use Flickr::API; use XML::Parser::Lite::Tree::XPath; use Getopt::Long; use Data::Dumper; use Image::Magick; use LWP::Simple; use warnings; use strict; # Getopt vars. All arguments with default values. # You probably want to set this a bit lower my $count = 24; my $theuser = ""; my $type = 'photos'; my $email = ''; my $pass = ''; my $xpath; my $result = GetOptions ("user=s" => \$theuser, "type=s" => \$type, "count=i" => \$count, "password=s" => \$pass, "email=s" => \$email); # For some reason Image::Magick doesn't read the # last image on the list. $count++; my $api = new Flickr::API({'key' => ''}); my $response; my $debug = 1; my $user = finduser ($theuser); if ($type eq 'photos') { $response = $api->execute_method ('flickr.people.getPublicPhotos', { 'user_id' => $user, 'per_page' => $count, 'page' => 1}); } elsif ($type eq 'favourites'||$type eq 'favorites') { $response = $api->execute_method ('flickr.favorites.getList', { 'user_id' => $user, 'per_page' => $count, 'email' => $email, 'password' => $pass, 'page' => 1}); } elsif ($type eq 'contacts') { $response = $api->execute_method ('', { 'count' => $count, 'email' => $email, 'password' => $pass,}); } else { die "--type must be 'photos', 'contacts' or 'favo[u]rites'\n"; } if ($response->{success} == 0) { die "Error $response->{error_code}: $response->{error_message}" . "\nDid you remember to pass --email and --password?\n"; } my $photolist = new XML::Parser::Lite::Tree::XPath($response->{tree}); my @bphoto = $photolist->select_nodes('/photos/photo'); my ($photo, $photofile, @photofiles); # Set up the image for our montage my $image=Image::Magick->new; foreach (@bphoto) { $photo = "http://photos" . $_->{attributes}->{server} . "" . $_->{attributes}->{id} . "_" . $_->{attributes}->{secret} . ".jpg"; $photofile = "tmp-$_->{attributes}->{id}.jpg"; push @photofiles, $photofile; open (FILE, ">$photofile"); my $g = get($photo); print FILE $g; } foreach (@photofiles) { $image->Read($_); } if ($debug) { warn "$image\n" if "$image"; print 0+$image; print "\n"; } print Dumper ($image); my $montage = $image->Montage; $montage->Write ('output.jpg'); foreach (@photofiles) { unlink $_; } sub finduser { my $fuser = shift; my ($xpath, @username, $userid); if ($fuser =~ m!http://!i) { $response = $api->execute_method ('flickr.urls.lookupUser', { 'url' => $fuser, }); $xpath = new XML::Parser::Lite::Tree::XPath($response->{tree}); @username = $xpath->select_nodes('/user'); $userid = $username[0]->{attributes}->{id}; } else { $response = $api->execute_method ('flickr.people.findByUsername', { 'username' => $fuser, }); $xpath = new XML::Parser::Lite::Tree::XPath($response->{tree}); @username = $xpath->select_nodes('/user'); $userid = $username[0]->{attributes}->{nsid}; } return $userid; }