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4. Usage

This chapter describes the usage of the OpieDev Live CD. I assume, that you have the cloop version of my CD (from 0.2.3 upwards) available (either downloaded or self created). If you decided for the non cloop variant (self created), you may have to modify the used scripts, but it should work similar.

4.1 Mount the CDs image

This section describes the mount process of the image (the standard process if the preparations above are fullfilled. Follow the hints below to get the compressed image(s) available.

  1. Become superuser.
  2. Mount the CD to your favourite mount point (called yourCDMountPoint from now on).
  3. call sh yourCDMountPoint/_mountcloop.rc yourCDMountPoint/OPIEDEV yourCDImageMountPoint
    (example : sh /cdrom/_mountcloop.rc /cdrom/OPIEDEV /mnt The Image mount point is called yourCDImageMountPoint from now on.

4.2 Use the CD

This chapter descibes the usage of the CD.

The CDs content implements the way to develop for opie descibed in my opiedev document. Read that document see here for more info.

In principle the users environemt is changed. A set of environment variables provide all necessary information to be able to crosscompile and use e.g. kdevelop 2.1.5 for crosscompilation.

The CDs scripts described below (re)link some required links on your machine to the CDs dirs, start a new bash with the proper environment and relink the relinked links back to the originals (if everything works fine ;-)) after exiting the bash.

i386 embedded

Be any user and call the script sh yourCDImageMountPoint/_embprep.rc. You will be asked some questions (see the paragraph below).

where is your CDImage mounted ? /cdrom : /mnt
export CDPATH  = /mnt
export PRECOMP =
export COMP    =

Do you want to use that config ? [Y]es, [n]o :
If you confirm that question, you will recognize, that your bashs prompt changes. That indicates, that you are in embedded environment now.

You are able to build i386 binaries now for qt-embedded use (i386).

This requires an i386 build system installed on your system.


Be any user and call the script sh yourCDImageMountPoint/_ipaqprep.rc. You will be asked some questions (see the paragraph below).

where is your CDImage mounted ? /mnt :
export CDPATH  = /mnt
export PRECOMP = /usr/local/
export COMP    = arm

Do you want to use that config ? [Y]es, [n]o :

If you confirm that question, you have to enter the superuser password to be able to relink the probably existing arm compiler link to the CDs arm compiler. The following paragraph shows, what happens.

Enter superuser Password:
removing link /usr/local/arm and relinking to CDImage : confirm with [Y]es : Y
removing /usr/local/arm
new link is /mnt/arm
You are in arm environment now !
The link /usr/local/arm is removed (if existing) and relinked to the CDImages arm directory.

You will recognize, that your bashs prompt changes. That indicates, that you are in ipaq environment now. You are able to build arm binaries now for ipaq use. E.g. you may want to start kdevelop from this environment to get it building ipaq binaries.

Important hint
Always exit your ipaq-bash. This guarantees, that the relinked link will be restored to the old one (recognised in a temp file in your $HOME dir.

Another important hint
This method is only working, if one time relinked. Because of this, the script will exit unsuccessfully if the CDImage link is already existing. If you want to use multiple ipaq bashes, just use the script _ipaq2prep.rc instead. This will just switch your environment (and work only, if the CDImage link is existing).

To exit the bash, just call exit and answer the questions.

[QT-CDOPIE2953]:/develop/ipaq-cd/OPIEDEV.src$ exit
Enter superuser Password:
removing link /usr/local/arm and relinking to /develop/armtoolchain/hh : confirm with [Y]es : Y
removing /usr/local/arm
new link is /develop/armtoolchain/hh
You are back in local environment now !

And another important hint
If something goes wrong (superuser password wrong, or something else), the resulting link maybe point to itself afterwards. For this, be always prepared to repair that manually.


Works like the ipaqscript above. Just exchange "ipaq" with "sharp".


Works like the ipaqscript above. Just exchange "ipaq" with "xscale".

4.3 Clean up (umount)

If you want to unmount the CD, follow the hint below.

  1. Exit the selected environment (resets the links)
  2. Make sure, that no one (no terminal session or something else) is in your CDImage mount path or you CD mount path.
  3. umount YourCDImageMountPath
  4. rmmod cloop
  5. umount yourCDMountPoint

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