# zitie zitie is a LaTeX package for making CJK character calligraphy practicing sheet (copybook). ## Main Interfaces `\framesingle[]{}`, makes frame for single `\framezi*[]{}`, makes frame for every single `\framezifile*[]{}`, makes frame from containning `\framerange[]{}`, makes frame from Hex range, such as: "4E00 -> "4E27, "4E30. etc `\frametallrange[]{}` `\framezitallfile*[]{}` `\zitienewfont*{...}`, declares new font(s) for making frame `\framezhlipsum[]{}[]`, frames Lorem ipsum given and made by package `zhlipsum`. Use `\usepackage[enable-zhlipsum]{zitie}` to enable this function `\zitiebackground[]`, make frames in background, much faster than `\frame...` family. Use `\usepackage[enable-background]{zitie}` to enable this function `\begin{zitieframe}{}[] ... \end{zitieframe}`, environment version for `\framezi`, can cantain `\par` `\zitieCJKfamily`, use CJK font family declared before `\zitiecolorlet`, zitie version of `\colorlet` in `xcolor` package `...` See PDF documentation (in chinese) for more details. Please note the frame functions of this package currently do need many TeX computation, so the compiling maybe very slow. Support XeTeX and LuaTeX, but the function in LuaTeX is limited. ## Dependence: `LaTeX2e 2020-10-01` and after, `l3draw`, `xeCJK`, `ctexsize`, please note that `l3draw` is very experimental, some interfaces maybe cannot use later. Need not `pgf` or `pstricks`. ## TODO: - **faster and less resource** - **optimize line breaking algorithm** - optimize `background` module - optimize LuaTeX supporting - more grid - more transformation - support more character Classes - support opacity (require l3opacity) - ... ## IMPORTANT!!! Please note the attached PDF documentation contains NON-COMMERCIAL font. The copyright of those fonts belong to font designer(s), mainly, FounderType. CANNOT be used for commercial purposes without authorization. Source file (zitie.tex, zitie.sty) under LPPL 1.3c license. ## Contact GitHub: https://github.com/Sophanatprime/zitie Email: longaster@163.com