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5. Howto

This section contains some (possibly) helpfull short howtos for different items using the CD.

The howtows assume, that the CDs image is already mounted and a xxxprep.rc script was executed before compiling.

5.1 Compile a new OPIE version with the CD

To compile opie was not the first focus of the CD, but is nevertheless possible from now on. I had to do some minor changes in the opie build script and integrated a new environment variable BASENVI, which defines, where the environment scripts can be found.

Beside that I reworked my opie build script (_makeopie.rc) completely, so the CDs version (in OPIEDEV/opie-vers/opie*) is not any more usefull (CD Version 0.2.3). Download the script _makeopie.rc found at approx. 10kByte.

and copy that into your opie source dir (is already included in the opie sources found on the 0.2.7 CD).

Follow the hints at

to compile your opie source.

Important hint Before you start your compilation you have to set/overwrite the environment variable BASEENVI to the CDImages environ directory, so that the correct scripts are executed.

An export BASENVI=/whereYourCDImageIsMounted/environ should do it.

5.2 Compile a new QTE version with the CD

I reworked my qte build script (_makeqte.rc) completely, so the CDs version (in OPIEDEV/qt-vers/qte-*) is not any more usefull (CD Version 0.2.3). Download the script _makeqte.rc found at approx. 10kByte.

and copy that into your qte source dir (is already included in the qte sources found on the 0.2.7 CD).

Follow the hints at

to compile your qte source.

Important hint Before you start your compilation you have to set/overwrite the environment variable BASEENVI to the CDImages environ directory, so that the correct scripts are executed.

An export BASENVI=/whereYourCDImageIsMounted/environ should do it.

5.3 Compile a new Kernel version with the CD

Follow the hints at

to compile your kernel source.

5.4 Use the ISOImage from Harddisk

Copy the Image to your HD into your favourite dir. Loop mount the complete iso image using

mount -t iso9660 -o loop=/dev/loop0 /yourImagePath/livecd-0.2.7.iso /mnt/iso

assuming the mountpoint /mnt/iso exists. Go on to cloop mount the OPIEDEV file

/mnt/iso/_mountcloop.rc  /mnt/iso/OPIEDEV /mnt/iso1

assuming the mountpoint /mnt/iso1 exists.

Thats it, have fun ...

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