This is a simulator for intelligent agents. It can be used in courses in artificial intelligence or for fun. This program is Free Software.
The user interface consists of a map view, a text view and the usual menubar, toolbars and statusbar. The map view can be hidden to give more room for the text view, and the text view can be hidden to give more room for the map view. It is possible to show Asimulator in fullscreen.
The gridlines between the tiles can be set to different thicknesses or not displayed at all. Coordinate numbers can be shown in the border columns. It is possible to switch between showing global coordinates and coordinates relative to the agent begin location (the coordinates that the agents knows about).
The colors for the different tile types, gridlines, the coordinates and the map background can be adjusted in the configure dialog. (The map background is only visible when the map view is larger than the map.)
The text view shows messages, for example
Network events, such as listening for connections, accepted connections and other connectction information.
Notifications that the agent sends, also known as debug output.
The outcomes of simulations.