Kids Robotics Project

This is the home page of the Kid's Robotics project.

The goal of this project is to create a Book and Worksheets for a Robotics class.

The students will learn the basics of Electronics (up to Ohm's law), mechanics (arms, etc), and Computer Programming (make a simple robot move).

The Book is available as a PDF.

The Worksheets are available as a PDF.

More formats will be added as I get around to it.

You can get the LaTeX source for both documents from the CVS repository.

If you want to help, please send me an email. I am especially looking for dia/gimp artists to lighten up the material.

You can download the Book Sources.


This project happily lives on the Savannah.
This page is (c) 2002 by Reto Stamm.

$Log: index.html,v $
Revision 1.3  2002/09/09 22:06:55  retostamm
Fixed typo, added log.