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2.6.2 Environment Variables for bchscheme

These environment variables are referred to by bchscheme (not by scheme).

The directory in which GC files are written. Overridden by --gc-directory. The default for this variable is the standard temporary directory (see TMPDIR in see Runtime Environment Variables).
The name of the file to use for garbage collection. If it ends in 6 `X's, the `X's are replaced by a letter and process id of the scheme process, thus generating a unique name. Overridden by --gc-file.
The first position in the GC file to use. Overridden by --gc-start-position.
MITSCHEME_GC_END_POSITION (default: start-position+heap-size)
The last position in the GC file to use. Overridden by --gc-end-position.
The size in blocks of windows into new space (in the GC file). Overridden by --gc-window-size.

The following environment variables are only used by an experimental version of Bchscheme that uses unix System V-style shared memory, and then only if the gcdrone program is installed:

MITSCHEME_GC_DRONE (default: gcdrone)
The program to use as the I/O drone during garbage collection. Overridden by --gc-drone.
The maximum number of simultaneous read operations. Overridden by --gc-read-overlap.
The maximum number of simultaneous write operations. Overridden by --gc-write-overlap.