CLISP Help Wanted

CLISP project founder Bruno Haible was one of the finalists for the 2002 Free Software Award! Note that it said:

"Bruno Haible (known for his work on GNU CLISP)"!

Now it is your chance to win the next Free Software Award!

The CLISP project is looking for excellent C hackers who can handle some problems in the current development sources.

The prizes for handling these issues:

This reminds me of a joke: after the 1991 Russian coup attempt (which lead to the final downfall of communism), the Communist Party was very unpopular and tried to increase the membership by asking its members to recruit new members, with the following incentives:

The CLISP tasks

Segmentation faults

Any hard crash (segmentation fault, bus error etc) is a bug in CLISP. See CLISP bug tracker.

New features

  1. CLISP offers a module that interfaces to Matlab but no module that interfaces to Octave - the free replacement to Matlab. This is ideologically intolerable to the GNU party committee (despite the fact that Octave does not offer a C API yet), so you are hereby invited to volunteer to implement the Matlab C API for Octave and then make sure that the CLISP matlab module works with that new Octave C API.

  2. multi-threading (see src/xthread.d, src/zthread.d, src/threads.lisp, doc/multithread.txt)

  3. native file compilation (e.g., bytecodes→C)

  4. native just-in-time compilation (e.g., libjit)

  5. compilation to JVM

  6. UFFI compatibility for CLISP FFI (Pascal Bourguignon and Joerg Hoehle are working on this)

  7. GUI (e.g., wxCL)

  8. SSL bindings (note cl-ssl)

  9. LDAP and gnome-config support in modules/dirkey


  1. Bring the CLISP build infrastructure up to the latest autoconf. Specifically, eliminate the annoying warnings produced by the top-level make -f Makefile.devel check-configures

  2. Bring the CLISP build infrastructure up to the latest GNU conventions. Specifically, see bug report [ 1467976 ]: clisp's configure file does not follow GNU conventions.

  3. Use libtool to produce (lisp.dll on woe32) instead of (lisp.exe on woe32).

  4. Use dlopen (LoadLibrary on woe32) instead of exec (CreateProcess on woe32) to start a linking set in clisp (clisp.exe on woe32). See also feature request [ 423264 ]: Embeddable CLISP.

See also

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