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En las terminales que soportan caracteres Latin-1, el carácter mostrado después de `Char:' aparece como el símbolo real de la A con acento grave.
Some systems use Mouse-3 for a mode-specific menu. We took a survey of users, and found they preferred to keep Mouse-3 for selecting and killing regions. Hence the decision to use C-Mouse-3 for this menu.
Placing it at the left is usually more useful with overlapping frames with text starting at the left margin.
If you run Emacs on X, you need to inform the X server about the location of the newly installed fonts with the following commands:
xset fp+ /usr/local/share/emacs/fonts xset fp rehash |
If more than one of these is set, the first one that is nonempty specifies your locale for this purpose.
It is also specified for MIME `text/*' bodies and in other network transport contexts. It is different from the SGML reference syntax record-start/record-end format which Emacs doesn't support directly.
The Emacs installation instructions have information on additional font support.
SliTeX queda obsoleto por la clase de documento `slides' de las versiones recientes de LaTeX.
The word "sexp" is used to refer to an expression in Lisp.
On some systems, the man
accepts a `-a' command-line option which tells it to display all
the man pages for the specified topic. If you want this behavior, you
can add this option to the value of the variable Man-switches
The name of the command, woman
, is an acronym
for "w/o (without) man," since it doesn't use the man
Bajo un sistema de ventanas la flecha aparece en la zona marginal de la ventana de Emacs.
The US National Security Agency.
Ud. no debería suspender el proceso de shell. Suspender un subtrabajo de la shell es otro asunto completamente distinto; es una práctica normal, pero ud. debe usar la shell para continuar el subtrabajo; este comando no lo hace.
Este disocitérmino realmente apareció durante la guerra de Vietnam, cuando era muy adecuado.
Note that you should avoid the string syntax for binding 8-bit characters, since they will be interpreted as meta keys. See (elisp)Strings of Events section `Strings of Events' in The Emacs Lisp Reference Manual.
Aquí y en adelante, siempre que decimos "lista de directorios separados por dos puntos", corresponde a sistemas Unix y GNU/Linux. En MS-DOS y MS-Windows, los directorios se separan en cambio con punto y coma, ya que los nombres de archivos de DOS/Windows pueden incluir dos puntos después de la letra de unidad.
Observe que el comando `net use' requiere que el nombre de recurso
UNC esté escrito con las barras invertidas al estilo Windows, mientras que
el valor de printer-name
se puede especificar con barras inclinadas
o invertidas.
Normalmente, una página de códigos en particular está grabada en la memoria de gráficos, mientras que las otras páginas de códigos se pueden instalar modificando archivos de configuración del sistema, como `CONFIG.SYS', y reiniciando. Aunque se conocen algunos programas de terceras partes que pueden cambiar la página de códigos sin reiniciar, aquà describimos como se comporta un sistema MS-DOS de serie.
Los sistemas de codificación estándar de Emacs para ISO 8859 no son totalmente adecuados para tal propósito, porque tÃpicamente la página de códigos DOS no corresponde con los códigos de caracteres ISO. Por ejemplo, la letra `ç' (`c' con cedilla) tiene el código 231 en el juego de caracteres estándar Latin-1, pero el código correspondiente de la página de códigos 850 de DOS usa el código 135 para dicho glifo.
The wording here was careless. The intention was that nobody would have to pay for permission to use the GNU system. But the words don't make this clear, and people often interpret them as saying that copies of GNU should always be distributed at little or no charge. That was never the intent; later on, the manifesto mentions the possibility of companies providing the service of distribution for a profit. Subsequently I have learned to distinguish carefully between "free" in the sense of freedom and "free" in the sense of price. Free software is software that users have the freedom to distribute and change. Some users may obtain copies at no charge, while others pay to obtain copies--and if the funds help support improving the software, so much the better. The important thing is that everyone who has a copy has the freedom to cooperate with others in using it.
This is another place I failed to distinguish carefully between the two different meanings of "free." The statement as it stands is not false--you can get copies of GNU software at no charge, from your friends or over the net. But it does suggest the wrong idea.
Several such companies now exist.
The Free Software Foundation raises most of its funds from a distribution service, although it is a charity rather than a company. If no one chooses to obtain copies by ordering from the FSF, it will be unable to do its work. But this does not mean that proprietary restrictions are justified to force every user to pay. If a small fraction of all the users order copies from the FSF, that is sufficient to keep the FSF afloat. So we ask users to choose to support us in this way. Have you done your part?
A group of computer companies recently pooled funds to support maintenance of the GNU C Compiler.
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This document was generated by Roberto on enero, 3 2007 using texi2html 1.76.