image.cpp File Reference

#include "image.h"
#include "container.h"
#include "utility.h"
#include "jpeg.h"
#include "tu_file.h"
#include <cstring>


namespace  image


uint8_t * image::scanline (image_base *surf, int y)
const uint8_t * image::scanline (const image_base *surf, int y)
rgb * image::create_rgb (int width, int height)
rgba * image::create_rgba (int width, int height)
 Make a system-memory 32-bit bitmap surface. Packed data, red byte first.
alpha * image::create_alpha (int width, int height)
 Make a system-memory 8-bit bitmap surface.
void image::write_jpeg (tu_file *out, rgb *image, int quality)
 Write the given image to the given out stream, in jpeg format.
rgb * image::read_jpeg (const char *filename)
 Create and read a new image from the given filename, if possible.
rgb * image::read_jpeg (tu_file *in)
 Create and read a new image from the stream.
rgb * image::read_swf_jpeg2_with_tables (jpeg::input *loader)
 For reading SWF JPEG2-style image data, using pre-loaded headers stored in the given jpeg::input object.
rgba * image::read_swf_jpeg3 (tu_file *in)
 For reading SWF JPEG3-style image data, like ordinary JPEG, but stores the data in rgba format.
void image::write_tga (tu_file *out, rgba *image)
 Write a 32-bit Targa format bitmap. Dead simple, no compression.
void image::make_next_miplevel (rgb *image)
 Fast, in-place, DESTRUCTIVE resample. For making mip-maps. Munges the input image to produce the output image.
void image::make_next_miplevel (rgba *image)
 Fast, in-place resample. For making mip-maps. Munges the input image to produce the output image.

Generated on Thu Nov 23 22:31:32 2006 for Gnash by  doxygen 1.4.6