how to use cvs in this project

  1. Assume you are using Linux (the following procedures could also be used with other operating systems with or without minor changes
  2. Assume you have an account at
  3. Create a file ``~/.ssh/config'' and make sure this file contains a line "Protocol 2" in it
  4. Create the ssh-key by using ``ssh-keygen -t dsa''. It will ask you for a passphrase. Only this passphrase will be accepted for CVS authentification, not the Savannah password. The public key will be placed at ``~/.ssh/''.
  5. You must register your public key in the Account Maintenance page Make sure there are no line breaks except between keys. After submitting, verify that the number of keys in your file is what you expected.
  6. Wait for the next cron job (in the worst case, 30 minutes).
  7. Now make sure that the file ~/.ssh/config contains these lines ->
              Protocol 2
  8. At the shell, type
              $ export CVS_RSH=ssh
    If you want to download webcvs, then
              $ cvs -z3 co thaitrans
    else if you want to download cvsroot, then
              $ cvs -z3 co thaitrans
    ** note: change ``user'' to your username **

  9. Now you have the project in your current directory.
  10. Here are some useful commands:-