[Image: GNU Sather logo]
(Answer) (Category) Sather FAQ : (Answer) How do I edit this FAQ?
A program called FAQ-O-Matic allows you to read and edit this Sather FAQ. Please make contributions to this document for the benefit of the Sather community.

If you are unfamiliar with how FAQ-O-Matic allows you to make edits you can read the user guide at http://www.dartmouth.edu/~jonh/ff-serve/cache/2.html. You can practice making edits at this scratch location.

Here is some advice on how to make edits:

  1. Do not be afraid to make a mistake. Any text you add you can delete.
  2. Open another browser window so you can read these directions while performing the actions in the other browser.
  3. In your second browser window, navigate to the page of the Sather FAQ you wish to edit. At the bottom of that page will be link called "[Appearance]".
  4. Follow the "[Appearance]" link and select the top left button (labled "show"), then select "Accept". The FAQ will be presented to you again, but now with editing links visible on the page.
  5. The position of the edit links hint at what text they modify. For example, the "[Insert Text Here]" link at the bottom of the page will allow you to add a new text block to respond to the bottom-most question on the page. The "[New Answer]" link allows you to add a new question and answer. When you have located the appropriate link click it and go to the next step.
  6. If you are presented with an authentication dialog, please do not let it scare you away. The very first time you use this FAQ you will need to follow the "[Create New Login]" link to create an FAQ password. After that first time you will need only to give the email address and password pair you used when you created your FAQ login.
  7. After being authenticated make the edits you want, then select "Accept".

Previous: (Category) Bugs, workarounds and planned features

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