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"Linux Gazette...making Linux just a little more fun!"
Qubism and HelpDex
[I'm putting these two cartoons on the same page because the
cartoonists are borrowing ideas from each other, and because
there are few HelpDex cartoons available at the current time. -Iron.]
Previous cartoons about Vi-agra, the evil vi paperclip, are in
66, and
All Qubism cartoons are
at the CORE web site.
Jon "SirFlakey" Harsem
Jon is the and creator of the Qubism cartoon strip and current
Editor-in-Chief of the
CORE News Site.
Somewhere along the early stages of
his life he picked up a pencil and started drawing on the wallpaper. Now
his cartoons appear 5 days a week on-line, go figure. He confesses to
owning a Mac but swears it is for "personal use".
Shane Collinge
Part computer programmer, part cartoonist, part Mars Bar. At night, he runs
around in a pair of colorful tights fighting criminals. During the day... well,
he just runs around. He eats when he's hungry and sleeps when he's sleepy.
Qubism copyright © 2002, Jon "Sir Flakey" Harsem.
HelpDex copyright © 2002, Shane Collinge
HelpDex cartoons may be be published
electronically, but
may not be used in a public print publication without permission from the
Copying license http://www.linuxgazette.net/copying.html
Published in Issue 76 of Linux Gazette, March 2002

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