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7.8.5 source distro, AutoOpts not installed

If you will be distributing your project to a system that will build your product but it may not be pre-installed with AutoOpts, you may wish to incorporate the sources for libopts in your project. To do this, I recommend reading the tear-off libopts library `README' that you can find in the `pkg/libopts' directory. You can also examine an example package (blocksort) that incorporates this tear off library in the autogen distribution directory. There is also a web page that describes what you need to do:


Alternatively, you can pull the libopts library sources into a build directory and build it for installation along with your package. This can be done approximately as follows:

tar -xzvf `autoopts-config libsrc`
cd libopts-*
make install

That will install the library, but not the headers or anything else.

This document was generated by Bruce Korb on February, 17 2007 using texi2html 1.76.

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