Dino is a MIDI sequencer for GNU/Linux. It is free software
released under the
GNU General Public License.
Dino is a pattern-based sequencer, which means that you write
small patterns of MIDI events that you can repeat and arrange to
create a whole song. Each track has its own patterns, so you can
for example play the same drum pattern over and over again while
you play different lead synth patterns and basslines.
Dino has a
mailing list and a
bug tracker,
both hosted by Savannah.
Latest release:
2006-10-10: Dino 0.2.2 is released
This is only a bugfix release. 0.2.1 did not compile with more recent
versions of gtkmm and GCC (I'm not sure which one of them causes it),
this release fixes that. Get it from the
download page.
This version is not a snapshot of latest CVS - the current development
is going on in another branch, and has some goodies like MIDI
recording, loop points, a nice plugin architecture for the GUI, and a
proper shared library for the sequencer engine with Python wrappers.
It is not very stable or finished yet, but if you are brave or stupid
enough there are instructions on the
download page for getting
the CVS version too.
2006-05-28: Mailing list created
Dino now has a mailing list that should be used for questions,
comments and discussion about Dino. You can subscribe and unsubscribe
2006-05-28: Dino has moved to Savannah
The Dino webpages and CVS repository has moved from SourceForge
to Savannah. The new URL for this page is
http://dino.nongnu.org. Please
update any links and bookmarks.
2006-05-17: Dino 0.2.1 is released
Also, JACK from anonymous CVS now has MIDI support, so there is no
need to patch it yourself.
2006-05-06: Dino 0.2.0 is released
Get the source package from the
download page.
2006-04-25: Beta testing!
From 0.1.666, the CVS snapshots are considered "beta"
versions. This means that no new features will be added before the
release and only bugfixes will be committed. When no new bugs have
been found in a while, Dino 0.2 will be released.
2006-04-18: Getting closer to release
Starting at development version 0.1.199, committed today,
Dino is officially in alpha stage. This means that all
major features that were planned for the first release
are done, and only minor changes and bugfixes remain before
it is ready for the waiting masses. If you want to test it
and help by reporting bugs, now is a good time to start.
2005-09-06: Change of LASH library
Dino is now using LASH 0.5.0pre0 instead of the old and slightly
buggy LADCCA 0.4.0. Hopefully there will be a release of LASH 0.5
before Dino is ready for release.
2005-09-03: Dino now uses JACK MIDI
Dino has dropped all support for the ALSA sequencer and will
instead use JACK for MIDI as well as transport sync. There are no
JACK releases with MIDI support yet, so if you want to try Dino you
will have to run a version of JACK with
this patch.
2005-04-18: The Midisaurus is here!
Every software package needs a mascot. Dino now has the Midisaurus,
which you can see at the header of this page.
2005-02-20: CVS is fixed
It looks like the CVS repository is working again. It was
only down for a little more than five hours.
2005-02-20: CVS is broken
The CVS repository on SourceForge does not work at the
moment - appearently it is broken for all projects with names
that start with a, c, d, g, u, w, or x (including this
project, dinoseq
). It might take a few days
before it gets fixed.
2005-02-05: Website created
This website has been written and uploaded. Content will come as
the Dino development progresses. No source packages are
available yet, but if you really want to try Dino you can get the
current development version from CVS. See the instructions on
the download page.