
Here are a few links related to Dino and Linux audio in general that you may find useful. LADSPA, the Linux Audio Developer's Simple Plugin API, is an audio plugin architecture. This page has links to many LADSPA plugin packages as well as the architecture specification (in the form of a well-documented C header file). Dino itself is not a LADSPA host, but you can use LADSPA plugins in Om. DSSI, a synth plugin architecture based on LADSPA. This page has links to many DSSI plugins as well as the architecture specification (in the form of an RFC and a well-documented C header file). Dino itself is not a DSSI host, but you can use DSSI plugins in Ghostess or Om. Jack, a sound server. Dino uses it to sequence MIDI events and to synchronise with other Jack clients. The LASH Audio Session Handler - a daemon that can save and restore your audio projects, including starting all the different audio programs and tell them where to read and write their data. Dino supports it. The home of Ghostess, a DSSI host that supports JACK MIDI which means that it works well with Dino. Also the home of a couple of nice DSSI synth plugins. Om is a modular synth that can use JACK MIDI, which means that it works well with Dino. Savannah, a website that hosts thousands of free software projects for free. The Dino webpages are hosted there.