, G; cam, S, G, P; kam, S; come, 2 pt. s., S, G; coman, pt. pl., S; coomen, C2; comen, MD, S, G; come, S2; i-cumen, pp., S; i-kumen, S; i-cume, S; i-comen, S; i-come, S, S2; comen, S2, S3, G; come, S2.—AS. cuman; cp. Goth. kwiman.

Comenden, v. to commend, C2, PP; commended, pp., PP.—Lat. commendare. Cf. Comaunde.

Comers, sb. pl., strangers, visitors, passers-by, S2, PP; comeres, PP.

Commoditie, sb. advantage, profit, S3, ND, Sh.—OF. commodité (Cotg.); Lat. commoditatem.

Comp, sb. contest, S; see Camp.

Compainoun, sb. companion, MD.—OF. compagnon; Late Lat. companionem.

Companable, adj. sociable, PP, C; companabile, H.—OF. compaignable (Cotg.).

Companie, sb. company, MD, C2; compaynye, S; compainie, S2.—OF. companie, from compain, an associate at meals; from Lat. cum + panis, bread.

Comparisoun, sb. comparison, MD, C2.—OF. comparison; Late Lat. comparationem.

Comparisounen, v. to compare, MD, W (Mark 4. 30), S2.

Compas, sb. circle, circuit, device, craft, MD, C3, G; compaas, C; compasse, S3; cumpas, W2.—OF. compas; Late Lat. compassum (acc.).

Compassen, v. to go round, to devise, contrive, MD; cumpas, W2; conpassed, pp., S3.—AF. compasser.

Compassyng, sb. craft, contrivance, C.

Compeir, v. to appear, S3.—OF. comper-, tonic stem of compareir; Lat. comparere.

Comper, sb. compeer, comrade, C, S2; 50 compere, Prompt.; cumpers, pl., MD.—Of OF. origin; Lat. comparem, (acc.).

Complie, sb. the last church-service of the day, compline, MD; cumplie, S, MD.—OF. complie; Church Lat. completa (hora).

Compline, sb. compline, MD; complyn, MD; cumplyne, completorium, Prompt. See above.

Composicion, sb. arrangement, agreement, C, C2.—AF. composicion; Lat. compositionem.

Comptroller; see Controller.

Comsen, v. to commence, S2, PP, MD; cumsen, S2, PP.—OF. comencer; Lat. com + initiare.

Comune, adj. common, PP; comun, MD; comyn, MD; comen, S2.—AF. commun; Lat. communem (acc.).

Comune, sb. the commons, commonalty, PP; commune, C2; comunes, pl., PP; comyns, S2, PP.

Comunlych, adv. commonly, S2; comunliche, PP; comunly, C2.

Comyn, sb. cummin, C2, MD, Prompt.; cummyn, W.—OF. comin; Lat. cyminum (Vulg.); Gr. κύμινον.

Comynalte, sb. community, W2.—AF. communalte; OF. communaulte; Late Lat. *communalitatem, from communalis.

Comyne, v. to commune, W, W2; commune, C3.—OF. communier; Lat. communicare.

Comynere, sb. participator, W.

Comynte, sb. community, W2; comunete, PP.—Lat. communitatem.

Con, pr. s. can, know, S. Phr.: con-þonk, thanks, S; see Kunnen.

Conabill, adj. suitable, convenient, B.—OF. covenable, convenable; Late Lat. convenabilem.

Conand, sb. covenant, B; Connand, B; Cunnand, B.—OF. convenant, agreeing, befitting, also, a covenant, pr. p. of convenir; Lat. convenire. See Couenaunt.

Conandly, adv. befittingly, S3.

Conceipt, sb. imagination, fancy, idea, MD, S3; conceit, C3; conceits, pl., fantastic patterns, S3.

Conceiven, v. to comprise, to conceive, to imagine, MD; conceyue, PP.—OF. concevoir; Lat. concipere.

Conduit, sb. guidance, a conduit, MD; condut, MD; condite, MD; conduyte, S3; cundyth, Voc.; condeth, MD; kundites, pl., S3.—OF. conduit (Bartsch); Lat. conductum, from conducere.

Confessen, v. to confess, to receive a confession, MD.—AF. confesser; from Lat. confessus, pp. of conefiteor.

Confessor, sb. a confessor of Christianity before the heathen, a hearer of confessions, MD, S; cunfessurs, pl., S.—AF. confessor; Church Lat. confessorem.

Confiture, sb. an apothecary’s mixture, C3.—OF. confiture (Cotg.); Late Lat. confectura.

Confort, sb. comfort, C3, C, PP.—AF. confort.

Conforten, v. to strengthen, comfort, MD, C, P; counforte, S2, PP.—AF. conforter; Late Lat. confortare; Lat. con + fortis, strong.

Confounden, v. to bring to confusion, C3; confoundet, pp., PP.—AF. confoundre; Lat. confundere.

Confus, pp. put to confusion, C3, C, PP.—AF. confus, pp.; Lat. confusum.

Congie, v. to bid farewell to, dismiss, get rid of, PP; congeye, PP, MD; cunge, PP.—OF. congier, to dismiss, from congié, cumgiet; Late Lat. commiatum, Lat. commeatum, permission to go.

Conisantes, sb. pl. badges, S3; see Cognisaunce.

Conjecten, v. to guess, suppose, MD, S3.—Lat. conjectare.

Coniectere, sb. diviner, W2.

Conjoignen, v. to conjoin, MD; coniunit, pp., S3.—From OF. conjoignant, pr. p. of conjoindre; Lat. conjungere.

Con-ioyninge, sb. conjoining, C3.

Conne, v. to know, to be able, S2, S3; see Kunnen.

Conne, v. to test, examine, con, C2, P; kun, H; cunnien, SkD.—AS. cunnian, to try to know.

Conning, sb. science, skill, C2, C3; konning, C2; coninge, S2; kunnyng, W.

Conning, adj. skilful, C2.

Conningly, adv. skilfully, C2.

Conrey, sb. division of troops, also provision, MD; conrai, S2.—OF. cunrei (conroi), equipage, arrangement, a division of troops (Bartsch); It. corredo, equipage, paraphernalia (Florio); Low Lat. corredium, conredium, equipage, provision, entertainment (Ducange); con + redium, a word of Teut. origin.

Conseil, sb. counsel, S, S2, C2; counseil, 51 G, C; consail, PP.—OF. conseil; Lat. consilium.

Conseili, v. to advise, S2; conseille, PP.—OF. conseillier.

Constable, sb. constable, warden, officer, C3, PP; conestable, MD; cunstable, PP; cunestable, S.—OF. conestable; Late Lat. comes stabuli, see Brachet.

Constablesse, sb. constable’s wife, S2, C3.

Constance, sb. constancy, C2, MD.—OF. constance (Cotg.); Lat. constantia.

Constorie, sb. an ecclesiastical court, PP, S2; consistorie, PP, CM.—Church Lat. consistorium, a place of assembly, from Lat. consistere, to stand together.

Contek, sb. strife, contention, C, G, H, MD, CM; contumely, MD; contak, MD; conteke, HD; conteck, HD, ND; contakt, HD.—AF. contek.

Conteken, v. to strive, MD.

Contekour, sb. one who quarrels, HD.

Contenance, sb. look, gesture, outward appearance, encouragement, favour, MD, S2, C2; contenaunce, PP, C3; cuntenaunce, S2; countenance, S3; continaunce, G.—OF. contenance; Late Lat. continentia, mien.

Contesse; see Countesse.

Contrarie, adj. contrary, C2, C3.—AF. contrarie (OF. contraire); Lat. contrarium.

Contrarien, v. to oppose, C2.—OF. contrarier; Late Lat. contrariare.

Contree, sb. country, MD, C2, C3; contre, MD, C; contreie, S2; contreye, S2; cuntre, S2, MD, C; contrai, S2, MD.—OF. contree (AF. cuntree), Prov. contrada; Late Lat. contrata, from Lat. contra, see SkD.

Control, sb. restrictive authority, Sh.—OF. contre-rôle, contre-rolle, a duplicate roll, used for verification, see Brachet, Cotg. (s.v. controlle).

Control, v. to restrain, check, Sh.

Controller, sb. superintendent, overseer of accounts, Sh.; comptroller, S3.

Controven, v. to contrive, MD, PP; controeven, MD, S2; contreven, PP; contriven, MD.—AF. controver; con + OF. trover, to find, compose poetry; Low Lat. tropare, from tropus, a song, lit. a trope, turn of speech; Gr. τρόπος, a turn.

Conventiculis, sb. pl. assemblies, W2.

Conveyen, v. to accompany, also to bring, MD.—AF. cunveier; Late Lat. conviare, to accompany.

Conyng, sb. cony, rabbit, MD, S2, S3, P; konyng, S; cunin, S; conig, MD, HD; cony, Prompt., HD; conies, pl., S3.—AF. conyng, conyn, conil (pl. conis); Lat. cuniculum (acc.).

Conyngere, sb. rabbit-warren, MD, HD; connyngere, Prompt.

Coosted, pt. pl. went past, S3; see Costey.

Coostez, sb. pl. properties, qualities, S2; see Cost.

Coote; see Cote.

Cop, sb. top, head, MD, S2, C, W, W2; coppe, dat., MD, W2; coppis, pl., W2.

Cope, sb. cape, cope, Voc., S2, C; kope, S; coope, Prompt., MD; copis, pl., P.—Cp. Icel. kápa; Late Lat. cāpa, cappa.

Copen, v. to cover with a cope, provide with a cope, PP, S2; i-copet, pp., S2.

Copen, v. to barter, to meet, to have to do with, to encounter, S3, Sh.—Cp. Du. koopen, to buy.

Coper, sb. copper, C3, MD; copyr, Voc., Prompt.; copper, MD.—Du. koper; Late Lat. cuper, cuprum, for Lat. cyprium (aes); from Cyprus; Gr. Κύπρος.

Coppe, sb. cup, S2, P; see Cuppe.

Corage, sb. heart, spirit, MD, C, C2.—AF. corage.

Corageus, adj. courageous, S2, MD; corageous, C2.—OF. corageus.

Coral, sb. coral, MD; coralle, Prompt.; corall, Palsg., Manip.; curall, S3.—OF. coral; Lat. corallum, corallium; Gr. κοράλλιον.

Corasiue, sb. a corrosive, S3; see Corosif.

Coraye, v. to curry a horse, MD; see Curry.

Corbel, sb. raven, MD; corbyal, S2; corby, S3.—OF. corbel (F. corbeau); Late Lat. corvellum (acc.), from Lat. coruus.

Cordewane, sb. Spanish leather, C2; cordewan, MD; cordewayne, Voc.; cordwane, Prompt.; corduane, Voc.; corden, MD.—OF. cordouan, corduan, Prov. cordoan, Sp. cordován, cordovan leather (Minsheu), from Cordova, name of a town in Andalusia.

Cordwaner, sb. a worker in leather, Prompt.; cordwainer, SkD.—AF. cordewaner. See above.

Core, sb. the heart, central part of fruit, Prompt., MD.—OF. cor; Lat. cor.


Coriour, sb. currier, W; curiour, W. See Curry.

Corn, sb. a grain, corn, MD, S, C3; coren, S; cornys, gen., S3; corns, pl., S2; cornes, S2, PP, C2, W.—AS. corn, Goth. kaurn; cp. Lat. grānum; see Brugmann, § 306.

Corny, adj. strong of the corn or malt (applied to ale), C3.

Corone, sb. crown, MD, C2, C3; coroune, MD, C2; corowne, C; corune, MD; croune, S; the tonsure, G; crune, S; krune, S; crun, S; crounis, pl., S3.—AF. corone (coroune) Lat. corona.

Coronen, v. to crown, MD; corounen, S2, C2; crouni, MD, S2; y-corouned, pp., S2; y-crouned, S3; y-coroned, PP; i-kruned, S; cruned, S.—OF. coroner (coruner).

Corosif, adj. corrosive, C3; corrosive, sb., a corrosive, a caustic, ND; corsive, ND; corasiue, S3; corsye, S2; corzie, ND.—OF. corrosif, biting away.

Corour, sb. runner, W2; see Currour.

Cors, sb. curse, S3, G; see Curs.

Cors, sb. a body, a dead body, MD, S, C2, C3, PP; corps, S3, C2; corpis, S3.—AF. cors, corps; Lat. corpus.

Cors, sb. course, S2; see Cours.

Corsaint, sb. the body of a saint, a relic, MD; corseynt, S2; corseint, CM, PP.—AF. corsaint; Lat. corpus sanctum.

Corser, sb. horsedealer, MD, S3, HD; see Courser.

Corsing, sb. exchange, barter, S2; horse-dealing, HD.

Corsye, sb. a corrosive, S2; see Corosif.

Cort, sb. court, MD; see Court.

Corteis, adj. courteous, S2; corteys, S2; curteis, S3, C.—AF. curteis; Late Lat. cortensem, curtensem.

Corteisliche, adv. courteously, PP; curteisly, C2.

Cortesye, sb. courtesy, PP; curteysy, S2; curteisie, S2, C2, C3.—AF. curteisie.

Corumpable, adj. corruptible, C.

Corumpen, v. to corrupt, MD; corrumpen, C.—OF. corrumpre; Lat. corrumpere.

Corupcions, sb. pl. sores, illnesses, PP.

Coruen, pp. carved, S3, C; see Keruen.

Cos, sb. kiss, S, W, W2; see Cus.

Cosan, pp. chosen, S; see Chesen.

Cosset, sb. a lamb brought up without her dam, S3, ND.

Cosshe, sb. a little house, Prompt., Palsg.

Cost, sb. rib, side of a human body, shore, coast, MD, S2; coste, C2; costes, pl., S2, P.—AF. coste; Lat. costa.

Cost, sb. nature, property, condition, manner, MD; costez, pl., properties, S2; coostez, S2. Cf. Cust.

Costage, sb. expense, C2, HD.—OF. costage. See Costen.

Costard, sb. a kind of apple, Prompt., ND; humorous expression for the head, Sh., ND; costarde, S3; costard, a cap, ND. It probably means the ‘ribbed apple.’—OF. coste + ard, see SkD (p. 796).

Costard-jagger, sb. costermonger, ND.

Costard-monger, sb. seller of apples, costermonger, SkD; costard-mongar, Palsg.; costerd-monger, SkD; costar-monger, ND.

Coste, sb. cost, P; coust, MD; cost, C2.—AF. cust, coust.

Costen, v. to cost, MD; coste, pt. s., C2; costed, P; costed, pp., P.—OF. coster (couster); Lat. constare.

Costey, v. to coast, also to come near, approach, MD; coosted, pt. pl. went past, S3.—OF. costoier (F. côtoyer). See Cost.

Costlewe, adj. costly, CM, MD; costelewe, Prompt. See -lewe.

Cosyn, sb. cousin, C, PP; cosin, S, S2; cusyng, S3; cosyns, pl. kinsmen, W; cousyns, W.—AF. cosin (cousyn); cp. Late Lat. cosinus (Brachet); Lat. consobrinus.

Cosynage, sb. kindred, fellowship, H; cusynage, H.

Cote, sb. cottage, S, Voc., C, C2; cotes, pl. sheep-cotes, S3; coates, S3.—AS. cot, also cyte (Grein); cf. OHG. cutti, ‘grex’ (Tatian).

Cote, sb. garment, coat, S2, PP, S3, C2, C; coote, C, W.—AF. cote, OF. cotte, PS. 21. 18; MHG. kotte, kutte.

Cote-armure, sb. coat-armour, linen coat with armorial bearings worn over armour, body-armour, S3, C2, C.

Coten, v. to provide with coats, S2; cotyd, pp. clothed, S3.

Couche, sb. chamber, W.

Couchen, v. to lay, place together, to lie down, MD, S2, C2, C3; cowchyn, Prompt.; cowchen, C.—AF. cucher, cocher, OF. colcher; Lat. collocare.

Coude, pt. s. could, S2. See Kunnen.

Counforte, v. to comfort, S2, PP. See Conforten.


Counte, sb. county, shire, P, MD; countee, MD, PP.—AF. counte; Late Lat. comitatum.

Countesse, sb. countess, C2; contesse, S2; cuntesse, S.—AF. contesse, from OF. conte, comte; Late Lat. comitem, a count (a court dignity), in Lat. a companion.

Countrefete, v. to counterfeit, C, C2; contrefete, MD; counterfeted, pp., C3.—From OF. contrefet, contrefeit, pp. of contrefeire, contrefaire; Lat. contra + facere.

Countre-taille, sb. correspondence (of sound); in phr.: at the countretaille, with corresponding sound, C2.—OF. contretaille, the one part of a tally, the counter-tenor part in music (Cotg.).

Countryng, sb. countering in music, S3; the plain chant, S3 (n).—See S3 (p. 453).

Coupable, adj. culpable, PP; cupabil, H.—OF. coupable.

Coupe, sb. fault, PP; culpe, PP, ND.—OF. coupe, colpe; Lat. culpa.

Coupe, sb. cup, S2; cupe, S.—AF. cupe; Lat. cupa. Cf. Cuppe.

Courben, v. to bend, MD; courbed, pt. s., P.—OF. courber; Lat. curuare.

Courche, sb. kerchief, S3; see Couerchief.

Cours, sb. running, course, MD, C2, C3; cors, S2.—AF. cours; Lat. cursum (acc.).

Courser, sb. a steed, MD, C2; coursour, MD; cowrcer, Prompt.—OF. coursier; Late Lat. cursarium (acc.).

Courser, sb. horse-dealer, Palsg.; corser, MD, S3 (s.v. horse); scorser, ND.

Court, sb. court, enclosure, yard, PP, MD; curt, S; kurt, S; cort, MD; courte, PP.—AF. curt; Late Lat. cortem; Lat. cohortem, an enclosure.

Courteislich, adv. courteously, PP; see Corteisliche.

Courte-py, sb. short coat or cloak, PP, S2, C; cowrteby, Voc.; kourteby, P; courte-pies, pl., PP; court-pies, PP.—Cp. Du. kort, short + pije, rough coat; cp. E. pea in pea-jacket.

Couthe, v. to make known, PP; see Kythen.

Couthe, pt. s. could, knew, S, S2, S3; pp., S2; couth, C2; see Kunnen.

Couthe, sb. kith, PP; see Kyth.

Coue, sb. den, S2.—ONorth. cófa, ‘spelunca’ (John II.38).

Coveiten, v. to covet, MD, PP; coueitiden, pt. pl., W2.—AF. coveiter, OF. cuveitier; Late Lat. *cupiditare. See Constans.

Coveitise, sb. greed, avarice, PP; coueityse, C3; couetise, PP; couetyse, S2, S3; coueitisis, pl., W.—OF. coveitise.

Coveitous, adj. covetous, MD; coueytous, S2; couetous, S2.—OF. coveitus, AF. cuveitus; Late Lat. *cupiditosum.

Couenable, adj. proper, fit, agreeing, W, MD, S2, H; cuuenable, S; conabill, H; conable, Prompt.; cunabil, H.—AF. cuvenable; Late Lat. convenabilem.

Couenaunt, sb. a covenant, PP; couenant, PP; covand, MD; conant, MD.—AF. covenant, OF. convenant, pr. p. of convenir, to agree; Lat. conuenire.

Couent, sb. an assembly, a convent, MD, PP, C2, C3; couant, PP.—OF. covent, convent; Church Lat. conventus, from Lat. conuenire, to come together.

Couerchief, sb. kerchief, MD; keuerchief, MD; kerchef, C3; kyrchefe, Prompt.; courchef, HD; courche, S3; kerche, Prompt.—OF. couvre-chef, covering for the head (Cotg.).

Coueren, v. to cover, MD, C2; keueren, MD, S3, P, W; kuueren, MD; kyueren, MD, W.—AF. covrir; Lat. cooperire.

Coveren, v. to gain, to heal, to recover one’s health, MD, S2, W; keueren, MD, CM, PP; kuueren, MD, S2; keuord, pt. s., H.—OF. covrer, (in recovrer) coubrer, to seize (Bartsch); Lat. -cuperare (in recuperare); cp. Late Lat. cuperamentum, acquisition (Ducange).

Couert, adj. and sb. covert, hidden, a covert, MD; cowart, S3.—OF. covert, pp. of covrir.

Couerture, sb. bed-clothes, horse-cover, covering, MD, S; kuuertur, S.—OF. coverture.

Couine, sb. conspiracy, craft, deceit, trickery, S3, MD, HD; covyne, C; covin, MD, ND; coven, ND.—AF. covine, from OF. covenir, convenir; Lat. conuenire.

Cow, sb. cow, MD, Voc.; ku, S, MD, Voc.; cou, MD; kues, gen. s., S; ky, pl., MD, S3; kie, MD; kye, H; kyn, MD, S2, C; kyne, S3, P; kyȝn, S2; kyen, PP; kien, W2; ken, MD, S2, PP.—AS. , pl. (gen. cúna).

Coward, adj. and sb. cowardly, a coward, MD, C2.—AF. coward, cuard, cp. the heraldic term lion couard, a lion with his 54 tail between his legs, and the name for the hare in the old terms of hunting ‘la cowarde ou la court cowe,’ i.e. short-tail.—Formed with the suffix -ard from OF. coe, tail; Lat. cauda. Cp. It. codardo, from coda, a tail.

Cowardie, sb. cowardice, C; cowardy, MD.—OF. couardie.

Cowart, sb. covert, S3; see Couert.

Cowde, Cowthe, pt. s. could, knew, G; see Kunnen.

Cowschet, sb. cushat, wood-pigeon, S3; cowscott, Voc.; cowshot, SkD.—AS. cúsceote (Voc.), cúscute (OET.).

Coy, adj. still, quiet, MD, C, C2; sober, modestus, Prompt.—AF. coy, quiet, OF. coi, Ps. 77. 13, also coit; Lat. quietum.

Crabbe, sb. crab, S, Voc., Prompt.; also (in building) an arch, fornix, cancer, MD.—AS. crabba; cp. AF. crabbe.

Crabbed, adj. shrewish, cross, bitter, C2, Palsg., MD, PP; crabbyd, ‘awke or wrawe, cancerinus’ Prompt.

Cracchen, v. to scratch, MD, PP, C; crechen, S; cark, JD.

Craft, sb. might, power, ability, art, craft, deceit, MD, S, S2, C2; creft, MD; craftes, pl. trades, P.—AS. cræft; cp. OHG. kraft (Otfrid).

Crafti, adj. skilful, sly, MD, S2; crafty, C, P; crefti, S.

Crafti-man, sb. artificer, W.

Crage, sb. the neck, throat, S3, JD; crawe, the craw of fowls, Prompt., MD.—Cp. Du. kraag, neck, collar.

Crak, sb. a thunder-peal, MD. Phr.: crakkis of wer, cannon, B.

Craken, v. to crack (like thunder), to cry out, to chatter, to break with a noise, MD, PP; crakede, pt. s., S.—AS. cracian.

Crammasyn, sb. and adj. crimson, S3; see Crimosine.

Crammen, v. to cram, stuff, MD; crommen, MD; cremmyn, Prompt.; i-crommet, pp., S2.—AS. crammian.

Crampe, sb. the cramp, Voc., Prompt., PP; craumpe, CM.—OF. crampe (Cotg.); ODu. krampe.

Crane, sb. crane (bird), MD, Voc.; kranes, pl., MD; crennis, S3; cronez, MD.—AS. cran (Voc.).

Crasen, v. to break, MD; crased, pp., S3, C3; crasid, PP. Cp. Swed. krasa, to break in pieces.

Cratche, sb. manger, W, W2; cratch, HD, Cotg. (s.v. creiche); cracche, Voc., Prompt.; crecche, MD.—OF. creche: Prov. crepcha, crepia; OHG. crippea (Tatian). Cf. Cribbe.

Crauen, v. to crave, beg earnestly, S, MD, to prosecute, accuse, MD.—AS. crafian, ‘petere, postulare’; cp. Low Lat. cravare, in judicium mittere (also written gravare), see Schmid, Ducange.

Crawand, pr. p. crowing, S3; see Crowen.

Creat, pp. created, MD.—Lat. creatus, pp. of creare.

Creatour, sb. Creator, C3.—OF. creatour; Lat. creatorem.

Creature, sb. creature, MD; creatour, MD; creator, S2.—OF. creature; Lat. creatura.

Creaunce, sb. belief, MD, C3; creance, S2, C3.—OF. crëance, credence; Late Lat. credentia.

Creauncen, v. to borrow, MD.

Creaunt, pr. p. and adj. submitting as conquered, MD, PP; in phr.: cry ‘creaunt,’ MD.—OF. crëant; Lat. credentem.

Crechen, v. to scratch, S; see Cracchen.

Crede, sb. the Creed, S, C3, PP; credo, S, PP.—Lat. credo, I believe.

Credensynge, sb. believing, S3.

Crefti, adj. crafty, S; see Crafti.

Creme, sb. the sacred oil used in anointing, chrism, Voc., HD, MD; cream, HD; creame, Palsg.; creyme, S2, Voc.; Phr.: hille of creme, i.e. the Mount of Olives, MD.—OF. cresme; Church Lat. chrisma; Gr. χρίσμα. Cf. Crisme.

Cremelen, v. to anoint with oil or fat, MD; y-crymyled, pp., PP; kremelyd, MD; crymailed, PP.—OF. cresmeler, to anoint with holy oil.

Crempe, v. to draw in, S. Cf. G. krämpfen. See Crampe.

Crennis, sb. pl. cranes, S3; see Crane.

Crepen, v. to creep, S, C2; crope, MD; creap, pt. s., MD; crep, MD; crope, MD; 2 pt. s., P; crupen, pl., MD; crepte, pt. s. (weak), MD; cropen, pp., MD.—AS. créopan, pt. créap (pl. crupon), pp. cropen.

Creste, sb. crest (of bird, helmet), summit, MD, Prompt.; creistis, pl., S3.—OF. creste; Lat. crista.

Cresten, adj. Christian, S2; see Cristen.

Creyme, sb. the sacred oil, S2; see Creme.

Cribbe, sb. crib, manger; crib, MD; 55 crybbe, Prompt.; cribbe, S, MD. Cp. OHG. crippea (Tatian).

Crike, sb. creek, MD; krike, MD, S; cryke, C, Prompt.—Icel. kriki.

Crimosine, sb. and adj. crimson, S3; crimosin, SkD; crammasyn, S3.—OF. cramoisin (cramoisi); Low Lat. carmesinum; from Pers. qirmisi, crimson; from Skt. krmi, a worm, insect, (i.e. the cochineal insect).

Crisme, sb. consecrated oil for anointing, MD; crysme, oil, Prompt.—Church Lat. chrisma, sacred oil; Gr. χρίσμα Cf. Creme.

Crisme-child, sb. the child anointed at baptism, MD.

Crisme-cloð, sb. the chrisom, the cloth tied round the head of the anointed child, S. Cp. Church Lat. chrismalis pannus.

Crisome, sb. the chrisom-cloth, crismale, Voc.; crysome, Palsg.; crisom, Cotg. (s.v. cresmeau).

Crist, adj. and sb. anointed, Christ, MD, S2, W, W2.—Lat. Christus; Gr. χριστός, anointed.

Cristen, adj. and sb. Christian, S, C2, C3; christen, S, S2; cresten, S2.—Lat. Christianus.

Cristendom, sb. Christianity, S, S2, C3; crystendom, S2.—AS. cristendóm.

Cristenly, adv. in a Christian manner, C3.

Cristes-messe, sb. Christmas, MD; Cristemasse, C2.

Cristiente, sb. Christendom, MD; cristiante, S3; cristianytee, S2, C3.—OF. crestiente, cristientet; Church Lat. Christianitatem.

Cristnien, v. to make Christian, to baptize, MD, S2; i-cristned, pp., S2; y-cristned, pp., S2; cristned, C3.—AS. cristnian.

Critouns, sb. pl. refuse of the frying-pan, W2.—OF. cretons (Cotg.).

Crochette, sb. a small hook, crotchet (in music), MD; crochettes, pl. crockets, S3.—OF. crochet (Bartsch).

Croft, sb. field, enclosure, PP, S2, MD.—AS. croft; cp. ODu. crocht, a field on the downs.

Croh, sb. a crock, waterpot, MD; cróós, pl., S.

Crois, sb. cross, PP, S, S3; croys, PP, S2, C2, C3; croiz, MD; croice, MD, S2.—OF. crois, croiz; Lat. crŭcem, see Brachet. Cf. Crouche, Cros.

Crok, sb. a hook, curl, a crooked way, wile, deceit, MD, Voc.; crokes, pl., S; crocks, HD. Phr.: went on croke, went astray, H.—Icel. krókr.

Croken, v. to bend, to curl hair, to turn aside, MD, W2; crokid, pp. curved, W2; i-croked, S.

Croket, sb. curl, MD, HD.

Crokke, sb. crock, pot, S2, PP; crocke, S, Voc.—AS. crocca.

Crom-bolle, sb. crumb-bowl, S3.

Cromme, sb. crumb, C3; crumme, MD; crume, MD; crome, MD; crowm, Voc.—AS. cruma.

Crommen, v. to cram, MD, S2; see Crammen.

Crone, sb. an old hag, S2, MD, C3; crony, SkD. Cp. ODu. kronie, karonie, an old sheep; Picard carone = F. charogne, see SkD (p. 797). See Caroigne.

Cronicle, sb. chronicle, MD.—OF. cronique. For the intrusive l cp. manciple, participle, principle, syllable, canticle, treacle, cardiacle.

Cronique, sb. chronicle, S2; chronique, C.—OF. cronique; Late Lat. chronica; Gr. χρονικά, annals.

Croos, sb. pl. water-pots, S; see Croh.

Crop, sb. top, upper part of a tree, crop of corn, Voc., PP, S2; croppe, Prompt., Palsg.; croppes, pl., young shoots, C; croppis, S3.—AS. crop.

Crope, 2 pt. s. didst creep, P; cropen, pp., MD; see Crepen.

Crope, sb. crupper, HD; croupe, CM, SkD.—OF. crope (F. croupe).

Croper, sb. crupper, the hinder part of a horse, C3.—OF. croupiere (Cotg.).

Cropiers, sb. pl. the housings on a horse’s back, HD.

Cropone, sb. the buttock, HD.—AF. cropoun.

Cros, sb. cross, PP, MD; crosse, P, MD.—ONorse, cros (cors); cp. Ir. cros, Prov. cros. Cf. Crois.

Crosselet, sb. a small crucible, C3; croslet, C3. See SkD (s.v. crucible).

Crouche, sb. the cross of Christ, crucifix, sign or representation of the cross, MD, PP, HD; cruche, PP; crowch, S.—Cp. OHG. crûci (krûzi) in Otfrid; Lat. cruci- (stem of crux). Cf. Crois.

Crouchen, v. to sign with the cross, MD; cruchen, MD; crowche, MD; crouched, pt. s., MD.


Croud, Croude, sb. a musical instrument (stringed), H, W; see Crowde.

Crouken, v. to croak, S2; crowken, Prompt.; croak, Sh.

Crouken, v. to bend down, S3, MD; see Croken.

Croune, sb. crown, the tonsure, S, G; see Corone.

Crouni; see Coronen.

Crouning, sb. crowning, S2; the tonsure, P. See above.

Crowch, sb. cross, S; see Crouche.

Crowd, v. to coo as a dove, S3; croud, JD.

Crowde, sb. a musical instrument (stringed), Prompt., Cath., Voc.; crouthe, MD; croud, H; croude (= chorus), W, H; crowd, ND; crouth, MD.—Wel. crwth, a fiddle: Ir. cruit: OIr. crot; cp. Low Lat. chrotta (Ducange). Cf. Rote.

Crowde, sb. wheelbarrow, Prompt.

Crowden, v. to push, HD, S2, C3; crouden, MD, HD, C3; crude, to press forward, S; crowdyn, Prompt.; crud, pt. s., MD, HD.—AS. *crúdan, to press, drive, pt. créad (pl. crudon), pp. croden; cp. Du. kruyden, to push (Hexham). See Sievers, 384, 385.

Crowdyng, sb. pressure, S2, C3.

Crowen, v. to crow; crawand, pr. p., S3; him croweth, pr. s. reflex., C3.—AS. cráwan, pt. créow, pp. crawen.

Crownell, sb. corolla, small crown, S3. See Corone.

Crucchen, v. to crouch, MD; cruchen, S3.

Cruche; see Crouche.

Crud, sb. curd, MD; curde, Prompt.; cruddes, pl., S2, PP; croddes, PP; crouds, JD; curddys, Voc.

Cruddid, pp. curded, W2.

Crude, v. to press forward, S; see Crowden.

Cruel, adj. cruel, MD; cruwel, MD; crewell, MD.—OF. cruel; Lat. crudelem.

Cruelnesse, sb. cruelty, MD; cruwelnes, S2.

Crueltee, sb. cruelty, C2.—AF. cruelte; Lat. crudelitatem.

Crulle, adj. curly, C; krulle, MD; crolle, MD.—Cp. G. krolle, curl; see Weigand.

Crune, sb. crown, S; see Corone.

Cry, sb. cry, MD; crye, Prompt.; crei, S.—AF. cri, crie.

Cryen, v. to cry, MD, PP; crie, PP; criȝinge, pr. p., S2; criȝed, pt. s., S2; crieden, pl., S; criede, S2.—AF. crier, cryer, for older cridar; cp. It. gridare.

Crymailed, pp. anointed, PP; y-crymyled, PP; see Cremelen.

Crystal, sb. ice, crystal, MD; cristal, W2.—AF. cristal; Lat. crystallum, ice (Vulg.), also, mountain-crystal; Gr. κρύσταλλος, ice.

Cubit, sb. elbow, a cubit (measure), MD; cubytes, pl., C2; cupydez, S2.—Lat. cubitum.

Cucurbite, sb. a gourd-shaped chemical vessel.—Lat. cucurbita, gourd.

Cudde, pt. s. made known, S; see Cuðen, Kythen.

Cude, sb. cud, S, MD; code, MD; cudde, Prompt., Palsg.; quide, MD; quede, MD; quid, HD, SkD.

Cuen, sb. queen, S; see Quene.

Cuffe, sb. cuff, PP, Prompt., Palsg.; coffes, pl., PP.—Cp. MHG. kuffe, coif. Cf. Coife.

Cukkow, sb. cuckoo, MD, Prompt.; cocow, Voc.; cocowe, Palsg.; cucko, Voc.; gukgo, S3.—OF. coucou; Lat. cuculum (acc.).

Culle, v. to strike, to kill, P; see Kulle.

Culme, sb. soot, Prompt.

Culorum, sb. end, conclusion, PP.—For Lat. seculorum in the phr.: in secula seculorum, for ever and ever, at the end of the Gloria Patri.

Culpon, sb. slice, shred, MD, C; culpown, Prompt.; culpen, Manip.—AF. colpoun; Low Lat. colponem; cp. F. coupon.

Culter, sb. coulter, the fore-iron of a plough, PP, Voc., Prompt.; kulter, PP; coltre, PP.—Lat. culter.

Culuer, sb. dove, MD, W, W2; cullfre, S; colvyr, Voc.; culuere, S2.—AS. culfre (OET.).

Culuer-briddis, sb. pl. young pigeons, W.

Cum-; see Com-.

Cumen, v. to come, S; see Comen.

Cumlyng, sb. stranger, H; see Comelyng.

Cumplie, sb. compline, S; see Complie.

Cumrit, pt. s. encumbered, S2; cummerit, S3; see Combren.

Cumsen, v. to commence, S2, PP; see Comsen.


Cun, v. to know how to, H; see Kunnen.

Cun, sb. kin, kind, nature, S; cunne, dat., S; see Kyn.

Cun-; see Con-.

Cunde, sb. kind, nature, S; see Kynde.

Cunde, adj. natural, kind, MD; see Kynde.

Cundeliche, adv. naturally, S; see Kyndely.

Cunes-mon, sb. kinsman, S; see Kynes-man.

Cunin, sb. cony, rabbit, S; see Conyng.

Cunnen, v. to know, to be able, S, S2; see Kunnen.

Cunreadnes, sb. pl. kindreds, S; see Kyn-rede.

Cupabil, adj. culpable, H; see Coupable.

Cuppe, sb. cup, S, C2, C; kuppe, S; coppe, S2, P.—AS. cuppe; Lat. cupa. Cf. Coupe.

Cuppe-mel, adv. by cupfuls, S2, PP; in cupmel, P.

Cupydez, sb. pl. cubits, S2; see Cubit.

Curace, sb. cuirass, S3, SkD; curat, HD.—OF. cuirace; Late Lat. coracium, from Lat. corium, leather.

Curall, sb. coral, S3; see Coral.

Curat, sb. curate, C.—Late Lat. curatus.

Curatour, sb. curate, priest who has cure of souls, PP, S2.

Cure, sb. a charge, cure of souls, PP, C3; cures, pl., pursuits, C2.—Church Lat. cura.

Curiour, sb. currier, W; see Coriour.

Curious, adj. busy, zealous, eager to know, dainty, fine, MD, S3; careful, C.

Curlew, sb. curlew, coturnix, Prompt., W2 (Ps. 104. 40); curlu, H; kurlu, MD; corlew, MD; curlowyr, Voc.—OF. corlieu, curlew (Cotg.).

Currour, sb. runner, courier, W2; corour, W2; currours, pl. light-armed troops, S3.

Curry, v. to prepare leather, to curry horses, to rub down, flatter, S3, MD; currayyn, Prompt.; coraye, MD.—OF. couraër, coureer (F. courroyer); It. corredare; from Low Lat. conredium. See Conrey.

Curs, sb. curse, C, G; cors, S3, G.

Cursedly, adv. wickedly, C2.

Cursednes, sb. malice, wickedness, C2; cursednesse, C2; cursidnesse, misery, W2.

Cursen, v. to curse, MD; corse, S2; cursede, pt. s., S; corsed, pp., S2.—AS. cursian.

Curt, sb. court, S; see Court.

Curteis, adj. courteous, S3, C; see Corteis.

Curteisly, adv. courteously, C2; see Corteisliche.

Curteisye, sb. courtesy, PP; see Cortesye.

Cus, sb. kiss, Prompt.; coss, W; cos, S, W, W2; kosses, pl., MD; cossis, W2.—AS. cos; cp. OHG. cus (Tatian).

Cusen; see Chesen.

Cussen, v. to kiss, S, MD; kussen, S; kesse, S, C2; custe, pt. s., S; keste, C2; kiste, S, C2; kest, S2; cusseden, pl., S2.—AS. cyssan; cp. OHG. cussan (Tatian).

Cust, sb. choice, moral excellence, character, MD; custe, dat., S.—AS. cyst; cp. OHG. kust (Otfrid). See Chesen.

Custome, sb. custom, a public due, MD, S; custume, S; costom, MD.—AF. custume, coustume; Late Lat. *consuetunimem, *consuetuninem; Lat. consuetudinem; see Constans, and SkD (p. 798).

Custome-house, sb. custom-house, S2.

Cut, sb. a cut twig, a lot, C, C3, H, Prompt., MD; kut, H, MD; cutte, Palsg.; kuttis, pl., H. Phr.: to draw cuts, HD. See Kutten.

Cuth, sb. race, people, PP; see Kyth.

Cuth, pp. known, S; see Kunnen.

Cuðe, pt. s. could, knew, S; see Kunnen.

Cuðen, v. to make known, S; see Kythen.

Cuðmon, sb. acquaintance, kinsman, S.—AS. cúðman.

Cuðreden, sb. familiarity, MD.

Cuððe, sb. relationship, one’s native land, S, MD; see Kyth, Ceðen, Cheðen.

Cut-purs, sb. cut-purse thief, PP; kitte-pors, PP. See Kutten.

Cwakien, v. to quake, S; see Quaken.

Cwalm, sb. death, pestilence, MD; see Qualm.

Cwalm-hus, sb. prison, place of torment, MD.

Cwalm-stow, sb. place of execution, S, MD.—AS. cwealm-stów (Schmid).

Cwað, pt. s. quoth, S; see Queðen.

Cwead-schipe, sb. wickedness, S; see Quedschipe.

Cwellen, v. to kill, S; see Quellen.


Cweme, adj. pleasing, S; see Queme.

Cwemen, v. to please, S; see Quemen.

Cwennkenn, v. to quench, S; see Quenchen.

Cweðen, v. to speak, S; cweð, pt. s., S; see Queðen.

Cwic, adj. living, S; see Quik.

Cwidden, v. to speak, announce, MD; i-cwiddet, pp., S.—AS. cwiddian.

Cwide, sb. speech, bequest, S; see Queðen.—AS. cwide, a saying.

Cyll, sb. a canopy, SkD (s.v. ceil).—OF. ciel, canopy, inner roof, ceiling (Cotg.); Lat. caelum, see Brachet, p. lv.

Cyne-rice, sb. kingdom, rule, S; see Kine-.

Cyrce-iærd, church-yard, S; see Chirche-ȝeard.


Dade, sb. deed, S; see Dede.

Dæd, adj. dead, S; see Deed.

Dæde, sb. pl. deeds, S; see Dede.

Dæi, sb. day, S; dæȝe, pl., S; see Day.

Dære, adj. dear, S; see Dere.

Dæð, sb. death, S; see Deeþ.

Daft, adj. apt, fit, SkD (p. 799); deft, fit, mild, gentle, innocent, foolish, MD; daffe, a fool, S2, PP; deffe, obtusus, agrestis, Prompt.; defte, dat., S.—AS. dæft.

Dafte-like, adv. fittingly; deftly, MD; defly, MD; dafftelike, S.

Dage, sb. pl. days, S; see Day.

Dagen, v. to become day, S; see Dawen.

Dagge, sb. a jag of cloth, Prompt., MD, HD, CM; dagges, pl. jagged edges, PP.

Daggen, v. to pierce, to notch, to jag, to cut at the edges, MD, PP, SkD (p. 150), CM, HD; daggyn, fractillo, Prompt.; daggyde, pp., Prompt.—Cp. ODu. daggen, to stab. See Jagge.

Dagger, sb. dagger, pugio, CM; daggar, Voc.; daggare, Prompt.

Daghynge, sb. dawning, H; see Dawing.

Dagoun, sb. a jag of a blanket, CM; dagon, HD. See Daggen.

Daheð, sb. dawn; daheðes, gen., S. See Dawen.

Dai, sb. day, S, W; see Day.

Dai-gang, sb. day’s journey, S2.

Dai-liht, sb. daylight, MD; dai-liȝt, S.

Dai-rawe, sb. day-break, MD.

Dai-red, sb. the flush of morn, MD.

Dai-rime, sb. the edge of dawn, MD; dai-rim, S.—AS. dæg-rima.

Dai-sterre, sb. day-star, S, W2; day-sterre, PP.—AS. dæg-steorra, morning-star.

Dale, sb. dale, valley, S, PP; dele, S; dalen, dat., S; dales, pl., MD; deales, MD.—AS. dæl: Goth. dal; see Sievers, 49.

Dalf, pt. s. dug, W; see Deluen.

Daliaunce, sb. talk, C, C2, C3; daliance, MD.—AF. daliaunce, interference.

Dalien, v. to talk, Prompt.; dalye, to play and sport, Palsg., MD.—AF. dayler, to dally.

Dal-neominde, pr. p. as sb. partaker, sharer, S.—OMerc. dœl-niomend, Ps. 118. 63 (VP.).

Dalte, pt. s. dealt, G; see Deelen.

Damage, sb. damage, loss, Prompt., MD; domage, S3.—AF. damage (also OF. damage); Late Lat. *damnaticum, from Lat. damnum.

Dame, sb. dame, lady, dam, S, C3, MD; dam, MD.—AF. dame; Lat. domina.

Damesele, sb. damsel, S, W2, MD; damoysele, C.—AF. damoysele; Late Lat. domicella, for *dominicella; see Constans.

Dan, sb. a title of respect placed before personal names, MD, C2, CM; danz, MD; daun, MD, CM; dene, S3.—OF. danz, dans; Lat. dominus; in oblique case OF. dam; Lat. dominum, see Bartsch and Roland.

Dang, pt. s. beat, S3; see Dyngen.

Dar, 1 pr. s. I dare, MD; dear, MD; der, MD; darst, 2 pr. s., S, C3; dærst, MD; derst, MD; dar, pr. s., MD, C2, C3, P; durren, pl., MD; duren, S; doren, W; durre, pr. subj. s., MD; pl., S; durste, pt. subj. s., S; durst, MD, P; durste, pl., S; dorste, S, S2, C2; dorst, S2, P; durren, v., MD.—AS. dear, I dare, 2 pr. s. dearst, pl. durron, subj. durre, pt. s. dorste.

Dare, adj. dark, S; see Derk.

Darked, pt. s. lay hid, S; see Derken.


Darklyng, adv. in the dark, S3, Sh.

Dasewen, v. to be dim, MD; daswen, C3; dasewide, pt. s., W2.—Cp. E. daze.

Daun, sb. a title of respect, CM; see Dan.

Daunger, sb. absolute control, power, also difficulty, MD, PP, C; daungere, refusal, denial, S3; power to harm, PP.—OF. dangier, dongier, power, lordship, refusal, danger, (Bartsch); Late Lat. *dominiarium, from Lat. dominium, see Brachet.

Daungerous, adj. haughty, difficult to please, MD, C2, C.

Daunten, v. to force, tame, MD, S2, S3, P.—AF. danter, OF. donter (F. dompter); Lat. domitare.

Daw, sb. dew, S; see Dew.

Daw, sb. day, S2; see Day.

Dawen, v. to become day, C2, PP, Prompt., Palsg., MD, JD; dagen, S, Prompt.; daȝede, pt. s., MD.—AS. dagian.

Dawing, sb. dawning, S3; dagheynge, H; daghynge, H.

Dawnen, v. to dawn, Prompt.

Dawning, sb. dawning, MD; dawenynge, C.

Day, sb. day, SkD; dæi, S; dai, S, W (1 Cor.4. 3); daȝȝ, S; dei, S; dæies, gen., S; deies, S; phr.: be dæies, by day, S; now a dayes, C2; daie, dat., S; daw, S2; daȝes, pl., S; dayes, S; dawes, S, PP; dage, S; daga, gen., MD; daȝa, MD, daȝene, MD; dawene, MD; dahene, MD, S; dæȝen, dat., S; dæȝe, S; daiȝe, S; Phr. to give day, to give trust, S3; bring of daw, to kill, S2.—AS. dæg, dæges, dæge; pl. dagas, daga (and dagena), dagum.

Dayerie, sb. dairy, C; deyry, Voc., Prompt. See Deye.

Dayesie, sb. daisy, CM; dayesye, CM; dais-eie, Voc.; dayes-eȝes, pl., S2.—AS. dæges-éage, i.e. day’s eye (Voc.).

Daynen, v. to deign, S2; see Deynen.

Dayntethis, sb. pl. dainties, H, MD.—OF. deintet; Prov. dentat, dintat; Lat. dignitatem. Cf. Deyntee.

Dayre, sb. dairy-maid, androchia, Voc. See Deye.

De, v. to die, S3; see Deyen.

De-; see Dis-.

Deað, pr. s. doeth, S; see Don.

Deawes, sb. pl. dews, S2; see Dew.

Debat, sb. strife, discord, C2; debate, S3, P; debaat, C3.—AF. debat.

De-baten, v. to contend, fight, MD, C2.—OF. debatre (pr. p. debatant), It. dibattere, (Florio).

Debonaire, adj. mild, gentle, MD, C; debonere, S2; deboner, W2, H; deboneire, MD; dubonure, S2; debonayr, S3; debonur, H.—OF. debonaire; cp. OIt. di bon aire. Cf. Bonaire.

Debonerte, sb. gentleness, MD, H.—OF. debonerete, debonnaireteit (Ps. 44. 4).

De-breiden, v. to tear apart, W.—This is a hybrid form: de + ME. breiden.

De-breken, v. to break asunder, to tear, S2; debroken, pp., MD.—A hybrid form.

Debrusen, v. to bruise; debrise, MD; debrusede, pt. s., MD; debrused, S2.—AF. debruser, OF. debriser.

Deburs, v. disburse, pay, S3; see Disburse.

Deceit, sb. deceit, MD; disseit, W2.—AF. deceit; Late Lat. decepta.

Deciple, sb. disciple, S; see Disciple.

Ded, sb. death, S2, PP.—Cp. Swed. and Dan. död, death. See Deeþ.

Ded, adj. dead, S, PP; see Deed.

Dede, pt. s. did, S, S2; deden, pl.; see Don.

Dede, sb. deed, S, S2, PP; dade, S; dede, pl., S; dæde, S; dedes, S, S2; deades, MD.—AS. déd, (dǽd); cp. Goth. ga-dēths, see Brugmann, § 75.

Dede, pt. pl. died, S3; see Deyen.

Dede, sb. death, PP, S, S2, S3; see Ded, Deeþ.

Dede-stoure, sb. death-struggle, S2.

Dedeyn, sb. disdain, W, H; see Disdeyn.

Dedeyne, v. to deign, S3. See Deynen.

Dedly, adj. liable to death, H; see Deedli.

Deduit, sb. delight, pleasure, MD, HD; deduyt, C; dedut, MD; dute, MD.—AF. deduit; cp. Late Lat. deductus, ‘animi oblectatio’ (Ducange); from OF. deduire, (refl.) to rejoice; Late Lat. deducere.

Dee, sb. a die, MD; die, Sh.; dees, pl. dice, PP, C2, C3; dys, PP, C.—OF. de (pl. dez): It. dado, Prov. dat; Lat. datum.

Deed, adj. dead, S2, C2; ded, S, PP; dæd, S; dyad, S2; deade, pl., S.—AS. déad; cp. Icel. dauðr, Goth. dauþs.

Deedli, adj. mortal, subject to death, deadly, W, W2; dedly, H, PP; diadlich, S; dedlich, MD, PP.—AS. déadlic.

Deef, adj. deaf, MD, C; def, MD; deue, pl., C3.—AS. déaf: Goth. daubs.

Deel, sb. deal, share, MD, G; del, S, S3; deal, MD; deyl, S2. Phr.: neuer a deyl, not a bit, S2; euery deyl, S2.—AS. dǽl; cp. Goth. dails (daili-); see Douse, p. 94.

Deelen, v. to deal, share, divide, MD; delen, S2, G; delte, pt. s., C3; dalte, G; 60 deled, pp., G.—AS. dǽlan: Goth. dailjan, from daili-; see Douse, p. 113.

Deep, adj. deep, C; dep, S; deop, S, MD; dyep, MD; dup, MD; depe, sb., S2, C3; deopre, comp., S; deope, adv., S; deoppre, comp., S; depper, C3.—AS. déop; cp. Goth. diups, Icel. djúpr.

Deer, sb. wild animal, C2; der, S; diere, dat., S; deer, pl., C2.—AS. déor; cp. Goth. dius, wild beast.

Deeþ, sb. death, C2; dæð, S, MD; deð, S; diath, S; dyaþ, S2; dead, S; ded, S2, PP; deaðe, dat., S; deðe, S, S2; dede, S, S2, S3.—AS. déaþ; cp. Icel. dauði, dauðr: Goth. dauþus.

Defame; see Diffame.

Defaute, sb. defect, fault, S2, C2, PP; defalte, S2; defautis, pl., S3, W2.—AF. defaute, defalte.

Defenden, v. to protect, to forbid, S2, MD, C3, H.—AF. defendre; Lat. defendere.

Defense, sb. protection, prohibition, MD; defence, S2.—AF. defense, defence.

Defet, pp. defeated, MD.—AF. defet, aefait, pp. of defaire.

Defien, v. to digest, MD, PP, HD; defye, S2; defy, Cath.

Defien, v. to mistrust, to defy, PP; defye, despicere, Cath.—AF. defier, OF. desfier: It. disfidare, to defy, (Florio).

Defiguren, v. to disfigure; defygurd, pp., S2.—AF. desfigurer.

Defless, sb. pl., devils, S; deflen, S; see Deuel.

Defoulen, v. to tread down, MD, W, W2, H, SkD (s.v. defile); defoilen, MD, SkD; defoulid, pp., W2.—OF. defouler, to trample on, rebuke (Cotg).; cp. fouler (Bartsch), foller, Ps. 138. 11; It. follare, to press, to full clothes (Florio); Lat. *fullare, to full cloth; cp. fullo, a fuller.

De-foulen, v. to make foul, inquinare, MD; defowlyn, Prompt.; defoulid, pp., W.—A hybrid form, de + ME. fulen. See Fulen.

Defte, adj. gentle, S; see Daft.

Deghe, v. to die, S2; see Deyen.

Degoutit, pp. spotted, S3. Cp. OF. degoutter (Cotg.), and Lat. gutta, a drop, a spot, speck on an animal.

Degyse, adj. fashionable, finical, H.—OF. desguisé, dissembled, sophisticated (Cotg.). See Disgysen.

Degyset, pp. disguised, S2; see Disgysen.

Deh, sb. dye, colour, SkD.—AS. déah.

Dehtren, sb. pl. daughters, S; see Dohter.

Dei, sb. day, S; see Day.

Deide; see Deyen.

Deih, pr. s. profits, S; see Duȝen.

Dei-hwamliche, adv. every day, S.—AS. dæg-hwamlice.

Deir, v. to harm, S3; see Dere.

Deken, sb. deacon, MD; diakne, MD; deakne, MD; dekene, W; deknes, pl., S2, C3.—AS. diacon; Church Lat. diaconus; Gr. διάκονος (NT).

Del, sb. deal, share, S, S3; see Deel.

Del, sb. grief, S2; see Dole.

Dele, sb. dale, S; see Dale.

Delen, v. to deal, S2, G; see Deelen.

Delfin, sb. dolphin, Voc.; delfyne, Prompt.; delfyn, SkD; delfyns, pl., MD; delphyns, S2.—Lat. delphinus; Gr. δελφιν- (stem of δελφίς).

Delful, adj. doleful, S2; see Dolefulle.

Delfulli, adv. dolefully, MD; see Dolfully.

Delices, sb. pl. delights, H, C3, W2; delicis, W, H.—OF. delices; Lat. delicias.

Delit, sb. delight, MD; delyt, S3, C2, C3.—OF. delit, deleit.

Delitable, adj. delightful, PP, S3, W2, H; delytable, S2, C2; dilitable, S2.—AF. delitable; Lat. delectabilem.

Delite, v. to delight, Cath., PP, W2; delyting, pr. p., C2.—AF. deliter; Lat. delectare.

Delitingis, sb. pl. delights, W2.

Deliuer, adj. quick, active, MD; delyuere, C.—OF. delivre, quick, literally ‘freed.’

Deliueren, v. to set free, MD; deliuery, S2; delyuery, PP.—AF. deliverer; Late Lat. deliberare; Lat. de + liberare.

Deliuerly, adv. quickly, nimbly, S2; delyuerly, S2, C.

Deluen, v. to delve, dig, S, C2, P, W; dalf, pt. s., MD, W; dalfe, W; doluen, pl., MD, P; delueden (weak pt.), W2; dolue, subj., S2; i-doluen, pp., S; y-dolue, S2; doluen, buried, S, P; i-doluen, S2.—AS. delfan, pt. dealf (pl. dulfon), pp. dolfen.

Deluers, sb. pl. diggers, S2; delueres, P.

Deme, sb. judge, S.—AS. déma.

Demen, v. to give doom, to judge, decree, S, S2, S3, C2; deeme, S2; demde, pt. s., S; i-demed, pp., S; y-demed, S; y-demd, S2; i-demd, S; demet, S; dempt, S.—AS. déman: OS. dómian, Goth. domjan. See Doom.

Demenen, v. to manage, to behave 61 (refl.), MD; demenyng, pr. p. shewing, S3.—OF. demener, to carry on, make; demener joie, to rejoice, also demener dol, to grieve, Bartsch; cp. Cotg., and the phrase demener dolor in Roland.

Demere, sb. judge, S; demare, S.—AS. démere.

Demeyne, sb. power, possession, C2; demayn, MD; demeigne, MD.—OF. demeine, property, that which belongs to a lord; Lat. dominicum, from dominus; see Roland.

Dene, sb. a title of respect, S3; see Dan.

Dene, sb. din, noise, PP, MD; see Dyn.

Deneis, sb. pl. Danes, S2.—OF. Deneis; Low Lat. Denensis, a Dane, see Brachet, lvii.

Denie, v. to din; see Dinnen.

Denne, sb. den, MD; den, S; dennes, pl., S2, W, H; dennys, H.—AS. denn.

Dennen, v. to dwell; dennede, pt. s., S.

Denounce, v. to command, W (= Lat. denunciare).—OF. denoncer, to declare.

Dent, sb. blow, S, S2, PP, CM; dynt, S3; dint, S, S2; dunt, S, S2.—AS. dynt.

Deofell, sb. devil, S; see Deuel.

Deol, sb. grief, S, S2; see Dole.

Deop, adj. deep, S; see Deep.

Deopliche, adv. deeply, S.

Deopnesse, sb. deepness, S; see Depnesse.

Deore, v. to last, S2; see Duren.

Deore, adj. dear, S; see Dere.

Deore-wurðe, adj. precious, S; see Derewurðe.

Deorling, sb. darling, S; see Derling.

Deorne, adj. secret, dark, S; see Derne.

Deouele, sb. devil, S; see Deuel.

Dep, adj. deep, S; see Deep.

Departen, v. to separate, divide, PP, S3, C3, W, W2; to become separated, S2; depart, pp., S3.—AF. departir; OF. despartir; It. dispartire (Florio).

Departere, sb. a divider, W.

Departyng, sb. division, W; departyngis, pl., W2.

Depaynt, pp. painted, S3; depeynted, C; depaynted, S3; depeynt, pt. pl., S3.—OF. depeindre (pp. depeint).

Depayntar, sb. painter, S3.

Depe, sb. depth, S2, C3.—AS. dýpe.

Depen, v. to dip, S2.

Deplike, adv. deeply, MD; deopliche, S.—AS. déoplice.

Depnesse, sb. deepness, depth, MD; depnes, S2; deopnesse, S.—AS. déopnes.

Depraue, v. to slander, depreciate, W2, PP.—Lat. deprauare, to distort.

Depuren, v. to purify, S3, MD.—OF. depurer; Late Lat. depurare.

Der, sb. wild animal, S; see Deer.

Derby;—phr.: father Derbies bands, handcuffs, S3; Darbies bands, DG; darbies, DG.

Dere, sb. harm, injury, MD; darr, MD; der, S3.—AS. daru.

Dere, v. to harm, S, S2, C2; derien, S, MD; deir, S3; ders, pr. pl., S2.—AS. derian; cp. OHG. derien (derren) in Otfrid.

Dere, adj. and adv. dear, S, PP; diere, S; duere, S2; dære, S; dure, MD; deore, S; der, S2; deir, MD; derre, comp., C; derrest, superl., P.—AS. déore, dýre: OS. diuri, costly, loved.

Dereliche, adv. dearly, MD; derelych, S2; derli, S2.—AS. déorlice.

Dere-wurðe, adj. precious, S; dereworth, W; dierewurth, S; derworþe, S2, P; deorewurðe, S.—AS. déorwurðe.

Derewurðlice, adv. respectfully, S.

Dereynen, v. to answer to an accusation, to maintain a right in a judicial contest, CM, S2; dereyni, S2; derreyne, C; darreyne, C; dereyned, pp., S2.—AF. dereiner, OF. desresnier; Late Lat. disrationare (also derationare); see Ducange.

Derf, adj. brave, powerful, difficult, hard, MD; derfe, pl., MD; derue, MD, S; derfre, comp., S; derure, S.—Cp. OS. derbi.

Derf, sb. affliction, hardship, S.—AS. (ge)deorf.

Derfliche, adv. severely, cruelly, S.

Derk, adj. dark, MD, S2, PP; deork, MD; dorc, S; darc, S; dirk, MD; durk, MD; derke, dat., S.—AS. deorc.

Derken, v. to make dark, to become dark, MD, S3; dirken, MD; darken, S2.

Derkful, adj. dark, W.

Derkhed, sb. darkness, MD.

Derknesse, sb. darkness, MD, W.

Derling, sb. darling, S, W2; durlyng, S, MD; deorling, S; derlyngis, pl., chosen ones, W, W2.—AS. déorling. See Dere.

Derne, adj. secret, dark, S, S2, P, H; deorne, S; dærne, MD; durne, MD; dern, S2.—AS. derne; cp. OS. derni and MHG. tarn in tarn-kappe, the mantle of darkness, Grimm, p. 870.


Dernel, sb. a kind of weed, rye-grass, lollium, Prompt.; dernell, Palsg.; darnel, S3, MD.

Derring-doe, sb. daring enterprise, ND, S3. See Dar.

Dert, sb. dirt, S3; see Drit.

Derðe, sb. dearth, S, P. See Dere.

Derue, adj. bold, S; derure, comp. more severe, S; see Derf.

Deruen, v. to afflict, S. See Derf, sb.

Des-; see Dis-.

Desaly, Desselic, adv. foolishly, S2; see Dusiliche.

Desarayen, v. reflex. to fall into disorder, S2.—OF. desarroyer.

Desauauntage, sb. disadvantage, S2; disauauntage, MD; disadvauntages, pl., MD.—OF. desavantage.

Descenden, v. to go down, SkD.—AF. descendre; Lat. descendere.

Descensorie, sb. vessel used for extracting oil per descensum, C3.

Descriuen, v. to describe, MD; descryue, S3; descryfe, S2; discryue, S2, S3, C2; discreue, S2; discriued, pp., S2; discryued, W.—OF. descrivre (pr. p. descrivant; Lat. describere.

Deserited; see Disheriten.

Desert, sb. merit, C2.—AF. and OF. deserte, see Ducange (s.v. deservire).

Deserven, v. to merit, MD; disserued, pp., well served, W.—AF. deservir; Late Lat. deservire.

Desi, adj. foolish, MD; see Dusi.

Despeir, sb. despair, MD.—AF. despeir.

Despeiren, v. to despair, MD; despeired, pp., C2.—OF. desperer, Lat. desperare.

Desperate, adj. outrageous, S3.—Lat. desperatus.

Despisabil, adj. despicable, H; dispisable, W2.

Despit, sb. contempt, injury, S2, C3; despyt, C2; despite, WW; dispit, W.—AF. despit; Lat. despectum (acc.).

De-spiteful, adj. full of contempt, WW.

Despitous, adj. ignominious, MD, C; dispitous, contemptuous, S3; despitus, H.

Despitously, adv. contemptuously, spitefully, S2, C2, C3; dispitously, C.

Despoilen, v. to despoil, to strip, MD; dispoilen, C2; dispoyled, pp., S3.—OF. despoiller; Lat. despoliare.

Dest, 2 pr. s. doest, S; see Don.

Destrer, sb. a courser, war-horse, MD; dextrer, C2.—AF. destrer; Late Lat. dextrarium (from Lat. dextra, the right hand), the horse led by the squire on the right of his own horse.

Destroyen, v. to destroy, MD; destruien, MD, C; destrue, S2; distruen, S2; destrie, MD, W, W2; dysstrye, S2; distruyede, pt. s., W; distried, pp., W, W2.—AF. destruire. (pr. p. destruyant); Lat. destruere.

Destroyere, sb. destroyer, Prompt., MD; distrier, W.

Deð, pr. s. doeth, S, S2; see Don.

Deð, sb. death, S; see Deeþ.

Deð-vuel, sb. death-evil, S2.

Dette, sb. debt, C2; dett, adj. due, H.—AF. dette; Lat. debita.

Deue, adj. pl. deaf, C3; see Deef.

Deuh; see Dew.

Deuel, sb. devil, S, S2, W2; deofel, MD; deofell, S; diuel, S; dyeuel, S2; dewill, S3; dewle, Prompt.; dwylle, MD; deouele, S; diefles, gen., S; dieule, dat., S; deofles, pl., MD; defless, S; deoules, S; deoflen, S; deflen, S; deoflene, gen. pl., S.—AS. déofol; Lat. diabolus (Vulg.); Gr. διάβολος; cf. OHG. diufal (Otfrid).

Deuin, sb. prophesying, divinity, theology, MD; diuyn, S2.

Deuine, sb. theologian, augur, soothsayer, MD; dyuynes, pl., MD.—OF. devin; Lat. diuinum.

Deuinen, v. to foretell, guess, suspect, MD; deuyne, PP.

Deuinourr, sb. interpreter, explainer, theologian, MD, PP; dyuynour, PP.

Deuise, sb. tale, narrative, S3; deuys, order, C.

Deuisen, v. to divide, arrange, order, decide, tell, relate, MD, S2; deuyse, C2, C3; deuice, MD, S2; diuise, S2.—AF. deviser, It. divisare; formed from Lat. diuidere (pp. diuisus).

Deuisynge, sb. narration, S2.

Deuoid, pp. as adj. destitute of, SkD.

Deuoiden, v. to quit, leave, also to annihilate, exterminate, MD; deuoyden, S2.—OF. desvoidier, desvuidier.

Devoir, sb. duty, knightly duty, PP, C2; deuoyr, S3; devor, ND, PP; deuer, 63 PP, CM.—OF. devoir (sb. orig. v.); Lat. debere.

Deuouren, v. to devour, MD; devoir, S3.—AF. devourer; Lat. deuorare.

Dew, sb. dew, PP; dæw, MD; daw, S; deu, S; deuh, PP; deawes, pl., S2.—AS. déaw.

Dewill, sb. devil, S3; see Deuel.

Dewite, sb. duty, S3; see Duete.

Dewle, sb. grief, S3; see Dole.

Dextrer, sb. a war-horse, C2; see Destrer.

Deye, sb. a female servant, esp. one who looks after the cows and dairy, androchia, Voc., Prompt., C; deye, a cow-boy, androchius, MD, Cath.—Icel. deigja, see CV; cp. AF. deye.

Deyen, v. to die, S2, PP; deȝen, MD, S2; deghe, S2; deie, S; dey, S3; dye, PP; diȝe, PP; dyȝe, S2, PP; de, S3; deide, pt. s., S, S2; deiȝede, MD; deyde, C2; deid, S2; deit, S3; dede, pl., S3; deyed, pp., C2.—Icel. deyja: OS. dóian.

Deyen, v. to dye, MD; dyyn, Prompt.; dyed, pt. s., C2.—AS. déagian, from déah. See Deh.

Deyere, sb. dyer, C.

Deyl, sb. deal, share, S2; see Deel.

Deynen, v. to deign, to appear good, to please, MD, CM, S2; deignen, MD; daynede, pt. s., S2; dæyned him, (refl.) C2.—AF. deigner; Lat. dignare.

Deynous, adj. proud, disdainful, MD, CM, Cath. (p. 95, n.).

Deyntee, sb. worth, pleasure, liking, S2, C2, C3; deynte, S2; deinte, MD; deyntees, pl., S2, C2, C3.—OF. daintie, deintet, Prov. din-tat; Lat. dignitatem. Cf. Dayntethis.

Deyntee, adj. dainty, C2, C3.

Deynteuous, adj. choice, dainty, C2.

Deys, sb. daïs, high table in hall, C, C2, PP; deyes, PP; deis, PP; dese, PP; deyse, PP; dees, MD; des, MD; day, canopy, JD.—OF. deis (AF. dois); Lat. discum (acc.), see Brachet, p. lxv. Cf. Disshe.

Deȝter, sb. pl. daughters, S2; see Dohter.

Di-; see De-, Dis-.

Dia, sb. A term set before medicinal confections or electuaries that were devised by the Greeks, Cotg.; dya, HD; dyas, pl. remedies, medicines, PP.—Gr. διὰ. See Dia-penidion.

Diadlich, adj. mortal, S; see Deedli.

Diamant, sb. diamond, PP, Cath.; dyamand, MD; dyamaunt, C.—OF. diamant, a diamond, the loadstone (Cotg.). See Adamant.

Dia-penidion, sb. a kind of sweet stuff like barley-sugar used to relieve coughs, PP; diapenydion, PP; diopendion, S2.—OF. diapenidion, It. diapenídio, cp. diapiéde, ‘a diapedon or confection made of Penids’ (Florio). See Dia and Penid.

Diaper, sb. a kind of figured cloth; dyaper, MD; diapery, MD.—OF. diaspre, diaspe, diapered cloth; Lat. iaspidem, jasper; from Gr. ἴασπις, probably of Semitic origin; see Diez, p. 119.

Diaper, v. to variegate, adorn with figures and colours, ND; diapred, pp., ND; dyapred, C.

Diath, sb. death, S; see Deeþ.

Dicht, pp. prepared, S2; see Dihten.

Diciples, sb. pl. disciples, S; see Disciple.

Dide, pt. s. did, caused, put, S; see Don.

Diefles, sb. gen. devil’s, S; see Deuel.

Dier, sb. wild animal, beast; diere, dat., S; see Deer.

Dier-chin, sb. deer-kind, beasts, S.

Diere, adj. dear, S; see Dere.

Diere-wurð, adj. precious, S; see Derewurðe.

Diete, sb. diet, food, MD, C; dyetis, pl., PP.—OF. diete; Late Lat. dieta, Lat. diæta; Gr. δίαιτα.

Dieten, v. to diet; diȝete, pr. subj. S2, PP.

Dieð, pr. s. doeth, S; see Don.

Dieule, sb. dat. devil, S; see Deuel.

Diffacen, v. to deface, MD; deface, to obliterate, C2; defaste, pp., S3.—OF. deffacer.

Dif-faden, v. to fade away, MD; defade, to cause to fade, S3; defadide, pp., HD.

Diffame, sb. dishonour, disgrace, MD, S3, C2; defame, C3.—OF. diffame.

Diffamen, v. to spread abroad a rumour, also to slander, MD, S2; defame, C2; diffameden, pt. pl., W; defamed, pp., W, C3.—AF. diffamer, to slander; Lat. diffamare, to spread abroad a report.

Digne, adj. worthy, proud, MD, C, C2, C3, S2, S3; dygne, S2. Phr.: digne as dich-water, i.e. making people keep their distance, S3.—OF. digne; Lat. dignum.

Dignelich, adv. worthily, P; dyngneliche, S2.


Dignete, sb. worth, dignity, high office, MD; dignitee, C2; dingnetes, pl., S2.—AF. dignete; Lat. dignitatem. Cf. Deyntee.

Dihten, v. to order, rule, prepare, adorn, MD, S2; diȝten, MD; diȝtti, S2; diht, pr. s., S; dightes, S2; dihte, pt. s., S; diȝte, S2; diht, pp., S2; diȝt, MD, S2; dight, MD, S3; ydiȝt, S2, S3; dyȝt, S2; dicht, S2; ydyȝt, S3; dygth, H.—AS. dihtan; Lat. dictare.

Dilatacioun, sb. extension, diffuseness, S2, C3.—Lat. dilatationem.

Dilitable, adj. delightful, S2; see Delitable.

Dim, adj. dim, MD; dym, C; dymme, MD; dimme, pl., S.—AS. dim.

Dimliche, adv. dimly, softly (of sound), MD; dimluker, comp., S.

Dimnes, sb. dimness, S2.

Dinnen, v. to din, MD; dunien, MD; denie, S; dinede, pt. s., MD; donyd, MD; dynnit, MD.—AS. dynian; cp. Icel. dynja. See Dyn.

Dint, sb. blow, S, S2; see Dent.

Dinten, v. to strike, S.

Diopendion, sb. a kind of barley-sugar, S2; see Dia-penidion.

Dirige, sb. the name of an anthem in the office for the dead beginning with the words from Ps. 5. 8, ‘Dirige, Dominus meus,’ MD, S3; dyrge, MD; dorge, MD.

Dis-; see Des-.

Disburse, v. to pay out of a purse, Sh.; deburs, S3.—OF. desbourser.

Dischargen, v. to unload, MD; deschargen, MD; dischargiden, pt. pl., W.—AF. descharger.

Dischevele, pp. with hair in disorder, MD, C.—OF. deschevelé, pp. of descheveler, to dischevel (Cotg.).

Disciple, sb. disciple, W (John 20. 2); disciplis, pl., PP, W; diciples, S; deciples, S; decipelis, S2.—AF. disciple; Lat. discipulum (acc.).

Disciplesse, sb. a woman-disciple, W.

Discipline, sb. chastisement, MD; disceplines, pl. flagellations, S.—OF. discipline (Cotg.); Church Lat. disciplina (Ducange).

Disclaundre, v. to slander, S2, C3.

Printed between Disciple and Disciplesse, with expected cross-reference to Sclaundre missing.

Disclaundre, sb. evil fame, S2, PP; desclandre, MD; dislander, ND. See Sclaundre.

Disclose, v. to disclose, S3; desclosen, S2.—OF. desclore (subj. -close); Lat. disclaudere.

Discomfiten, v. to defeat, to put to the rout, MD; dyscowmfytyn, Prompt.; disconfet, pt. s., MD; disconfite, MD; pp., MD; discumfyst, S3; dysconfited, S3.—OF. desconfire (pp. desconfit); Lat. dis + conficere.

Discomfiture, sb. defeat, MD; disconfiture, C.—AF. descumfiture, desconfiture.

Disconfort, sb. discomfort, C; discomfort, W.

Disconforten, v. to trouble, discomfort, C; disconfort, S3; discomforten, MD.—OF. desconforter.

Discoueren, v. to discover, uncover, MD, C3; diskeuer, MD; discure, S3.—OF. descovrir, descuvrir.

Disdeyn, sb. disdain, C2; desdayn, CM; desdeyn, C; dedeyn, MD, W, H; dedeyne, HD.—AF. dedeigne, OF. desdein.

Disdeyne, v. to disdain, C2; desdainen, MD.—AF. desdeigner, It. disdegnare.

Disese, sb. lack of ease, MD, S2, C2, C3, W; desese, S3.—OF. desaise.

Diseseful, adj. troublesome, W2.

Disesid, pp. troubled, W.

Disgysen, v. to disguise, MD; degisen, PP, MD; degyset, pp., S2; disguised, S3.—AF. degiser, degyser, OF. desguiser. Cf. Degyse.

Disheriten, v. to disinherit, S2; deseritede, pt. s., S2; deserited, pp., S2; disheryt, C.—AF. desheriter, OF. deseriter.

Disjoint, sb. perplexity, MD; disjoynt, C.—OF. desjoinct, pp. of desjoindre; Lat. disjungere.

Dismayen, v. to dismay, G; desmayen, MD.—OF. *desmayer; cp. Sp. desmayar, also (with different prefix), OF. esmaier, Prov. esmagar, It. smagare.

Disour, sb. professional story-teller, minstrel, MD; disoures, pl., P.—OF. disour, diseor: Sp. dicedor, It. dicitore, from Lat. dicere.

Disparage, sb. a want of parity or equality, especially in birth or station, disparagement, disgrace, C2. See Parage.

Disparagen, v. to disparage, disgrace; desparaged, pp., MD.—AF. desparager.

Disparplen, v. to become scattered, also to scatter, W; desparplen, MD, S2; dysparplyn, Prompt.; sparplyn, Prompt.; disperpelde, pt. s., H; deperpeyld, H; disparpoilid, pp., S2; disparplid, 65 disparplit, W.—OF. deparpillier, Ps. 21. 14 (cp. It. sparpagliare, Florio); from OF. *parpille, butterfly; Lat. papilio, see Brachet (s.v. éparpiller), and Diez, p. 236.

Dispence, sb. expenditure, C, C2, S3; despense, C2, MD; dispenses, pl., S3.—OF. despense.

Dispenden, v. to spend, S3, C2, H; despenden, C2, MD; dispent, pp., S3.—AF. despendre; Late Lat. dispendere, to weigh out.

Dispendour, sb. steward, W; dispendere, W.

Dispers, pp. dispersed, S3, MD.—Lat. dispersus.

Displesance, sb. annoyance, C3.—OF. desplaisance.

Disport, sb. pleasure, recreation, S2, S3, C2, C3; desport, C3, MD.—AF. desport, mirth; cp. OF. deport (Bartsch).

Disporten, v. to cheer, amuse, MD.—OF. se desporter, se deporter; cp. It. diportare (compounded with Lat. de-).

Disposed, pp.; in phr.: wel disposed, in good health, C3.

Disputen, v. to dispute, MD; desputen, MD.—AF. desputer; Lat. disputare.

Disputeson, sb. disputation, MD; disputisoun, C; desputisoun, MD.—OF. desputeson; Lat. disputationem (for -eson = -tionem, see Ps. Introd. xxx).

Disseit; see Deceit.

Disseueren, v. to separate, C3.—AF. deseverer; Lat. dis + separare.

Disshe, sb. dish, PP; disch, S; dysche, discus, Voc.; dysshe, discus, Prompt.; dishe, disc, quoit, MD; disse, S; dysshes, pl., S2.—AS. disc; Lat. discus; Gr. δίσκος, quoit. Cf. Deys.

Dissheres, sb. a female dish-seller, P.

Dissimulen, v. to pretend a thing is not so, MD, C3; dissymilide, pt. s., W2.—Lat. dissimulare.

Dissimulinge, sb. dissembling, C2, C3.

Distaf, sb. distaff, C2; dystaf, Voc.; dysestafe, Voc.

Distinguen, v. to distinguish, MD; destingeþ, pr. pl., MD; distyngis, imp. pl., H; distingwed, pp., MD; distyngid, H.—OF. distinguer.

Distrier, sb. destroyer, W; see Destroyere.

Distraught, pp. distracted, tormented, S3; distrauhte, MD; destrat, SkD.—OF. destrait (F. distrait); Lat. distractum, pp. of distrahere.

Distresse, sb. distress, misery, S2; destresse, MD.—AF. destresse, destresce; Late Lat. *districtitia from Lat. districtus, pp. of distringere, to pull asunder, to punish.

Distreynen, v. to vex, S3; destreyne, C; distrayne, S3.—AF. destreindre (pr. p. destreignant); Lat. distringere.

Disturben, v. to disturb; destourbe, C3; distourbe, MD; desturbi, MD.—AF. desturber; Lat. disturbare.

Disturblen, v. to disturb, trouble, MD, W, W2; disturblid, pp., S2, W, W2. Cp. OF. tourbler, torbler (F. troubler); Late Lat. *turbulare, from Lat. turbare.

Disturblyng, sb. disturbance, W, W2.

Diten, v. to indict for trespass, Prompt.—OF. dicter; Lat. dictare. Cf. Dihten.

Diuel, sb. devil, S; see Deuel.

Diueren, v. to tremble, S, MD.

Diuise, v. to tell of, describe, S2; see Deuisen.

Diuulgate, pp. divulged; dy-wlgat, S3.—Lat. diuulgatus.

Diuyn; see Deuin.

Diyngis, sb. pl. dyes, colours, W2; see Deyen.

Diȝe, to die; see Deyen.

Diȝel, adj. secret, MD; diȝele, dat., S.—AS. dígol, dégol, déogol, déagol; cp. OHG. tougali (Tatian), also with different suffix, dougan (Otfrid).

Diȝte, pt. s. ordained, S2; diȝt, pp. prepared, S2; see Dihten.

Doale, sb. dole, portion, S3; see Dool.

Docken, v. to cut away the tail, decaudare, MD; to cut short, C; dokkyn, Prompt. See Dok.

Dodden, v. to crop, lop branches, MD, Prompt.; i-dodded, pp., S; doddyd (as trees), Prompt.

Doddit, adj. without horns, JD; doddy, JD; doddie, sb. cow without horns, JD.

Dogge, sb. dog, MD, S2, Voc., Prompt., W2 (Ps. 21. 21), PP, C2.—AS. docga.

Dohter, sb. daughter, S; doȝter, S, S2; douȝter, P, W2; dowter, S; douhtres, pl., S; douȝtres, P; douȝtris, W2; doutres, S; deȝter, S2; doȝtren, S2; doughtren, C; dehtren, dat., S.—AS. dohtor (dehter, dat. s.); cp. Goth. dauhtar; see Sievers, 93.

Dok, sb. a tail, MD, JD.—ONorse dockr; see MD.

Doke, sb. duck, S2, Voc., PP, C; douke, PP; docke, Prompt.; duke, Voc.; duk, PP.


Dole, sb. grief, P, CM; deol, S, MD, S2; duel, MD; doel, P; diol, MD; dol, MD; dool, S2, CM; dul, MD; del, MD, S2; dewle, S3; dule, S3.—OF. doel, duel, deol, dol, del; Late Lat. *dolium, from dol-, stem of Lat. dolere, to grieve; see Constans, supplement, p. 23.

Dolefulle, adj. doleful, MD; delful, S2, MD.

Dolfin, sb. dolphin, MD; doulphyn, Palsg.—OF. doulphin (Palsg.), daulphin (Cotg.), Prov. dalfin; Lat. delphinum. Cp. Delfin.

Dolfully, adv. dolefully, G; delfulli, MD.

Doluen, pt. pl. dug, P; pp. buried, S, P; see Deluen.

Dom, sb. judgment, S, S2, W; dome, S2, G; see Doom.

Domage, sb. damage, loss, S3; see Damage.

Domb, adj. dumb, MD, C3; doumb, MD; dum, Prompt.; dom, MD; dumbe, Manip.; doumbe, S, S2; dome, S3.—AS. dumb; cp. Goth. dumbs, OHG. dumb, foolish (Otfrid).

Dome, sb. doom, S2; domes, pl., S2, G; see Doom.

Domes-day, sb. dooms-day, P; domesdai, S; domesdei, S.—AS. dómes-dæg.

Domes-man, sb. judge, S, W, W2; domysmen, pl. H.

Domlen, v. to be dull; domland, pr. p. clouding over, S2.

Dom-place, sb. judgment-hall, W.

Don, v. to do, put, make, cause, S; do, S, S2; donne, ger., S, S2; done, S2, MD; doand, pr. p., S2; doande, CM; doing, S3; doð, imp. pl. S; dest, 2 pr. s., S; deð, pr. s., S, S2; dieð, S; deað, S; doð, S, S2; doð, pl., S, S2; done, S2; dude, pt. s., S2; dide, S; dede, S, S2; ded, S2; duden, pl., S; deden, S; dyden, S; dude, S2; ydoon, pp., C2; idon, S, S2; idone, S; ido, S, S2; ydon, S2; ydo, S2; don, S2; doon, MD; do, S2, MD.—AS. dón, pt. s. dyde, pp. ge-dón.

Donet, sb. grammar, primer, elementary instruction, PP, S2.—From Donatus, the grammarian; see Cotg. (s.v. donat).

Dong, pt. s. beat, MD; dongen, pp., S2, H; see Dyngen.

Donjoun, sb. the highest tower of a castle, also the dungeon or underground prison, MD; dongeon, P; dongoun, MD; dungun, S2.—AF. dongoun, OF. dongon, donjon: Prov. dompnhon; Late Lat. domnionem, a tower that dominates (Ducange), dominionem, lordship, from Lat. dominium.

Donk, adj. moist, S3, JD; danke, MD.—Cp. Icel. dökkr, obscure (stem *danku).

Donken, v. to moisten, MD, S2.

Don-ward, adv. downward, S2; see Dounward.

Doo, sb. doe, Voc., Palsg., W2; do, MD; da, MD; days, pl., S3.—AS. .

Dool, sb. dole, share, portion, MD; dole, MD; doale, S3.—AS. dál (see OET).

Doom, sb. doom, judgment, sentence, W; dom, S, W, S2; dome, S2; domes, pl., S2, G.—AS. dóm: Goth. doms.

Dorc, adj. dark, S; see Derk.

Dore, sb. door, MD, S2, C3; dur, MD, S3; dure, S.—AS. duru; cp. Gr. θύρα; see Brugmann, § 51.

Dore-tre, sb. bar of a door, P.

Dore-ward, sb. porter, door-keeper, S2; durewart, S.

Dorren, pr. pl. dare, MD; doren, W; dorste, pt. subj. pl., S, S2, C2; see Dar.

Dortour, sb. dormitory, MD, S3, CM; dorture, Voc.; dorter, Voc.—OF. dortour, dortoir; Lat. dormitorium.

Dosc, adj. dusk, S; deosc, MD.

Doseyn, num. dozen, C; see Dozein.

Dotard, sb. dotard, MD, Sh.

Dote, sb. fool, S, MD; dotest, adj. superl., very foolish, S2.

Dotel, sb. fool, MD; dottel, Manip.

Doten, v. to dote, to be foolish, childish, MD, S2, C2.

Doucte, pt. s. had value, S; see Duȝen.

Doughtren, sb. pl. daughters, C; see Dohter.

Doughty, adj. brave, C2, G; see Duȝti.

Douhtres, sb. pl. daughters, S; see Dohter.

Doumbe, adj. dumb, S, S2; see Dumb.

Doun, sb. a down, hill, MD; dun, MD; doune, S2; dune, dat., MD; downes, pl., MD; dounes, S2; dun, adv., down, S; don, S2; doun, S2, W.—AS. dún.

Doun-right, adv. right down, S2.

Doun-ward, adv. downward, MD; donward, S2; dunward, S.

Doute, sb. fear, doubt, MD, S2, C2, G; dute, MD, S, S2; dout, S2.—OF. dute, doute, doubte.

Doute-lees, adv. doubtless, S2, C2.


Douten, v. to fear, to doubt, MD, S3; duten, MD, S; dowte, S3; dowt, imp. s., G; doutede, pt. s., S; doutiden, pl., G.—AF. duter, OF. douter; Lat. dubitare.

Douthe; see Duheðe.

Douȝter, sb. daughter, P, W2; doutres, pl., S; see Dohter.

Douene, sb. f. dove, S2; doune, S2; downe, S2. See Dowue.

Dowaire, sb. dower, C2; dower, C2.—AF. douayre (and dowere); Late Lat. dotarium.

Dowen, v. to endow, MD.—OF. douer, doer; Lat. dotare.

Dowen; see Duȝen.

Doweþe, sb. army, host, S. Phr.: doweþes louerd, Lord of Hosts, S; see Duheðe.

Dowter, sb. daughter, S; see Dohter.

Dowue, sb. dove, MD, C3, W; douve, MD; dow, S3.—Icel. dúfa; cp. OS. dúba, Goth. dubo. Cf. Douene.

Doȝter, sb. daughter, S, S2; see Dohter.

Dozein, adj. dozen, S2; doseyn, C.—AF. dozeine, from doze, twelve; Lat. duodecim.

Drad, pp. dreaded, C2; dradde, pt. pl., S; see Dreden.

Dræm, sb. joyful sound, S; see Dreem.

Draf, pt. s. drove, S2; see Driuen.

Draf, sb. draff, husks, dregs, MD, C3, PP, Cath.; draff, JD; draffe, PP; draft, W2.—Icel. draf.

Dragen, v. to draw, S; drah, imp. s., S, S2; drahen, pp., S; see Drawen.

Dragge, sb. a comfit or digestive sweetmeat, dragetum, Prompt., Voc.; dragges, pl., C.—AF. dragge, OF. dragée (Cotg.), Prov. dragea, It. treggéa, an adaptation of Late Gr. τραγήματα, sweetmeats; see Diez, p. 326, Ducange (s.v. tragemata).

Drah, pt. s. suffered, S; see Dreȝen.

Drapen, pt. pl. slew, S; see Drepen.

Drast, sb. dregs, W2; drastys, pl. feces, Voc.; drestys, Prompt.—OMerc. derste, PS. 39, 3 (VP).

Drasty, adj. trashy, worthless, MD, C2; dresti, Prompt.; dresty, Palsg.

Drawen, v. to draw, S, S2, CM; draȝen, S, S2; dragen, S; dreaien, S; dreihen, S; drah, imp. s., S, S2; drawand, pr. p., S2; droh, pt. s., S; droȝ, S, S2; drou, S, S2; drow, S2, C2; drouȝ, S2; drouh, S2; dreuch, S2; drough, S2; droȝen, pl., S; drowen, W; droȝe, S; drowe, S2; dragen, pp., S; drahen, S; ydrawe, C2.—AS. dragan, pt. dróh (pl. drógon), pp. dragen.

Dre, v. to suffer, S2, S3; see Dreȝen.

Drecchen, v. to vex, torment, also to tarry, MD, S, S3, C; drechen, S, S2; draihte, pt. s., MD; drechede, MD; draiht, pp., MD; drecched, MD.—AS. dreccan, pt. drehte, pp. dreht.

Drede, sb. dread, MD, S, S2, C2, W2; dreid, S3; dred, S.

Dreden, v. to dread, S, S2, C2; dredand, pr. p., S2; dradde, pt. s., MD, C2; dredde, MD, C2, W; dredden, pl., MD, W; dradde, S; drad, pp., C2.—AS. (on)-drǽdan, pt. dreord, drǽdde, see Sievers, 394, 395.

Dredful, adj. dreadful, MD; timid, C; dredfule, dat., S.

Drednes, sb. dread, MD; drednesse, S; dridnes, S2.

Dreem, sb. a joyful sound, dream, MD; dream, S; dræm, S; dreme, dat., S; drem, MD, S; dremes, pl., S.—AS. dréam, joyful sound, Icel. draumr, dream; cp. OS. dróm, joy, also dream.

Drehen, v. to suffer, S; see Dreȝen.

Dreid, sb. dread, S3; see Drede.

Dreihen, v. to draw, S; see Drawen.

Drem, sb. dream, S; see Dreem.

Dremels, sb. dream, PP.

Dremen, v. to make a joyful sound, to dream, S; dreamen, S; drempte, pt. s., S; dremden, pl., S.—AS. dréman, to rejoice: OS. drómian; cp. Icel. dreyma, to dream.

Drench, sb. drink, S, MD.

Drenchen, v. to drown, S, S2, C3, W; drinchen, S; dreinchen, S; dreynt, pp., W, C, C2; drent, S3; drenched, C3; drenchid, W.—AS. drencan; cp. Icel. drekkja.

Drenchyng, sb. drowning, S2.

Dreng, sb. servant, retainer, MD; dring, S; drenches, pl., MD; dringches, S.—Icel. drengr, brave man, also bachelor; hence AS. dreng.

Drepen, v. to slay, S, S2; drap, pt. s., MD; drapen, pl., S; drape, MD.—AS. drepan, pt. dræp (pl. drǽpon), pp. drepen.

Drere, sb. grief, S3, ND.

Dreriment, sb. sadness, ND; dreeriment, S3.

Drery, adj. sad, dreary, C2; dreriȝ, MD; drury, MD.—AS. dréorig.


Dreryhead, sb. sorrow, ND.

Dressen, v. to make straight, direct, reach, prepare, dress, S2, S3, C2, C3, W, W2; y-dressed, pp., C2.—OF. dresser, drescier; Late Lat. *dirictiare (It. dirizzare); from Lat. directus, pp. of dirigere. Cp. Late Lat. drictum (Ducange).

Dressyngis, sb. pl. directions (= Lat. directiones), W2.

Dreuen, v. to trouble, afflict, MD; dreued, pt. s., S2; drefedd, pp., MD; dreofedd, MD; i-dreaued, S.—AS. dréfan: OS. dróbian; cp. OHG. druaben (Otfrid), truoben (Tatian), G. trüben. See Drouy.

Drewery, sb. darling, P; see Druerie.

Dreye, adj. dry, C, C2; see Drye.

Dreȝ, adj. continuous, great, powerful, MD; dryȝ, patient, S2.—Icel. drjúgr.

Dreȝen, v. to endure, suffer, continue, MD; dregen, S; dreȝhenn, S; drehen, S; dreye, S; drye, CM; dreghe, H; driȝen, S, MD; dryȝe, S2; drie, S, PP; dree, JD; dre, S2, S3; drah, pt. s., S; dreg, MD; dryȝed, continued, S2; druhen, pl., MD; drogen, pp., MD.—AS. dréogan, pt. dréah (pl. drugon), pp. drogen.

Dreȝ-ly, adv. continuously, earnestly, S2, MD; dryȝly, patiently, S2.

Dridnes, sb. dread, S2; see Drednes.

Drihten, sb. Lord (only used for God, Christ), S; dryhtin, S; dryhten, S; drigten, S; drigtin, S; drightin, S2; dryhte, S; drihte, S; dryȝte, PP; driȝte, S, PP; dryȝtyn, S2.—AS. dryhten: OS. drohtin; cp. Icel. dróttinn and OHG. truhtin (Tatian). From AS. dryht, men, warriors, retainers: OS. druht; cp. OHG. truht and Icel. drótt.

Driht-ful, adj. noble, S.

Dring, sb. servant, S; dringches, pl., S; see Dreng.

Drink, sb. drink, MD; drinch, S; drinnch, S; drinc, S2.

Drinken, v. to drink, S; drincken, S; dring, imp. s., S; dranc, pt. s., S; dronc, S; dronk, S; drunken, pl., S; dronken, C2; drongken, S; dranc, S2; i-drunke, pp., S; dronke, C2. Phr.: drinc-hail, drink, hale! S.—AS. drincan, pt. dranc (pl. druncon), pp. druncen.

Drinkere, sb. drinker, MD; drinckares, pl., S.

Drit, sb. dirt, MD, W, W2; dert, S3.

Drit-cherl, sb. dirt-churl (term of abuse), S.

Driuen, v. to drive, rush, pass, go, S; dryuen, S; drif, S2; draf, pt. s., MD, S2; drof, S, S2; droof, MD, W, W2; drofe, S2; driuen, pl., S, MD; dryuen MD; driueden, W2; driuen, pp., MD; driue, C2; dryuun, W2.—AS. drífan, pt. dráf (pl. drifon), pp. drifen.

Driȝen, v. to suffer, S; see Dreȝen.

Driȝte; see Drihten.

Drof, pt. s. drove, S, S2; droof, W, W2; see Driuen.

Drof-lic, adj. painful, MD. Cf. Drouy.

Drogen; see Dreȝen.

Drogges, sb. pl. drugs, PP; droggis, S3; see Drye.

Droh, pt. s. drew, S; see Drawen.

Dronk, pt. s. drank, MD; drone, S; dronke, pp., C2; see Drinken.

Dronkelewe, adj. given to drink, C3; see Drunkelew.

Dronkenesse, sb. drunkenness, C3.

Drought, sb. drought, MD, C (p. 1); droughte, C2; drouhþe, S2; drugte, S; drythe, S2.—AS. drugoðe. See Drye.

Drounen, v. to be drowned, to drown, MD; drune, MD; drund, pt. pl., S2. Cf. Drunknen.

Droupen, v. to droop, vultum dejicere, MD, Palsg.; drowpen, C.—Icel. drúpa.

Droupnen, v. to be cast down, MD; drupnin, S.

Drouen, v. to trouble, MD; druuy, H; droues, pr. pl., MD; droued, pp., MD; drouyd, H; druuyd, H. Cf. Dreuen.

Drouing, sb. trouble, S2, MD; druuynge, H.

Drouy, adj. turbid, troubled, CM, S2; droui, MD.—Cp. AS. dróf, OS. dróbi, OHG. truobi, G. trübe.

Droȝ, pt. s. drew, S, S2; drou, S, S2; drow, S2, C2; drouȝ, S2; drouh, S2; drough, C2; see Drawen.

Drubild, adj. disturbed, H.

Drublen, v. to disturb water, to trouble; drubblyn, Prompt.; drobyl, MD. Cf. Drouen.

Drubly, adj. turbid, H; drobly, Prompt.

Drublynesse, sb. turbulencia, Prompt.

Drublynge, sb. disturbance, H.

Druerie, sb. love, affection, also the object of affection, also a jewel, PP, MD, C2 (s.v. love); drurye, MD; drurie, S2, PP; druery, HD; druwery, PP; drewrye, MD; drewery, P; drowryis, pl., HD; druries, HD.—AF. druerie; 69 Prov. drudaria, from OHG. drút, dear, beloved (Otfrid). See NQ. (6. 4. 270).

Druggar-beste, sb. the animal that has to pull forcibly, S3.

Druggen, v. to pull with force, CM, C.—Cp. E. drudge.

Druiȝest, 2 pr. s. art dry, S2; see Drye.

Drund, pt. pl. drowned, S2; see Drounen.

Drunk, sb. draught, MD; drunc, S; drunch, S.—Cp. Icel. drykkr.

Drunkelew, adj. given to drinking, W, Prompt.; dronkelewe, C3, PP; dronkeleuh, PP; dronkenlewe, PP; drunkenlewe, MD. See -lewe.

Drunken, sb. drinking, S, MD.

Drunkennesse, sb. drunkenness, MD; dronkenesse, C3, PP.

Drunknen, v. to be drowned, to cause to drown, MD; drunkenes, pr. s., S2; dronkenes, S2.—AS. druncnian, to be drowned, to be drunk. Cf. Drounen.

Drupnin, v. to be cast down, S; see Droupnen.

Drurie; see Druerie.

Druuy, v. to trouble, H; see Drouen.

Druuynge, sb. trouble, H.

Drye, adj. dry, MD, PP; druye, MD, S2; drue, MD; dru, S; driȝe, MD; drie, MD; dreye, C2, C. Phr.: drui fot, dry foot, S.—AS. dryge; cp. Du. droog.

Drye, v. to dry, to be dry, MD, G; druiȝest, 2 pr. s., S2.—AS. drygan.

Drye, v. to suffer, CM; Dryȝed, pt. s. continued, S2; see Dreȝen.

Drythe; see Drought.

Dryȝ, adj. patient, S2. Cf. Dreȝen.

Dryȝly, adv. patiently, S2.

Dryȝte, Dryȝtyn; see Drihten.

Dubben, v. (1) to dress, arm for battle, (2) to dub a knight by the stroke with the flat of the sword, MD, S, PP; dubbed, pp., S, S2, PP; dobbed, PP; doubed, PP.—AF. dubber, to dress; cp. Icel. dubba, to arm, dress, also to dub, AS. dubban, to dub a knight, in Chron. ann. 1085; cp. OF. aduber, adouber, to arm (Roland).

Dubbing, sb. decoration, adornment, S; the conferring of knighthood, S.

Dubonure, adj. mild, gentle, S2; see Debonaire.

Dude, pt. s. did, S2; duden, pl., S; see Don.

Duelle, v. to stay, S, W2; see Dwellen.

Duere, adj. dear, S2; see Dere.

Duete, sb. duty, MD; dewtee, MD; dwete, CM; dewite, S3.—AF. duete, debt, obligation, from OF. dëu, owed; Lat. debitum, pp. of debere.

Duhen, v. to get on well, S; see Duȝen.

Duheðe, sb. body of retainers, people, might, worth, dignity, S; doweþe, S; douþe, S2.—AS. duguð, worth, help, body of men, host.

Duk, sb. leader, prince, duke, MD; duc, S2; duyk, W, W2; douc, MD; duykis, pl., W2.—AF. duc; Lat. ducem.

Dulce, adj. sweet, S3.—Lat. dulcem.

Dule, sb. grief, S3; see Dole.

Dully, adj. dull, S3, DG; dolly, JD; dowie, JD.

Dumel, sb. a stupid man, Manip.; dummel, a dumb man, Manip.; dumble, HD. See Domb.

Dun; see Doun.

Dun, Dunne, adj. dun, dull brown, MD, Manip.; donne, MD.—AS. dunn; OIr. donn, dond (Windisch).

Dun, sb. a dun horse; Proverb: Dun is in the myre, C3.

Dunchen, v. to batter, S, Prompt.; dunch, to push, JD.—Cp. Dan. dunke, to thump.

Dune, sb. din; see Dyn.

Dungon, sb. dungeon, S2; see Donjoun.

Dunt, sb. blow, S, S2; see Dent.

Dun-ward, adv. downward, S; see Doun.

Dup, adj. deep, MD; see Deep.

Duppen, v. to dip, S2, MD; dippen, MD.—AS. dyppan, for *dup-ian, see SkD (p. 800), Sievers, 400.

Durance, sb. endurance, S3; imprisonment, Sh.

Dure, adj. dear, MD; see Dere.

Dure, sb. door, S; dur, S3; see Dore.

Duren, v. to last, C2, S2, S3, H; dury, MD; duyre, MD; deore, S2; duyryng, pr. p., S2; durede, pt. s., S2.—AF. durer; Lat. durare, from durus, hard, unyielding.

Duresse, sb. hardship, severity, MD, S3; duresce, MD.—AF. duresse, duresce; Lat. duritia, from durus.

Durlyng, sb. darling, S; see Derling.

Durren, pr. pl. dare, MD; durre, S; duren, S; see Dar.

Dusi, adj. foolish, S, MD; dysy, MD; desi, MD.—AS. dysig.

Dusiliche, adv. foolishly, MD; desaly, dizzily, S2; desselic, S2.

Dusken, v. to grow dark, C.


Dusten, v. to throw, toss, S; duste, pt. s., MD; deste, fell headlong, MD.

Dutchkin, adj. German-like, S3.

Dute, sb. doubt, fear, S, S2; see Doute.

Dutten, v. to shut, close, MD; dittenn, MD; dutande, pr. p., S2; dutt, pp., MD; dit, MD.—AS. dyttan; see OET (p. 573).

Duyk, sb. leader, prince, W, W2; see Duk.

Duȝen, v. to get on well, to be fitting, to be worth, to avail, valere, MD; duhen, S; dowen, MD; deah, pr. s., MD; deh, MD; deih, S; dugen, pl., MD; doucte, pt. s., S; dought, MD; dowed, S2.—AS. dúgan, pret. pres. déag (déah, dég), pl. dugon, pt. dohte; cp. OHG. tugan.

Duȝeðe, sb. nobles, S, MD; see Duheðe.

Duȝti, adj. fit, excellent, brave, doughty, MD; doughty, C2, G; douȝtiore, comp., S2.—AS. dyhtig, strong.

Dwal, adj. foolish, dull, erring, apostate, MD, SkD (p. 801); dwales, sb. pl. fools, S.—Cp. Goth. dwals, foolish.

Dwale, sb. error, MD; duale, MD; dwole, MD, S (16. 1777.).—ONorth. duala, error (Mt. 24. 24); cp. AS. dwola.

Dwellen, v. (1) to err, wander, (2) to loiter, stay, dwell, MD, G; duelle, S, W2; dwelland, pr. p., S2.—AS. dwelian, to err, also to make to err, to deceive; also dwellan, to deceive, to hinder, delay, also to remain, dwell; cp. Icel. dvelja, to tarry.

Dweole, sb. error, MD; dwele, MD; dwelle, MD.—AS. (ge)dweola.

Dweoluhðe, sb. error, foolishness, S.

Dwergh, sb. dwarf, MD; dwerk, MD; dwerf, MD; dwarfe, MD; dwerþ (for dwerȝ), S2.—AS. dweorh; cp. Icel. dvergr.

Dwilde, sb. error, S, MD.—AS. dwild. See Dwellen.

Dwindle, v. to waste away, Sh.

Dwinen, v. to vanish away, to waste away, MD, HD; dwynyn, Prompt.; dwynen, S2; dwynede, pt. s. (weak), MD.—AS. dwínan, pt. dwán (pl. dwinon), pp. dwinen.

Dwole; see Dwale.

Dyad, adj. dead, S2; see Deed.

Dyed, pt. s. coloured, C2; see Deyen.

Dyeuel, sb. devil, S2; see Deuel.

Dyk, Dyke, sb. dike, ditch, S3; dic, S; dich, MD; diche, MD; pl., S; dichen, S.—AS. díc.

Dyken, v. to make a ditch, to dig, S2; idyket, pp., S2.

Dyker, sb. ditcher, S2, P; dikere, P.

Dyn, sb. din, H, MD; dynne, H; dene, MD; dyne, PP; dine, MD; dune, MD.—AS. dyne, dyn.

Dyngen, v. to beat, PP, H; dang, pt. s., MD, 83; dong, MD; dange, pl., S3; dongen, pp., S2; dongyn, H; dongene, HD.

Dyngis, sb. pl. blows, H.

Dyngynge, sb. beating, H.

Dys, sb. pl. dice, C, P; see Dee.

Dys-playere, sb. dice-player, P.

Dyttay, sb. indictment, S3.—AF. dite; Lat. dictatum.

Dyvers, adj. pl. divers, MD; diverse, MD.—AF. divers (pl. diverses); Lat. diuersum.

Dyuerseli, adv. in diverse directions, W2.

Dyversen, v. to make difference, to diversify, also to be different, MD, Prompt.; dyuersith, pr. s., W; diuerside, pt. s., W.—OF. diverser.

Dyversitee, sb. divers colours, W2.

Dyuynistre, sb. a divine, C.—Late Lat. *divinista. See Deuine.

Dyȝe, v. to die, S2; see Deyen.

Dyȝt; see Dihten.


E; see Eȝe.

E-, prefix; see Ȝe-. Cf. Eliche.

Eadiȝ, adj. wealthy, precious, happy, blessed, MD; eadi, S; ædie, S; edie, S; eddi, S; edy, S; edye, S.—AS. éadig: Goth. audags. From AS. éad, a possession, happiness, also, rich, happy: Icel. auðr, wealthy; cp. OS. ód, property.

Eadmodien, v. to humble, MD; eadmode, pt. s., MD; admoded, pp. as adj. lowly, S, MD.—AS. éaðmódian, from éaðmód humble. Cf. Eðemoded, Edmod.

Ealde, adj. old, S; see Old.

Ealde, sb. an age, age, S; see Elde.

Ealdren, pl. elders, chiefs; see Alder.

Ealre, gen. of all, S; see Al.


Eam, 1 pr. s. am; see Am.

Earding-stowe, sb. dwelling-place, S; see Erdingstouwe.

Earm, sb. arm (of the body), S, MD; see Arm.

Earme, adj. pl. poor; see Arm.

Earming, sb. a wretched being, S; see Erming.

Earnynge, sb. earning, S; see Ernen.

Eatelich, adj. horrible, S; see Atelich.

Eað, adj. easy, S; see Eth.

Eaðe, adv. easily, S; see Ethe.

Ebrayk, adj. Hebrew, S2.

Ebrisse, adj. Hebrew, S.—AS. ebreisc.

Ecclesiaste, sb. a preacher, C.—OF. ecclesiaste (Cotg.); Church Lat. ecclesiastes (Vulg.); Gr. ἐκκλησιαστής (LXX), from ἐκκλησία, an assembly.

Eche, adj. each, S, S2, W; ælche, S, MD; elc, MD, S; elch, S; elche, MD; alc, MD, S; alche, MD, S; eilc, MD; ilc, MD, S; ilk, S (12. 97), S2, H; ilch, S; ulc, MD; ulch, S; ulche, MD; æche, MD; ache, S; ech, MD, S, S2; ich, MD, S, S3; ych, S2; ewc, MD; euch, MD, S; uch, S, S2; uche, P, H; uich, S; uych, S.—Comb.: eche dayes, daily, on each day, S2; eche deyl, every bit, entirely, S2; ech on, each one, S2, S3, C2; ech oon, C2, W; ech one, S2; ich on, S3; ich a, S3; uch one, S2, P; ilk an, S2; ilc kines, of every kind, MD; ilkines, S; ich wer, everywhere, S.—AS. ǽlc, elc, ONorth. ælc, OMerc. ylc. The form ǽlc = á + ge + lic; cp. OHG. io-gi-líh (Tatian), G. jeglich. See Sievers, 347.

Eche, adj. eternal, S; echeliche, adv., S.—AS. éce, écelice; cp. OHG. éwic, also éwig (Otfrid). See Æ.

Eche, sb. increase, addition, S2, MD.—AS. éaca.

Eche, sb. pain, MD; see Ache.

Echen, v. to increase, add, HD, CM, MD; eken, S, S3, H; ayked, pt. s., MD.—AS. écean (écan): OS. ókian.

Echte, sb. possessions, S; see Auhte.

Eclipse, sb. eclipse, PP; eclypse, Manip.; enclips, PP; clips, PP; clyps, S3.—Lat. eclipsis; Gr. ἔκλειψις, failure.

Ecnesse, sb. eternity, MD; ecenisse, dat., S; ecenesse, S; echenesse, MD; ecchenesse, S.—AS. écnis. See Eche.

Ed-, prefix.—AS. ed-, cp. Goth. id-, back, again, OHG. it-, ita- (Tatian, Otfrid), as in it-lón, retribution; it-málí, feast (Tatian).

Ed-grow, sb. after-math, regermen, Prompt.; edgrew, HD.

Ed-len, sb. retribution, MD.—AS. ed-léan.

Edmod, adj. humble, MD; see Admod.

Edmodi, adj. humble, MD; see Admodie.

Edmodnesse, sb. humility, S; see Admodnesse.

Ed-wit, sb. reproach, S2.—AS. ed-wít; cp. OHG. it-uuizzi, a twitting (Otfrid). See Ed-.

Ed-witen, v. to blame, S, P; eadwiten, S; edwited, pt. pl., PP.—AS. ed-wítan; cp. Goth. id-weitjian, OHG. ita-uuízón (Tatian). Cp. E. twit.

Edy; see Eadiȝ.

Ee; see Eȝe.

Eek, conj. also, C2, C3; æc, S; ec, S; ek, S, S2, P; eik, S3; eke, S, S2, S3, P; eeke, G.—AS. éac: Goth. auk.

Eelde; see Elde.

Eem, sb. uncle, Prompt., CM; eom, S; æm, MD; em, MD; eme, S3, Voc., HD; eyme, S3; eam, HD.—AS. éam; cp. OHG. óheim.

Eese; see Ese.

Eest, adj. and sb. east, W (Mt. 8. 11), MD; est, S, S2, C2, C3, Prompt.; æst, Prompt.—AS. éast: Icel. austr; cp. OHG. óst (óstana, Otfrid).

Efenn; see Euen.

Effecte, sb. effect, MD; affecte, H.—Lat. effectus.

Effer, Effeir; see Afere.

Effnenn, v. to make equal or even, S; see Euenen.

Effray, sb. terror, S3; fray, S3. Cf. Affray.

Efning; see Euenynge.

Eft, adv. again, afterwards, S, S2, S3, C2, W; æft, MD; efte, S3.—AS. eft.

Efter, prep. after, S, S2; see After.

Eft-sone, adv. again, soon after, S, S2, C3; eftsoone, W; efsone, S2.—AS. eft-sóna.

Eft-sones, adv. soon after, S.

Egal, adj. equal, CM; egalle, S3, CM.—OF. egal; Lat. aequalem.

Egalite, sb. equality, CM.—OF. egalite; Lat. aequalitatem.

Egen; see Eȝe.

Egge, sb. edge, W; eg, Voc., CM; egges, pl., MD; eggez, S2.—AS. ecg: OS. eggia, see Sievers, 258; cp. Lat. acies.


Eggement, sb. instigation, C3.

Eggen, v. to sharpen, to incite, provoke, MD, H, CM; eggede, pt. s., S2; egged, S3, P; y-egged, pp., MD; i-egged, MD.—Icel. eggja.

Eggyyng, sb. instigation, S2, CM; eggyngis, pl., H.

Eghe; see Eȝe.

Egle, sb. eagle, C2, PP.—AF. egle, OF. aigle; Lat. aquila.

Egleche, adj. pl. war-like, S.—AS. agléca, aglǽcea, a warrior, vexator (Grein). See Eȝe.

Egre, adj. eager, sharp, fierce, C2, PP.—AF. egre, OF. aigre; Lat. acrem.

Egremoin, sb. agrimony, C3; see Agrimony.

Ehe; see Eȝe.

Ehte, sb. property, S; echte, S; see Auhte.

Eie; see Eȝe.

Eighte, num. eight, C3; eiȝte, MD; eihte, PP; eyhte, PP; aȝte, S2; aȝt, S2; æhte, MD.—AS. eahta (ahta); cp. OHG. ahto, Lat. octo.

Eighte, ord. eighth, G, PP.—AS. eahtoðe. Cf. Achtande.

Eightene, num. eighteen, MD; æhtene, S; auchtene, 83.—AS. eahta-téne.

Eightetethe, ord. eighteenth, C2.—AS. eahta-téoða.

Eihte, sb. property, S; eyhte, S; see Auhte.

Eild; see Elde.

Eire, sb. journey, circuit, SkD. Phr.: ane ayr, on circuit, S3.—AF. and OF. eire, eyre, oire, oirre, from errer, edrer, to make one’s way, from Lat. iter, journey; see Constans.

Eiren, sb. pl. eggs, PP; eirun, W2; see Ey.

Eise; see Ese.

Eisel, Eisil, sb. vinegar; see Aisille.

Eisful, adj. terrible, MD.—AS. egesful.

Eislich, adj. terrible, MD; eiseliche, S.—AS. egeslic: OS. egislik; from AS. egesa: OS. egiso, horror; cp. OHG. egiso (Otfrid).

Eisliche, adv. terribly, S; aisliche, timorously, S3.—AS. egeslice.

Eiðer, adj. either, S, S2; æiðer, MD; ayþer, S2; aiþer, S; eyðer, S, S2; ethir, W; er, S.—AS. ǽ-g-hwæðer; Sievers, 347.

Ekeu, v. to ake, MD; see Aken.

Elch; see Eche.

Elde, sb. an age (of the world), age, time of a man’s life, maturity, full age, old age, length of time, PP, S, S2, S3, G; eelde, W; ealde, S; helde, S; ulde, MD; eld, MD, S2; held, S2; eild, S2.—AS. eldu, yldu. See Old.

Elde, v. to grow old, H; elded, pp., S2; eldid, H.—AS. ealdian.

Elder, comp. older, S, C2; see Old.

Elderne, sb. pl. ancestors, S2; see Alder.

Eldryn, adj. old, H. Comb.: eldryn-man, old man, elder, H.

Ele, sb. oil, MD, S; eoli, S; eolie, S. Comb.: ele-sæw, oil, S.—AS. ele; Late Lat. olium (cp. It. olio); Lat. oleum; Gr. ἔλαιον, from ἐλαία, an olive-tree; cp. OHG. oli (Tatian).

Eleccioun, sb. election, choice, S2.—OF. election; Lat. electionem.

Ele-lendisch, adj. foreign; elelendis, MD.—AS. ele-lendisc, of a foreign land.

Elendisch, adj. foreign; helendis, MD.—From AS. ellende (Voc.).

Elenge, adj. protracted, tedious, wearisome, dreary, lonely; also (by confusion with AS. ellende) strange, foreign, PP, HD; elynge, PP; elyng, PP; alenge, NED, HD; alange, NED, Prompt.—AS. ǽ-lenge, lengthy, tedious; ǽ, ever + lenge, long, from lang.

Elengelich, adv. sadly, PP; elyngliche, PP.

Elf, sb. elf, genius, nympha, incubus, MD, C3, Sh.; alfe, MD.—AS. ælf. Cf. Aulf.

Elf-lock, sb. hair matted together as if by the elves, Sh.

Elf-queen, sb. fairy-queen, C2.

Eliche, adv. alike, S3; see Iliche.

Elixir, sb. elixir, C3, SkD.—OF. elixir (Cotg.), Sp. elixir; Arab. el iksír, the philosopher’s stone; Gr. ξηρόν, dry.

Elldernemannes, sb. gen. alderman’s, chief officer’s, S; see Aldermon.

Elleft, ord. eleventh, S2.—AS. endleofta.

Ellerne, sb. elder-tree, sambucus, S2, PP; ellaern, Voc.; ellarne, Voc.; eller, PP; eldir, PP.—AS. ellarn.

Elles, adv. otherwise, else, S, S2, C2; ellis, S3, W.—AS. elles; cp. OHG. alles, otherwise (Otfrid): Goth. aljis.

Elles-hware, adv. elsewhere, S; elles-wher, S, C3.—AS. elles-hwǽr.

Elles-hwider, adv. else-whither, S.


Elmesse, sb. alms, MD, NED; see Almesse.

Elmes-ȝeorn, adj. charitable, S.

Eluish, adj. elvish, foolish, C2, C3. See Elf.

Eluish-marked, pp. disfigured by the elves, Sh.

Elynge; see Elenge.

Embassade, sb. embassy, S3; see Ambassade.

Embassadour, sb. ambassador, C3.

Embassadrie, sb. ambassadorship, S2, C3.

Embatel, sb. battlement, S3 (19 a. 581).

Embattail, v. to array for battle, Sh.

Embrave, v. to adorn, S3.

Em-cristen, sb. fellow-christian, S, S2. See Euen.

Eme; see Eem.

Emeraude, sb. emerald, C2, CM.—OF. emeraude, esmeraude (esmeralde); Lat. smaragdum (acc.); Gr. σμάραγδος.

Emete, Emote, sb. ant; see Amete.

Em-forth, prep. according to, PP. See Euen.

Empaled, pp. enclosed, S3.

Emperere, sb. emperor, MD.—OF. emperere (empereres); Lat. imperator.

Emperice, sb. empress, S, CM; emperesse, PP.—AF. emperice; Lat. imperatricem.

Emperour, sb. emperor, PP, S2 (12. 212), C2, C3.—AF. emperur, OF. emperëor, emperedor; Lat. imperatorem.

Empoisoner, sb. poisoner, C3. See Enpoisonen.

Empoisoning, sb. poisoning, C3.

Emportured, pp. pourtrayed, S3.

Emprise, sb. undertaking, S2, C2, C3; enprise, MD.—AF. emprise, enprise; Late Lat. in-prensam, pp. of in-prendere.

Emtien, v. to empty, MD; empte, C3.—AS. æmetgian, to be at leisure, Ps. 45. 11 (VP).

Emty, adj. empty, MD, Prompt.; empti, MD.—AS. emtig (æmtig) empty, idle.

Emyspery, sb. hemisphere, S3.—Late Lat. emisperia (Voc.); Lat. hemispherium; Gr. ἡμισφαίριον.

Enamelen, v. to enamel, MD; enamelled, pp. Sh.; annamyllit, S3. See Amellen.

Enbibing, sb. absorption, C3.

Enbrouden, v. to embroider, MD; enbroud, pp. S3; enbroudin, S3; enbrouded, CM; embrowded, C.—AF. enbroyder. See Brayden.

Encens, sb. incense, MD, Voc., C.—AF. encens; Lat. incensum.

Encense, v. to offer incense, C3; to perfume with incense, MD.—OF. encenser (Cotg.).

Enchauntement, sb. enchantment, CM; enchaunmens, pl., S2.—AF. enchantement.

Enchesoun, sb. occasion, H, CM, JD; encheison, PP; encheson, C2, H.—AF. enchesoun. See Achesoun.

Encombren, v. to hinder, encumber, MD, S3 (3 b. 1098); encombred, pp. tired, troubled, C, CM.—AF. encombrer.

Encorporing, sb. incorporation, C3.

Encorsife, adj. fattened, H.—From OF. encorser, to get fat, to make flesh (Godefroy).

Encrees, sb. increase, S2, C, C3, PP; encres, Prompt.

Encressen, v. to increase, C2, C3; encresen, C2.—AF. encresc-, stem of encrescerai, fut. of encrestre; Lat. increscere.

Ende, sb. end, district, territory, end of life, S, C3, PP; ende, PP; ænde, S; hende, S. Comb.: on ende, lastly, S.—AS. ende for endi = *andio (Sievers, 130); cp. OHG. enti (Tatian): Goth. andeis, connected with and, prep. towards, through, see SkD.

Ende-dai, sb. day of death, MD; endedei, S.—AS. ende-dæg.

Endeles, adj. endless, C3; endelese, S.—AS. endeléas.

Enden, v. to end, S.—AS. endian.

Endenten, v. to write an indenture, PP.—AF. endenter, to indent, notch; Late Lat. indentare.

Endentur, sb. notch, S2.—AF. endenture.

Ender, adj. comp. latter, last past, S3; see Hindir.

Enditen, v. to compose, write, indict, accuse, G, PP; endyte, C2, C3.—AF. enditer; Late Lat. indictare.

End-lang, adv. and prep. along, S2, S3; endelong, S, C2; alonge, NED; anlong, MD; andelong, MD.—AS. and-lang; cp. Icel. endlang. See A-lang.

Enduren, v. to harden, endure, remain, survive, W, PP.—OF. endurer; Lat. indurare, to harden.


Ene; see Eȝe.

Ene, adv. once, S2.—AS. ǽne.

Enentysch, v. to bring to nought, H; enentist, pp., H; see Anientise.

Enerite, v. to inherit, W2; inherit, to take possession, Sh.—AF. enheriter.

Enes, adv. once, S. See Ones.

Eneuch, enough, S3; see Ynow.

Enfecte, pp. tainted, infected, C, HD.—OF. infect; Lat. infectum.

Enfermer, sb. superintendent of the infirmary in a monastery, S2.—OF. enfermier; Church Lat. infirmarium (Ducange).

Enfermerere, sb. infirmary officer, Cath. (p. 127 n). Cf. Fermerer.

Enflaumen, v. to inflame, MD, W; enflawmed, pp., S2, W.—OF. enflamer, enflammer; Lat. inflammare.

Enforce, v. to endeavour, strive, W; enforse, W2.

Enforme, v. to establish, teach, PP; enfourmeth, pr. s., P.—AF. enfourmer; Lat. informare.

Engel, sb. angel, MD, S; engeles, pl., S; enngless, S; englene, gen., S; englen, dat., S. Comb.: enngle þeod, the angelic host, S.—AS. engel: OS. engil: Goth. aggilus: Gr. ἄγγελος. Cf. Angel.

Engel, adj. English, S. See Angles.

Engle-land, sb. England, S; engelond, S2.—AS. Engla land.

Englene-lond, sb. the land of the English, England, S.—AS. Englena land.

Engleymen, v. to bind together as with glue or viscous matter, MD, PP; yngleymyn, Prompt.; engleymed, pp., MD; engleymede, H; englymede, H.

Englisch, adj. English, S2, PP; Engliss, S2; Ænglisc, S; Englisse, dat., S; pl., S2.—AS. englisc.

Engreynen, v. to dye in grain, PP.

Engyn, sb. understanding, craft, device, engine, MD, C2, C3; engyne, S3; engine, Sh.—AF. engin; Lat. ingenium.

Engyned, pp. tortured, C.

Enhached, pp. marked, S3, HD.

Enhastyng, pr. p. hasting, S3; enhasted, pp., HD.

Enhaunsen, v. to raise, C, W, W2; anhaunse, NED; enhansed, pp., PP.—AF. enhauncer, enhancer.

Enhorten, v. to encourage, MD, C.—OF. enhorter; Lat. inhortari.

Enke, sb. ink, MD, W; ynke, Voc.; inke, Cath.—OF. enque (Bartsch); Lat. encaustum; Gr. ἔγκαυστον.

Enker, adj. special, particular. Phr.: enker grene, wholly green, MD, HD.

Enkerly, adv. particularly, entirely, B, MD, JD; enkrely, B; ynkirly, B; ynkurly, S2, B.—Icel. einkarliga, variant of einkanliga, especially, particularly; see einka- in CV.

Enleuene, num. eleven, PP, W; enleven, W; enleue, PP; elleuene, PP; elleue, PP; eleuene, PP; aleuin, JD; alewin, S3; allevin, S3, NED.—AS. endleofan, endlufan (ellefan); Goth. ain-lif; see Douse, p. 80.

Enluminen, v. to illumine, MD, C2; enlumynyng, pr. p., S3.—AF. enluminer.

Enluting, sb. daubing with clay, C3.—Cp. Late Lat. lutare, from Lat. lutum, clay.

Ennewen, v. to renew, MD; ennewed, pp., S3.

Enoumbre; see Enumbren.

Ennuyed, pp. annoyed, P; see Anoyen.

Enoynt, pp. anointed, NED, C, H; anoynt, C.—AF. enoint; Lat. inunctum, pp. of inungere.

Enpoisone, sb. poison; enpoysone, HD.

Enpoisonen, v. to poison, MD, C2; enpoysened, pp., S2.—OF. enpoisoner.

Enquere, v. to inquire, C2, C3, G, W2; enqueri, S2.—OF. enquerir, enquerre; Lat. inquirere.

Enqueringe, sb. enquiry, C3.

Ensamplarie, sb. pattern, PP.

Ensample, sb. example, S, S2, PP, C2, C3; ensaumple, S3, P.—AF. ensample, essample, OF. example; Lat. exemplum.

Ensaumplid, pp. exemplified, S3.

Ensele, v. to seal, PP. Cf. Aselen.

Enserchen, v. to search into, W, W2.

Enstore, v. to restore, W; instorid, pp., W.—Lat. instaurare. Cf. Astore.

Entailen, v. to cut, carve, MD; entayled, pp. S3.—OF. entaillier, entallier.

Entencion, sb. intention, C2; entencioun, C3.—AF. entenciun.

Entendement, sb. understanding, intelligence, S3.—OF. entendement.

Entenden, v. to give attention to, MD, C2.—OF. entendre; Lat. intendere.

Entente, sb. heed, attention, purpose, intention, S2, PP, C2, C3; entent, S2, S3, PP.—OF. entente.


Ententif, adj. attentive, W2.—OF. ententif.

Enteren, v. to inter, bury, MD; enteryd, pt. s., S3.—OF. enterrer, It. interrare; from Lat. in terra.

Enterment, sb. interment, MD.—AF. enterrement.

Entraille, sb. entrails, C2; entraile, MD; entraylys, pl., Voc.—AF. entraille; cp. Prov. intralias, pl.; Sp. entrañas, from Lat. interanea, the inward parts.

Enumbren, v. to enshadow, obscure, hide, MD; enoumbre, S2.—OF. enombrer; Church Lat. in-umbrare.

Enuenymen, v. to envenom, PP; envenimed, pp., C2.—AF. envenimer.

Envenymes, sb. pl. poisons, P.

Envined, pp. provided with wine, C.—OF. enviné (Cotg.).

Enviroun, adv. in a circuit, around, MD; environ, S3; envyroun, S3. Comb.: in enuyrown, S2; bi enuyroun, MD.—OF. environ.

Envirounen, v. to surround, to move round, to go about, MD; envyrone, S2.—OF. environner.

Envolupen, v. to wrap up, C3.—AF. envoluper.

Enuye, sb. annoyance, S; see Anoy.

Eny, adj. any, PP, S, S2, G; eni, S, PP; eani, MD, S; æi, MD, S; eie, S; ei, MD, S; aniȝ, MD; ani, MD, S, S2; oni, MD; ony, S2, C, W. Comb.: eanis weis, in any way, any ways, S; eisweis, S; eyweis, NED (s.v. anywise); any ways, NED; aniȝe wise, in any wise, NED; aniwise, S.—AS. ǽnig.

Eode, pt. s., went, S; iæde, S; eoden, pl., S2; ieden, S.—AS. éode; Goth. iddja; see Douse, pp. 185, 188, and Brugmann, § 61. Cf. ȝeode.

Eoli; see Ele.

Eom, 1 pr. s., am, MD; see Am.

Eom; see Eem.

Eornen, v. to run, S, S2; see Rennen.

Eorre, sb. anger, MD, S; urre, S, MD; oerre, S; irre, MD.—AS. irre, angry, anger: OS. irri, angry, OHG. irri, out of the right way (Otfrid): Goth. airzeis, astray; cp. Lat. errare for *ersare. Cf. Erren.

Eorðe; see Erðe.

Eoten; see Eten.

Eouwer, pron. your, S; see Ȝoure.

Eppel, sb. apple, MD; see Appel.

Er, pr. pl. are, H; ere, S2; see Aren.

Er, adv., conj. and prep. ere, before, S, S2, C2, PP; ear, S, S3; ayr, S3; yer, S3; her, S; ar, S, S2, G, H, P; or, S, S2, S3, C3; ore, S2; are, S, S2, H, PP; here, S. Comb.: or ere, before, WW, Sh.; ere euer, WW. Erur, comp. formerly, S; erest, superl. soonest, first, S, PP; erst, S, S2, S3, C2, C3; earst, S; arst, G, P; orest, S; ærst, S; ærest, S.—AS. ǽr, comp. ǽror, superl. ǽrest.

Erayn, sb. spider, H; see Aranye.

Erche-bissop, sb. archbishop; see Archebiscop.

Erche-dekene, sb. archdeacon, S2; see Archideken.

Erd, sb. native land, home, S; ærd, S; erde, dat., P: herdes, pl., S (15. 2410).—AS. eard; OS. ard.

Erden, v. to dwell, MD; erthe, S, MD; earden, MD.—AS. eardian; cp. OHG. artón (Tatian).

Erding-stouwe, sb. dwelling-place, MD; eardingstowe, S.

Ere, sb. ear, S, C2, PP; eere, W2; ære, S; earen, pl., S, S2; eren, S; eeris, W2, PP. Comb.: eerering, ear-ring, W2.—AS. éare: Goth. auso; cp. Lat. auris.

Ere, pr. pl., are, S2; er, H; see Aren.

Erende, sb. errand, message, business, PP, S; ernde, S2, PP; earende, MD; arende, MD; Ærnde, MD; herdne, S.—AS. ǽrende; cp. OS. árundi, Icel. eyrindi; OHG. árunti (Otfrid); connected with AS. ár, messenger.

Erewe, adj. timid, S; ergh, JD; ery, eerie, JD; see Arwe.

Erfe, sb. cattle, MD; errfe, S; erue, S.—OMerc. erfe, erbe, inheritance (OET. P. 539): OS. erbi, OHG. erbi (Tatian, Otfrid): Goth. arbi; cp. OIr. orbe (Windisch); see Orf.

Erfeð, adj. difficult, MD; see Arfeð.

Erien, v. to plough, MD, PP; eren, PP, W, C; ear, WW; erynge, pr. p., W; eriden, pt. pl., W2.—AS. erian: Goth. arjan; cp. Lat. arare; see Douse, p. 114 (e).

Eringe, sb. ploughing, S2, PP; earing, S3.—AS. erung.

Eritage, sb. heritage, S2, PP.—AF. heritage.

Erl, sb. a man of noble birth, earl, MD, S, C2; æorl, S; erle, S3 (15 a. 1); yerle, S3; eorles, pl., S; ȝierles, S; ærlen, dat., S.—AS. eorl: OS. erl; cp. Icel. jarl.

Erl-dom, sb. earldom, PP; erldome, P.

Erly, adv. early, C, C2; erlyche, S2; 76 arly, H; yerly, S3; arely, H; erliche, S2.—AS. ǽrlice.

Erme, adj. dat. poor, S; see Arm.

Erme, v. to feel sad, grieve, C3, CM.—AS. earmian; see Ten Brink, Chaucer, 48, 4. See Arm.

Erming, adj. wretched, S; sb. a wretched being, S; earmynges, pl., S.—AS. earming.

Ermite, sb. hermit, PP; eremite, PP, S2; heremyte, S2; ermytes, pl., S2, PP; heremites, P; hermites, S.—AF. ermite (heremite, hermite); Church Lat. eremita (heremita); Gr. ἐρημίτης from ἐρημία, a desert.

Ern, sb. eagle, MD, JD, S; erne, S2; aryn, H; arn, HD; ærn, MD; ernes, pl., CM; hernez, S2.—AS. earn, ONorth. arn; from Goth. ara; cp. OHG. áro, also arn, pl. erni (Tatian).

Ernde; see Erende.

Ernen, v. to earn, MD; arnen, MD.—AS. earnian: OHG. arnón, to reap a harvest (Otfrid), from arno, harvest: Goth. asans.

Ernen, v. to run, S; see Rennen.

Ernes, sb. a pledge, earnest, MD, W; ernest, S2; ernesse, dat., S.—OF. ernes, prob. for *erles; so in F. guigne the n is for an older l; see Brachet. Cf. Arles.

A derivation of this word from the French has not been proved.—OF. ernes does not exist.

Ernest, sb. eagerness, seriousness, earnest, C, MD; eornest, MD.—AS. eornest, earnestness: OHG. ernust, sorrow (Tatian).

Ernestful, adj. earnest, MD, C2.

Ernestly, adv. eagerly, quickly, S2, MD.

Ernung, sb. earning, desert, MD; earnynge, S. See Ernen.

Erraunt, adj. vagabond, arrant, PP, MD.—OF. errant, wandering, vagabond (Cotg.). See Erren.

Erre, sb. a scar, wound, Voc. (680. 1); arre, NEI; ar, HD; arr, JD; erres, pl., H, NED. Cp. Dan. ar, Icel. ör, örr.

Erren, v. to wander, W, MD; erriden, pt. pl., W.—OF. errer; Lat. errare. Cf. Eorre.

Ert, 2 pr. s. art, S, S2, H, PP; ertou, art thou, S2.—AS. eart.

Erthe, v. to dwell, S; see Erden.

Erthe, sb. earth, S, C2, C; eorðe, S; yerthe, S3; vrþe, S2; erd, S3. Comb.: anerþe, on earth, S2.—AS. eorðe; OS. erða; cp. OHG. erda (Otfrid).

Ertheli, adj. earthly, S2; erðliche, S; earðlich, S.—AS. eorthlice.

Erthe-mouyng, sb. earthquake, W.

Erthe-schakyng, sb. earthquake, W.

Erthe-tiliere, sb. tiller of land, W; erthe-tileris, pl., W2.—Cp. AS. eorþ-tilia.

Erthe-tiliynge, sb. husbandry, W.

Erue; see Erfe.

Es, conj. as, PP; see Also.

Es, pr. s., is, S, S2, H; esse, S2; see Is.

Escape, sb. transgression, HD, ND, Sh.; escapes, pl., S3.

Eschame, v. to be ashamed; eschamyt, pp., S3; see NED (s.v. ashame).

Eschapen, v. to escape, S2; escapen, MD; ascapen, W2, P; chapyt, pp., S3.—AF. eschaper, escaper. Cf. Achape.

Eschaping, sb. escape, S2.

Eschaunge, sb. exchange, C, PP.—AF. eschaunge.

Escheker, sb. chess-board, treasury, exchequer, MD; esscheker, PP; cheker, P; checker, S3; chekyr, PP; chesquier, PP.—AF. escheker, OF. eschequier.

Eschen, v. to ask, MD; see Asken.

Eschetes, sb. pl. escheats, PP; escheytes, forfeitures, PP; chetes, P.—AF. eschete (pl. eschaetes); es = ex + chaet, pp. of chaoir; Lat. cadere; see Bartsch, p. 511.

Eschewen, v. to eschew, avoid, S3, PP; eschuwen, PP; eschue, C3, C, PP.—AF. eschuer, OF. eschever, eschiver; OHG. sciuhan, sciuhen, to be afraid of (Otfrid). See Schey.

Escrien, v. to cry out, MD; see Ascrien.

Ese, sb. ease, C2, C3, P; eise, S, PP; eyse, PP.—AF. eise, OF. aise, pleasure; cp. It. agio, ease, convenience (Florio).

Ese, adj. easy, at leisure; eese, S2; eise, S.—OF. aise, glad.

Eseliche, adv. easily, S2; esily, C2, C.

Esement, sb. solace, S3.—AF. esement, aisement.

Esen, v. to entertain, MD, C; esed, pp., C.—OF. aiser, aisier.

Esmayed, pp. dismayed, frightened, S3, HD.—OF. esmaier, to frighten; Lat. ex + Low Lat. *magare, from Teutonic source; OHG. mag-, stem of mugan, to be able; cp. It. smagare, to vex out of his wits (Florio). Cf. Dismayen.

Esperance, sb. hope, S3; espirance, S3; esperaunce, CM.—OF. esperance.

Espye, v. to see, discover, C, C3.—OF. espier, It. spiare; OHG. spihan, see Diez. See Aspien.

Est, adj. east, S, S2, C2, C3, Prompt. Comb.: est del, the east, S2; estward, eastward; C2; see Eest.


Estat, sb. state, C, MD; estaat, C3; astate, S3, NED; estate, PP; astates, pl., ranks, S3.—OF. estat; Lat. statum. Cf. Stat.

Estatlich, adj. dignified, C.

Este, sb. favour, grace, delicacy, dainty, S; esten, pl., S; estene, gen., S.—AS. ést: OS. anst, OHG. anst (Otfrid): Goth. ansts (stem ansti-).

Este, adj. pleasant, kind, S2, MD.—AS. éste.

Ester, sb. Easter, S, S2; estren, dat., S. Comb.: estrene dae, Easter-day, S.—AS. éastro, sb. pl. the passover, easter-tide, eastrena (gen. pl.), from Eastre, the AS. form of the name of a German goddess of light and spring sunshine; see Grimm, Teut. M., p. 289.

Estre, sb. being, nature, quality, also, the place where one is, dwelling, quarters, chambers, or inner part of a house, HD, MD; estres, pl., C, HD, CM; esters, CM.—OF. estre, a sb. from an infin. (Bartsch); Late Lat. essere, to be; see Brachet (s.v. être). See also estre in Cotg.

Estrin-land, sb. Eastern land, S2. See Est.

Esy, adj. easy, gentle, MD, C, PP, Prompt.; eesy, MD.—OF. aisie. See Ese.

Et, prep. at, S. Comb.: et-foren, before, S.—AS. æt.

Eten, v. to eat, S, C2, PP; æten, S; eoten, S; eet, PP; hete, S; ett, pr. s., S; eet, PP; et, PP; et, pt. s., S; ete, S2; eet, C2, C3, PP; æten, pl., S; eten, S, C2, PP; eoten, S; eeten, G; eten, pp., S, PP; iȝeten, S, S2; iȝete, S2; y-ete, S2; eyt, S3.—AS. etan, pt. s. ǽt (pl. ǽton), pp. eten, see Sievers, 391, 3; Goth. itan, see Douse, p. 44.

Eterne, adj. eternal, C, HD.—OF. eterne; Lat. aeternum.

Etforen, Ethalden; see At-fore, At-halden.

Eth, adj. easy, H; eað, S, MD.—AS. éaðe, éðe: OS. óði; cp. Goth. authis, desert, waste, see Weigand (s.v. öde).

Eth-, prefix, easily.—Cp. AS. éaþ-, éþ-, ýþ-; cp. Icel. auð-.

Eðe, adv. easily, S, HD; eaðe, S.

Eðe-lich, adj. slight, light, S.

Ethelyng, sb. a noble, S; see Atheling.

Eðem, sb. breath, S.—AS. ǽðm, êðm; OHG. átum (G. athem), see Sievers, 45. 6.

Eðe-moded, adj. gentle, well-disposed, S, MD.—Cp. AS. éaðmódian, to obey. See Eadmodien.

Eðen, adv. hence; see Heðen.

Eð-lete, adj. lightly esteemed, MD; eðlate, S. See Eth, Eth-.

Eð-sene, adj. easily seen, S; eðcene, S; etscene, S.

Etlunge, sb. purpose, conjecture, S; see Atlinge.

Etteleden, pt. pl. directed their way, went straight, S2; see Atlien.

Eu, you, S; see Ȝou.

Eu-bruche, sb. adultery, MD, S; eau-bruche, MD; æwbræche, Voc.—AS. ǽw-bryce. See Æ.

Eure, pron. your, S; see Ȝoure.

Euangelie, sb. gospel, PP, W; euangile, S2; ewangelye, S2, PP; euangyles, pl., C3.—OF. evangile; Lat. evangelium (Vulg.); Gr. εὐαγγέλιον.

Euangeliste, sb. evangelist, PP; euangelist, C2; ewanigeliste, S.—OF. evangeliste (AF. ewangelist); Lat. evangelista (Vulg.); Gr. εὐαγγελιστής.

Euangelize, v. to preach, W.

Euel, adj. and adv. evil, S, W2, S2, PP; see Yuel.

Euel-les, adj. guiltless, S3.

Euen, sb. even, S, P; efenn, S; eue, S, C2, C3, PP. Comb.: euene-sterre, evening star, W2; eue-song, even-song, S2; euyn-songe, S3; euensonge, P.—AS. ǽfen (éfen): OHG. áband (Otfrid), see Sievers, 45.

Euen, adj. even, equal, fellow, MD, S2, W; euene, C2, PP; adv., PP; efne, S; æfne, S; ewin, S3. Comb.: efen-ald, of the same age, MD; euen-cristene, fellow-christian, S, PP, HD; em-cristen, S, S2; euen-forth, according to, to the extent of, PP; em-forth, C, PP; euen-forth, directly forward, S3; euen-forward, directly forward, HD; euene-long, of proper height, S; euene-worth, of like value, W2.—AS. efen: OS. eban, OHG. eban (Otfrid).

Euenen, v. to make equal, to be equal, MD, S; effnenn, S.—AS. efnan.

Euenhed, sb. equality, equity, H (Ps, 108. 2); euynhede, Prompt.

Euenli, adv. evenly, W2; euenliche, MD; euelyche, S.—AS. efenlice.

Euennesse, sb. equity, W2.

Euenynge, sb. an equal, S; efning, S.—Cp. Icel. jafningi.

Euerich, adj. every, S, S2, C2; averelc, 78 MD; æverelch, MD; everech, MD, S; evrech, MD, S; afric, S; efrec, MD; evrec, MD; everilk, MD, S3; everilc, MD, S; euerich, S, S2, C2; eavrich, MD; æueric, S; ævric, MD; efrich, MD; eurich, S, S2; æueralche, S; auerich, S; afri, S; eaueriche, S; evereuch, S; eauereuch, S. Comb.: euerich on, every one, S2, C2, C3; everych one, S2; euerilk an, S2.—AS. ǽfre + ǽlc; see Eure (ever) and Eche.

Euese, sb. border, brink, edge (of a roof, mountain, forest), Prompt., MD; heuese, MD; eueses, pl., PP.—AS. efese: OHG. obisa, opasa; see Sievers, 93. Cp. E. eaves.

Euesien, v. to clip round, to shear, MD; euesed, pp., S3; i-eveset, S.—AS. efesian.

Euesunge, sb. a clipping, what is clipped off, MD; eaves, MD; evesing, Manip.; aisings, pl., PP (n.). Comb.: house-euysynge (= domicilium), H.—AS. efesung (Voc.).

Euete, sb. eft, newt, W2; newte, Voc. (642. 27); eueten, pl., S; ewtes, MD.—AS. efeta (Voc.).

Euorye, sb. ivory, HD; yvory, Prompt.; everey, Voc.—Prov. evori (avori); Lat. eboreum, made of ivory; cp. F. ivoire, It. avorio (Florio); see Diez.

Euour, sb. ivory, S3, HD; euor, H; evir, S3; ivor, Prompt.; yuer, W, W2.—Of French origin, from Lat. ebur.

Eure, adv. ever, S, S2, PP; euere, S, S2, PP; efre, S, MD; afre, S; efer, S, MD; eauer, S, MD; æfer, MD; auer, S; æuere, S; auere, S; æuere, S; ær, MD; er, MD. Comb.: euer among, continually, S3; euer eiþer, each, S3; efreni, ever any, S; euermo, evermore, S, S2, C2, C3; æfremo, S; euermor, S; æuer te, ever as yet, S.—AS. ǽfre, from áwa (á); see SkD, and Sievers, 192. 4.

Ew, sb. yew, C, Voc.; ewe, Cath.—AS. íw; cp. OHG. íwa.

Ewage, sb. beryl, PP.—OF. ewage, connected with water (Roquefort); Lat. aquaticum. The green beryl is called by jewellers aqua marina. See below.

Ewe ardaunt, sb. burning water, S2.—AF. ewe, eue, aigue; Lat. aquam, see Academy, No. 459, p. 139; cp. Goth. ahwa.

Ewen, v. to show.—AS. ýwan: Goth. augjan; cp. OHG. ougen (Otfrid). See Atewen, Eȝe.

Ewer, sb. a water-carrier, also, vessel for water, Palsg.; euwere, MD; eware, aquarius, Prompt.—AF. ewer, SkD (p. 803); OF. euwier, aiguier.

Ewilch, adj. every, MD (s.v. ælc ewilche, MD; iwilch, MD; uwilc, MD, S; uwilch, MD, S; ewiche, S.—AS. ǽ-g-hwilc: OHG. io-gi-welíh (Tatian), eo-gi-hwelíh; see Sievers, 347. 1.

Ewin; see Euen.

Exerce, v. to exercise, S3.—OF. exercer; Lat. exercere.

Exhibition, sb. payment, S3, Sh.—AF. exhibicioun; Late Lat. exhibitionem (Ducange).

Expert, adj. experienced, C3. See Apert.

Expert, v. to experience, S3.

Expounen, v. to expound, PP, C2, C3; expowne, S2, S3; expounde, C2.—Lat. exponere.

Expownyng, sb. interpretation, W.

Ey, sb. egg, C, C3, Prompt.; eye, S3, W; ay, G, HD; eyren, pl., PP; eiren, PP; eirun, W2; ayren, MD; egges, PP.—AS. æg (pl. ægru); cp. Icel. egg, whence E. egg.

Eyle, adj. loathsome, troublesome, NED; AS. egle: OTeut. *agljo; cp. Goth. aglus; see Sievers, 303.

Eylen, v. to trouble, afflict, NED; eilin, S; eileþ, pr. s., S2, PP; eyleth, C2, C3, C, PP.—AS. eglan: Goth. agljan.

Eyre, sb. air, C3, P; eire, W; eyr, C; eir, W2, PP; aier, PP; ayer, S3; air, S2 (20. 167); aire, NED.—OF. air; Lat. aerem.

Eyre, sb. heir, S2, PP; eire, W, PP; ayre, HD; aire, S2; eir, S, S2; eyr, G; eyer, S2; heir, S, C2; heyr, C3.—OF. eir, heirs; Lat. heres.

Eyren, sb. pl.; see Ey.

Eyt; see Eten.

Eythes, sb. pl. harrows, PP.—AS. egeðe, harrow: OHG. egida.

Eȝe, sb. awe, MD; eie, S; eye, S, G; ȝeie, S; aȝeie, S, NED; aye, HD; eyȝe, G.—AS. ege: Goth. agis; see Sievers, 263. 4. Cf. Awe.

Eȝe, sb. eye, S, S2, PP; ehe, S; eghe, S; eie, S2; , S2, C2, C3, G; iȝe, S3, W, W2; yȝe, W2; e, S2, S3; ee, S3; eȝen, pl., S, S2; egen, S; eien, S; eyen, S, S2, P; eyn, S3; eghen, S2, C; eiȝen, S2, PP; eiȝyen, S2; eyne, Sh.; ehne, S; ene, S3; eye, S2; iȝen, W, W2, S3; yȝen, S2; iyen, S3; yën, C2, C3; 79 eyghen, P; eighen; ine, S2; eyghes, PP; eyghe, PP.—AS. éage: Goth. augo; cp. OHG. ouga (Otfrid).

Eȝe-lid, sb. eye-lid, MD; ehelid, S.

Eȝe-put, sb. the socket of the eye; eȝe-puttes, pl., MD.

Eȝe-þurl, sb. window; ehþurl, MD.—éag-þyrl; cp. Goth. auga-dauro, window (eye-door).

Eȝhe-sihðe, sb. the sight of the eye, presence, MD; ehsihðe, S; iȝe-siȝt, S3.

Eȝ-sen, sb. presence; eighesene, dat., MD; æhseone, MD; ecsene, MD; exsene, MD.—Cp. Icel. aug-sýn, OHG. oug-siuni (Tatian).


Fa, adj. few, H; see Fewe.

Fa, Faa, sb. foe, S, S2; see Foo.

Face, sb. face, PP; a term in astrology, C2.—OF. face; Lat. faciem.

Facion, sb. fashion, S3; see Fasoun.

Facound, sb. eloquence, fluency, CM; facunde, H, Prompt.—OF. faconde; Lat. facundia.

Facound, adj. eloquent, CM.—OF. faconde; Lat. facundum.

Fade, adj. weak, faint (of colour), MD; vad, MD.—OF. fade.

Faden, v. to fade, lose colour, wither, to cause to wither, MD, Cath., Prompt.; vade, MD, Sh., HD.

Fader, sb. father, S, S2, C3; Feader, S; feder, S; vader, S, S2; veder, S; fadre, S2; faderes, gen. s., S; fadres, C2; fader, S2, C2, C3; faderes, pl., S2; fadres, C2; fadris, W.—AS. fæder.

Fadme, sb. fathom, ulna, MD, Prompt., C; fadome, CM; fedme, MD; fadmen, pl., G.—AS. fæðm.

Fadmen, v. to embrace, MD, Prompt.; faðmen, MD; fadmede, pt. s., MD; faþmed, pp., MD, S2.—AS. fæðmian.

Fæc, sb. space, interval, portion of time; fece, dat., S.—AS. fæc; cp. OHG. fah (MHG. vach), a wall, a compartment.

Fæie, adj. pl. dead, S; see Feye.

Færd, sb. army, S; see Ferd.

Færen, v. to fare, S; see Faren.

Fæu, adj. few, S; see Fewe.

Fagen, adj. fain, S; see Fayn.

Fai, sb. faith, S2; fay, G; see Feið.

Faie, sb. fay, fairy, S2; see Fay.

Fail, sb. greensward, JD; faill, S3; fail, grassy clod cut from the sward, JD.—Gael. fál, wall, hedge, sod; OIr. fál, wall, hedge (Windisch).

Fail-dyke, sb. dike built of sods, JD.

Faille, v. to fail, S, C2; fayle, S2; failede, pt. s., S.—AF. faillir; Late Lat. fallīre for Lat. fallere.

Faille, sb. fail, doubt, MD; feale, S3.

Fainen, v. to rejoice, S2; see Faynen.

Faire, sb. fair, P; see Feyre.

Fairye, sb. fairy power, fairy land, C2; see Fayerye.

Fait, sb. deed, S2, PP; faite, PP; see Fet.

Faiten, v. to beg under false pretences, PP; fayten, PP.

Faiterie, sb. deceit, PP; fayterye, Prompt., HD.

Faitour, sb. pretender, impostor, vagabond, MD, PP; faytowre, fictor, Prompt.; faytoures, pl., S3; faitors, H.—OF. faitour, faiteör (Godefroy); Late Lat. *factitorem.

Falding, sb. a kind of coarse cloth, C, HD; faldynge, amphibalus, birrus, Cath., Prompt.

Fallace, sb. deceitfulness, W; fallas, W, HD.—OF. fallace; Lat. fallacia (Vulg.).

Fallen, v. to fall, S, C2; uallen, S; feol, pt. s., S; fel, S; fil, C2; ful, S; fyl, S2; i-uel, S; fille, S3; vul, S2; feolle, subj., S; fellen, pl., S; felle, S; fille, C2; felden, S2, W, W2; y-fallen, pp., C2; i-falle, S; falle, S2, C2; fallyng (Scotch form), S3; feld, W.—AS. (ge)feallan, pt. féoll, pp. ge-feallen.

Fallow, sb. fellow, S2, S3; see Felawe.

Fallow, v. to be fellow to, S3; see Felawen.

Fallynge, sb. a falling; fallyngis, pl., ruins, W2, H.

Fallynge-ax, sb. felling-axe, W2; see Fellen.

Fallynge-euylle, sb. the falling-sickness, epilepsy, S2.

Fals, adj. false, MD, C2; false, MD, C2.—AF. fals; Lat. falsum.


Fals-hede, sb. falsehood, S3, C3; falset, S3.

Falsien, v. to make false, MD; falsyn, Prompt.; falsed, pp., C2.—OF. falser (mod. fausser); Late Lat. falsare.

Falsnessis, sb. pl. frauds, W2.

Falten, v. to fail, to be wanting in, to stammer; falt, pr. s., S; fauten, pl., PP.—OF. *falter (whence F. faute); cp. It. faltare, freq. form of Lat. fallere.

The form falt should be taken away from this article and placed under Folden. The words falt mi tunge mean ‘my tongue gives way.’ For the various meanings of this verb folden, see MD (ii. 68).

In the Additions it was not clear which passages belong to which word—Falten or Folden—so the added text is shown in full after both entries. The words “this article” refer to Falten.

Faltren, v. to totter, SkD, C3, CM; to stammer, falter, Prompt.; foltred, pp., S3.

Falwe, adj. fallow, pale, yellow, MD.—AS. fealu (stem fealwa).

Falwen, v. to become yellow, pallid, to fade, MD; faluwen, MD; valuwen, S.—AS. fealuwian.

Familier, adj. familiar, Manip.; famulier, C; famuler, MD.—AF. familier; Lat. familiarem.

Fand, pt. s. found, S, S2, S3; see Finden.

Fandien, v. to try, seek, strive, to prove, MD, S; fande, S2, H; fonde, S, S2, S3, C2; uonden, S; faynd, B; i-fonded, pp., S.—AS. fandian; deriv. of Finden.

Fanding, sb. tempting, temptation, S2; fandynge, H; fondunge, S; fondyng, S2, G; uondynge, S2.—AS. fandung.

Fane, sb. banner, streamer, S3, MD; fayn, weather-vane, S3; fan, C3; vane, C2; fanys, pl., streamers, S3.—AS. fana, a standard, Goth. fana, a bit of cloth; cp. Lat. pannus (pānus), see Curtius, 362.

Fantasie, sb. fancy, PP; fantasy, S3; fantasies, pl., P; fantasyes, S2, C2.—OF. fantasie; Lat. phantasia; Gr. φαντασία.

Fantome, sb. deceptive appearance, falsehood, apparition, MD, C3; fantoum, MD; fantum, S2, W; fantom, H; fantesme, MD; fanteme, MD.—OF. fantosme (Ps. 78. 4); Low Lat. *fantasuma (cp. Prov. fantauma); Lat. phantasma; Gr. φάντασμα.

Fare, sb. journey, S; doing, business, S2, C3, C; behaviour, G.

Faren, v. to go, to fare, to behave, S, S2, C2; uaren, S; færen, S; far, S3; vare, S; fair, S3; farst, 2 pr. s., S; feareð, pr. s., S; fars, S2; varþ, pl., S2; for, pt. s., S, S2; i-faren, pp., S; faren, MD, S2; fare, S, S2, C2; i-fare, S, S2. Comb.: far wel, farewell, C2; pl. fareth wel, C3; farewel, it is all over!, C3.—AS. faran, pt. fór, pp. faren.

Farme, sb. a feast, meal, CM, MD; see Ferme.

Farsen, v. to stuff, HD; farsed, pp., C; farsid, H.—OF. farcir; Lat. farcire.

Fasoun, sb. fashion, make, shape, MD, CM; fassoun, S3; faccion, S3; facions, pl., S3.—OF. fason, fasson, façon; Lat. factionem.

Fast, adj. firm, fixed, SkD; fest, S; faste, adv. fast, firmly, quickly, soon, PP, S, C2; securely, S; feste, S; fast, soon, PP; close, S2; ueste, S; uaste, S2. Phr.: fast aboute, very eager, G.—AS. fæst, firm.

Fasten, v. to make fast, also to fast, jejunare, MD, W (Mt. 6. 16); fest, S2; fæston, pt. pl., confirmed, S; fested, pp., S2.—AS. fæstan; cp. Goth. fastan, ‘jejunare.’

Fasten, sb. fasting, S; festen, S.

Fasting, sb. abstinence from food, MD; fasstinng, S.

Fast-lice, adv. continuously, S.

Fastnesse, sb. stronghold, MD; festnes, S2.

Fast-rede, adj. firm in counsel, S.

Fat, sb. vessel, S, Voc.; fet, MD; uet, MD; feat, MD; ueat, S; faten, pl., S.—AS. fæt: OS. fat; cp. OHG. faz (Tatian).

Fat, adj. fat, MD; fet, S; fette, pl., S.—AS. fæt; cp. Icel. feitr.

Faþmen, v. to embrace, S2; see Fadmen.

Faucon, sb. falcon, C2; faucoun, PP; faukyn, PP; faucones, pl., P.—AF. faucon, falcun; Lat. falconem.

Faunt, sb. child, infant, MD; faunte, HD; fauntes, pl., P; fauntis, P.—OF. fant, It. fante; Lat. infantem.

Fauntee, sb. childishness, PP.

Fauntekyn, sb. little child, PP; fawntkyne, HD; fantekyne, HD.

Fauntelet, sb. infancy, properly a little infant, PP.

Fauntelte, sb. childishness, PP.

Faur, num. four, MD; faure, S2; see Foure.

Faur-tend, ord. fourteenth, S2. Cf. Vourteþe.

Cross-reference could not be identified. No form of “four” is listed under UV in the Dictionary.

Faute, sb. fault, MD; faut, S2.—OF. faute, falte. See Falten.

Fauel, sb. impersonification of Flattery, PP; fauuel, S2; fauell, flattery, S3.—OF. favele, talk; Lat. fabella, ‘sermo brevis’ (Ducange).


Fawch, sb. fallow, S3; fauch, JD; faugh, HD; fauf, HD. Comb.: fawch-ȝallow, fallow-yellow, S3.

Fawe, adj. few, S; see Fewe.

Fawely, adv. few, S3.

Fawn, sb. fawn, the young of an animal, MD; enulus = hinnulus, a young mule, Voc.; fawne, hinulus, Voc.; fowne, hinnilus, Voc. [these Voc. words occur close to names for deer]; fawne, hinnulus, Cath.; fownys, pl., S3.—OF. faön, feön, foün; perhaps a derivative of Lat. foetus, see Diez, p. 580.

Fay, sb. fay, fairy, a person endued with supernatural powers, HD; faie, S2; faies, pl., RD.—OF. faë (fee); Late Lat. fata, from Lat. fatum, a decree of destiny; cp. It. fata, Sp. hada.

Fayerye, sb. magic, fairy world, a fairy, MD; fayreye, PP; feyrye, fairy origin, S2; feyrie, S2, PP; fairye, C2; fairy, P.—OF. faerie, enchantment, also feerie, (Cotg.).

Faym, sb. foam, S3; see Foom.

Fayn, sb. streamer, weather-vane, S3; see Fane.

Fayn, adj. fain, glad, willing, S2, C2, MD; fagen, S; fain, MD; uæin, S; fein, MD; uein, MD; feyn, S2: fawen, MD; fawe, adv., gladly, MD; fainest, superl., CM.—AS. fægen.

Faynen, v. to rejoice, PP; fainen, S2; faunen, to fawn, PP; fawnyn, Prompt.—AS. fagenian, fægnian.

Faynen, v. to feign, S3; see Feynen.

Faynnes, sb. gladness, H (Ps. 67. 3); faynes, H. See Fayn.

Fayntise, sb. pretence, S3; fayntis, H; see Feyntise.

Fayre, adj. fair, C2, PP; faȝȝerr, MD; fæiȝer, MD; faiger, MD; feiȝer, MD; feier, S; uair, S2; feir, MD, S; uayr, S2; fayr, S; vaire, S; faire, pl., S; feyre, S, S2; veyrer, comp., S2; fæirest, superl., S; færeste, pl., S; faireste, S.—AS. fæger.

Fayre, adv. courteously, kindly, PP; fæire, S; faȝȝre, S; faire, S, P; feyre, S, S2, CM; feire, S, S2; uaire, S2.

Fayrehed, sb. beauty, fairness; fairehed, S2; fairhede, S; uayrhede, S2.

Fayrnes, sb. beauty, MD; fairnesse, S, C2.

Fayten, v. to tame, mortify, PP, S2; faiten, PP. See Afaiten.

Faȝe, pl. spotted, S; see Foh.

Feale, sb. fail, failure, S3; see Faille.

Fearen, v. to fare, S; see Faren.

Feawe, adj. few, S; see Fewe.

Feble, adj. feeble, S, S2, PP; fieble, C2, P; feblore, comp., S2; febelore, PP; fibler, PP.—OF. feble, floible; Lat. flebilem.

Feble-like, adv. in sorry fashion, S.

Feblen, v. to become weak, to make weak, PP; febli, S2; febly, S2; feblid, pp., MD.

Fecchen, v. to fetch, S, S2, C2, P; vecche, S; fechen, S; fache, S3.—From AS. fecce, pr. s. of feccan (= fetian). See Fetten.

Fecht, v. to fight, B; see Fighten.

Fechtaris, sb. pl. fighters, S3, B.

Fechting-sted, sb., battle-ground, B.

Fede, sb. enmity, S3; feide, MD.—AS. fǽhð. See Foo.

Feden, v. to feed, S, PP; ueden, S; fet, pr. s., S; fett, S; vedde, pt. s., S2; fedde, PP; foded, S2; i-ued, pp., S; i-uædde, pl., S.—AS. fédan: OS. fódian. See Fode.

Feder, sb. father, S; see Fader.

Feder, sb. feather, MD; see Fether.

Fedramme, sb. plumage, S3; see Feðerhome.

Fee, sb. cattle, property, money, PP, S2; feo, MD; fe, S, S2, PP; feh, MD.—AS. feoh: OS. fehu; cp. Lat. pecus.

Feend, sb. enemy, fiend, C2, C3; fend, S, S2; feende, PP; feont, S; ueond, S; fond, MD; fynd, MD; fende, S2, S3; feondes, pl., S; fendes, S, S2; fiendes, S; vyendes, S2; feendis, W.—AS. féond, pr. p. of féon, to hate; cp. Goth. fiands, fijands, enemy, pr. p. of fijan, to hate.

Feendli, adj. fierce, devilish (= Lat. diabolica), W; feondliche, adv. fiercely, S; feendly, C3.—AS. féondlic, féondlice.

Feer, sb. companion, S3; see Fere.

Fees, sb. pl. landed possessions, cities, S2; feys, HD; feus, PP.—OF. feu, fiu, in pl. feus, fieus, fius, fiez, all found in Roland; also OF. fie (Bartsch), F. fief; probably of Teutonic origin, cp. OHG. fihu, property; see Braune, in ZRP. x. 262. See Fee.

Feet, sb. deed, C2, PP; see Fet.

Feffement, sb. possession, Manip., PP.

Feffen, v. to put into possession, MD, PP; feffede, pt. s., S2.—OF. feffer; cp. Low Lat. feoffare. See Fees.


Feht; see Fighten.

Fei, sb. faith, S2; fey, C2, C3; see Feið.

Feier, adj. fair, S; see Fayre.

Feierlec, sb. beauty, S.

Feild, sb. field, MD. Comb.: feild-going, a walking out of doors, S3. See Feld.

Feir, sb. companion, S3; see Fere.

Feir, adj. fair, S, PP; see Fayre.

Feire, adv. kindly, PP, S, S2.

Feiren, v. to make fair, S.

Feið, sb. faith, S, PP; feyth, PP; feth, S3; feiȝþ, S2; fei, S2; fey, C2, C3; fai, S2; fay, G, PP. Phr.: ye-feth, in faith, S3.—OF. fei, feit, feid: Lat. fidem.

Feið-ful, adj. faithful, MD; faithfol, PP; feiȝtful, S2.

Feiðliche, adv. faithfully, MD; feiȝliche, S2; feiȝþely, S2; feþli, S2; faithly, PP.

Fel, sb. a fell, mountain, S2; fell, MD; felle, MD, S2.—Icel. fjall.

Fel, adj. base, cruel, treacherous, S2, PP, C2, G, W; fell, S3; felle, S2, S3, W2; pl., PP, C2.—AF. fel, wicked, cruel.

Felawe, sb. partner, companion, fellow, S, S2, C3, PP; felaw, S2, PP; felow, S3, PP; felaȝe, S; fallow, S2, S3; felaus, pl., S2; feolahes, S; uelaȝes, S2.—Icel. félagi, partner in common property (). See Fee.

Felawen, v. to associate, to be fellow to; fallow, S3; uelaȝen, MD; felaghid, pp., H.

Felawrede, sb. fellowship, MD; uelaȝrede, S2.

Felawschipe, sb. fellowship, society, crew, PP; felaȝschipe, S2; feolahscipe, S.

Felawship, v. to associate, MD; felouschipid, pp., W2.

Felaȝliche, adv. intimately; feolohlukest, superl., S.

Feld, sb. field, S, PP; feeld (heraldic), C2; ueld, S2; fild, MD; felde, dat., S, S2; uelde, S, S2; ualde, S; feldes, pl., S, S3.—AS. feld.

Feld-fare, sb. fieldfare, lit. ‘field-farer,’ S2; campester, Voc.; ruruscus, Voc.

Feldi, adj. champain (= Lat. campestris), MD; feeldi, W.

Feldishe, adj. belonging to the country, S3.

Fele, adj. many, S, S2, S3, C2, PP; vele, S, S2; feole, S, PP; ueole, S; veale, S; vale, S, HD; felle, S3.—AS. fela; cp. Goth. filu.

Felefalden, v. to multiply, MD; felefalded, pt. s., S2.

Fele-folde, adj. manifold, S; many times, PP.

Felen, v. to feel, S; uele, MD; fel me, 1 pr. s., S2; felde, pt. s., S; feld, S2; felte, C2; feelede, C3.—AS. félan: OS. fólian (in gi-fólian), OHG. fóljan; cp. fualen (Otfrid).

Fell, sb. skin, S3; fel, MD, S2, G, P; felle, S2; felles, pl., S; uelles, S; fellys, S2.—AS. fell; cp. Goth. fill.

Fellen, v. to fell, S, PP; falle, S2; falleð, pr. pl., S; felde, pt. s., G, PP.—AS. fellan, OHG. fallian; OS. fellian, OHG. fellen (Otfrid).

Felnesse, sb. astuteness (= Lat. astutia), W2.

Felon, sb. villain, traitor, PP; feloun, PP; felloun, S3; felloune, S3.—AF. feloun, felon, acc. of fel. See Fel.

Felonie, sb. base wickedness, MD; felony, S; felonye, S2, S3, C3, W2.

Felonliche, adv. cruelly, PP; felunlyche, S2; felounelich, PP; felunly, S2.

Fen, sb. a section of Avicenna’s book on medicine called the Canon, C3, CM.—Arabic fan, a branch, division, category; cp. Ducange (s.v. fen).

Fen, sb. mud, mire, marsh, dung, S2, S2, G, H; fenne, Voc., Prompt., W; uenne, S.—AS. fenn: Goth. fani, mud, clay.

Fenden, v. to defend, PP; fend, imp. s., S3.—From OF. defendre; Lat. defendere.

Fenestre, sb. window, PP; fenystaris, pl., S3.—OF. fenestre; Lat. fenestra.

Feng; see Fon, v.

Fenkel, sb. fennel, MD, PP; fenecel, Voc.; fenkil, PP; fynkel, PP; fynkyl, Voc.; fenel, PP; fenyl, S2. Comb.: fenel seed, PP.—Lat. feniculum, foeniculum; cp. AS. fenol (Voc.).

Feole; see Fele.

Feond, sb. enemy, PP; feont, S; feondes, pl., S; see Feend.

Feord, sb. army, S; see Ferd.

Feorden, pt. pl., fared, S; see Feren.

Fer, sb. fire, S; fere, dat., S2; uere, S2; ueree, S; see Fur.

Fer, adj., adv. far, PP, S, S2, C2; ferr, S, S2, PP; uer, S2; feor, S; ueor, S; for, S; ferre, comp., C; ferrer, S3, C, 83 PP; ferrest, superl., PP. Comb.: ferforth, far away, completely, S2, S3, C2, C3; farforth, S3; feoruoþ, S.—AS. feorr: OS. fer; cp. Goth. fairra. Cf. Aferre.

Ferd, sb. an expedition, army, MD; færd, S; feord, S; uerd, MD; ferde, MD; furde, dat., MD; ferde, pl., S; ferdes, MD; verden, dat., S; uerdes, MD.—AS. fird, fyrd, ferd. See Faren.

Ferd, sb. fear, PP, G; feerd, MD; ferde, dat., MD, CM, S2.

Ferdful, adj. causing terror, timid, MD, W, W2; feerdful, W2.

Ferdlayk, sb. fear, MD.

Ferdnes, sb. fear, MD, S2.

Fere, v. to frighten, terrify, PP, S2, W; feare, S3; feere, CM; fered, pp., S2, C3; ferd, S2; ferde, S3; feared, S3.—AS. fǽran, to frighten.

Fere, sb. companion, S, S2, S3, G; uere, S; feer, S3; feir, S3; feren, pl., S; ferin, S; feiren, S; feres, S, S2; feeres, S2. See Ifere.

Fere, adj. well, sound, MD, S2; fer, S, B; feir, B. Phr.: hoi and fer, MD, S; haill and feir, safe and sound, B.—Icel. færr, able, strong (for travelling).

Fere, sb. power, ability, S, MD.—Icel. færi, opportunity, ability.

Fere, sb. fear, PP, S, C2, MD; feer, MD; fer, MD, PP; feere, PP; feris, pl., MD; feeris, MD.—AS. fǽr, sudden danger; cp. Icel. fár, harm.

Fere-full, adj. fear-causing, also timid, MD; feerful, MD; ferful, MD; ferfullest, superl., CM.

Feren, v. to fare, to go, to behave, MD; ferde, pt. s., G, S, S2, C2; ferden, pl., S3; feorden, S; uerden, S; furde, MD; ferd, S2.—AS. féran pt. férde; deriv. of Faren.

Ferien, v. to bring, MD; fareð, pr. pl., S.—AS. ferian, Icel. ferja: Goth. farjan. Deriv. of Faren.

Ferlac, sb. fear, MD; fearlac, S; farlac, S. See Fere.

Ferlien, v. to wonder, PP; ferly, JD; ferleis, pr. pl., S3 (13. 80); ferliede, pt. s., PP.

Ferly, adj. dangerous, dreadful, sudden, strange, S2, PP, CM; ferlich, MD, S; ferli, S2; ferliche, adv., S; ferly, S2.—AS. fǽrlic, fǽrlice.

Ferly, sb. a wonder, S2, P; farly, MD; ferlikes, pl., S2; ferlyes, S2; ferleis, S3; ferlis, P.

Ferlyly, adv. wondrously, S2; ferlilic, S2.

Fermacye, sb. pharmacy, medicine, C.—OF. farmacie; Late Lat. pharmacia; Gr. φαρμακεία.

Fermans, sb. enclosure, S3; fermance, JD.—OF. fermance, from fermer, to shut; Lat. firmare, to strengthen.

Ferme, sb. food, an entertainment, feast, meal, MD; farme; MD, CM; ueorme, MD.—AS. feorm; cp. Low Lat. firma, a feast (Ducange).

Ferme, adj. firm, MD, C2.—AF. ferme; Lat. firmum.

Ferme, sb. rent, revenue, MD, S2, C; fermes, pl. farms, S3.—AF. ferme; Late Lat. firma.

Fermen, v. to strengthen, PP.—OF. fermer, to strengthen, also to shut; Lat. firmare.

Fermen, v. to hold land at a fixed rent, Prompt. See Fermesb.

Fermerer, sb. infirmary officer, Cath. See Enfermerere.

Fermery, sb. infirmary, S3, Voc.; fermorie, PP; fermory, Cath.; fermarye, Cath. (n.); fermerye, Prompt., Cath. (n.).—OF. enfermerie, infirmarie, infirmerie; Church Lat. infirmaria, a place for the infirm (Ducange).

Fermour, sb. farmer, steward, CM, MD; fermer, Cath. See Ferme, sb.

Fern, sb. fern, C2; ferene, dat., S2. Phr.: aisschen of ferne, fern ashes, MD. Comb.: fern-asshen, fern ashes, C2.—AS. fearn (Voc.): OHG. farn.

Fern, adj. and adv. old, long ago, C2, PP; ferne, CM; furn, MD. Comb.: fern-ȝeres, past years; fern yere, formerly, PP.—AS. fyrn (see Sievers); cp. OS. furn, forn, fern, Goth. fairnis.

Ferreden, sb. company, S; uerade, S. See Ȝefered.

Ferren, adj. and adv. far, distant, MD; feren, S; verrenne, pl., S; ferne, C.—AS. feorran, from afar. See Fer.

Ferret-silke, sb. coarse silk, S3, Florio.—It. fioretti, from fióre, flower. Cf. Floret-silk.

Fers, adj. fierce, brave, Prompt., C, PP; fiers, S2, C2, C3; fierse, PP.—OF. fers, fiers (Roland); Lat. ferus.

Fersly, adv. fiercely, PP, B.


Fersnesse, sb. fierceness, W2, PP; feersnesse, W, W2.

Ferst, adj. and adv. superl. first, S, S2, PP; uerst, S2; furst, S, S2, P; forst, S.—AS. fyrst: OHG. furisto. Superl. of Fore.

Ferthe, ord. fourth, C3, PP; fierthe, PP, S; feorthe, PP, S; feurthe, S2; ferth, S2; fierth, S2; ueorð, S.—AS. féorða. See Foure.

Ferthyng, sb. farthing, S2, PP; ferthing, PP. Comb.: ferþinges nok, a farthing piece, S2 (p. 301); ferþyng noke, S2.—AS. féorðung.

Fertre, sb. litter, bier, shrine, MD; feertyr, feretrum, Prompt.—OF. fertere, fiertre; Lat. feretrum; Gr. φέρετρον.

Fertren, v. to place in a shrine; fertered, pt. s., S2.

Fesaunt, sb. pheasant, S3; fesant, Voc.; fesauntes, pl., PP; fesauns, S2.—OF. faisan; Lat. phasianum (acc.); Gr. φασιανός.

Fesien, v. to drive away, MD; fesyn, Prompt., HD; veize, DG; pheeze, ND, Sh.; feazed, pp., ND.—AS. fésian, for fýsian, to drive away, see Sievers, 154. See Fusen.

Fest, adj. and v.; see Fast, Fasten.

Fest, sb. fist, C3; see Fust.

Feste, sb. feast, S, PP, C2, C3; fest, S3; festes, pl., S2.—AF. feste; Lat. festa.

Festeien, v. to feast, to entertain, MD; festeyinge, pr. p., C2.—OF. festeier, festoier; Late Lat. *festicare; cp. Prov. festegar.

Festen, sb. fasting, S; see Fasten.

Festlich, adj. festive, fond of feasts, C2. See Feste.

Festnen, v. to fasten, S; festnin, S; fæstned, pp., S; i-uestned, S; festnyd, PP.—AS. fæstnian.

Fet, sb. deed, PP; feet, C2, PP; fait, S2; faite, PP.—OF. fet, fait; Lat. factum.

Fet, adj. fat, S; see Fat.

Fet, sb. pl., feet, S; see Foot.

Fetel, sb. vessel, S2; vetles, MD; fetles, MD; pl., S.—AS. fætels, pl. fætelsas (Voc.). See Fat.

Feter, sb. fetter, MD; fetyr, compes, Prompt.; feteres, pl., G.—AS. fetor.

Feteren, v. to fetter, MD, G; fettren, P; y-fetered, pp., G; fettred, C2; ifetered, G.—AS. (ge)feterian.

Feth, sb. faith, S3: feðli, adv. faithfully, S2; see Feið, Feiðliche.

Fether, sb. feather, C2; fyþer, S2; fedyr, Prompt.; feðres, pl., S; fetheris, wings, W2; fedres, MD.—AS. feðer.

Feðer-foted, adj. four-footed, S.—Cp. AS. fiðer-fóte. With AS. fiðer cp. Goth. fidwor. See Foure.

Feðer-home, sb. plumage, MD; fedramme, S3.—AS. feðer-hama; cp. OS. feðerhamo, Icel. fjaðrhamr, see Grimm, Teut. M., p. 327. See Fether.

Fetis, adj. well-made, neat, handsome, MD, S2; fetys, S2, C3, C; fetyce, Prompt.—OF. faitis (f. -ice); Lat. factitium. See Fet (deed).

Fetisliche, adv. neatly, S2, PP; fetysly, C.

Fetten, v. to fetch, MD, S2, S3; fete, MD, S; fetteth, imp. pl., G; fette, pt. s. S, C2, C3; uette, MD; fatte, MD; uatte, MD; fet, S3; fetten, pl., S2, P; y-fet, pp., C2; fet, MD, S2, C2; fette, pl., MD.—AS. fetian (Grein). Cf. Fecchen.

Fettle, sb. order, condition. Phr.: in good fettle, JD, HD.

Fettle, sb. girdle, belt, horse-girth, JD. Cp. Icel. fetill, OHG. fezil.

Fettlen, v. to bind, fit, make ready, set in order, MD; fettle, to tie up, put in order, JD; fetyl, JD; fettled, pp., S2.

Feute, sb. track, scent, S2, MD; fewte, vestigium, Prompt.; fute, odour, Prompt.; foute, S2. Comb.: foote-saunte, scent, DG.

Feuer, sb. fever, PP; feuere, PP; feure, PP; fyueris, pl., W.—AF. fevre; Lat. febrem.

Feuerere, sb. February, HD; feuerel, HD; feuirȝer, S3; feuerȝere, HD (s.v. fraiste).—OF. fevrier; Late Lat. *febrarium; Lat. februarium (mensem).

Fewe, adj. pl. few, S, PP; feaw, S2; veaw, S2; fawe, S; feawe, S; vewe, S2; fæu, S; fo, S; fon, S2; fa, H (Ps. 101. 25); foner, comp., S2.—AS. féawe; cp. Goth. faws.

Fewnyng, sb. thrusting, S3. See Foynen.

Fewte, sb. fealty, S3, Prompt., HD; feute, MD.—AF. feaute, fëalte; Lat. fidelitatem.

Fey; see Feið.

Feydom, sb. the state of being near 85 death, or that conduct which is supposed to indicate it, JD. See below.

Feye, adj. dead, doomed to death, feeble, S, S2, MD; fey, JD, HD; fay, MD; fæie, pl. dead, S, MD; fæiȝe, MD.—AS. fǽge; cp. Icel. feigr; see CV.

Feyn, adj. fain, S2; see Fayn.

Feynen, v. to feign, C2, C3, PP; feine, Prompt., MD; feyneden, pt. pl., S2; fayneden, S3; y-feyned, pp., C2.—AF. feindre (pr. p. feignant); Lat. fingere.

Feynt, adj. feigned, false, also weak, faint, MD, Prompt.; faint, MD; feynte, pl., PP.—OF. feint, pp. of feindre.

Feynten, v. to be weak, MD, Prompt.

Feynting, sb. fainting, failing, C2.

Feyntise, sb. deceit, hypocrisy, also weakness, cowardice, MD, S2, P; fayntis, H; fayntise, S3.

Feyre, sb. fair, PP; faire, P; fayre, PP; feyres, pl., P. Phr.: this feire is i-doon, this fair is done, everything is sold, there is no more business to be done, G.—OF. feire (mod. foire); Late Lat. feria, a fair; from Lat. feriae, holidays.

Feyrie, sb. fairy origin, S2; see Fayerye.

Feȝen, v. to join, MD; veien, MD; i-ueied, pp., S.—AS. fégan; cp. OHG. fuagen (Otfrid). See Foȝ.

Ficchen, v. to fix, MD; fitchid, pp., W, W2; fichyt, B.—OF. ficher (Ps. 31. 4); Late Lat. *figicare, from Lat. figere, to fix, see Diez (s.v. ficcare).

Fieble, adj. feeble, C2, P; see Feble.

Field, sb. field, S2; see Feld.

Field-wode, sb. name of a plant, S2.

Field-wort, sb. gentian, HD; feldwort, herba luminaria, Alph.

Fiers, adj. fierce, S2, C2, C3; fierse, PP; see Fers.

Fierðe, ord. fourth, S, P; see Ferthe.

Fife, num. five, S; fyf, PP, C2; fiff, B; fiffe, B; uiue, S; fyue, S2, PP; fif, PP.—AS. fíf: Goth. fimf, see Sievers, 185.

Fifetende, ord. fifteenth, S2.

Fif-fald, five-fold, MD; fif-folde, S.

Fiff-sum, adj. five in all, B.

Fifte, ord. fifth, S; fifþe, S; fyfte, PP.—AS. fífta.

Fifte-siðe, adv. fifthly, S.

Fighten, v. to fight, PP; fiȝte, S; vyȝte, S2; fihten, PP, S2; feȝtande, pr. p., S2; feaht, pt. s., MD; faht, MD; feht, MD; fauht, PP; faught, MD, C2; fuhten, pl., S; fuȝten, S; fouhten, PP; fouȝten, PP; i-fouhte, pp., PP; y-fouȝte, PP; foughten, C; fouȝten, PP.—AS. feohtan, pr. s. fiht, pt. feaht (pl. fuhton), pp. fohten; cp. OHG. fehtan (Otfrid).

Figure, sb. figure, MD, C2; figour, MD; uigour, MD; figures (of speech), C2.—AF. figure; Lat. figura.

Figurie, sb. figured work, S3.

Fihten, v. to fight, S2, PP; see Fighten.

Fiht-lac, sb. fighting, S.—AS. feoht-lác.

Fikel, adj. fickle, treacherous, MD; fikil, H (Ps. 39. 21); fykil, G; fickle, fidgety, S3.—AS. ficol, inconstant.

Fiken, v. to be fidgety, to go about idly, MD, HD; to flatter, play the hypocrite, deceive, MD.—Cp. AS. be-fician, to deceive, to go round.

Fil, pt. s. fell, C2, PP; fyl, S2; see Fallen.

File, sb. concubine, P; fyle, HD.—OF. fille, filie, daughter, wench; Lat. filia.

Fille, sb. wild thyme, S2, MD; serpillum, Voc.; fill, rest-harrow, HD. Phr.: not worth a fille, MD.—AS. fille.

Filstnien, v. to help; filstnede, pt. s., S.—AS. See Fulst.

Filthe, sb. filth, foulness, MD; fuðle, S.—AS. fýlðu. See Foul.

Filthehed, sb. dirtiness, W.

Filtz, sb. son, PP; fitz, PP; fiz, PP.—AF. fiz (fitz); OF. filz, fils; Lat. filius.

Finden, v. to find, S; fynden, S; vinden, S; vynde, S; fynt, pr. s., C3; fint, pl., S; fand, pt. s., S, S2, S3; fant, S; fond, S, S2, G, C2; fonde, S2; font, S2; vond, S2; foond, C2, W; funden, pl., S; funde, S; fonden, S; fand, S2; fonde, C2; founden, S2; i-funde, pp., S; ifounde, S; hi-funde, S; founde, C2; funden, S2; funding, S3.—AS. findan, pt. fand (pl. fundon), pp. funden.

Findiȝ, adj. heavy, firm, compact, weighty, S, MD; findy, JD; fundie, MD.—AS. findig, heavy.

Fine, sb. end, S3; fyn, S2, S3, C2, G.—OF. fin; Lat. finem.

Finen, v. to end, S, MD; fynde, 1 pr. s., S3; fon, pt. s., MD, S2; fan, MD; fyned, S2.—OF. finer for finir; Lat. finire.

Firmentie, sb. furmety, S3; see Frumentee.

Firsin, v. to put far away, S; firsen, S; fersien, MD; fursen, MD.—AS. fyrsian. See Fer.


First, sb.; see Frest.

Fisch, sb. fish, S, W2; fiss, S; fis, S; fisses, pl., S; fysses, S; fissches, S2; fises, S2; fischis, W2. Comb.:—fis-cynn, fish-kind, S.—AS. fisc; cp. Lat. piscis; OIr. iasc.

Fischen, v. to fish, W; fissen, S.

Fischere, sb. fisher, W; fissere, S.

Fischinge, sb. fishing, MD; fissing, S.

Fisike, sb. natural science, art of healing, MD; phisique, MD; phisik, MD; phesyk, MD; fisyk, S2.—OF. fisique; Lat. physica (ars); from Gr. φυσικός.

Fiðele, sb. fiddle, MD, C, PP; fidylle, vidula, vidella, viella, Cath.; fythele, vitula, Voc.; fydyll, viella, Prompt.; vythule, Voc.; fydelys, pl., MD.—Etym. doubtful, probably connected with Low Lat. vidula, ‘a vythule’ (Voc.); cp. OF. vïele, a viol.

Fiðelen, v. to play on the fiddle, PP; vydele, Voc.—Cp. Low Lat. vidulare (Voc.).

Fitheler, sb. fiddler, PP; vythulare, Voc.—Cp. Low Lat. vidularius (Voc.).

Fitz, Fiz; see Filtz.

Flake, sb. thin slice, piece torn off. SkD; flackes, pl., S3 (12. 2); flockes, S3.—Cp. Norw. flak, an ice-floe.

Flan, sb. arrow, S, MD; flon, MD; flone, MD; flonne, pl., HD; flone, HD; flonez, MD.—AS. flán; cp. Icel. fleinn. Cf. Flo.

Flanckring, adj. sparkling, HD.

Flanke, sb. spark, MD; see Flaunke.

Flanker, v. to sparkle, HD.

Flappe, sb. a blow, Prompt., Palsg.—Cp. Du. flap, a blow.

Flappen, v. to flap, slap, clap, MD; flapten, pt. pl., P.—Cp. Du. flappen, to flap.

Flat, v. to flatter, S3.—OF. flater.

Flateren, v. to flatter, PP.

Flatlyngis, adv. flat, B.

Flatour, sb. flatterer, C, MD; ulatours, pl., MD.—OF. flateör; Prov. flatador.

Flatten, v. to dash, cast quickly (water); flatte, pt. s., P; flattide, PP.—OF. flatir, to dash, throw down.

Flaucht, sb. flake, flash, S3 (s.v. fyre); flaghte, flake, piece of turf, Cath. Phr.: flaghte of snawe, flake of snow, Cath.; flyghte of snawe, Cath.; flaught of fire, flash of lightning, JD. See Flawe.

Flaumbe, sb. flame, PP; flambe, CM; flamme, PP; flawme, Prompt.; flaume, PP; flambes, pl. C2, C3.—AF. flambe, OF. flamme; Lat. flamma.

Flaun, sb. a kind of custard, HD; flawn, ND, SkD (p. 805); flaunes, pl., S.—OF. flaon (mod. flan): Low Lat. fladonem (flatonem); cp. OHG. flado; see Ducange (Supplement).

Flaunke, sb. spark of fire, S2; flonke, PP; flanke, MD; flaunkes, pl., S2.—Cp. G. flunkern, to sparkle, Du. flonkeren.

Flaunt-a-flaunt, adv. displayed in a showy manner, S3, SkD.

Flawe, sb. flake; in phr.: flawes of fyre, flakes of fire, SkD.—Icel. flaga, a slab of stone. Cf. Flaucht.

Flay, v. to put to flight, to scare, S2; see Fleyen.

Flayle, sb. flail, PP; fleȝȝl, S; flaill, B; flayles, pl., PP; fleiles, PP.—OF. flaël Lat. flagellum; hence OHG. flegil.

Fleck, sb. spot, blot, stain, RD.—Icel. flekkr; cp. OHG. fleccho.

Flecked, adj. speckled, spotted, PP; flekked, C3, PP, Cath., MD.

Flee, sb. flea, Prompt.; fle, MD; fleen, pl., C3; flen, MD; flees, MD.—AS. fléo (Voc.).

Fleen, v. to fly, flee, C2, PP; fleon, S; fleo, S, S2; flen, C; fle, S, S2, G; vle, S2; flighand, pr. p., S2; fliȝst, 2 pr. s., S; flegeð, pr. s., S; fleð, S; flyþ, S2; fliȝt, S; fleoð, pl., S; fleen, C2; flen, PP; fleh, pt. s., S; flegh, S2, PP; fleih, S2, PP; flaw, S3; fley, C2, G, W; fleiȝ, P, W; fleigh, C; flugen, pl., S; flowen, S2, C, P; flowe, S2; flowen, pp., MD; flowe, G. Weak forms: fledde, pt. s., C2, PP; fled, pp., MD.—AS. fléogan, fléon, pt. fléah (pl. flugon), pp. flogen.

Flees, sb. fleece, S2, PP; flus, PP; fleis, PP; fleose, dat., MD; fleyce, S3.—AS. fléos (flýs); cp. G. vlies.

Fleich, v. to flatter, JD; flechand, pr. p., B; fleeching, B; fleichit, pp., S3.—OF. flechir, to bend, to move any one.

Flem, sb. flight, MD; ulem, MD; fleam, Voc.; fleme, dat., MD.—AS. fléam; cp. Icel. flaumr, a flowing, OHG. floum (Otfrid).

Fleme, sb. fugitive, S, S2.—AS. fléma, and flýma (Voc.).

Flemen, v. to put to flight, MD, S2; flemed, pt. s., S3; flemden, pl., S; flemed, pp., C3; flemit, S3.—AS. fléman, flýman.


Flemer, sb. banisher, S2, C3.

Flen, v. to flay, S; fle, S; flo, S; flouh, pt. s., S; uloȝen, pl., MD; flayn, pp., MD; flean, HD.—AS. flean, pt. flóh, pp. flagen.

Flesch, sb. flesh, PP; flesc, S; fleis, S, S2; fleys, PP; fles, S; fleisch, W; fleysh, S2; fleissh, S2; flessh, S, PP; flesce, dat., S; ulesse, S2; flessce, S; fleischis, pl., W2.—AS. flǽsc; cp. OHG. fleisc (Otfrid).

Flesche-flye, sb. flesh-fly, Prompt.; fleisch-flie, MD, W2 (Ps. 77. 45 and 104. 31).

Fleschlich, adj. fleshly, S, PP; flesliche, adv. materially, S.

Fleten, v. to float, swim, PP, B, S, S3, C, W; to flow, W2; fleit, S3; fleyt, S3; fletes, pr. s., S2; fleet, S2, C3; fleteth, C3; flet, PP; fleet, pt. s., MD; fluten, pl., MD; floten, MD; flote, S2; flette, S2; fletiden, W2.—AS. fléotan, pt. fléat (pl. fluton), pp. floten.

Flex, sb. flax, C, P, Voc.; flax, Prompt., PP.—AS. fleax.

Flex-hoppe, sb. linodium, Voc.

Fleyen, v. to put to flight, to scare away, frighten; fley, JD, S3; flaien, MD; flay, S2; flayed, pp., S2; fleyit, B.—Cp. Icel. fleyja, to cause to fly, throw.

Flicht, sb. flight, PP, B; fliht, MD; fliȝt, S; fluht, S.—AS. flyht: OHG. fluht (Tatian). See Fleen.

Flit, sb. strife, MD; flyt, S2.

Fliten, v. to strive, contend, quarrel, PP, HD, H; flytin, Prompt.; flitis, pr. s., scolds, H; flytande, pr. p., S2; flote, pt. s., MD; fliten, pp., MD.—AS. flítan, pt. flát (pl. fliton), pp. fliten.

Fliting, sb. quarrelling, scolding, PP; flytynge, H.

Flo, sb. arrow, CM, MD; fla, MD; flon, pl., MD, S2; floon, G; flan, MD; flo, MD.—AS. flá (Voc.). Cf. Flan.

Floc, sb. a gathering of men, beasts, birds, MD; flocke (of swine), W (Mt. 8. 30); flockes, pl., S.—AS. flocc.

Flocke, v. tr. and intr. to collect, gather, MD, S3.

Floc-mele, adv. in crowds, MD; flokmele, C2.—AS. flocmǽlum.

Flod, sb. flood, sea, S, S2, PP; flood, C2, W; flode, PP; flodes, pl., PP; fludis, S3.—AS. flód.

Flor, sb. floor, MD, S2; flore, dat., S, PP.—AS. flór.

Floret-silk, sb. coarse silk, Cotg.; flurt-silk, figured silk, HD.—OF. fleuret (Cotg.); cp. G. florett.—Cf. Ferret-silke.

Florin, sb. florin, originally the name of a coin stamped with the emblem of a lily, MD, C3; floreines, pl., P.—OF. florin (Cotg.).

Florischen, v. to flourish, also to cause to flourish, to make to prosper, to brandish, flourish a weapon, MD; floryschyn, to make flourishes in illuminating books, Prompt.; fluricheþ, pr. s., adorns, decorates, S3.—OF. floriss- base of pr. p. of florir; Lat. florere; see Constans.

Flot, sb. fat, scum, S2, JD.—Icel. flot.

Flote, sb. a fleet, B; flot, B.—Icel. floti. See Fleten.

Flote, sb. company, multitude, S, MD.—OF. flote (flotte in Cotg.); Lat. fluctum.

Flote, Floten; see Fleten.

Floteren, v. to fluctuate, flutter, PP.—OF. floter (+ suffix -er); Lat. fluctuare; see Constans.

Flotering, sb. restless motion, W2.

Flour, sb. flower, C2, C3; flur, S; floures, pl., youthful powers, S2.—AF. flur; Lat. florem.

Flour-dammes, sb. ladies’ flower, perhaps Dame’s violet or Dame-wort, Hesperis matronalis (Britten’s Plant-names); Mr. Small suggests ‘damask rose,’ S3.

Floure-de-lice, sb. fleur-de-lys, S2; flour-de-lyss, S3; flour-de-lycis, pl., S3.—OF. flor de lis (Bartsch, 193. 2).

Flouren, v. to flower, flourish, PP, C2, W2.—OF. florir.—Cf. Florischen.

Flowe, Flowen; see Fleen.

Flowen, v. to flow, S, PP; flowe, to abound, W2; flohþ, pr. s., S; floȝed, pt. s., S2.—AS. flówan, pt. fléow, pp. flówen.

Flowing, sb. flood, W2.

Flowte, sb. pipe, cambucus, Prompt.; floyte, MD.—OF. flaute, It. flauto.

Flowten, v. to blow on a wind instrument, MD; flowtyn, calamiso, flo, Prompt.; floytynge, pr. p., C.—OF. fläuter; Late Lat. *flatuare from Lat. flatus; see Constans.

Flowtour, sb., fluter, piper, CM.

Flum, sb. river, MD; flow, flood, JD. Comb.: Flum Jurdan, river Jordan, MD; flum iurdon, S; flom Jordan, MD, W; fleme Jordon, MD.—OF. flum; Lat. flumen (cp. Vulg., Mk. 1. 5).


Flye, sb. fly, C3, PP; fliȝe, MD; fleȝe, MD; fle, S3.—AS. fléoge (flýge). See Fleen.

Flytten, v. tr. and intr. to remove, to depart, MD, S3, PP; flutten, MD; flitten, MD, PP; flute, imp. s., S; vlutten, to subsist, support oneself, S.—Icel. flytja, to carry, remove, support, flytjask (reflex.), to remove oneself, to flit, also, to support oneself.

Fnast, sb. breath, S.—AS. fnæst.

Fnasten, v. to breathe, to breathe hard, MD, S, HD.—Cp. OHG. fnastón, ‘anhelare.’

Fnesen, v. to breathe hard, to sneeze; fneseth, pr. s., puffs, snorts, C3.—AS. fnéosan.

Fnesynge, sb. snorting, Voc.; fnesynge (= Lat. sternutatio), W2 (Job 41. 9).—AS. fnéosung (Voc.).

Fo, adj. few, S; see Fewe.

Foaȝe, adj. spotted, S; see Foh.

Fodder, sb. food for cattle, MD; foddre, dat., S.—AS. fódor, foddor.

Fode, sb. food, S, S2, MD; uode, S; food, MD; fude, MD.—AS. fóda.

Fode, sb. child, lad, person, alumnus, S, S2, PP, HD, MD.

Foh, adj. spotted, S, S2; fou, S; faȝe, pl., S; foaȝe, S.—AS. fáh; cp. Goth. faihus, Gr. ποικίλος.

Foine, sb. beech-marten, Cotg. (s.v. fouïnne); foyne, PP; foynȝee, S3; fooyne, the fur of the marten, Prompt.; foyns, pl., fur, MD, HD.—OF. foine, faine, faine, the beech-marten, also faine, the fruit of the beech tree; Late Lat. fagina, ‘mustela,’ also ‘glans fagi’ (Ducange); from Lat. faginus, from fagus.

Foison, sb. abundance, plenty, might, MD, Sh., HD; foyson, S2, C3; foysyn, S2; foysoun, B; fusioune, B.—OF. foison, fuison; Lat. fusionem.

Folc, sb. folk, people, S, S2, W2, PP; uolk, MD; folk, PP; uolkes, gen., S; folkene, gen. pl., S; folken, S2.—AS. folc.

Folc-king, sb. the king of the people, MD; folc-kinge, dat., S.

Folde, sb. earth, ground, the world, S2, MD, HD, P.—AS. folde, OS. folda.

Folde, sb. a fold, plait, MD, PP. Phr.: in monie volde, in manifold (ways), S.

Folden, v. to fold, shut, embrace, PP; falde, MD; folde, pt. s., S3; folden, pp., S2, PP.—AS. fealdan, pt. féold, pp. fealden.

The form falt should be taken away from this article and placed under Folden. The words falt mi tunge mean ‘my tongue gives way.’ For the various meanings of this verb folden, see MD (ii. 68).

In the Additions it was not clear which passages belong to which word—Falten or Folden—so the added text is shown in full after both entries. The words “this article” refer to Falten.

Fole, sb. foal, S, PP; foles, pl., PP; folus, P.—AS. fola: Goth. fula; cp. Lat. pullus; see Brugmann, § 208.

Fole, adj. and sb. foolish, lustful, a fool, MD, S2; foole, S3; foule, H; fule, S2; fool, C2; foles, pl., S2, S3, P.—AF. fol.

Folgen; see Folwen.

Folie, sb. folly, S2, PP; folye, S, C2, PP; folies, pl., S.—AF. folie.

Folily, adv. foolishly, C3; folili, W.

Follich, adj. foolish, MD; foly, S2; folliche, adv., S.

Fol-marde, sb. polecat, S2; see Ful-mard.

Folte, adj. foolish, Prompt., Cath.; folett, Prompt.—OF. folet (Bartsch). See Fole (foolish).

Folten, v. to behave foolishly, MD, Prompt.; folted, pp. crazed, S2.

Foltheed, sb. folly, PP.

Foltische, adj. foolish, W; foltish, HD.

Foltren, v. to totter, S3; see Faltren.

Foltrye, sb. foolishness, Prompt.

Folwen, v. to follow, C2, C3, PP; folȝen, MD, S; folewe, S2, PP; folgen, S; follȝhenn, S; folhin, S; fallow, S2; filghe, S2; foluand, pr. p., S2; folheð, pr. s., S; folhes, S; foleweð, S; feleweð, S; fulwes, S2; folgede, pt. s., MD; folwede, PP; folgeden, pl., S; folecheden, S; folud, S2; ȝe-folged, pp., S; i-folewed, PP; y-folowed, PP.—AS. folgian (fylgean); cp. OHG. folgên (Otfrid).

Fon, v. to seize, grasp, take, receive, S, S2; fo on, 1 pr. pl. subj., begin, S; feng, pt. s. began, MD; feng on, S; veng, S2; feng, pl., S2.—AS. fón, 1 pr. s. , pt. feng, pp. fongen.

Fon, adj. few, S2; foner, comp. fewer, S2; see Fewe.

Fond; see Fonnen.

Fongen, v. to take, receive, PP, S, S2, S3; fangen, PP; fang, S2; see Fon.

Fonger, sb. receiver, S2.

Fo-man, sb. foeman, PP; fomon, S2; famen, pl., S, S2; vamen, S. See Foo.

Fonne, adj. and sb. foolish, a fool, MD; fone, HD; fon, MD, H, HD.—Cp. Swed. fåne, a fool.

Fonnen, v. to act foolishly, MD; fonned, pp. as adj. foolish, fond, W, HD; fond, S3, HD. See above.


Font, sb. font, PP; fount, S2, PP; founȝt, S2. Comb.: funt-fat, font-vessel, S; fant-ston, font-stone, S; fontstoon, C3; fun-ston, HD.—Church Lat. fontem.

Foo, adj. and sb., hostile, guilty, a foe, PP, C2; fo, PP, S2; uo, S2; fa, S; faa, S2; foon, pl., S3, C2, G, PP; fon, PP, S2; fan, S; uan, S; foin, HD; foyn, MD; fo, S; foos, PP, C2; faas, S2; faes, S2; fais, S2; fays, S3; fayis, S2.—AS. fáh, pl. ; cp. Goth. fihan, to hate; see Brugmann, § 458. Cf. Feend.

Foole, sb. fool, S3; fool, PP. Comb.: fool sage, licensed jester, PP; foole large, foolishly liberal, S3; foole largely, S3; see Fole.

Foom, sb. foam, C3, MD; fame, HD; fom, S2, MD; fome, MD, C3; faym, S3.—AS. fám; cp. MHG. feim.

Foot, sb. foot, also, a measure, S2, C3, HD; fot, S, S2; fut, B; foote, PP; fote, PP; vote, dat., S; fute, B; fet, pl., S; fett, S; vet, S. Comb.: foothot, instantly, S2, C3; fote hote, HD; futhate, futhat, B.—AS. fót: Goth. fotus.

Foot-man, sb. foot-soldier, MD, HD; fotman, MD; votmen, pl., S2.

Foot-stappe, sb. footstep, Prompt.; fetsteppes, pl., S.

For-, prefix (1), having generally the sense of ‘loss’ or ‘destruction.’ Often it is merely intensitive, though generally in a bad sense.—AS. for-, Icel. for-, fyrir-, OHG. for- (Tatian), fir- (Otfrid), G. ver-, Goth. fra-, fair-.

For-, prefix (2), for, in the place of; see For (prep.).

For-, prefix (3), standing for AS. fore, before; see Fore.

For-, prefix (4), standing for OF. for-; Lat. foris, outside; cp. F. hors, from Lat. foras.

For, prep. for, by, for fear of, in spite of, in the place of, for the sake of, S, S2, PP; forr, S; fore, S, PP; uor, S.

For, conj. because, in order that, whether, S, S3, PP. Comb.: for outen, without, besides, S2, B; for owtyn, JD; for out, B; for te, for to, in order to, S, PP; vor te, S, S2; for to, PP; vor to, S2; for þan þe, because that, S; for-þon, S; vorþan, therefore, S; for þat þe, because that, S; for þet, for that reason, S; for þi for that cause, S, S2, PP; uorði, S; for-þe, S; for-þy, S2, PP; forr-þi, because, S; for till, for to, S3; for-whi, wherefore, S2, PP; because, S3; for-quhy, S3; for-why, C3, PP.

For, adv. far, S; see Fer.

For, pt. s. fared, S, S2; see Faren.

Forage, sb. forage, food, C2.—OF. forrage, from forre; Low Lat. fodrum, from a Teutonic source, cp. AS. fódor. See Fodder.

Forager, sb. forager, messenger, PP. Cf. Forrayour.

For-arnen, v. to cause to run about, to ride about; uorarnd, pt. s., S2.—Cp. AS. ærnan (v. tr.), pt. ærnde, pp. ærned. (For- 1.)

For-bathde, pp. pl. bathed deep, S3. (For- 1.)

For-beden, v. to forbid, S, Prompt., S2, PP; forbeode, PP; forbet, pr. s., S; forbed, S; forbadde, pt. s., PP; forbad, MD; uorbed, S2; fforbode, pl., MD; forbude, subj., S; forboden, pp., H, S3, P; forbode, S, PP; forbedun, W.—AS. for-béodan, pt. -béad (pl. -budon), pp. -boden. (For- 1.)

For-beren, v. to forbear, S, C, PP; uorberen, S; forbar, pt. s., PP; forbare, P; forbaren, pl., S; forbore, pp., MD.—AS. for-beran, pt. -bær (pl. -bǽron), pp. -boren. (For- 1.)

For-bernen, v. intr. to burn up, to be destroyed by fire, S; forbrenne, MD; uorbarnde, pt. s., MD; forbrende, MD; for-bernen, v. tr. to burn up, MD; forbærnen, S; forbearne, S; forbrenne, PP; forbrende, pt. s., PP, MD; vorbarnd, pp., S2; uorbernd, S2, MD.—AS. for-byrnan (v. intr.), pt. -barn (pl. -burnon), pp. -burnen, also, for-bærnan (v. tr.), pt. -bærnde, pp. -bærned. (For- 1.)

For-bisne, sb. example, S; uorbysne, parable, S2; forbusne, PP.—AS. fore-bysn. (For- 3.)

For-blak, adj. very black, C. (For- 1.)

For-bode, sb. forbidding, S, P; forbod, S; forbot, S. Phr.: Lordes forbode, it is the Lord’s forbidding, PP; Goddes forbode, PP; Godys forbode, S3.—AS. forbod. (For- 1.)

Force, sb. force; forss, B; fors, B; forse, matter, consequence, PP. Phr.: no forse, it matters not, PP; no fors, S2, C2; no force, ND, HD, S3 (20b, 87); to give no force, not to care, HD, Palsg.; make no fors, C3.—AF. force: Late Lat. fortia. Cp. Cotg. (s.v.): je ne fais point force de cela, I care not for, I force not of, that thing.


Forcere, sb. casket, strong-box, PP; forcer, HD; focer, HD; fosar, HD.—OF. forsier; Low Lat. forsarium (acc.), see Ducange.

For-cursæd, pp. utterly accursed, S. (For- 1.)

For-cwiddare, sb. foreteller, S. (For- 3.)

Ford, sb. a ford, passage, course, MD; forde, PP; forth, PP, S2; vorþ, S2; furth, MD.—AS. ford (OET.).

For-dede, sb. previous deed, S2. (For- 3.)

For-demen, v. to condemn, MD; fordemde, pt. s., S; fordemed, pp., MD; fordemet, S; fordempte, pl., MD.—AS. for-déman. (For- 1.)

For-don, v. to destroy, S, MD, S2, C, P; fordoon, S2; fordoð, pr. s., S, PP; uordonne, ger., S; fordude, pt. s., PP; fordede, S; fordeden, pl., S3; fordo, pp., PP; fordon, S; fordone, S3.—AS. for-dón, pt. -dyde, pp. -dón. (For- 1.)

For-dreden, v. to frighten, MD; fordred, pp., S. (For- 1.)

For-drenche, v. to make drunk, S. (For- 1.)

For-dronken, pp. drunken, C3; uordrunken S.

For-druȝe, v. to dry up, S; fordruye, pp., MD, CM; fordrye, C2. (For- 1.)

For-dynnand, pr. p., filling with loud din, S3; foredinning, S3. (For- 1.)

Fore, prep. before, S; for, JD. Comb.: for by, past, by, B, C2, C3; for gane, opposite to, S3, B; for outh, before, in front of, B; forowth, B; forrouth, S2, B; forrow, S2, B.—AS. for, fore, in the sight of, before, Goth. faura.

Forest, sb. forest, MD; forestes, pl., PP.—OF. forest.

Forester, sb. forester, MD; forster, C, PP, HD; foster, HD.

Foreyn, adj. strange, MD; foreynes, pl. strangers, PP.—OF. forain; Late Lat. foraneum.

For-faren, v. to perish, to fare ill, PP, S2, G; forfayr, B; forfarn, pp. destroyed, S2.—AS. for-faran. (For- 1.)

For-fered, pp. exceedingly afraid, C2, MD. (For- 1.)

For-feren, v. to perish, MD; forferden, pt. pl., MD; forferde, S2.—AS. for-féran. (For- 1.)

Forfet, sb. crime, forfeit, PP, MD.—OF. forfet, forfait; Late Lat. forisfactum, forefacttum (Ducange). (For- 4.)

Forfeten, v. to do wrong, to fail, to forfeit, MD, PP; forfaiten, PP. (For- 4.)

For-feynted, pp. enfeebled, PP; forfaynt, S3. (For- 1.)

For-freten, v. to eat away, PP; forfret, pr. s., PP. (For- 1.)

Forgaf; see For-ȝiuen.

For-gar, v. to lose; forgart, pt. pl., S2.—Cp. Icel. fyrir-göra, to forfeit. For- 1.)

Forgen, v. to make, construct, forge (of smith’s work), MD; forgeden, pt. pl., W2 (Ps. 128. 3); forgit, pp., S3; forgid, PP.—OF. forger, forgier (Ps. 128. 3); Lat. fabricare (Vulg.).

For-geten, v. to forget, MD, S, S2; see Forȝeten.

Forgetil, adj. forgetful, H.—AS. forgitol.

Forgetilnes, sb. forgetfulness, H.—AS. forgitolnes.

For-gilten, v. to forfeit, to make guilty, MD; forgulten, MD; to harm, PP; forgilt, pt. s., MD; forgulten, pl., MD; forgult, pp., S, MD; forrgilltedd, S. (For- 1.)

For-gon, v. to forgo, S2, C3; forga, S2; forgoon, C2; forgoð, pr. s., S; forgan, pp., MD; forgone, MD, S3.—AS. for-gán. (For- 1.)

For-heden, v. to neglect, pay no heed to, S2.—From AS. hédan. (For- 1.)

For-heed, sb. forehead, C; foreheued, MD. (For- 3.)

For-helen, v. to conceal, HD; forholen, pp., S, HD; forhole, S, HD.—AS. for-helan, pt. -hæl (pl. -hǽlon), pp. -holen. (For- 1.)

For-hewed, pp., hewn about, S3. (For- 1.)

For-hilen, v. to protect, MD. (For- 1.)

For-hiler, sb. protector, S2, HD.

For-hiling, sb. protection, S2.

For-hoght, sb. contempt, MD. (For- 1.)

For-hoȝien, v. to neglect, despise, S; forhohien, MD.—AS. for-hogian. (For- 1.)

For-langen, v. to long for; forrlangedd, pp., S. (For- 1.)

For-lesen, v. to lose wholly, MD, HD; forleosen, MD; forleost, 2 pr. s., S; vorleost, pr. s., S; forleseþ, S; forles, pt. s., S; forlesed, 2 pt. s., destroyedst, S2; forrlurenn, pl., S; forloren, pp., S; forrlorenn, S; vorloren, S; forlorne, S3; forlorn, S2; forlore, S2, S3; 91 uorlore, S2.—AS. for-léosan, pt. léas (pl. luron), pp. loren. (For- 1.)

For-leten, v. to leave off, forsake, yield up, S, S2, C2; uorlete, to forgive, S2; forlet, pt. s., S; forleten, pp., S.—AS. for-lǽtan, pt. -lét, pp. -lǽten. (For- 1.)

For-leuen, v. to abandon, MD; forleaf, imp. s., S. (For- 1.)

Forloren; see For-lesen.

Forloynen, v. to go far astray, MD, HD; forloyned, pp., S2.—OF. forlonger, to go far before (Cotg.). (For- 4.)

Formaylle, sb. the female hawk, MD, HD.—Cp. OF. forme, a kind of hawk (Cotg.).

Forme, adj. superl. first, S, PP; forrme, S; furme, MD. Comb.: forme-fader, ancestor, S, S2, S3, H, PP; forme-foster, progenitor, S2; forme-mete, first meat, morning-meal, S.—AS. forma, superl. of fore, before.

Forme, sb. form, figure, shape, MD; scabellum, Voc.; furme, MD; fourme, MD, W; fourm, MD; foorme, form of a hare, Prompt. (see F. forme, Cotg.).—AF. forme; Lat. forma.

Formel egle, sb. female eagle, MD, CM. Cf. Formaylle.

Formen, v. to form, Prompt.—OF. former; Lat. formare.

Former, sb. former, creator, MD, PP.

Formere, adj. comp. former, MD.—Comb.: formere fader, ancestor, S2.

Formest, adj. superl. first, S, PP; furmest, S2.—AS. fyrmest (formest).

Formour, sb. former, creator, MD, PP; formeour, PP; formyour, MD, S2.—OF. formeör; Lat. formatorem.

Forn, prep. and adv. before, MD, HD; foren, S. Comb.: forn aȝens, over against, W.—AS. foran; cp. OHG. forn, ‘olim’ (Tatian).

Forn-cast, pp. forecast, C, CM.

Forneys, sb. furnace, C; fornays, MD; furneise, S; fornes, S2; fourneys, C2, C3; fornesse, HD.—OF. fornaise; Lat. fornacem.

For-nimen, v. to take away, MD; for-numen, pp., S.—AS. for-niman. (For- 1.)

For-old, adj. very old, C. (For- 1.)

For-pinen, v. to torment, MD; forpinede, pt. s., MD; forpined, pp., HD; forpyned, CM, P; famished, wretched, PP. (For- 1.)

For-priken, v. to spur violently; vor-priked, pt. s., S2. (For- 1.)

Forray, sb. foray, B.

Forray, v. to forage, B.

Forrayour, sb. forayer, forager, B; foreyours, pl., PP; foreioures, PP. Cf. Forager.

Forred, pp. furred, S2, PP; see Furren.

For-reden, v. to betray, hurt, wrong, S; forreaden, S; forradden, pt. pl., MD; forrad, pp., MD; forred, S.—AS. for-rǽdan. (For- 1.)

For-saken, v. to forsake, to deny, refuse, PP, S, S2; uorsake, S; forsoc, pt. s., S2; forsok, PP; uorsoc, S; forsake, 2 pt. s., S; forsoken, pl., PP; forsake, pp., W2, PP.—AS. for-sacan, to renounce, pt. -sóc, pp. -sacen. (For- 1.)

For-seon, v. to despise, MD; for-se, HD; forsest, 2 pr. s., S; forrse, subj., S.—AS. for-séon. (For- 1.)

For-slouthe, v. to lose through sloth, C; forsleuthed, pp., wasted idly, P. (For- 1.)

For-sonke, pp. sunk deep, S3. (For- 1.)

For-spent, pp. exhausted, Sh.; forespent, S3. (For- 1.)

For-spreak, sb. an advocate, HD. (For- 2.)

For-stallen, v. to forestall, obstruct, PP. See SkD (p. 805). (For- 3.)

For-standen, v. to stand for, avail; forstod, pt. s., S.—AS. for-standan. (For- 2.)

For-suneȝen, v. to be sinful, MD; forsunegede, pp. pl., sinful, MD; forsinegede, S.—AS. for-syngian, pp. forsyngad. (For- 1.)

For-swelten, v. to die, S, MD; v. tr., to kill, S, MD; forswelte, pp., MD.—AS. for-sweltan, ‘mori, perire.’ (For- 1.)

For-swelȝen, v. to swallow up, MD; uor-zwelȝe, S2. (For- 1.)

For-swerien, v. to forswear, MD; forsuore, pt. s., MD; forsworen, pp., S, G, PP; forswore, PP; uorsuore, S2; forsworene, pl., S.—AS. for-swerian pt. swór, pp. -sworen. (For- 1.)

For-swering, sb. perjury, C3.

For-sweten, v. to cover with sweat, MD; forswat, pp., S2, HD, B. (For- 1.)

For-swinken, v. to exhaust with toil; forswonke, pp., S3 (p. 364, l. 24).

Forth, adv. forth, henceforth, throughout, PP, S; uorth, S, S2; furð, S, S2; forth, prep., along, S2; furth, S3. Comb.: forth daies, far advanced in the day, W; 92 fore days, HD; furth of, forth from, S3; forð riht, straightway, MD; forð rihtes, S; forð to, until, S; for to, S2; forte, S, S2; fort, S; uort, S; forthward, forward, S, S2, 03; forðwyth, right before, S2; forthwit, S; forwit, S2.

Forð-clepien, v. to call forth, S.

Forðen, adv. even, also, MD; forrþenn, S.—AS. forðum (furðum).

Forðen, v. to promote, perform, S.—AS. forðian.

Forther, adv. further, S2, PP; ferther, C2; furder, S3; furðer, MD. Comb.: forthermore, furthermore, C2, C3; forthermo, C3; forthirmar, S2; forther ouer, more over, C3.—AS. Furðor (= Fore + suffix -ðor).

Forther, v. to further, aid, S2; forthren, C; furðren, S; firthren, S.—AS. fyrðrian.

Forð-faren, v. to go forth, S, S2; uorð-farinde, pr. p. pl., S.

Forð-feren, v. to depart, die; forðfeorde, pt. s., S.—AS. forð-féran.

For-þresten, v. to destroy, MD; forþrast, pp., S2. (For- 1.)

Forð-teon, v. to draw forth, bring up, MD; forðteh, pt. s., S.—AS. forð-téon.

For-þunchen, v. to repent, S; forthynketh, pr. s. impers., MD; forthenkith, W; forþynkez, 82; forthinke, imp. pl., S2; forthouȝte, pt. s., W. (For- 1.)

For-trauailled, pp., wearied with toil, MD; fortravalit, S2, B. (For- 1.)

For-tuhting, sb. seduction, S; fortihting, S.—From AS. for-tyhtan, to lead astray. (For- 1.)

Fortune, sb. fortune, chance, MD, Prompt.; fortoun, B.—OF. fortune; Lat. fortuna.

Fortune, v. to make fortunate, to happen, S3, HD, C.

Fortunous, adj. fortunate, HD.

For-waked, pp. tired out with watching, S2, C3; forwake, S2. (For- 1.)

For-wandred, pp. wearied out with wandering, P. (For- 1.)

For-wanyen, v. to spoil by indulgence, PP; forweny, PP; forwene, PP. (For- 1.)

For-ward, sb. agreement, PP, S, C, C2; foreward, S, S2, PP; voreward, S; forwarde, PP, S2; vorewarde, S2.—AS. foreweard. (For- 3.)

For-waste, pp. utterly wasted, wasted with misery, S3. (For- 1.)

Forwe, sb. furrow, PP; see Fur.

For-werien, v. to wear out, MD; forwerd, pp., S3. (For- 1.)

For-werien, v. to cast aside, renounce, MD; forrwerrpenn, S; forrwarrp, pt. s., MD; forrwurrpenn, pl., S; forrworrpenn, pp., S.—AS. for-weorpan, pt. -wearp (pl. -wurpon), pp.-worpen. (For- 1.)

For-wetyng, sb. foreknowledge, C. (For- 3.)

For-wit, sb. forethought, foreknowledge, P. (For- 3.)

For-witen, v. to foreknow, MD; forwot, pr. s., C; forwoot, MD.—AS. fore-witan, pt. pr. -wát. (For- 3.)

For-withered, pp. utterly withered, S3. (For- 1.)

For-wounded, pp. desperately wounded, S3; uorwounded, pt. s., S2. (For- 1.)

For-wrapped, pp. wrapped up, C3. (For- 1.)

For-wreien, v. to accuse, S; forwreye, S; forwreiȝet, pp., MD.—AS. for-wrégan, (For- 1.)

For-wurðen, v. to perish, S; furwurðen, S; uorwurðen, S; forworthes, pr. pl., S2.—AS. for-weorðan, pt. -wearð (pl. -wurdon), pp. -worden. (For- 1.)

For-ȝelden, v. to reward, S, MD, S2; for-yelde, C2; for-yhelde, to render, S2; for-yheld, pt. s., S2.—AS. for-geldan. (For- 1.)

For-ȝeldinge, sb. retribution, S2; foryheldinges, pl., S2. (For- 1.)

For-ȝemen, v. to neglect, MD; foryemen, S.—AS. for-géman. (For- 1.)

For-ȝerd, sb. court, W. (For- 3.)

For-ȝeten, v. to forget, S, PP; forȝuten, PP; foryeten, S; forgeten, S, S2; vorȝete, S; forgetith, imp. pl., G; forȝieteð, pr. s., S; forȝiet, S; forȝet, S; foryet, S; forgat, pt. s., S; forȝete, S2; forȝat, G, PP; forȝaten, pl., W; forgeten, pp., S, C2; forȝieten, S; foryete, S; forȝeten, S2, PP; forȝete, P, W2; forgen, H.—AS. for-gitan, pt. -geat (pl. -géaton), pp. -giten. (For- 1.)

For-ȝetful, adj. forgetful, W (Jas. 1. 25); foryetful, C2.

For-ȝiuen, v. to forgive, PP; foryeue, C3; forȝeuen, PP; forȝieue, S; forrȝifenn, S; foryiue, C2; uorȝiuen, S; forgifen S; forȝef, imp. s., S; forgaf, pt. s., 93 S; forȝaf, G, W, PP; forȝouen, pp., S2; forȝeuen, PP; forȝouun, W; forȝoue, W2.—AS. forgifan. (For- 1.)

For-ȝiuenesse, sb. forgiveness, MD; forrȝifenesse, S; foryeuenesse, S, PP; forȝieuenesse, S.

Foster, sb. nourishment, MD, HD; one nurtured, a child, MD; fostyr, nurturer, fosterer, S3.—AS. fóstor (= fód-stor), nourishment. See Fode.

Fostren, v. to foster, support, cherish, PP; fosstrenn, S; fostred, pt. s., C2, C3; y-fostred, pp., C2.—AS. fóstrian.

Fother, sb. a carriage-load, a load, MD, C; fothyr, B; fudder, JD; fudyr, B; uoðere, pl., MD.—AS. fóðer; cp. OHG. fuodar (mod. fuder), whence F. foudre.

Fou, adj. spotted, S; see Foh.

Foul, sb. fowl, bird, S2, C, PP; foȝel, S; fowel, C, PP; foghill, H; fuhel, S; foull, S3; fugeles, pl., S; fuȝeles, S; fughils, H; fueles, S; fuweles, S; fogheles, S2; foghles, S2.—AS. fugol.

Foul, adj. foul, PP, MD; uoul, MD, S2; ful, S; fule, adv., S; foule, G; fuluste, superl., MD. Comb.: ful-itowen, badly disciplined, wanton, MD; ful-itohen, S; fulitohe, S.—AS. fúl, Goth. fuls.

Foule, sb. fool, H; see Fole.

Foulen, v. to make foul, defile, revile, destroy, S2, PP; fowlen, S2; fulen, S; filen, S2; fild, pp., S2.—AS. fúlian, to become foul, fýlan, ‘inquinare.’ See Foul.

Foulere, sb. a taker of birds, W2. See Foul.

Foul-hed, sb. folly, H. See Foule.

Foundement, sb. foundation, S3, W.

Founden, v. to found, PP; fundit, pp., S3; y-founde, S3; foundun, W.—OF. fonder, Lat. fundare.

Foundour, sb. founder, PP.—OF. fondeur; Lat. fundatorem.

Foundren, v. to founder, also to cause to sink, MD; foundre, C; foundered, pp., S2; fowndryd (as horse), PP.—OF. fondrer, an extended form of fonder, to fall (Bartsch); see also Diez, p. 144.

Founs, sb. bottom, S2; founce, MD, WA.—OF. fons (Bartsch); Lat. fundus; cp. Prov. founs, deep (Diez, p. 143).

Foure, num. four, C3, PP; fower, S; uour, S; fuwer, MD; faur, MD; faure, S2; fawre, S2; fowre, S2.—AS. féower, OS. fiuwar: Goth. fidwor; cp. OWel. petguar, Lat. quatuor.

Foute, sb. scent, trace of a beast of chase, S2; see Feute.

Fownys, sb. pl. fawns, S3; see Fawn.

Foyne, sb. a foin, thrust, S3; prick, punctus, Manip.; foines, pl., ND.

Foynen, v. to thrust or lunge with a sword, MD, C; feyne, MD; foignen, MD; foin, ND, Sh.; foygnede, pt. s., MD; foyneden, pl., MD; fwnȝeit, B.

Foȝ, sb. mutual consent, junctura, MD; foȝe, dat., S.—AS. fóg, gefóg.

Fra, Fra-; see Fro.

Fraisten, v. to try, prove, MD, JD, HD; fraisted, pp., MD, S2, HD.—Icel. freista; cp. Goth. fraisan, AS. frásian.

Frake, sb. a man, HD; see Freke.

Frakly, adv. keenly, greedily, hastily, S2, B, JD. See Frek.

Frakne, sb. freckle, lentigo, Prompt.; frakyn, lenticula, Voc.; freken, neuus, Manip., HD; frecken, Palsg., Manip.; fraknes, pl., HD, C; freknes, MD.—Icel. frekna.

Fraknede, pp. freckled, HD.

Frakny, adj. freckled, Prompt.

Fram, prep. from, S, S2, PP; vram, S2; urom, S. Comb.: fram-ward, prep. away from, MD, HD; frommard, S; urommard, S.—AS. fram (from) and fromweard, ‘aversus.’ Cp. Fro.

Frame, sb. benefit, advantage, S, S2; freme, MD; ureme, MD.—AS. fremu; Icel. frami, advancement. Fremu is from AS. fram (from), excellent.

Framien, v. to serve, benefit, refresh, accomplish, MD; fremmen, MD; freme, S, HD; frame, JD.—AS. fremian.

Franke, adj. free, Manip.—AF. franc, cp. franke homme, freeman.

Frankeleyn, sb. freedman, libertinus, MD; also a freeholder, C, HD, G; frankeleyne, Prompt., PP; frankelayn, Voc., PP; frankelin, C2; francoleyn, MD; frankeleyns, pl., C (A. 216).—AF. fraunkelayn, fraunclein; Low Lat. franchilanus. The suffix -lanus is of Teutonic origin; cp. AS. -ling; see SkD. (s.v. chamberlain).

Fraught, pp. freighted, laden with cargo, MD, C3; fraughted, S3.

Fraunchise, sb. freedom, prerogative, liberality, MD, PP; fraunchyse, C2; fraunchis, H; franchiss, B.—AF. franchise (fraunchise); formed with suffix -itia; see Apfelstedt, Introd. 67. See Franke.

Fray, sb. terror, S3, B; see Effray.

Frayd, pp. frightened, S3; fraid, scared, S3; see Afrayen.


Frayel, sb. basket, PP; freyel, PP; frayle, Prompt.; fraile, HD.—OF. frayel, frael; whence Low Lat. fraellum (Ducange).

Fraynen, v. to ask, S2, S3, C2, PP; frainen, PP; fraȝȝnenn, MD; freinede, pt. pt. s., S; freinde, S; fraind, S2; freyned, pp., C3.—Icel. fregna, AS. frignan.

Fre, adj. free, free-born, generous, S, S2, C, C2, PP; free, C2, PP; fry, HD; freo, PP, S2.—AS. fréo.

Freden, v. to feel, experience, MD, HD; fredde, pt. s., MD.—AS. (ge)frédan, from AS. fród, wise, sensible, experienced, aged; cp. OHG. fruali, experienced (Otfrid).

Fredom, sb. freedom, liberality, S, S2, C2, C3; fredome, S2, B.—AS. fréodóm.

Freitour, sb. refectory, hall for meals, S3, MD, PP; fratour, HD; fraytour, S3; freitur, MD; fraitur, S3; fratery, HD; froyter, HD (p. 379).—OF. refretoir Late Lat. refectorium.

Frek, adj. eager, greedy, bold, S2; frak, JD; frike, MD; fryke, HD.—AS. frec; cp. Goth. friks, greedy (in faihufriks); Icel. frekr.

Freke, sb. a bold man, a warrior, a man, MD, S2, P; freek, PP; frek, S2, PP; freyke, S3; fraik, PP; frayk, PP; freik, PP; frake, HD; freckys, pl., S3; frekis, P.—AS. freca, a bold man, warrior.

Frekel, sb. freckle; freklys, pl., S3; freckles, variolae, Manip. See Fraken.

Frele, adj. frail, S2, P; freyle, MD; freel, PP.—OF. frele, fraile; Lat. fragilem.

Freletee, sb. frailty, C2; frelete, P.

Frely, adj. noble, gracious, S2, C2, B; freolich, S; freyliche, S2; freliche, adv. freely, PP, S2.—AS. fréolic, adv. fréolice. See Fre.

Fre-man, sb. freeman, S.—AS. fréomon.

Fremde, adj. and sb. strange, foreign, stranger, S, C2, PP; fremmde, S; fremede, S; fremmed, PP.—AS. fremede, fremde, strange.

Fremen, v. to accomplish, S, HD; see Framien.

Frend, sb. friend, S, C; freonde, PP; freondes, pl., PP; freond, S, S2; ureondes, S; frendes, C3, PP; frenden, dat., S.—AS. fréond.

Frenden, v. reflex. to gain friends; ureonden, S.

Frendesse, sb. female friend, W2.

Frendrede, sb. friendship, HD.—AS. fréondrǽden.

Frendschipe, sb. friendship, S, C; freontschipe, S.—AS. fréondscipe.

Freoien, v. to free, MD; vri, imp. s., S2; freode, pt. s., MD; fried, pp., S.—AS. fréogan (fréon), pt. fréode, pp. fréod. See Fre.

Freolsen, v. to free, to celebrate, MD; frelsen, MD.—AS. fréolsian, ‘diem festum celebrare;’ cp. Icel. frjálsa, to free. From AS. fréols freedom, festival: Goth. freihals, ‘collum liberum,’ freedom.

Frere, sb. brother, friar, MD, C, G, P; freir, S3; frer, B; freres, pl., C2, P.—OF. frere, fredre; Lat. fratrem.

Fresch, adj. fresh, new, MD, C; fersch, S2; fresche, W2, PP; freis, S2; freissh, S2.—AS. fersc.

Freschly, adv. freshly, B.

Fresen, v. to freeze, PP; freost, pr. s., S; frese, pt. s., MD; froren, pp., MD.—AS. fréosan, pt. fréas (pl. fruron), pp. froren.

Frest, sb. delay, MD, S2, B; ferst, MD; first, MD; furst, S; virst, S.—Icel. frest, AS. fierst, fyrst, first, an interval.

Fresten, v. to delay, to lend, MD, Prompt.

Freten, v. to devour, S, S2, C2, P; freate, to fret, feel vexed, S3; fret, pt. s., MD, S2, PP; freten, pp., S, S2; frete, S2, C3.—AS. fretan, pt. frǽt (pl. frǽton), pp. freten, a compound of etan, to eat; cp. Goth. fra-itan = fra + itan, to eat.

Fretten, v. to adorn, furnish, MD, S2; fret, pp., MD, S3; fretted, P.—AS. frætwian, ‘ornare;’ cp. OS. fratahón.

Freuren, v. to comfort, S.—AS. fréfrian. See Frofren.

Fri-dæi, sb. Friday, the week-day sacred to Friga, the AS. name of a Teutonic goddess having attributes similar to those of the Roman Venus, S; fridai, MD.—AS. Frige-dæg.

Frie, sb. the wife of Woden, MD.—AS. Friga; see Grimm, Teut. M., p. 299.

Frien, v. to fry, MD; i-friȝet, pp., S2; fryed, PP; yfryed, PP.—OF. frire; Lat. frigere.


Frigt, sb. fright, MD; friȝt, MD.—AS. fyrhto.

Frigten, v. to fear, also to alarm, MD; fricht, pp., S3.—AS. forhtian, pp. forht.

Frigti, adj. timid, S.—Comb.: frigti luue, reverence, S.

Frigtihed, sb. alarm, S.

Frigtilike, adv. timidly, S.

Frið, sb. peace, security, deer-park, forest, wood, S, S2, PP, HD; fryth, S2, PP.—AS. frið; cp. OHG. fridu (Otfrid).

Friðien, v. to free, protect, spare, MD; friðie, S; frithed, pp., enclosed, P.—AS. (ge)friðian, to protect.

Fro, prep. from, S, S2, C2, PP; froo, PP; fra, S, S2, S3. Comb.: frathine, from thence, S3, B; fraward, away from, forward, S2, MD; frawart, S3.—AS. fram, Icel. frá. Cf. Fram.

Frofre, sb. comfort, MD; frouer, S; froure, S, MD.—AS. frófor.

Frofren, v. to comfort, S; frouren, S; frefrien, MD; freureð, pr. s., S.—AS. frófrian, fréfrian.

Frogge, sb. frog, S, Voc.; frock, HD; froggen, pl., S; frogges, MD.—AS. frocga.

Froit; see Frut.

Frokke, sb. frock, PP, MD; frogge, PP; froggis, pl., B.—OF. froc (Cotg.); cp. Low Lat. frocus, flocus, see Ducange. For interchange of fr and fl cf. Frounce.

Frosche, sb. frog, Voc.; froske, MD, H; froskes, pl., MD; froskis, H; frosses, MD.—AS. frox; cp. Icel. froskr.

Froten, v. to rub, MD, H; frotynge, pr. p., W; frotyng, grating, S2; yfroted, pp., S2.—OF. froter: It. frettare: Lat. frictum, from fricare; see Constans.

Froðe, sb. froth, foam, MD, Prompt.; forþe, S2.—Icel. froða, frauð; cp. Dan. fraade, Sw. fradga.

Frothen, v. to froth, C, MD.

Frounce, sb. a fold, plait, ND; frounces, pl., PP; flounce, SkD.—OF. fronce, wrinkle (Bartsch). For interchange of fr and fl cf. Frokke.

Frouncen, v. to knit the brow, wrinkle, fold, MD, ND, HD; frounsen, HD; frounced, pp., S3; fronst, HD.—OF. froncer; Late Lat. frontiare.

Frount, sb. front, forehead, S2, MD, B.—AF. frount, frunt; Lat. frontem.

Frude, sb. frog, MD; fruden, pl., S.—Icel. frauðr; cp. Dan. frö.

Frume, sb. beginning, MD; frome, MD.—AS. fruma; cp. Goth. frums.

Frumentee, sb. furmety, wheat boiled in milk, MD, HD; frumenty, MD, HD; furmente, MD; firmentie, S3.—OF. frumentee, fromentee; Late Lat. frumentata; from Lat. frumentum, corn (OF. froment, forment, wheat, corn).

Frumðe, sb. beginning, S; urumðe, MD.—AS. frymða (frumð).

Frustir, adj. frustrated, useless, JD, S3.—Cp. OF. frustrer; Lat. frustrare.

Frut, sb. fruit, S, S2; fruit, S; fruyt, C3; froit, MD; froyt, H (Ps. 125. 6); fryt, S2; frutis, pl., B; froytis, B.—OF. frut (fruit); Lat. fructum.

Fruytesteres, sb. pl. f., women fruit-sellers, C3.

Fugel, Fuhel; see Foul.

Ful, adj. foul, S; fule, adv., S. Comb.; ful-itohen, S. See Foul.

Ful, pt. s., fell, S, PP. See Fallen.

Ful, adj. full, S. Comb.: ful iwis, full assuredly, S; fol iwis, S; ful out, completely, W2; to ful, completely, S2. See Full.

Ful, sb. a goblet full of drink, a toast at a heathen feast; uul, S.—AS. ful; cp. Icel. full; see Grimm, Teut. M., p. 60.

Ful-bringen, v. to complete, MD; fullbrohht, pp., MD.

Fulcning, sb. baptism, S; folcninge, dat., S. See Fulhtnen.

Ful-don, v. to accomplish, S.

Ful-endin, v. to bring to an end, S; fulendy, S.

Ful-forðien, v. to perform, S.

Ful-fremien, v. to perfect, MD; fullfremedd, pp., S.

Ful-fullen, v. to fulfil, perfect, to fill full, MD; folvellet, imp. pl., S; fulfellþ, pr. s., S; uuluelden, pt. pl., S; folfult, pp., S2; fulfild, S2.

Ful-hed, sb. fulness, S2; folhed, MD.

Fulhtnen, v. to baptize, MD; fullhtnenn, S. See Fulluht.

Full, adj. full, MD; ful, S; fol, S2; vol, S2; fulle, dat., S, PP; adv., S; follest, superl., S2.

Fulle, sb. fill, S; fylle, S2.—AS. fyllo: OHG. fulli.


Fullen, v. to fill, complete, S; felle, S; fulde, pt. s., S; felde, S2; vulde, S2; fylden, pl., S; i-fullet, pp., S; i-uulled, S; hi-fulled, S; ifuld, S2; filt, S; fulde, pl., S.—AS. fyllan: OS. fullian: Goth. fulljan.

Fulliche, adv. fully, S; folliche, S; volliche, S2.

Fulluht, sb. baptism, S; fullouht, MD; fullouȝt, MD; fulloȝt, MD.—AS. fulwiht (OET.). See Full.

Ful-mard, sb. polecat, MD, Voc.; fulmarde, Palsg.; fulmerde, Voc.; fulmare, Manip.; fulmere, Voc., Prompt. (p. 407); folmarde, S2.—AS. fúl + mearð, marten. See Foul.

Fulnesse, sb. fulness, MD; uolnesse, S2.

Fulst, sb. help, S.—AS. fylst (ful + læst); cp. OS. ful-lésti. See Full.

Fulsten, v. to help, S.—AS. fylstan: OS. ful-léstian.

Ful-sum, adj. plenteous, S. See Full.

Fulsumhed, sb. abundance, S.

Fulsumnesse, sb. satiety, MD; fulsomnesse, C2.

Fulðe, sb. fulness, MD. See Full.

Fultum, sb. help, MD; fultume, dat., MD; pl., S.—AS. fultum (= ful + téam). See Full.

Fulwes; see Folwen.

Fulȝeis, sb. pl., leaves, S3.—OF. fuille, foille; Lat. folium.

Fume, sb. fume, smoke, MD; confusion in the brain produced by drunkenness, C.—OF. fum; Lat. fumum.

Fumetere, sb. the herb fumitory, fumus terrae, earth-smoke, Alph., Voc., C; fumytere, Voc.; fumeter, Prompt.—OF. fumeterre; Late Lat. fumus terrae (Alph.).

Fumosite, sb. indigestibility, MD; fumositee, the quality of getting into the head (of wines), C2, C3; fumositie, smoakiness, Manip.

Fumouse, adj. angry, Palsg. (p. 774).

Funden, v. to hasten, go, to strive, S, MD; fonde, S, S3; foonde, S2; founde, S2, B.—AS. fundian, to hasten. See Finden.

Funden, pt. pl., found, S; see Finden.

Fundie, adj. heavy, MD; see Findiȝ.

Fundles, sb. a finding, S; fundless, HD.

Fundling, sb. foundling, S.

Fundy, v. to become stiff with cold, JD.

Fundying, sb. benumbment with cold, B.

Funt, sb. font, S; funte, Voc. Comb.: funt-fat, font, S. See Font.

Fur, sb. fire, S, S2, PP; fir, S; fer, S; feer, S2; fyr, PP, C2; fuyr, PP; fuir, S2, PP; fyre, MD; fere, dat., S2; uere, S2.—AS. fýr: OHG. fiur (Otfrid).

Fur, sb. furrow, S3; furgh, MD; furch, MD; forwe, PP; forwes, pl., P. Comb.: fur-breid, furrow’s breadth, S3; furlong, furrow’s length, C2, C3, PP; fourlonge, P; forlang, PP.—AS. furh.

Fureur, sb. fury, S3.—OF. fureur; Lat. furorem.

Furial, adj. raging, C2.—Lat. furialis.

Furre, sb. fur, Prompt., Palsg.; furris, pl., PP.—OF. fuerre, a sheath (Bartsch); cp. Sp. fórro, lining: It. fódero, lining, a furred garment, a sheath, scabbard: Goth. fodr, sheath; cp. Icel. fóðr, lining, OHG. fuatar, see Kluge and Weigand (s.v. futter).

Furren, v. to line with fur, MD; furryn, Prompt.; furred, pp., MD; forred, S2, PP.—OF. forrer (Bartsch), also fourrer (Cotg.).

Furst, sb. delay, S; see Frest.

Fus, adj. eager, prompt, MD; fous, MD; vous, MD.—Icel. fúss: OHG. funs (Otfrid).

Fusen, v. to hurry, MD; fusede, pt. s., MD.—AS. fýsan: OS. fúsian.

Fust, sb. fist, S2, PP; fyste, Voc.; fist, MD; fest, MD, C3; feste, dat., C3.—AS. fýst: OHG. fúst (G. faust).

Fuȝten; see Fighten.

Fylyng, sb. defiling, S2. See Foulen.

Fyn, sb. end, S2, S3, C2, G; see Fine.

Fyr, sb. fire, PP, C2; fyre, MD. Comb.: fyre-flaucht, lightning, S3; fyr-reed, red as fire, C. See Fur.

Fyrth, sb. a passage, inlet of the sea, S3; firth, JD.—Icel. fjòrðr.

Fyry, adj. fiery, C; fery, S3. See Fur.

Fyȝte, v. to fight, PP; see Fighten.

Fyȝte, sb. fight, PP; fiȝte, S, S2; uihte, S; feht, MD; feȝt, S2; fæht, MD; fæhte, S.—AS. feoht: OS. fehta.

A, B. Each of these entries was printed with an unexplained indentation in the last line, shown here as a grey box. (Note that the original book does not use the hanging indents of this e-text.) No text seems to be missing.

page image
page image

A   B   C   D   E   F

Introduction (separate file)

G-Q (separate file)

R-Ȝ (separate file)