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"Linux Gazette...making Linux just a little more fun!"
Poetry Requiem
Business Model, Failed
Today, poetry went into receivership.
Which is why this poem doesn't rhyme,
so the creditors won't notice.
Linux, like poetry, is not contingent upon the existence of successful
business models. It cannot actually go bankrupt. Its success is
unrelated to business success.
Previous LG articles by Martin (both allegorical stories):
Martin Vermeer
Martin is a European citizen born in The Netherlands in 1953
and living with his wife in Helsinki, Finland, since 1981. He is
professor of Geodesy at the Department of Surveying, Helsinki University of Technology.
His first UNIX experience was in 1984 with OS-9, running on a Dragon
MC6809E home computer (64k memory, 720k disk!). He is a relative newcomer
to Linux, installing RH4.0 February 1997 on his home PC and, encouraged,
only a week later on his job PC. Now he runs Red Hat 6.2 exclusively at both home and work.
Special Linux interests: LyX and Tcl/Tk.
Copyright © 2002, Martin Vermeer.
Copying license http://www.linuxgazette.net/copying.html
Published in Issue 76 of Linux Gazette, March 2002

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