[imagen de la cabeza de un ÑU]

The Spanish Translators Team

The objective of this team is to translate the GNU web pages to spanish.

This task is very important in order to send the message of the Free Software Foundation to the spanish-speaking people of the world.

How is it going to work?

  1. Send an e-mail to the coordinator asking to join this team!
  2. Currently the coordinator is: Hugo Gayosso <hgayosso@gnu.org >

What should I say in the first mail??

When you write to the coordinator asking to join this team, please provide the following information using this template:

Name: Juan Perez
Email: jperez@somewhere.com
Born: Mexico
Live: USA
English: 90%
Spanish: 100%
Role: [translator | reviewer | both]

Which "Spanish" am I going to use for the translation??

As you all know, Spanish is a very very rich language, and it is different from one spanish-speaking country to another. So, if you are translating/reviewing a page, try to use terms that "you think" can be understood for anybody.

The process of reviewing the pages is very important to make the pages a little bit more "standard".

The reviewers will be chosen accordingly with the translator, so we can have a "mix" of "languages".

We are not in the Spanish Royal Academy, so don't bother about the "pure" spanish, try to make your best, and if you find something that is very hard to translate, or you think that translating it is going to break the "real" meaning of the sentence, translate it the best you can and add the "english version" next to it.


    English version:
    When you need to format a diskette, insert it into a drive.

    Spanish version: 

    Cuando necesites dar formato [format] a un disco, insertalo en una unidad de discos [drive].

	Remember to use [] instead of ()!!!

How do I get credits??

At the end of each page there should be something like this:

Original: jonas 05/20/1999
Traductor: Juan Perez jperez@somewhere.com 05/24/1999
Revisores: Norma Gomez  ngomez@somewhere.com 05/29/1999
           Roberto Lopez rlopez@somewhere.com 05/29/1999
           Gilberto Fuentes gfuentes@somewhere.com 05/29/1999

Do I use ISO-character-set or HTML escapes?

Whatever you and the reviewers feel more confortable!!!

In the worst case, use ~ and leave it without accents!!!, we want to publish something we are not heading towards the Pullitzer!!

Later, if somebody disagrees, we can create a "Correction Team", who can clean up those little details.

You can use the softare called "recode" in order to convert between ISO and HTML.

The important issue is to PRODUCE pages with the correct information. This leads us to another question:

Can I write my interpretation of the page?


We have to do this translations literally!!

Of course we can be flexible in the way we use the words, specially because Spanish is a very big language with several words for the same meaning, but the intention is to give the exact same message of the page we are translating. Remember you are giving out a translation not an interpretation.

Work with your team to make it happen.

In case you still have a problem to translate the exact meaning, send an e-mail to the coordinator and explain the situation in order to get in touch with the original author and try to get a conclusion for the translation.

Filenames, Links, etc..??

We are going to keep the same filename as the original, the only difference is at the extension as it is shown in the following example:

	Original URL:

	Translated URL:

Remember to change the links inside the page, so they point to the Spanish version of the page, EVEN if it is NOT ready, one of the jobs of the coordinator is to assure that there are no broken links, so if the translated version of the page doesn't exist, the coordinator will create a soft link pointing towards the english version.

Be careful when changing links to pages, they could be pointing to servers outside the GNU Web Server, so, in that case, leave the link as it is. You must leave the link as it is if you are sure there will be no Spanish version of that page!.

De tu o de usted??

Se dejara al juicio del traductor y de los revisores, de acuerdo al tema que se trate, ya que algunos temas se "reciben" mejor si se tratan de tu, y otros si se tratan de usted.


Do I need to say that we should use GNU Software to do all this?? ;)

Thanks for your support and hope to hear from you soon!!

Algunos puntos a considerar:

On Sun, 30 May 1999, Pancho Horrillo wrote:

> He observado lo siguiente en los encabezados de las paginas web a traducir
> y en las ya traducidas:
> El ultimo par de letras: 'EN', indica el idioma en el que esta escrita la
> pagina. Pues bien, al traducirlas, deberiamos cambiarlas a 'ES', v.g.:
> Esta informacion es utilizada por navegadores y por motores de busqueda,
> con lo cual creo que no esta de mas su uso.                   

Por otra parte Cesar Ballardini opina:
El último par de letras forma parte del nombre de la DTD. No hay DTD's que
terminen en ES.  Es un error citar una DTD que no existe.  Cuando sumamos
todo lo anterior, se deduce que es un error citar un nombre de DTD que
termina en ES.

La decisión acerca del idioma (prefiero idioma a lenguaje) del contenido
viena dad por el atributo LANG que tiene la mayoría de las entidades en
HTML 3.2 y 4.0.

Un encabezamiento típico de página en castellano podría ser:

Actualmente esto esta en discusion en la lista, unete a la discusion.


Acerca de las siglas de la Free Software Foundation

La primera ocurrencia de la siglas sera: .....FSF (Fundacion para el Software Libre, por sus siglas en ingles)...... Las demas ocurrencias, seran solo: FSF

The GNU/FSF Web Site Guidelines : http://www.gnu.org/server/fsf-html-style-sheet.html

Si tienes dudas de como traducir algun termino especificamente relacionado con las páginas GNU, te invitamos a que visites el glosario.


Suerte y gracias por su apoyo!!

Hugo Gayosso (hgayosso@gnu.org)
Coordinador del equipo de traducción al español de las páginas del Proyecto GNU.


Información para contactarnos

Por favor envia tus preguntas acerca de la GNU y la FSL a
Free Software Foundation           Voice:  +1-617-542-5942
51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor        Fax:    +1-617-542-2652
Boston, MA  02110-1301,  USA       gnu@gnu.org

Los Webmasters GNU

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El copiado fiel y la distribución de este articulo completo esta permitido por cualquier medio siempre y cuando esta noticia se preserve.

Actualizado: 30 May 2000 tower