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3.4.1 Debugging the Most Recent Error

When an error is signalled, Guile remembers the execution context where the error occurred. By default, Guile then displays only the most immediate information about where and why the error occurred, for example:

     (make-string (* 4 (+ 3 #\s)) #\space)
     standard input:2:19: In procedure + in expression (+ 3 #\s):
     standard input:2:19: Wrong type argument: #\s
     ABORT: (wrong-type-arg)
     Type "(backtrace)" to get more information or "(debug)" to enter
     the debugger.

However, as the message above says, you can obtain much more information about the context of the error by typing (backtrace) or (debug).

(backtrace) displays the Scheme call stack at the point where the error occurred:

     In standard input:
        2: 0* [make-string ...
        2: 1*  [* 4 ...
        2: 2*   [+ 3 #\s]
     Type "(debug-enable 'backtrace)" if you would like a backtrace
     automatically if an error occurs in the future.

In a more complex scenario than this one, this can be extremely useful for understanding where and why the error occurred. For more on the format of the displayed backtrace, see the subsection below.

(debug) takes you into Guile's interactive debugger, which provides commands that allow you to

Use of the interactive debugger, including these commands, is described in Interactive Debugger.