Node: Rudeness, Previous: Unmanaged Windows, Up: Windows


Some programs will attempt to steal the focus without the users permission. Not only is this a sign of a lame programmers attempt to fix a window manager problem in the wrong place, it's just plain rude. By default ratpoison will honour these rudeness requests, but it doesn't have to. Use the rudeness command to deal with such programs.

rudeness n Command
The rudeness command lets you decide what windows pop-up automatically and when. This is often useful for those deep hack sessions when you absolutely can't be disturbed.

There are two kinds of windows: normal windows (like an xterm) and transient windows (generally pop-up dialog boxes). When a client program wants to display a new window it makes a requests to ratpoison. ratpoison then decides whether to grant the request and display the window or ignore it. A client program can also request that one of its windows be raised. You can customize ratpoison to either honour these requests (the default operation) or ignore them.

n is a number from 0 to 15. Each of the four bits determine which requests ratpoison grants.

Bit 0
Tells ratpoison to grant raise requests on transient windows
Bit 1
Tells ratpoison to grant raise requests on normal windows
Bit 2
Tells ratpoison to grant display requests on new transient windows
Bit 3
Tells ratpoison to grant display requests on new normal windows

For example, if you wanted only wanted to grant transient windows raise requests and display requests you would type rudeness 5. If a request is not granted ratpoison will tell you about the request with a message like Raise request from window 1 (emacs).

When called with no arguments, the current setting is returned.